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Box Plans Open Cinema .. ♦ TIO^S m 53 « ss ww % ytfmm rnTmtln WG §3 s?r Snapshots Charles Laughton. The first film which “ CYRANO DE Charles Laughton Bergerac.” will make with London Film iProduc,lions on his return to England will he “'Cyrano dc Bergerac,” in which he •\vilf play the part of the poet-dualist. It will he adapted from the famous play toy Edmond Rostand. The role is one which Charles Laughton has toeen wanting to play for several years. The important part of Tozano will he played by Penelope Dudley Ward, who is now under long-term contract to ■London Films. This will, he her fiist leading role. The authors, who are at present at work on the English script, arc Lajos Biro and Arthur Wimpcris, who, it will he remembered, t were responsible for “ The Private Life of Henry VIII,” Charles Laughton’s first starring picture for London Films. The script is revolutionary in so far as it will he written in rhymed couplets, a courageous innovation which Alexander Korda wishes to use as a feeler for public reaction, and which, if favourable, will lead to his production of some of William Shakespeare’s most suitable plays for the screen. A Galaxy of Stars. Noel Coward’s brilforthcoiviing liant satire, “The releases Scoundrel,” Tullio iy PARAMOUNT. Carminati and Mary Ellis in “ Paris in Spring,” “ Accent on Youth,” featuring lerbert Marshall and Sylvia Sidney; dae West’s new vehicle, “ Now I’m A >ady”; Charles Boyer and Loretta t’oung in “Shanghai”; “Four Hours o Wait,” featuring Richard Barthelness, Gertrude Michael, Helen Mack ind Joe Morrison; George Raft and 3en Bernic in “Stolen Harmony”; darlene Dietrich in “ Carnival in ipain ”; “ People Wi 11 Talk, featurng Charlie Ruggles and Mary 'Boland, ,nd “ College Scandal,” with Arline udge, Kent Taylor and Wendy Barrie. From Obscurity to Stardom. In the span of a IED MacMURRAY’S comparatively few rapid rise. months a tall lad has risen from scurity in a Manhattan orchestra to ry nearly the top rung on the llollyood ladder. Soon now, thousands of eatre marquees will he Hashing his ine —Fred Ma'cMurray. When an actor gets to that stage of tistry in motion picture work, the icturo in which he appears is rented to by showmen as “ AlacAluriv’s vehicle,” or "it is his_ picture.” acMurray now is enjoying such hrases of possession ( which, in the iow world, mean only one thing—lat an actor has arrived. For Mac Murray the first big feature entitled “ Men Without Names,” a aramount picture, which concerns the stivities of the Department of Jusce in America. Success has come easily for Mac[urray. Paramount’s New York talent epartrnent discovered him and gave im a screen test. The lest was aproved by Hollywood, and almost imlcdiately Mac Murray was on route ) the West Coast. He scored in his rsl role, an important part opposite laudctlc Colbert in ** The Gilded iiy.” Outvies Fiction. IcLAGLEN’S DRAMATIC LIFE. Vic tor McLaglen, the screen star, is one of those lucky individuals who has been to more places and done more ings than he ever imagined in his ildest moments of childhood. The son of the Bishop of Clermont South Africa, McLaglen was born >ar London and went back to Africa lion still a child. When the Boer War broke out lie as eager to enlist, despite his youth. ■By libbing about his ago be manned to join the Life Guards and saw :enly of action before the war was ,er. With its conclusion, McLaglen .'came restless ■andy'uU'Led out on hi avcls. Challenged All Comers. Already over six feet and weighing lose to 200 pounds, even though stil' n his teens, lie managed to work hit vay round the world half a dozen imes, taking odd jobs at whatever dt'ered wherever lie happened to be. le went through Canada and the Jnitcd Slates, part of the time