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ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. “ Smithy,” Frankton: £3 11s; £1 19s. “ P.M.,” Te Aroha: £6 Bs. “ Reader,” Cambridge: £1 6s. “ Punter,” Hamilton: lie was scratched at 8:30 on the morning ol' the meeting. “Evens,” Hill-crest: £i Is, £2 2s. GOSSIP FROM ALL PARTS. The summer meeting of the Waikato Racing Club will open on Saturday and conclude on Monday. Tradesman Spelled. Tradesman is being put aside until the tracks are soft again. In Work. High Commissioner is in steady work on the tracks at Te Rapa getting ready for the jumping season ahead. Enge In Good Heart. 'Matamata reports state 'that Enge 13 in great nick for engagements at the Waikato meeting and lie will not fail on the score of condition. He appears in the Beerescourt and is not overburdened with 7.12. Worthy King. Worthy King, who is numbered among .the local candidates for the Trial Stakes, is a prospect in the class. While the quality of his work has not been outstanding it has, nevertheless, been such as to encourage the belief .that he will improve.

Making a Noise. P In galloping yesterday morning Pennyplain, who is engaged in the g Hurdles at Te Rapa, was making a , distinct noise, and it is feared lie is 1 going in the wind. If such is the 1 case it is doubtful whether he will 1 be persevered with after the local meeting. On the Improve. \ Emancipation is running into form J as he showed on the second day at ; Pukekohe and should be a mass of j condition by the time he is called up- i on to contest important hurdling en- j gagcments. He was always going kindly on Monday, fading out only over the last little bit. Silver Ring, Plans for Silver Ring are now definite, stales a report. He will run in the North Island Challenge Stakes at Trcntham and in the Awapunl Gold Cup, and he will then be shipped to Sydney. STAR ARTIST. ' Star Artist gave a taste of her true worth when she won the open seven on the first day at Pukekohe. That she has taken no harm from that outing she demonstrated at Te Rapa yesterday morning when she hit out with customary freedom on the plough in company with the two-year-cld Du Barry. She will strip in splendid fettle for Saturday and will need only to go to the post to command a strong following.

Hurdles Top-weight. Val Watch has a solid poundage to handle in -the Frankton 'Hurdles at To Rapa on Saturday, hut she is nevertheless outstanding ~in the class. Those outings, a first and a second at Te Aroha, should have improved her ; and indications arc that she will be j at short odds on the machines. Sinking Fund. Sinking Fund failed -to run up to his best at Pukekohe, but his effort notwithstanding was a solid one and with home conditions lo suit him on I Saturday be makes strong appeal at I I the weights. On the oilier hand lie j has done a lot of racing of late and i may be feeling the strain of those efforts. Looks Particularly Fit. The Lillie England mare, Adalene, is bearing a particularly healthy appearance at present and if she can recapture her Ellerslie form of January she will keep the opposition busy throughout. Adalene has shown herself to be a real speed merchant on the tracks and produced at her best on Saturday she should not he far away at the end. An Open Race. The sprint event on the first day of | the Waikato -meeting Ibears a very i open aspect and one who will have , to he taken into account in the sum- j ming up is King Ford, who had, prior j •to the Te Aroha meeting, been racing \ consistently, lie would perhaps he a better prospect on a turning track hut he galloped well the other morning and will strip a fit horse for his engagements here.

