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FROM TRACK AND STABLE. RACING FIXTURES. I Aug. 24. —Pakuranga H.C. Aug. 29, —Egmont-Wanganul H.L. (a. New Plymouth). Aug. 31, —Taranaki‘H.C. Sept. 7, —Otago H-C. Sept. 7, —Marlon J-O. Sept. 12,14, —Wanganui J.C. Sept. 21—Ashburton County R.O. Sept. 21, —Foxton H.C. Sept. 21, 23, —Avondale J.C. Sept 20, 28, —Geraldine R-C. Sept. 23. —Napier Park R.C. Sept. 28, 30. —Taurnarunui R.C. (at PaeroaJ. October 5. —Otaki Maori R.C. October s—Kurow5 —Kurow J.C. October 10, 12.—Dunedin J.C. October 12.—Dannevirke R.C. (at Waipukurau). • October 12, 14 —Auckland R.C. October 18, 19—Masterton R.C. October 19.—South Canterbury J.C. October 26, 28, 30. —Wellington R.C. October 28. —North Canterbury R.C. October. 28. —Waikato Hunt Club. October 28. —Waipawa County R.C. October 23. —Waverley R.C. October 28. 29. —Gore R.C. October 31, November 2.— Poverty Bay Turf Club.

ELLERSLIE TO-MORROW. PAKURANGA HUNT ANNUAL. INTERESTING FIELDS CARDED. THE PROSPECTS UNDER REVIEW. The new season in the Auckland .province will be introduced at Ellerslie to-morrow with the annual meeting of the Pakuranga Hunt Club’s annual fixture. While the class is not strong in the jumping events they should, nevertheless, bo Interesting. Indications are for a heavy track and horses with ability to handle such conditions will be preferred. Following are the fields with review of the prospects by “Martian : • 12.2 GREENMOUNT HUNTERS’ STEEPLECHASE. Of £100; about 2i miles.

The class in the opening event is not strong. Ardmanning, Gascllle and Parkhurst appeal as the likeliest to dispute the Issue and the fact that they have been working and schooling well entitles them to priority In the betting lists. King Rod, Zane Grey and Semiarch arc prospects, but the public will no doubt prefer— GASCILLE PARKHURST AIIDMANNING 12.42 HARRIS MEMORIAL HACK HURDLES. Of £100; 1} miles.

Here again the class is weak and It is quite on the cards that an upset will be recorded. Te Rapa Avill be represented by Valpai, Sir Musk and Principal Boy and all possess chances. 'Ganpat Is a possibility and the latest •schooling efforts of King’s Archer suggest that he is on the improve. Ruling King, Volition and Hawthorn are the best of Hie others. The favourites are likely to include — RULING KING KING’S ARCHER VALPAI

Tho luck of the running may have a bearing on the issue. Stiver Briar should give a solid account of herself if right, Avhile Mazir, Salesman. Kilbcrls and Air Lassie form a useful quartette who should perform well. Square Acre Is reported io he working as AA'dl as c\'cr at Cambridge and lie" will need only lo rccaplurc the form ho showed Ihc season before last, lo tako a lot of healing. Gay Defence ■and Teddy Boy have also been hitting out. well, while the likeliest of the. light-weight, division would appear (o be Snow Lap, Valmint and Aymon. Tho public may place most reliance on the credentials of— SQUARE ACRE GAY DEFENCE SILVER BRIAR 2.12 JELLICOE HANDICAP. or £200; I} miles.