clialenging all comers to stay in the ring villi him for three rounds, and for a vliile appearing in a wrestling act in vaudeville. He fougnt Jack Johnson in a no lecision bout, in British Columbia In journeyed to Australia by way n iawaii and Tahiti, and took pari ii he Kalgoorlic gold rush. Then In vent on lo Africa by way of Ceylon md India, arriving in time to rnlisi igain on the outbreak of Ihe World iVar. With the Irish Fusilliers lie fought hrough the .Mesopotamian campaigns md served as Provost Marshal, nilitary chief of police, in Bagdad. After the war he made anothei .vorld tour or two, and began his liln •areer quite by accident when a I,onion film producer saw him in a club md chose him as “ just the type” fm t British movie. Since his appearance in “Wlial >rice Glory ” lie lias climbed steadily n screen prestige. fDA LIiPINO has been cast in the second feminine lead in " Peter Jhhetson,” wi I h Gary Cooper and Ann Harding. Douglas Cumhrille and l’er(linand Gotlschalk havo also been added to Iho cast. LUJXU AT THE HAMILTON CINEMAS mmn> DIRECTION HAMILTON THEATRES, LTD. COMMENCING TO-DAY AT 215 AND 8 PM - TO-NIGHT FOR AN EXTENDED SEASON TT/ie T REGENT REGENT’S SPECIAL FEATURETTES Hamilton’s Rendezvous. ALWAYS THE CENTRE OF ATTRACTION. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ri'ngs up the curtain on its Greatest Achievement. VICTOR HERBERT’S GLORIOUS OPERETTA CINESOUND REVIEW AUSTRALIA’S BEST NEWSREEL. THE GREATEST SINGING PICTURE SINCE MUSIC CAME TO THE SCREEN! Nelson Eddy’s glorious voice singing “I’M FALLING IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE,” “ ’NEATH THE SOUTHERN MOON,” “TRAMP! TRAMP! TRAMP I”—and his never-to-be-for-gotten duet with JEANETTE MACDONALD, “All! SWEET MYSTERY OF LIFE!” ii Naughty Marietta ” FITZPATRICK TRAVEL GEM ALL IN TECIINICOLOUR “LOS ANGELES” Wonder City of the World. NELSON EDDY CAPTURING ALL HEARTS w.™ - JEANETTE MACDONALD AS THE PRINCESS MARIETTA (Approved Tor Universal Exhibition.) Reservations Essential Plans are Filling Rapidly ’Phone 1422 SPARKLING MUSICAL COMEDY REVUE “’TIS SPRING” All in Glorious Technieolour. FIRST MOVIE BALL, SEPT. sth. RESERVATIONS Telephone 1580. SESSIONS— 1 Afternoon, 2.15 p.m. Evening, 8 p.m. Fridays, 7.45 p.m. Zhe ROYAL♦ ADMISSION PRICES—1/- and 1/6 Children, Matinees, 3d. Now Showing— Friday, Saturday, Monday \ HUMAN DOCUMENT THAT WILL STIR YOUR EVERY LIVING FIBRE TO REVEALS THE BLOODIEST CRIME IN THE HISTORY OF THE ALL THE SCENES IN THIS FILM ARE AUTHENTIC AND WITH FEW EXCEPTIONS BEFORE BEEN SHOWN TO THE PUBLIC. “The Popular House of Quality Entertainment.’ RESERVATIONS Telephone. 1580. PROFOUND DEPTHS, WORLD. NEXTJIAVE NEVER AUTHENTIC THE BRITISH WAR SCENES ARE THE PROPERTY OF THE IMPERIAL WAR MUSEUM AND ARE CROWN COPYRIGIIIT. “FORGOTTEN MEN” RELEASED FOR THE ENLIGHTENMENT OF THE PUBLIC. EVERY MAN AND WOMAN IN THE COUNTRY SHOULD SEE “FORGOTTEN MEN.” LIKE A BLAST FROM HELL! It is bitter medicine, yet medicine that is good for the individual and national soul. It recalls much to the returned soldier and should teach a great deal to every Clinking person. (Recommended by Censor for Adults). Tuesday, Wednesday, 2 Days Only IMAGINE JOAN BLONDELL FRANK MCHUGH 6 GREAT LAUGH STARS!! YOU SAW 3 OF THEM IN “42nd. STREET.” .... 