I A Maiden Prospect. 1 Among the maiden prospects engaged at the Waikato meeting is the Acre lliree-year-okl, Racela, trained by C. Garment, at Te Rapa. Racela has shown speed on the tracks and a brush over three furlongs the other morning indicated that lie is ill and well for his races al the meeting. Soft Track Will Suit Her. In the event of rain intervening lo soften the tracks the prospects of the Gay Shield three-year-old, Sirona, | should not he overlooked. While she ! failed in tier Te Aroha and Pukekohe I outings she has -demonstrated on the track that she is a better filly than those performances would indicate. Manawatu Nominations. Nominations for all events of the Manawatu Racing Club's autumn meeting on March 22 and 23, close with the secretary, Manawatu Racing Club, ißox 32, Palmerston North, at 8 p.m., on Friday, March 8. 'Forfeits for the 27th .Man a wain Sires’ 'Produce Slakes will also he declared at the same tune. Won Decisively. Such was Ihe decisive-nature of the viclory of Scotland on Iho concluding dav of the Tc Aroha meeting that lie appeals as a decidedly good prospect for Hie open six mi the first day ol I lie Waikato meeting. Al Te Aroha he fairly sprcadeagled the field at, Iho. finish, winning going away by two and a-lialf lengths. Shaped Well at Matamata. Hi his first start over hurdles al Matamata Silver Wnllle showed distinct promise in finishing third to nark Marble and Golden. England. The class in the hurdles on Saturday here is anything but strong and T Shaw s representative cannot he left altogether out of calculations. In Good Trim. Lion Heart, drew attention to his prospects at the Waikato meeting when at Tc Rapa yesterday morning on the plough he hit out over five furlongs in good time. He had a solid I weight up and the encouraging iealure lof his exhibition was that lie \xas sticking to his task well at Hie finish. ( He may make amends here for his failure at Te Aroha. Royal Gallant. The Riccarlon trainer J. S. Shaw has received the six-year-old Top Gallant gelding Royal Gallant from his AuekI land patron, Mr W. Hoskmgs. Royal I Gallant won three races as a three year-old and was second five tunes fast season. 11 is clam, Princess Ilona, was an imported English-bred mare by Troutbeck from Princess Mary, a hallsister to the Oaks winner La Sagesse. Silver Jubilee Meeting. The Victoria Racing Club lias deeded to hold a special meeting at Flcinington on Mommy, May 6, which will be a public holiday to mark the silver jubilee of the King's accession to tiic throne. To secure the date, the middle day (Wednesday) of Hie Grand National meeting in July will he •dropped. ! Won Well. I iioyal Dance defeated a good type of ifield on the second day at Te Aroha j when finishing willi a rattle lie went on to win the hack six decisively from Tin Lap and Sweet Rose. With 8.6, 21b more than he carried on that occasion, he possesses an excellent chance in Hie Linley Hack at Te Rapa on Saturday. The long Te Rapa straight should he to his liking.

A Solid Impost. | The form of Gipsy Moth at Te Aroha and Pukekohe lias earned him a solid mpost in the Linley Hack on the firstlay of the Waikato meeting, lie has now 0.9, and while he is possessed of a fine turn of speed he may find lis poundage troublesome in a race which includes a number of likely improvers. Nevertheless, if lie goes to the post he should hold the majority safe. Disappointed Recently. Wahine Heihi' disappointed her supporters on boll) days at llie Te Aroha meeting. On Hie first day she certainly did not have the best of luck in the running, but in her race on the second day she had every chance, only lo fade right out when the serious business of Hie issue was entered on. She may improve but -does not appeal particularly in Hie Beereicourt Hack. Form of Whirling. Whirling’s form at the Pukekohe meeting was most disappointing and lie will no doubt go out ol tavour somewhat for the Waikato meeting. Nevertheless Hie fact should not- he overlooked that he was finishing on well over five furlongs al Malamala and his work on Hie tracks suggests that tic is capable of belter tilings limn his Pukekohe running would lead one lo suspect. Will Be Hard. Knight of Australia’s good second to Gay Blonde on Iho second day of the Te Aroint mceling would suggest that the Te Awamulu representative will be one of Hie most difficult to dispose of in Hie Slorey Memorial 'Handicap on Saturday at Tc Rapa. He appeals as llie most likely improver, m the race and is one of llie early ruling favourites for llie big mile and aquarler.

WON LAST YEAR. I Last year, Aga Khan, after > running disappointingly on both days of the Te Aroha meeting, came on to win the Storey Memorial Handicap on the first day of the Waikato meeting in decisive fashion. He appreciates the lefthanded going at Te Rapa and in summing up his chances for Saturday cognisance should be taken of the fact that he never performed up to his usual standard at Te Aroha. He will have fitness