The mile and a quarter lias attracted one of the most even Helds in recent ve.ars and every one of the eight starters must he conceded an excclj Ol1 |. chance. Kitlowyn, with alt Ids poundage should go well and Lord Yal who has been hilling mil well on the tracks, should be suited by (he heavy conditions. Knight of Australia is as good now ns ever lie was ami is sure In run well. Huge, -aI (tie weights, sliouid run prominently. Master Nnrval and baroscope are genuine mudlarks who should hold the. others safe. It should he. a good helling rare" with solid support forthcoming for— KNGI3 LORD Y.\l, BAROSCOPE

2.52 PAKURANGA HUNT CUP. or £050; about 3 miles.

The big event of the programme should provide an interesting issue. Both Kahunoke and Capella Abbey have winning form at Gisborne to commend them and both have since schooled, well over the Ellerslie country. Prosy Boy comes with .good credentials and Miss Pango Is another likely sort with prospects. Sandy 'Dix is a _ possible improver and Illuminagh will only to stay the distance to be in it at the finish. Ardmanning has useful form, while Gascllle, Zane Grey and ■King Rod are engaged earlier and their showing in the Hunters’ Steeplechase ■mav provide a line on their chances here. Bells of Bow, at his best, would not be altogether out of it. The best supported may he — CAPELLA ABBEY PROSY BOY MISS PANGO 3.32 AUCKLAND HANDICAP. or £100; 1 mile.

It Is a very open race as few have recent form to provide a line on them. Silver Briar is entered earlier, but if •started again should run well In the class. Jewelled Girdle, Teddy Boy and Wee Pat. have been pleasing in their preparation, as also has Tc Broney, who is expected to run well here. Wee Pat has been working exceptionally well at Ellerslie and. it will not be on tile score of condition if she fails to give a solid account of herself. The To 'Rapa-trained Valorous will he having his first start for somo time and it will be interesting to sec how he shapes. The final summing up, however, may suggest good prospects for — SILVER BRIAR WEE PAT JEWELLED GIRDLE 4.12 LADIES’ BRACELET HANDICAP. Of £100; gentlemen riders; 11 miles.

As Is Invariably the ease in a race ■of this nature horsemanship will .no doubt be an Important factor. Marching Song makes strong appeal, among the top-weights and others who should run well are Sir Romeo and Lap Up. The balance of the field has little to commend it, but the best of them may be Semin veil, banner, and Adsum. The best fancied may be — GIGANTIC MARCHING SONG LAP UP 4.57 DUNEDIN HANDICAP. Of £'so; 6 l'urs.

Tho open sprint has attracted an interesting field and provides ample scope for selection. Greek Gold will be suited by the heavy state of the track, but, will have to give of his best at the weights. Prince Acre lias been racing with a .consistency that entitles him to consideration and lie looks fit and well for the part. Tybalt and Astarth have recent form to commend them, but the latter is reported as a doubtful starter. Scotland, if right on the day may take a lot of heating. Gay Lap is a possibility, but Star Artist may be 'troubled by the state of tin ground. British Columbia and Imamint are another useful pair of mudlarks who will be assured of a following in the betting lists which may be headed by— PRINCE ACRE SCOTLAND IMAMINT

GALILEE BCRATCHED. DOUBT ABOUT ASTAHTH. SPRINT FIELD DEPLETED. Galilee was scratched for the Dunedin Handicap at lh° Pakuranga Hunt meeting at i pan. yesterday. Advice was received in Hamilton lids morning that Astartli has gone amiss, having suffered a recurrence of former leg trouble. RIDING ENGAGEMENTS. Riding engagements announced for the meeting include:— R. 11. Morris: Lord Yal. L. Clifford: Crooning, Valmint, Court Anna. F. E. Raker: Cascille, Yolitlon, Capella Abbey. 11. Goldllnch: Star Artist, Kilberis. E. Manson: Jewelled .Girdle, Gay Defence. R. \Y. MeTavisii: To Rroney, Tybalt, Race Whip. A. G. Parsons: Racing Lady, Wee Pal. S. J. Oammiek: llealherland, Prime king. W. Hennic: Ruling King. !!. W. Savage: Air Lassie, Raroscopc, Imamint. I. Tucker: Hawilmrn. 1). .1. Rurgrss: Kitlowyn. Mr W. M. Taylor: Sir Romeo. J. Winder: Prince Acre, l.orn Acre. R. A. Gladding: La Femme Noire, Worthy Light. R. E. Thomson: Sir Musk. .1. Mcßae: Miss Pango, Yalpai. R. 'Horne: Gallisto, Flit Acre. Aslarlli. G. Cameron: Knight of Australia. W. Reid: Square Acre. 11. Long: Yalorous. N. R. McKenzie: Silver liriar.


