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MANY NEW SENIOR RECRUITS. With the inauguration of the Rugby season in Hamilton to-morrow there is much speculation abroad as to the prospects of the various clubs, and from present indications it would appear that the interest of followers of Hie game is keener lliis year than was the case last session. The entry of Railway and lloroliu Works into the senior division has increased the number of teams contesting" the Sage Gup championship round to six, and with three senior matches every Saturday there should be plenty to interest the public at Rugby Park. At this stage of the season it is impossible to make any accurate forecast as to the prospects of the various teams in the competition. Practically all of last year’s senior teams include new players from other parts, while in some cases juniors have been promoted, so that until they strike their proper combination the decision will remain much in doubt. So far as the standard of play Is concerned prospects indicate some Interesting games, as there is a wealth of material available. The Frankton Teams. The senior club in the competitions is Franlcton, and In spite of many lean seasons, together with those of success, its colours are still to be carried by seniors, juniors, thirds and fourths. The seniors will no doubt include a pack of strength. , The ex-Waikato representative hooker, Jim Byrne, will probably be supported by Priscott and Charleston, while a new-comer will be Paynton, ex-Technical Old Boys (Auckland). Tristram will be in again, and some juniors elevated to senior status. In the backs the return of H. A. Welch will be strengthening. Others available will be H. A. Griffiths, Everest, Snodgrass, L. Denz, J. Denz, Clemett and two Maori forwards. Mr J. Hooper is coaching the team. lij , , , The juniors are a solid lot, and u they can get the combination they should do well. Ml 1 W. Christie, assisted by Fred Pickup, has taken this team in hand. , „ . . „ The thirds are practically last seasons fourths, and are in the hands of Mr Reg. Hooper. The fourths are a very keen lot ana are training assiduously under the careful eyes of Messrs Con. Thompson and N. S'cott. From these details it is anticipated that Frankton will uphold ,Its prestige during the season and possibly retrieve its position on the roll of honour. , Old Boys’ Prospects. So far as Old Boys are concerned the prospects for the coming season appear to be much brighter than has been the case during the last year or two. The club 'lias increased In numerical strength on account of a larger number of ex-High Sc h°° boys and newcomers to the district joining up, and it is hoped to field one more team than last season probably a junior colts team. 1 The task of .selecting the senior team for the opening of the season is causing the selectors no small amount of thought. The only absentees from last year’s team are GlllMt and R. Tombs, both forwards, and the eight places in the scrum will be competed for by the rest of last year s forwards, together with W. Bonehain (Waikato representative, 1930), Hail Timaru), Chitty (Pukekohe and Nelson College), Playle (Morrinsvill°) and sevpral of last yeai s juniors, notably Coombridge, Tietjens, Cole and Morgan, all of whom au worthy of a game in the senior grade. With ail of last year’s hacks available and the ranks of the 1 possibles increased by Malcolm (who was injured in ids first game last ycai , Parker (Ruakura and Waikato, 1902), Wcare (lately arrived Horn England), and Dale (Timaru), the competition for places in the team is veij keen. • . Colts Team Proposed, •

At all events, the team selected for the opening game should be capable of playing bright and attractive lootball though on account of the hmitel amount of time available for practice the selection will be subject to several ohanges during the first two oi thiee "°The Juniors will again be a capable combination, and hope to laurels lost last season and play up to the standard set by Old B junior teams in the past. It Is also hoped to form a junior colts team consisting of a number of last year s High School first fifteen and some or the younger junior members. Such a team should be a worthy successor to the Old Boys’ Colts of a few seasons ago and could be depended upon to play a fast and open game. Most of last year’s third grade team arc again available, and with their experience and combination already gained they are looking forward lo an enjoyable season. This team contains sumo very promising players, and it will not lie long before some of them are performing wuh credit in the senior grade. Promising Railway Contenders. The newly-formed Frankton Railway Club includes a number of last year’s League players, together with several well-known Rugby followers, and, generally speaking, the team shows promise of developing into a sound combination. In the rear divii sion Gregan wilt probably be full ; back. He tackles and handles we.l, j and has had previous experience in i the position with Marist juniors. | Two members of last year’s Technical ' old Boys fifteen, llemi and Hannon, | have also joined up with the new club. They are backs of ability and ! should prove useful in the rearguard, i Oraig is a strong and straight runner, i and should develop into a good fivceighlh, while Mueller and Finlay dis- ; played pace in a practice match last j week, and should do well. Finlay was | responsible for some good work in j week-end football last year. Chitty, | who turned out for Ponsonby last year, is an t player, and ! big things are expected of him. Mit- ■ cliell and MeUniarney played in the 1 League code last year. They are J keen members and should do well in I their new game.