2 OF THEM IN “COLD DIGGERS." .... AND NOW YOU CAN 'SEE THEM NATIONAL’S NEW LAUGH RIOT— GLENDA FARRELL ALLEN JENKINS ALL TOGETHER IN FIRST GUY KIBBEE RUTH DONNELLY In HAVANA WIDOWS ! J GEORGE BRENT ASSOCIATE FEATURE BETTY DAVIS ANN DVORAK JOHN HALLIDAY “HOUSEWIFE” THE STORY OF A MODERN HUSBAND WHO SEE THE WORLD ABLAZE WHEN HIS WIFE BUILI ‘ A FIRE UNDER HIM. (Both Recommended by Censor for Adults). SATURDAY AT 7.35 P.M. WEEKDAYS AT 7.45 P.M. MATINEES 2.15 P.M. COMMENCING SATURDAY—ROXY CINEMA PRICES I/- AND 1/6 CHILDREN HALF PRICE CHILDREN’S MATINEE PRICES 3d. COMMENCING WEDNESDAY 2 BIG SPECIALS—EACH ONE WORTHY OF BEING SCREENED AT A SINGLE BILL. Scientifically Heated. No. 1 HERE IS ENTERTAINMENT FOR ADULTS IN THIS ADAPTATION OF SJR GILBERT PARKER’S NOVEL, “TRANSLATION OF A SAVAGE.” FINAL SCREENING TO-NIGHT All Colour Operetta “VIENNESE NIGHTS’ No. 2“Behold My Wife” SYLVIA SYLVIA SIDNEY SIDNEY Teamed once again GENE RAYMOND GENE RAYMOND AND A GIANT STAR CAST SHE EXCHANGED HER READS FOR PEARLS —MOCCASINS FOR FRENCH SLIPPERS—BUCKSKIN DRESSES FOR SILK—BUT .... SUE COULDN’T EXCHANGE HER SAVAGE HEART FOR THAT OF A WHITE GIRL. MANAGERIALTo those in search of belter, clean, -wholesome entertainment, we unhesitatingly recommend. JEAN PARKER JAMES DUNN UNA MERKEL STUART ERWIN In “Have a Heart” (Approved for Universal Exhibition). Learn what it really means to “Have a heart” when you see Jean Parker and James Dunn in llic sweetest slory ever /limed. ALSO SPECIAL NEWS SESSION AND FEATURETTES. No. 1. Charlie Chan . . . Bulldog Drummond . . -. Sherlock Holmes . ... Philo Vance . . . And Now a Fascinating New Character, “Father Brown, Detective” . . . Beloved by .Millions . . . Trusted by Sinners . . . Endeared to ■Lovers . . . Gilbert K. Chesterton’s . . . . . . Genial Hero . . . Walter Connolly As “Father Brown, Detective,” Matching His Wits Against Daring, Dcmonair Paul Lucas as ‘•Flambeau" . . . Gertrude Michael Patient-, Kindly, Shrewd, The One -Man Scotland Yard, 3 Hours of Enjoyable Entertainment! The Finest Double Star Programme ever offered to Any Audience! A. Double Programme which carries our Managerial Guarantee of Excellence! 2 GREAT FEATURES and Featurettes. No. 2. MURDER' AT -MIDNIGHT! A SERVANT’S EVIDENCE! ACCUSING CLUES! A VOLUNTARY CONFESSION! AND CIRCUMSTANCE TIGHTENS THE NOOSE CLOSER AROUND THE NECK OF A GIRL! WHO KILLED MYLES CRAWFORD? WHAT WAS THE MYSTERY OF “THE SILVER FOX?” WHY WAS SANDRA ACCUSED? WHEN WAS MURDER COMMITTED? ENM ESHED IN THE DRAGNET I CAUGHT IN THE WEB OF CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE I IS SHE GUILTY OF A CRIME SHE DID NOT COMMIT “father Brown Detective (Approved for Universal Exhibition) “ Rendezvous at Midnight” (Recommended by Censor for Adults) ♦ STATE ♦ ♦ DIRECTION OF AMALGAMATED THEATRES 700 Seats at 1/- 1/- 1/- 1/- :: 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 “ It’s So Warm and Cosy” Direction: Amalgamated Theatres, Ltd. TO-DAY—2.IS and 7.30 P.M. TO-DAY—2.IS and 7.30 P.M. FINAL SCREENINGS 2.15 P.M. 7.45 P.M. TO-NIGHT SATURDAY AND MONDAY 2.15 P.M. ■7.45 P.M. wr THE FAMOUS STARS. OF “WHAT PRICE GLORY?” NOW AS SUPER SLEUTHS ! ! ! AND FULL SUPPORTING PROGRAMME OF FEATURETTES. TO-MORROW SATURDAY—ALSO MONDAY AND TUESDAY At 2.15 and 8 p.m. You’ll Tremble with Suspense and Shake with Laughter at Charlie Chan’s Weirdest Adventure! SOH PAW* p/v Utc Cb» n “THREE LIVES ARE SNUFFED OUT AS THE DREAD CURSE DESCENDS IN A MUSTY EGYPTIAN TOMB . . . AND BOTH ON THE MYSTERY TRAIL wr CHAR LI E CH A N FACES UNEARTHLY TERRORS.” A IsoAn Unrivalled Programme of Supporting Eealii relics. m ML & jpP; \ m O#; 6Yw mm, « WK e* cio* e«“°r eft* MV / £ SANA 1U G®' pH (Recommended by Censor for Adults.) FIRST IVIOVIE BALL—STH SEPTEMBER. Reserves (no extra charge) at Parlies’ Music Store, 'l’liune 1528. After Hours at Theatre. Phono 2 i 10. (Adidl Audience Recommendation.) A Mysterious Murder in a Luxurious llolel . . Confusion over llic Dead Man’s Name . . a Dozen Clues . . Then You’ll Start to Think You Did ll Yourself ! ! . . The Evidence Then Leads to a Woman and Together They Close lu ! YOU'LL GUESS! YOU'LL GASP! YOU'LL YELL WITH DELIGHT! AT THIS MYSTERY THAT’S BRIMFUL OF MIRTH ! ! DE LUXE added attractions Include: Two-reel Comedy: “ OBJECT NOT MATRIMONY.” Hodge Podge: “ ALL AROUND THE TOWN.” Terry Cartoon: “THE BULL FIGHT.” THREE —SPECIAL NEWS REELS —THREE, jinx i>];m ;R Rond’s. ’Phono 313 b. A flee Hours at Theatre. ’Plume 37<M>. sis No .Mure lo Reserve. 