LORD VAL—ENGE. SCOTLAND IN. THE SPRINT. SQUARE ACRE A PROSPECT. Indications are for a heavy track at Ellerslie to-morrow, the occasion of the annual meeting of the Pakuranga Hunt Club. Working Well. _ . Snow Lap worked well at Te Awa•mutu -yesterday and on the minimum in the Sylvia Park Handicap to-mor-row should account for more than beat him. He will not fail on the score of condition. Principal Boy. . Principal Boy, having his first experience of the Ellerslie hurdles yesterday, shaped very pleasingly and as ho was schooling promisingly at, xe Rapa prior to going to Auckland he should prove capable of a useful effort in the hack hurdle event. Ruling King. Reports from Auckland credit 'Ruling King with shaping in improved style in his recent schooling efforts and as the class in the 'Harris Memorial Hack Hurdles to-morrow is anything hut strong he should make a bold hid. With 9.6 he is handily weighted for the part.

Worked Well Again. Knight of Australia drew further attention to his prospects by an impressive mile trial yesterday morning •at Te Awamutu. Over the past ■couple of weeks nothing has been working better on the tracks there than the Windbag gelding and with 7.12 in the Jellicoe Handicap he should •make matters interesting.

Gave a Good Display. When schooled over a round of the steeplechase course at Ellerslie duiing the week Parkhurst gave his best display to date. He never made a mistake throughout the journey, and H was a good workout, 'although lie was not bustled at any stage. Paikhurst will make his first appearance in public in the Greenmount Steeples to-morrow.

Should Run Well. Scotland made a good impression when he ran a good third to Horowhenua and Enge in the York Handicap on the final day of the Great Northern meeting at Ellerslie in June. The Acre tlve-year-old has been working well in the interim and at the weights may prove the most difficult lo dispose of in the open six to-mor-row.

Will Do Better. Tho latest track efforts accomplished by Gay Defence clearly indicate ■that, the son of Gay .Shield is endowed with abundance of speed. This four-year-old ay as given a few races, on the country circuit last season, and although he was not seriously tested he won a minor event at Whangarei in the autumn. He now looks, a vastly Improved horse and one that may develop into a good stake winner before the present season is concluded.

Te Rapa’s Hope. Te Rapa’s hope for tho open sprint to-morrow, Prince Acre, will lack nothing on the score of physical fitness for to-morrow’s engagement. He is looking a picture of condition and yesterday, although beaten by Grand Sport and Sporting Blood over half r. mile, lost few friends as the result of that showing. He should be the hardest to dispose of. Owner-trainer, A. Winder, staled yesterday morning that Ihc horse would be taking his place in Ihc field. Will Be Troublesome. Since arriving at Ellerslie Sir Romeo lias improved a good deal In condition, and his track work since his arrival has been encouraging. He is due to contest Hie Ladies’ Bracelet, one mile and a quarter, to-morrow, and is likely to beat more than heats him. lie was successful In the Tararua Handicap, one mile and a quarter, at Manawatu about eighteen months ago, boating among others Pango, High Rank. Revision and Wasteland, and a repetition of tills form would make him very troublesome to-morrow. Ran Second Last Year. Lord Vnl, who is in good racing condition, will make his next appearance in tho Jellicoe Handicap. He ran second in that event at the corresponding meeting last August, in which he carried 7.6. He lias 101 b more io carry in the coming contest, but that should not seriously trouble him. for lie will be one of the best condilinned horses in 1 lie race and is not overburdened will* '8.2. Lord Vai lias previously won over one mile and a quarter at Ellerslie, and solid support is likely lo be forthcoming for him 10-morrow. Hunt Cup Candidate. Capella Abbey, who is engaged in Ihe Pakuranga Hunt Cup, gave a flrslclass jumping display over Ihc steeplechase course at Ellerslie during tiie week and is in capital condition for his engagement to-morrow. He was sent over a lound of the big fences and never put a foot wrong throughout. On his previous visit lo Auckland last spring Capella Abbey ran third In Ilio Hunters’ .Steeplechase on the first day and second to Ruby Meteor in Ihc Onchunga Steeplechase on the second day. Recently he won the To Ha para Steeplechase at the Poverty Bay meeting at Gisborne, so cvidenlkv lie is right back lo his best form.