In the forwards there is lloldaway, who played l'or liora llora (Whungaroi) and gained a place in lh“ Northland reprosentalives last season. Coyle, who is Incidentally the clun secretary, is another useful member, other forwards showing promise are Porter (from Pukckohe) and Wilson, who played for Cambridge last season. Pagcl and Phillips are also recruits from the League game, and are

both good forwards, while Glasgow js another who should do well. Stewart, who played for Tauranga last season, and has represented Waikato, has joined the club, which will also have an asset In the line-outs In Dally. One of last year’s South Auckland League representatives, Hogan, will be prominent in the vanguard. He has pace and is a fine forward, particularly in the loose. Hogan has been elected captain and Hannam vice-captain. May Be Hard to Boat. There is little alteration in the Marist team this year, and with most j of last year’s players turning out, and assisted by several good new men, the team may be very hard to keep down. They achieved considerable success last season, and with the advent of another session their prospects are bright. Among last year & senior players turning out again yvm be Broderick, F. Cassidy, T. Cassidy, P Clarkin, J. Dempsey, L. Grogan, C. McCormack, M. O’Neill, F. Remits and P. Roach. A notable addition to, the team will be the well-known Waikato representative forward, J. Hedley,/who was regarded as one ol the most useful men in the Waikato team last season. He played at Moirinsvllle last year, but has since e°me to Hamilton. His appearance will be awaited with interest. An old member of the club, L. Clarkin, has returned to Its ranks after playing at Morrinsville and Waiklno last season. Other new seniors are S. White, of Wellington Marist, and R. Joyes, or Stratford Celtic. Altogether , the Marist combination should - be very sound. Last year’s players who will not be appearing are Peacocke, Montelth, W. Cassidy and H. McCormick. The junior and third grade teams are practically the same as last yeai. A new junior recruit is J. Jones, Into of Gisborne Celtic. It is hoped to 1 have the services of D. Ryan, ol Hamilton High School, and R. Pickett, from Tolago Bay. J. Moriarty and C. Belgrave are Marist Brothers High Sohool players who have been promoted to junior status, while J. ■ O’Leary, of Auckland Marist, will also be turning out. Another Now Team. Not a great deal Is known of the new Horotiu Works team, but a glance at Its personnel shows that there is promise of a good combination. There have been many registrations, and the selector and manager (Mi J. Cotter), wlio is well known to the game in Hamilton, should Hav ample material from which to draw. Among the players selected are Clarken, who represented Thames; Speight, a Manulcau senior; Short and Wells, who turned out for Otahuhu seniors last season; L. St. George, prominent member of Hamilton Technical Old Boys last year; and Smith, of Taupiri. Other members have played locally.' The team includes some good forwards and backs, who should develop into a strong combination as the season progresses. Under the direction of the club coach (Mr J. O’Brien) they have made good progress, and can he depended upon to make a good game of their engagements. Technical Old Boys. It. is doubtful if any df the local learns has seen so many alterations on last season’s personnel as has the Technical Old Boys’ senior fifteen. Very few of the old seniors are donning the club's jersey this year, and their positions have been largeiy filled with juniors who have been promoted. There are also one or two new recruits. The team Includes an Infusion ol - experienced players wno have proved themselves in previous years, and with the addition of the young blood the club should bs wel. represented. Last year’s juniors who will appear In the senior grade this vear are Clarke, Foster, Porteous, Fitzpatrick, Pardlngton, Harwood and Rae, while the senior men turning out again are Houghey, who was injured early in the season, and only played at the latter end, Smart, Bruce, Clough, Altwood and Robinson. The new members are Blow, who played for Auckland Technical Old Boys; Nellson, late of Waltoa; and Peart, a Northern Wairoa junior. Several old players have joined other dubs. Findlay and llcmi are turning out for Railway, and L. St. George has registered with Horotiu. Hook will be another serious loss to the senior team. He will not be playing for several weeks, at least, and possible not at all. , , . , The club is strongly represented in the lower grades, two teams being engaged in the third grade competition.

THE FIXTURES. The following are the fixtures and referees for to-morrow:— Senior (Sage Cup).--Technical Old Bovs v. Frankton, No. 1 Rugby Patk, 3 p.m.; referee, Mr S. Davis. Rahway v. Old Boys, No. 2 Rugby Park 3 pan.; referee, Mr Marshall. Marist Bros. Old Boys v. Horotlu, No. 3 Rugby Park, 3 p.m.; referee, Mr I?. Bur°"CSS ° First Junior.— Ngahinapourl v. Ruakura, at Ngahinapourl, 1.30 p.m.; Mr R. Taylor. Te Kowliai v. Frankton, at l’c Kowliai, 2 p.m.; Mr‘ JV Fraser. Railway v. Old'Boys, at AVcka Street, 3 p.m.; Mr 11. Johnston. Technical Old Boys v. Kiwi, No. 4 Rugby Park 3 p.m.; Mr H. Carter. Marist Bros. Old Boys v. High School, No. 1 Rugby Park, 1.30 p.m.; Mr T. Shannon. Third Grade. —Technical Old Boys •>A" v. Old Boys, No. 2 Rugby Park, I*3o p.m,; Mr E. Dickey. Whatawhata Rovers v. Marist Bros Old Boys, No. 3 Rugby Park, 1.30 p.m.; Mr M. Grant. Technical High School v. Marist High School, No. 4 Rugby Park, l.°o p.m.; Mr A. C. Watkins. Frankton v. Technical Old Boys “B," No. 1 Hayes’ Paddock, 1.30 p.m.; Mr Turtill. Tc Kowhal v. High Scliool, High School Ground, 1.30 p.m.; Mr P. Sergei. Fourth Grade. —Frankton v. Technical Old Boys, No. 2 Hayes’ Paddock, 3 p.m.; Mr Jones. High Scliool v. Technical High School (arranged). THE TEAMS. The teams engaged in to-morrows matches will be as follows: — Technical Old Boys. Seniors. — Clarke. Foster, Porleous, Ihmghey, Blow, Neilson. Smart, Bruce, Clough,' Allwood. Fitzgerald, Pardinglon, Harwood, (Vllmer, Pearl, Uao, Hobiiison. Junior. —Dalbelli. Young, Gould, Hurrell, Spiro, Mclntosh. Hichardson, Hawkins, Clarke, Cooke, Riddell, Roberts. Hyde, Flyger, Robson, Slow, Brown. Blunt. Third tirade A. —Roolh, Ghoal, Davy, Goodwin .Colin , Haines, B. Joints, Kirk. Lymhnrn. .Morris. Nixon. Stuart, i Sanders. Smith Wcb h Elcick. Koilci - .