on his side. Nun Nicer. Nun Nicer had every chance in the nine furlong hack on the second day at Pukekohe, hut ho slood no chance with the winner, Tybalt, over Hie deciding stages. Nun Nicer lias proved a disappointment on several occasions but lie should make amends as the quality of his preparation on llicTracks at Takanini is indicative of better things. lie may prove one of llie hardest lo dispose of here in the hack seven—hut he will have lo improve. Tonnerre’s Prospects. Tonnerre lias been rehandicapped 61b as the result .of his -decisive victory on the first day at Pukekohe and a repetition of Hie form lie displayed in that outing should ensure his giving a good account of himself in the Juvenile Handicap on Saturday. Of course lie will he pitted against! far stiffer opposition on this occasion,, but his present fitness should carry him a long way. He has since been working satisfactorily at Tc Awaniutu. Chance to Make Amends. The two-year-old King Flight, who after winning in his first up at Matamata ruined his prospects by running wide at Hie turn on the second day at Te Aroha, is entered for the Juvenile Handicap on Saturday al Tc Rapa. The King Lu colt has a good track reputation and while lie will he meeting some decidedly use 1 ill and wellperformed youngsters on iliis occasion his showing at Matamata indicates that he will give a forward account of his capahililies. Condition of L’AHegro. L’Allegro lias been bowling. along solidly in liis trials at Te Rapa and as he has shown on several occasions in the past that lie races well -fresh he should not be lost sight of in engagements at the approaching Waikato meeting. He did not accept for Hie first day as it was considered the handicapper’s estimation of his capabilities for the High-weight (in which he was made top-weight with 9.5) was 100 generous a one. Present intentions are to start him on the second day when he will not he without support on the machines.

WAIKATO FIXTURE AHEAD. LOCAL CANDIDATES OUT. FEW SENT ALONG. H was an off morning at Te Rapa ibis morning and only a limited number of horses from local stables were sail, against llie clock. The course proper some 50ft. out from Hie rails ami the No. 2 plough were available and the majority of the pace work was executed on Hie latter track. •Pliiakuo (,l. Muir), who is engaged in llie Linley Hack, was galloped home from the seven furlong peg on llie course proper and he was travelling well at I lie finish lo clo-k 1.351 for Hie trip. Pliiakuo is handily weighted with 7.1 oil Saturday and his prospects cannot be lightly discarded. He shaped well at Rotorua. King Rev (McKenzie) li it out over a mile on the plough being timed lo run the distance in 1.-iS. The first half-mile occupied 53 I -5s and the last half 51 -i-ss. King Roy never looked heller Ilian he does at present and lie will have to enter serious calculations in the High-weight on Saturday in which Hie class this year is tar from strong. Boughal Works Along. 'Bouglia! gave an improved exhibition 11. morning- when on llie 'nurse proper lie hit mil boldly over six furlongs in 1.21, llie lasi live furlongs in I .s' i-5. lie was .slicking lo his work well al llie finish. Gal cut la (J. Smith!, who will he Paving his next outing at I’aeroa, canie home front llie live lurlong post in i. 7 i-3. C] r.oiilsbrn. who was seriously injured prior I" Hie Te Awanmlii nieeling in December, was riding work mi 111, (rack this morning and will probable make li is reappearance in Hie saddle al the Waikato mooting. Tim maiden Ruavillo will he ridden hv 11. N. MeTavisli in his engageim'iils al llie local meeliiig. \parl from \Y. 11. Maria's loam, which arrived here some days ago, there are no other visiting burses yet on the scene.

OHINEMURI CLUB. U ANNUAL MEETING. || I | I I HANDICAPS FOR FIRST DAY. The following- Handicaps for tlie first day or the Oliinenmri Jockey Club's annual meeting to he field at I’aeroa on March 16 and IS have been declared by Mr 1-’. JMo.Maneniin:—