Won Last Year. Marching Song, who was successful in I ho Ladies’ Bracelet at the Pakuranga Hunt Hireling last year, is in the same even! mrain. He looks in good racing condilion and shaped well in a workout over a round Hie oilier morning. At the -Poverty Bay meeting last month Marching Song ran third to Gigantic and Trackman in the Publican's Purse, mm mile, while on the second day Trackman was Hie only one to heal him in Hie Farewell Handicap, of similar distance, half :i length dividing the pair. He later ran second to Gi lira liar in the lliinloi's’ Bracelet al Hie Poverty Ray lluiil Hireling, and lint form will warrant him getting support to-morrow.

Baroscope. Baroscope has been galloping at' tractively at Auckland headquarters over the past several weeks and as he revells in holding conditions underfoot he will have conditions right to his liking to-morrow. Further he is a horse who races well fresh and if the quality of his preparation is a true indication of his fitness he will lack nothing on that score AA’hen he goes into the starter’s hands to-morrow.

Showing Was Satisfactory. Semiarch, Avho is engaged in the Greenmount Steeplechase at .Ellerslie to-morrow, showed very fair form when lie ran fifth in tiie Maniapoto Steeplechase at Tc in May. He had previously raced over fences at Paeroa, but failed to get into . the •money. The other morning Semiarch had his first trial over _ the steeplechase course at Ellerslie, and he acquitted himself well, and on that showing alone he is more than a possibility.

Silver Briar’s Credentials Silver Briar, who claims a dual engagement at the Pakuranga Hunt tomorrow, .pleased by the manner in which she hit out In the heavy going at Te Rapa yesterday morning. Moving off from practically a standing start she ran from the Avinning post to the six furlong peg in 1.29, which, under the circumstances, Avas highly 'satisfactory. She Avas carrying fully lOst and should give a solid account of herself to-morrow. Present intentions are to start her in both the Sylvia Park and Auckland Handicaps.