Third Grade B.—Darlington, Goodwin (Cliff), Tiller, Michell, Collins, Goosman, Wright, St. George, Nealie, Gower, Pollard, Bennett, Jenkins, Kippin, Flexman, L. Jones, Boswell, liarwood, Taylor. Fourth Grade.—Stott, Dabb, Martin, McKinnon, Cann, Porter, Sanderson, Haines, Holmes (2), Walker, Haughey, Mayes, Houghton,- Worth, Chesterman. Old Boys. Senior.—Patterson, Parker, Barling, Wear?,, V. Gilling, Johnstone, McDell, Coombridge, Boneham, Somervell, Playle, Hall, Tombs, Hammond, Chitty, Caskey, Lissette, L. Jones. Junior.—McKenzie, Holmes, Patterson, Breen, Comer, Dawson, T. Gilling, Bullock, Whittaker, Keat, Green, Ryan, F. Jones, Tietjens, Williams, Morgan, Wcstwater, T. Mills. Third Grade. —Luxton, Labrum, Hunter, • Grace, Seccombe, Gunn, Barker, Clough, Cooke, Gerrish, Jenkins, Graincy, Newby, Fraser, Neville. Horotiu Works. Senior.—C. McCowan, R. Spiers, J. Wright, T. Skinner, A. Smith, L. St. George, J. P. Wells, G. Speight, J. Monteith, G. Cooper, B. Short, A. Parry, F. Clarkin, E. A. Copper, J. Dent. Emergencies.—G. Dalbeth, F. R. Cooper, G.’ Tye, D. Zimmerman, R. Walker. Marist. Seniors.—C. McCormack, S. White, M. O’Neill, P. Clarkin, R. . Brodrlck, M. .Clarke, J. Dempsey,- J. Wright, T. Cassidy, T. Goodyer, J. Hedley, F. Cassidy, F. Remits, P. Roach, L. Clarkin. Reserve: J. Pollock. Juniors. —J. Mills, R. Joyes, J. Moriarty, L. Hintz, R. Pickett, 0. Jone 9, J. 0. Leary, R. Grace, J. De la Rue, J. Jones, IK. Glazer, E. Smith; T. Flynne, G. Devcich, F. Glynne. Re- 1 ■serves: J. Trotter, R. Lewis, J. Ennis. Frankton. Seniors. —Everest, Clemett, Welch, Griffiths, Denz, Snodgrass, Denz, Hall, Tristram, Tui Rua, King, Charleston, Painton, Byrne, Priscott, McCullum, Nakes, Thomas. Juniors. —Hall, Mansfield, Prisk, Fisher, Piercy, Humm, Jackson, Wilcox, Bowler, Johns, Pemberthy, Hughes, Bravo, Burrell, Harris, Latham, Smith, Chiles. Bus ‘leaves railway crossing, 1 p.m. sharp. Thirds. • —. Thompson, Collier, Batchelor, Paton, Elliott, Cary, Everest, Buisson, Coom'bes, Griffiths, Pemberlhy, Walton, Dick, Ogilvle, Frisken, Hunwlck, Dent, Edwards, Mallns, Brady.

Fourths. —Davies, Moses, Burke, Matins, Linkman, Cusack, Mueller, Currain, G. Mueller, Molesworth, Kelly, Moord (capt.), Collins, Barrett, Annear,' Rivctt, Whatu, Rippon, Henderson, Moltzcn.

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Waikato Times, Volume 113, Issue 18931, 28 April 1933, Page 9

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THE RUGBY SEASON. Waikato Times, Volume 113, Issue 18931, 28 April 1933, Page 9

THE RUGBY SEASON. Waikato Times, Volume 113, Issue 18931, 28 April 1933, Page 9