Tim iwo nllmr events on llm (lav’s protrr.TmiiK* are llm Trial Plain. n|‘ C'.’Ob, 7 j hir.. and llm Now Zealand SI. Logoi' .Slake.-, | or 11300, l : i miles. | JOCKEY REINSTATED. Til I’d 111-: AT TE RAPA. AUCKLAND, Wednesday. The apprenliee .jockey L. Clillonl. who at Thames on January i'2 "'as suspended for two months, was yesterday reinstated by Hie Auckland district racing eommitlee. lie will llms he aide to ride aL To Rapa next Saturday. RACING TAXATION. MLKTi.NC AT l’U K EKUI! E. IM l\ 1 1 Ki 'lli-;. Tuesday. A sum oi' y.'UTi'i is In he paid I" the I iovernmeiil as taxation on the i,oinliilled 111eeI illa of Hie Franklin and Hay ol Islands Racing Clulis at I’ukekolio on Saltirday and .Monday. The amount is made up as follows: —Tnlalisalnr lax, CIoST; dividend tax, flu i’2; stakes U\, VJb; amusement lax, fil’d. HAIR COLOURED—OR MONEY BACK. Ml llm essentials vitally necessary In renew hair rnlnur and liie are selenlllleally isirn|nhin leil in V.\.N ■ (iliK'i llm hair milinir reslorer Hull is liecumlng as iit.ipular ii. x./.. a- amongst Lug I.lint's ili-rrlniinal ■ Ilia society. \ \.N -I i Ill'll' eoniam.s no lulls m dyes. li/Ci lu-oz. I |e. i.iiar- | anteed. BuillicN Lid., and J. N. Irvine, Chemists. 1 j

March 8, 9—Cromwell J.C. March 9—Napier Park R.C. March 16—Kurow J.C. March 9, 11—-Waikato R.C. March 16—Clifden R.C. March 16, 18—Ohinemuri J.C. March 16, 18— Wellington R.G. March 20—Opotiki J.C. March 21, 23 —Oamaru J.C. March 22, 23 —Manawatu R.C. March 23, 25—Bay of Plenty J.C. March 30 —Birchwood H.C. April 1 —Waimatc R-C. April 4, 6—Dargaville R.C. April 6 —Sou Hi Canterbury J.C. April 9, 10— -Pahiatua R.C. April 11, 13 —Whangarei R.C. April 13 —Olautau R.C. April 13, 15 —-Westport J.C. April 20 —Tuapeka C.J.C. April 20, 22 —Wairarapa R.C. April 20, 22 —-Feilding .T.C. April 20, 22 —Auckland R.C. April 20,22,23 —Riverton R.C. April 22 —Beaumont R.C. April 22 —Waipukprau J.C. April 22 —Kumara R.C. April 22, 23 —Canterbury J.C. April 2-1,27 —Grcymouth J.C. April 27—Mar-ton J.C. April '27, 29—Avondale J.C.