PAKURANGA PREPARATION. THE FINAL GALLOPS. PRINCE ACRE IS WELL. (By “Martian”.) The going on the course proper, on which the flags were some 70ft. out from the rails, was again heavy at Te Rapa yetserday morning and consequently no fast times Averc recorded by local horses with engagements at the Pakuranga Hunt meeting at Elierslio on Saturday. With the deletion of King Rey and Tradesman, the local representation at the meeting will he confined to Valpai, Sir Musk, Principal Boy, Silver Briar, La Femme Noire, Lorn Acre, Race Whip, Illuminagh, Valorous, Royal Light and Star Artist. Leaving To-day. Sporting Blood, Grand Sport, and the two-year-old full-brother to Sporting Blood, who have been located at Te Rapa for several weeks, will leave this morning to join the Marama for Sydney. Grand Score, Grand Score (Long) AA r as not doing his best to leave half-a-mlle behind in 37 l-ss. He has been moving along satisfactorily on the tracks of late and is to have his nex_t cmtlng at the Marton meeting after which he will go on to Wanganui. Winder’s Pair. A. Winder’s pair, Lorn Acre (Campbell) and Race Whip (Winder) were associated over half-a-mlle, running from the three to the seven furlong peg in 36 4-ss. The former Avas doing the better of the pair at the finish and is bearing a healthy appearance. Sir Musk Worked. Sir Musk was worked over a couple of rounds at solid pace and while lie is looking well the habit lie has lately contracted of late oj running off at his obstacles will cost him support in the Harris Memorial Hack Hurdles on Saturday. But for this lie would appeal as an excellent prospect. La Femme Noire. La Femme Noire (Goulsbro jnr.) was slightly in front of Valorous (Long) and Royal Light (Glading) who were in that order over lialf-a-mile along the back in 56 4-ss. La Femme Noire, when In Tutchen’s charge, shoAvcd promise on occasions but withal she has proved a disappointment. Riding Engagements. Additional riding engagements announced for to-morrow arc: J. Winder, Prince Acre, Lorn Acre; R. N. MoTavish, Race Whip; R. A. Glading, La Femme Noire, Royal Light; R. Horne, Callislo, Flit Acre; Astarth; G Cameron, Knight of Australia; W. Reid, Square Acre; J. Mcßae, Miss Pango and Valpai. Boughal Hits Out. Boughal was sent over half-a-mlle yesterday along the hack and lie demonstrated Dial there is little Ilio matter with Ids present condition by clocking 54 Is for the distance. The big fellow had made excellent progress over tiie past several weeks and yesterday’s effort was a particularly pleasing one under tiie circumstances, Ilio going being very heavy and the Hags well out from the rails. Silver Briar. Silver Briar, moving off from tiie winning post, ran six furlongs in 1.29. She was piloted by A. Cranston and as she would he carrying dose on lOst tier effort was in every way satisfactory. She is never seen lo advantage on ilio tracks as far as the time lactor is concerned and ns she is looking exceptionally well she should not fail lo give of her host in her engagements at the Pakuranga Hunt meeting 10-mor-niw. She is entered for both Ilio Sylvia’ Park Handicap and Auckland Handicap and present intentions are to shirt her in both.

A Smart Effort. The star, effort of the morning's programme was a 'bright hall-mile essay on the part of Grand Sport (Coulsbro), Sperling Blood (Duncan) and Prince Acre (Winder) who were limed to cover the distance in Mils. They jumped off a! the three furlong peg and Prince Acre, who had I lie Hillside running was about a length mid a-lialf behind Ihe oilier pair at Ihe end. True he had a substantial pull In Ihe weights hut ho was Iravelliug nicely throughout and will need im ]y to lie produced 10-morrow In claim a strong following in Hie open six.


KNIGHT OF AUSTRALIA PLEASES SNOW LAP SHAPES WELL. (Special to Times.) TE AWAMUTU, Thursday. The course proper next the rails was available this morning for the final gallops of Pakviranga horses and two-year-olds. The going was heavy. Honours of the morning went to Knjght of Australia for his good mile effort, while Snow Lap also pleased. On the rails Salesman, with Galilee as a companion, completed six fuilongs in 1.19 i-5. They were on terms at the end.

Knight of Australia was -sent away from the mile peg and, with the assistance of Callisto over the last six, completed his work in 1.47 3-5. Considering the state of the track this was an excellent work-out. Callisto was a couple or lengths back. Karohia was sent alone to work over five furlongs which lie finished in 1.8.

Snow Lap Over Five. Snow Lap pleased over five furlongs from a stand in 1.6. This fellow is in nice fettle and has prospects on Saturday. The two-year-old Gallio was on terms with Philemup at the end of three furlongs in 38 2-ss. Ttuletle with the General Latour — Rikoriko colt sprinted home two furlongs in 25Js. Strettor (Hunting Song—Begum), from a barrier start, ran two furlongs in 28 2-ss.