11. (: Reserve Seats Now! Cinema ♦ * ♦ Snapshots FLASHES. .pOLIX TAPLEY, the Syoung New '- 7 Zealander who ’is under contract lo Paramount Pictures, has been given roles in two forthcoming productions peter Ibbelson,” which features Ann Harding and Gary Cooper, and •• The Last Outpost,” with Claude Rains heading the cast. A N ATTRACTION that will be com■a. ing to New Zealand very shortly is “ Dance Band,” in which the famous American star, Charles 1 Buddy Rogers, makes his first film for British international Pictures. A fealure of (he production is going to be the many new song and danoo numbers Unit it contains. O<ZX) npAKING THEIR PORTABLE PIANO ■C with them, Alack Gordon and Harry Revel, composers, visited Bing Crosby at his Rancho, Santa Fe, in order that they might sing for him eleven new songs. From them Crosby selected numbers for his radio programmes and a specialty number for “ The Big Broadcast of 1935.” pAROLE LOAIBARD’S next film will be “ Hands Across the Table,” tho story from the pen of Vina Delmar. Later sire will he featured by Paramount with Herbert Marshall in a story by Roi Cooper Mergue, “ Honours Are Even.” The story was brought from the author by Ricardo Cortez, who sold it to Paramount. rpilE NEW YORK AMERICAN reports as follows concerning George Arliss in “ Cardinal Richelieu” which is shortly to be released by United Artists: “Another screen 'Classic packed with popular appeal has been given tlie world by filmdom’s; first gentleman. The star contributes a brilliant portrait that ranks with the best of his characterisations. lie holds his screen in thrall. A distinguished drama in colourful and lavish settings.’’ ft. %rrT: m mm St** ledStudeR ttoShkon (BuJ’ta' (pcvrevmcutit (flayeh ‘The Three Musketeers. HEATHER ANGEL IN ROLE OF CONSTANCE. R.K.O. Radio’.Ralph Forbes, actorhusband of Heather Angel, has been cast as the Duke of B it c king h a m in .. Tiio Three Musketeers,” which Rowland V. Lee is now directing under llic supervision of Cliff id. Miss Angel herself has the role Constance. Waller Abel, New York age actor, lias won the coveted role D’Arlagnun, with Paul Lukas play--5 Allies and .Margot Grahamo playg Milady do Winter. i lleii “Drake of England.’ ‘THE GLORY THAT IS ENGLAND.” AL last there has been produced a pielure that makes one proud of every drop of British blood lint Hows in one’s veins: that stirs every heart with a palriolie .fervour, and brings “the glory that is England” Urilisli International Pictures’ ambitious historical production, is filled with the fighting, pioneer spirit that built the great British Empire, and made England mistress of the sflao, Atatheson Lang, the famous actormanager, who scored such a brilliant personal triumph in “The Great Defender.” plays tt*e tillc role as Sir Francis Drake. His daring, .swashbuckling presentation of Hie famous uhniral .leaves nothing lo bo desired, and Ibis fresh triumph places him at Ihe bead of his profession in England, and throughout the world. In “Drake if England,” Athene Scyler fills one of Iho most impressive roles she lias ever undertaken —that of Queen Elizabeth. One of tlie most complex figures English history, Elizabeth Tudor, had a many-sided character that takes ireful playing and Athene Scyler makes Elizabeth's greatness a thiugj of reality,.

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Waikato Times, Volume 118, Issue 19662, 23 August 1935, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Waikato Times, Volume 118, Issue 19662, 23 August 1935, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Waikato Times, Volume 118, Issue 19662, 23 August 1935, Page 3