KARANGAHAKE HANDICAP. or £joo: 51 l'urs, St. lb. St. lb. Galilee . . . 0 10 Sargon (Illy . 7 0 Velocipede . 0 l Golden OpporFleotwlud . . 8 6 tunity lllly 7 0 Triune . . . 8 3 Johnnie Walls 7 u Application . 7 9 donation 7 0 Tonncrrc . . 7 9 Gar Yanis « • 7 (1 Light Comedy 7 5 Marriving . . 7 0 Spriiigllcld . 7 3 Armacourt . 7 0 Ellainii . . . 7 3 Lady Valma 7 u HANDICAP HURDLES. 01 £ r> 0 ; 1 A miles. si. 11). St. 11). Thespis . . . 1 1 7 Luminary 9 1 Imperial Prill. 1 n 1 3 Master Musk 0 0 hark .Marble 111 0 Whistling Sir Musk 0 10 Rufus . . . 9 0 Alloy .... 9 3 Roxy .... 9 0 Clan Uonald 0 1 Silver Wattle 9 0 NETHERTON HACK HANDICAP. or £150 s Cur and 100 yards si. lb. St. 11). On Parade . . y 0 R. Appellant 7 7 Barn Dance . 8 1 2 Lap Up . . . 7 G Gay Rose s 9 Kanapa . . - 7 0 King- Hey . . 8 7 Spearcourt . 7 0 King Meslor S 5 Royal Secret 7 0 Huskie .... 7 11 Ou Approval 7 0 Bonny Gay . 7 10 prill. Rede . 7 0 Sirona . . . 7 10 Moss Vale . 7 0 Engi . . . 7 7 Ronu Bay . . 7 0 OHINEIVIURI CUP HANDICAP. Or £500; li miles and 20 yard 5. St. Lb. St. lb. P. Colossus . 9 0 Royal Artist . 7 s Mungatoon . S 13 First Lap . 7 5 Korolcio . . . S 11 Gay Rose . . 7 2 Gay iBroney . s 8 Wait and See 7 2 Sinking Fund s 0 Grand Talk 7 0 Knight or Aus. s 0 Trislma . . . 7 0 King’s Archer 7 to AWAITI HANDICAP. Of £100; 5 A l ur. St. lb. St. 11). Queen Nona . 9 •i Professional . 7 7 Laudatory . . 8 0 Tawhaio . . ’7 7 Fast Acre . S 2 lllumani . . . 7 7 Sweet Rose 8 i Full of Scotch 7 7 Orac .... S 0 Semiarch . . 7 7 Rex Victor . 7 10 Kona Bay . . 7 7 Whirling . . 7 8 Raeela .... 7 7 IS’ahlin . . . 7 8 Gay Sister . . 7 7 Miss h'ornet . 7 8 Salesman 7 7 Spear King . 7 7 Ilyniel .... 7 '• La Femme Sir Tommy . 7 7 Noire . . . 7 7 Pola Dance . 7 7 Master Rex . 7 7 Bod Hawk . 7 7 A rani is .... 7 7 Gloucester . 7 7 ST. PATRICK’S HANDICAP. or i 200 0 l'urs. St. lb. St. lb. Greek Gold 9 0 Namakia . . . 7 7 Impasto . . . 8 10 Coronls . . . 7 7 King Ford . 8 10 imamiut . . . 7 G Star Artist 8 6 li amp. Park 7 G 1 Boughal . . . S 6 Gay Lap . . 7 5 Lucidus . . . S 0 Exaggeration 7 0 Versant . . . S i M. Lorraine . 7 0 British Our Bonnie . 7 0 Columbia . 8 0 Solomon . . 7 0 Gay Seton . 7 11 L’Allegro . , 7 0 Gipsy Moth . 7 10 IVIcGUIRE STEEPLECHASE. or £120 about 2i mites. St. lb. St. lb. Thespis . . •11 3 ■Solanio . . . 9 0 Ruby 'Meteor to 7 Pennyplain . 9 0 Imperial Prin. 10 7 Magic Land 9 0 Claremore to 3 Komak . . . 9 0 Gold. Englanc 9 9 Slump . . . 9 t) Munga King 9 9 Hells or Bow 9 0 Ardma.nning 9 0 En Tour . . . 9 0 Luminary . . 9 0 Kilstar . . . 9 0 KOtYIATfi HANDICAP. 01' £150; about 7 furs. St. 11). st. 11). Tray Bit . . 9 G A si art'll . > . 7 s Adeline . . . 9 0 Tuaheahe . . 7 5 I.eo Colossus S 9 Kurapac . . . 7 3 Miss I.u . . . S 9 Ford Acre . 7 0 Tybalt . . . 8 G Royal Secret 7 0 Scotch Nation S 5 Our Ronnie 7 0 R. Mascot . 8 2 Mustang . . . 7 0 Ballynnoiney S i Day Wind . 7 0 Dancing Lady 7 13 Hawthorn . . 7 0 King Briefly 7 12 Intaglio . . . 7 0 I.ionlieart . . 7 1 I Keith Lit . . 7 0 Expectancy . 7 1 1 Pola Dunce 7 0 Lady Zinnia 7 10 Gay Egypt . 7 0 Lap Up . . 7 9 I.ady Diana . 7 0 Tin Lap . . . 7 .0 Arawa Rose . 7 0 Miss Lorraine i 7 8 Sciniarch . . 7 0 WELLINGTON CLUB WEIGHTS DECLARED. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.] WIRT-I JNGTON, Tiles day Weights lor events uii the llrsl day or the Wellington Radii g Gluh’s meeting. to be held at Trentham on March 10 and IS, are as follows RIIV1U HIGHWEIGHT HANDICAP. 01 £-. no; 11 miles. si. Lb. st. 111. Red Still . . 10 10 Jayson . . . 9 0 Thespis . . . 10 8 .March Alone 9 3 Colossian . . 111 6 Chile . . . Macro Tonu 1 0 0 Bacchus .Mars i 9 0 Bold Jim . . 1 0 ■i I ady Wessex 9 (1 Round Score 10 o Linoleum . . 9 0 Grand Blow 9 0 R: Papa 9 u Telia . . . 9 8 Silly owl . . 9 0 Dorado . . . 1) 0 PACIFIC HANDICAP. or £250 two-vcar-ulds; r> tur Si. ib. ■st. 11). Legatee . . • 0 t G. .-.Ili’pliei'd . 7 Ill Gav Sheik . s I:: 11 I UK L* . . . 10 Heritage . . . 8 1 2 Hunt. Scene 7 (l llororata . . s 0 Le Grand . . 7 G Sovoro . . . 8 •J AlidicalUui . •") Kototl .... 8 1 Email . . . 7 3 Round UP . . 8 0 Blue Garter 7 2 Alchemic . . 7 12 H. Landing 7 2 Debhant . . . 7 10 Aidopeen . . 0 Fulojoy . . . 7 10 Going* Gay . . 7 0 THOIV1PSON HANDICAP. or £p>oo 1 mile. 1 St. 11). st. 11). silver Ring • 9 1 2 M. I i’ll s1i aby e 7 7 Nightly . . • 9 9 San. King . 7 0 Cuddle . . 0 2 Silver Sight 7 2 Gay Blonde . 8 12 Aiguille . . . 2 Red Matured 8 111 Havlstnck . . 7 2 oporl. Blood 8 G Fair Weathei 7 0 S i Glcnvaue . . 7 0 Prill. Doreen s 9 Hunt. Lodge 0 Km-oKio . . ■ 7 1 2 Lady Spy . . 7 0 SpfMMl . • • • 7 1 2 Palm . . . . ~ 0 Mighl . . • 7 1II I’ladie . . . . II ( adlar.d . . . 7 8 Red Hums . 7 0 Giiaranlee . 7 s It II Illll 1 . . . i 0 Pumi'li . - • • 7 tinakots: HACK HANDICAP. >r V2 00 ; 7 lur. St. lb. st. Ib. It. mitante O r PrniiT .... 7 n Mauetlio . • • ■' •* Pegged ] ||'e Guard 8 1 1 Exchange . Hast i s . . • 8 8 \U'.'ie llu . •. 7 Illuminate , s G \\ urn . . . • Palm . . • • 8 <' Sweel Music l-lpris . • • ■ 8 3 Nrrlie star 0 March Song s 1 Gold Vein . 7 1 :i I e|iraiii-liaiiu 7 1) ISeipar .... 7 1 2 s i 11 ,\ 11 \x 1 . . 7 0 j .inhile" song 7 I i stale Rank . 7 1) Accent able . 7 9 \ UIOJ .... 1 0