Although not racing on Saturday, tho following were allowed the use of the rails, Musquil and Tonnerre, who completed four furlongs in 53s and Kahapa, five in 1.9 4-5. ELLERSLIE FINALS. SEVERAL FINE EFFORTS. LORD VAL -GOES WELL. BAROSCOPE —ARMACOURT. (Special to Times.) AUCKLAND, Thursday. A cold wind made matters very unpleasant for the final gallops at Ellerslie this morning prior to the Pakuranga Hunt meeting. The No. 1 grass oh which tlie poles were out 10ft was available for fast work and though no rain had fallen since yesterday morning the going was very heavy. Enlightenment was well clear of Aymou over six furlongs run in 1.25. The first three took 43 l-5s and Enlightenment was finishing on at tho end. Kelly completed a similar task in i. 22, the first three in 40 3-ss. Air Lassie was not after time while running six furlongs in 1.29 3-5. She does not appear to go well in tho heavy ground. After trotting once round, Imamlnt covered half-a-mlle in 55 l-ss. Sho ran the first three in 40 4-5 s and had little in reserve at the finish.

Lord Val’a EfTort. Lord Val was well in front of Wee Pat at the end of a mile in 1.53 2-ss, the last six furlongs in 1.25 1-5. Lord Val did his work nicely. Te Bronoy and The Vamp ran five furlongs in 1.12.3-5, the former appearing to be doing the better of the pair.

Gay Defence had Tybalt as a companion over six furlongs which they ran in 1.22. They went fast early, taking 40 l-5s for the first three and there was little between them at the end.

Baroscope hit out over a mile, running the last seven furlongs in 1.38 3-5, Lady Diana assisting him over the last four l'uriongs which occupied 55 3-ss. Baroscope did his work in good style and is not without prospects on Saturday. Hunting Maid finished well clear o£ Charsong over five furlongs in 1.12 1-5.

2.10. The last six furlongs took 1.35

Gainsay and Valpai. Gainsay and Valpai were associated over a round, running the distance in and Gainsay was about a length in front at the finish (but Valpai looked as if lie could have done better. After running his first three furlongs in 39 i-5s Kiltowyn completed six furlongs in 1.22 3-5. He went evenly throughout and -was staying on at the end.

Express and Teddy Boy finished in front of Roman Mascot over six furlongs in 1.24 2-5. The first-named •pair worked impressively. Red Flame was going comfortably to cover five furlongs in 1.15.

Over a similar distance Armacourt registered 1.8 1-5, the last four furlongs taking's3 3-ss. This was the best five furlongs effort of the morning.

Bracelet Candidates. The Ladles’ Bracelet candidates Marching Song and Sir Romeo, after running their first three furlongs in 40 4-5 s got to the end of six furlongs in 1.23 4-5. They were practically on terms at the finish. Priniak and Gascelle took 2.(1 4-5 to complete a round and had had enough at the finis)).

Jewelled Girdle was not doing his best at any part of a six furlongs gallop which look 1.30 2-5. This maiden is in right condition to give a goou account of himself on Saturday. Chief Emerald (Simpson) and Supreme Ruler (Turvey) gave a safe display over two hurdles in the centre of the course.

Principal Boy Shapes Well. Principal Boy (J. Smith) was sent over four hurdles, giving a really good exhibition.

Hawthorn (J. Mcßae) and Tea Chat (Simpson) gave their usual good display over two hurdles. Winding Trail (G. Thomson) was sent over a couple of hurdles in the renlre twice, jumping pleasingly. .Ho will he making his first appearance in public at Ellcrslie on Saturday. Prosy Boy (Webby), Miss Pango (J. Mcßae), Kahunoke (Mellroy), Uluminagh (11. K. Thompson), Red Brae (A. McDonald), L aimer (U. Thomson) and 'King Bod (Mr Wells) were associated over a round of llio steeplechase course. Commencing al Ihe sod wall they all jumped safely till clearing Ihe slonewail where Iliuminagh ran up Hie right-of-way leading off the course and King Hod was pulled up.

Kahunoke Baulks. The ollirrs runlimied over (lie brush and lip Ihe hill where Kahunoke baulked at the first fence on tup. At this Hugo Prosy Buy was leading .Miss

Pango and Red Brae with Lanner some distance back. The order was much ■the same when again taking the fences on the flat till they came to the first of the double where Miss Pango hit hard and dislodged her rider. Lanner ran off at the second fence. Prosy Boy took the stonewall and the last obstacle well in front of Red Brae while Lanner, who continued in after lie ran off, also jumped it. Illuminagh was brought back on to the course and completed a round safely. Kahunoke, after refusing several times on the hill, was brought down to the fences on the fiat which he cleared satisfactorily.