RAILWAY HANDICAP. or :;hh ; 0 1 ui'S. St. id. St. lb. silver Ring: 9 19 Emissary . . 7 7 Gold. Wing's y 2 Pomp . . . 7 7 Golden Hair s 9 Kemal Puslia 7 7 T’rin. Doreen S G Refresher 7 5 M. Superior s 2 l.lmuliis . . 7 9 Rereatu . . . s i Coronilla . . 7 0 11. nouliuo 8 i Cottesmore . 7 0 Porulili . . s 0 Hunt. Lodge 7 0 Rerepai . . . 7 9 Trivet .... 7 0 Hurni.-li . 7 ‘J SILVERSTREAM HACK HANDICAP. or £900; 1 mile. at. lb. St. lb. Ini. Spear t) 0 I.apel . . . 7 Hi Knock Out 8 1 9 Tupur.mgi . 7 8 Nigliirorm 8 1 1 lmrailo . . . 7 s liunl. Hag . 8 «> .Moonbeam . . 7 8 II aero Tonu 8 8 Ingenuity 7 T. llounil Score 8 G I ia recoil rt 7 llonnie Yale 8 l Golden King 7 5 (Jrbv’s l.asl 8 i Importance . 7 - laliurangi 8 0 Knowledge . 7 0 Timorous 8 0

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Waikato Times, Volume 117, Issue 19518, 6 March 1935, Page 10

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RACING. Waikato Times, Volume 117, Issue 19518, 6 March 1935, Page 10

RACING. Waikato Times, Volume 117, Issue 19518, 6 March 1935, Page 10