St. lb. St. lb. Ardmannlng 10 1 Lanner . . . 0 0 Zane Grey . . 0 12 Parkhurst . . 9 0 Gascillo . . . 0 5 King Rod . . 9 0 Semlarcli . . 0 0 Flocklieacl . . 9 0

St lb. St. lh. ATtlpal . . . 10 12 Street Dancer 9 0 Ganpat . . . 0 13 Hawthorn . . 9 0 King’s Archer 0 8 Tea Chat . . 9 0 Sir Music . . 9 8 Wind. Trail 9 0 Ruling King . 9 0 Principal Boy 9 0 Volition . . 9 1

1.27 SYLVIA PARK HANDICAP. Of £100; 7 furs. St. lb. St. lb. Sliver Brier 9 3 Hunt. Maid . 8 0 Mazlr . . . 8 10 Lornacre . . 8 0 Square Aero 8 10 Race Wlilp . 8 0 Salesman . . 8 7 Valise . . 8 0 Landlubber . 8 5 Flit Acre . 8 0 Kllberis . . . 8 5 Snow Lap . . 8 0 Air Lassie . 8 4 Valmlnt . . 8 0 Gay Derence 8 4 Enlightenment 8 0 Teddy Boy . 8 1 Aymon 8 0 Racing Lady 8 1 The vamp . 8 0 La Femme Red Flame . 8 0 Noire . . . 8 1 Heatberland 8 0

St. lb. St. lb Klltowyn . . 0 3 Mas. Norval 7 ' Lord Vnl ... S 2 baroscope . 7 fi K. or Australia 7 12 Dolraln ... 7 ■t Eds’! . . • • 7 7 Master Musk 7 c

St. lb. St. lb. Kahunoke . . 10 13 Ardmanntng . 9 3 C. Abbey . . 10 9 Bells of Bow 9 3 Prosy Boy . . 10 7 Redbray . . 9 1 Miss Pango . 10 1 Gascllle . . . 9 0 Sandy Dlx . . 10 0 Zane Grey . . 9 0 Illuininagh , . 9 5 King Rod . 9 0

St. lb. 5t. lb. Silver Brier 9 0 Wee Pat . . 8 1 Jewelled Te Broney . 8 0 Girdle . . 8 8 Valorous . . 8 0 Merry Lap . 8 6 Calllsto . . . 8 0 Landlubber . 8 6 Karahia . . . 8 0 Expiess . . . 8 2 Prlmak . . . 8 0 Teddy Boy . S 2 Mount Bruce 8 0 Charsong . . 8 1 Royal Light 8 0

St. lb. St. lb. March. Song: 11 10 Lanncr . . . . 10 7 Gigantic . . 11 10 A dsn in . . . . 10 "> Sir Ilomeo . . 11* 1 Grand Tonic 10 7 Sandy Dix . 10 13 £ ap'.esi . . . 10 7 Lap Cp . . . 10 10 Digniilcd Hlnminagh . 10 0 Match . . 10 7 Gainsay . . . 10 0 Survoy . . . 10 7 Semiarch . . 10 7

St. lb. St. lb. Greek Gold . 0 13 Star Artist . 8 3 Prince Acre 9 0 B. Columbia 8 3 Tybalt . . . . 8 10 tmamlpt . . . 8 3Scotland . . . 8 7 ' Coonlnpr . . . 8 0 Astarth . . . 8 0 n. Mascot 8 0 Gay Lap . . 8 i

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Waikato Times, Volume 118, Issue 19662, 23 August 1935, Page 11

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RACING. Waikato Times, Volume 118, Issue 19662, 23 August 1935, Page 11

RACING. Waikato Times, Volume 118, Issue 19662, 23 August 1935, Page 11