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SHEEP VALUES FIRM. LATE RATES FOR PIOS. WESTFIELD STOCK MARKET. .. The largest offering of beef for three months was yarded at the weekly Westfield fat stock sale yesterday, and onlv the operations of exporters saved the* market from what would probably have been a serious fall. Under their influence extra choice ox beef was maintained at the previous week’s level of 19s per 1001 b, and prime young cow and heifer beef at las to 17s per 1001 b. The cow and heifer market weakened slightly, except for first quality lines, which were quite firm. j nn A The yarding comprised over 1000 •head of* cattle, the majority of lines being well finished. As usual, me-dium-weight steers sold relatively •better than extra heavy animals. The yarding was above local requirements, but soon after the sale began exporters were able to purchase and a total of over 140 head of good quality cattle was bought for overseas at prices approximately 15s per 1001 b. It is only in the last five weeks that the margin between local and overseas market prices has provided an outlet for surplus yardings, and it is fortunate that exporters were able to commence when they did. The yarding of calves was also large, but prices for well finished sorts were firm. Poorer quality animals were hard to quit. Exporters were chary about purchasing large quantities, hut a fair proportion of the sales were for overseas.' •Large numbers of sheep, among which wethers predominated, were yarded. Ewes were In fairly brisk demand and values were firm, but there was an easing in wither values. Lambs were also in full supply, and there was a slight easing tendency in this market also. There was an average yarding of pigs, the demand being steady for good baconers and choppers, which realised late rates. Toward the end of the sale values for porkers eased slightly. The average quality was not of the best. The following is a summary of the prices realised for fat stock for the last two weeks at the Westfield fat stook sales:—

Top prioe for the day was secured by a line of extra choice heavy-weight bullooks from Mr J. Taylor, of Cambridge, which made from £6 12s 6d to £8 7s 6d. A line from the same vendor’s Hautapu farm made up to £B. A truck of extra heavy steers from Mr W. McLean, of Walton, brought up to £8 ss. Prices ranging uo to £6 12s 6d were seoured by medium-weight cattle from the Matarawa Land Company, Putaruru. ‘A 'truck of fine mediumweight steers from Mr A. P. Robinson. of Cambridge, ranged from £b 7s 6d to £6 7s 6d. In the cow and heifer market top price was seoured by a line of fine heifers from Mr Arthur Totman, Okoroire, which realised prices up to £5, olosely followed by a line from Mr H. Windsor, of Tamahere, which reaohed to £4 17s 6d. Two trucks of nice cows and heifers from Mr H. L. Bailey, of Tirau, made up to £4 7s Gd. Consignments from Mr W. McLean, of Walton, and Messrs Holdsworth ■Brothers, Edgecumbe, brought up to £4 ss. Two trucks of cows and heifers from Mr George' Reed, of Te Kauwhata, made up to £4.

Dalgety and Company. Dalgety and Company, Limited, report on the weekly Westfield fat stock sale yesterday as follows: — The yarding of ox beef was a very full one, and the quality first-class. A steady demand resulted in values remaining on a par with late rates. Cow and heifer beef also came forward in big numbers, meeting a sale equal to last week's rates. Extra choice ox sold to 19s per 1001 b; choice and prime ox. 16s to 18s; just killable, 13s to 15s; prime young cow and heifer beef, 15s to 17s; just killable, 9s to 14s. Heavy prime steers made £6 10s to £7 ss;'lighter prime steers, £5 15s to £6 7s 6d; light prime steers, £4 15s to £5 12 6d; small and unfinished steers, £3 17s 6d to £4 12s 6d; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £4 5s to £5; heavy prime oows and heifers, £3 10s to £4 2s fid; lighter prime cows and heifers, £2 10s to £3 7s 6d; other killable cows, £1 5s to £2 7s 6d.

Sheep again came forward in full numbers. Ewes were in better demand and values show an improvement on late rates; while wethers were not so keenly sought and values were perhaps a shade easier. Extra heavy prime wethers realised 14s fid to Ifis 3d, heavy prime 13s fid to 14s 6d, medium 12s fid to 13s 3d, light and unfinished 11s fid to 12s fid; heavy prime ewes fis to Os Od. lighter fis 9d to 7s fid. others 5s fid to fis fid. Lambs were, offered in average numbers, and realised late wiles. Heavy prime lambs made Its fid to 12s fid, medium 10s fid to Its fid, light 8s 6d to 10s fid. The calf pens were, well filled with well-bred sorts. Medium and light vealers met with a brisk sale, but heavy vealers and runners were not keenly sought after and showed no -improvement. Runners brought fit fis to £2 ils; heavy vealers £t fis to £1 13s, medium £t fis to £1 1 is, light ifis to £1 is. rough 12s to 17s, small 4s to Its. Pigs were yarded in average numbers, and sold at prices equal to those ruling at last week's market. Choppers made £1 Ifis to t'fi ,>s; heavy baconers £2 is to £2 I Os. medium £1 Ifis to £2 fis. tight £ t 12s to ft Ifis: heavy porkers Cl 7 s to £ I tOs, medium £1 fis to £ I fis, light Ifis to £1 2s, small and unfinished I2s to Ifis; slips, £a to 12s; weaners, Os to fis.

Loan and Mercantile. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd., report:—Beef was penned In large numbers at Westfield, and there was a steady demand throughout, with values on a par with those of last week. Extra choice ox sold to 19s per 1001 b, choice and prime 16s to 18s, secondary and plain to 13s to 15s, prime young cow and heifer beef 15s to 18s, secondary 12s to 14sExtra heavy prime steers ranged in price from £7 10s to £8 7s 6d, heavy £6 5s to £7 7s 6d, lighter £5 7s 6d to £6 2s 6d, light £4 2s 6d to £5(, small and unfinished £2 2s 6d to £4, extra heavy prime young cows and heifers £4 5s to £4 10s, heavy £3 17s 6d to £4 ss, lighter £3 to £3 17s 6d, light £2 7s 6d to £2 17s 6d, others 25s to 455. Sheep were yarded in average numbers. Values were on a par with last week’s quotations, except for a slight easing for wethers. Heavy prime wethers made 14s 3d to 16s; medium prime wethers, 13s to 13s 9d; light prime wethers, 12s to 12s 9d; heavy prime 'ewes, 8s 3d to 9s 9d; medium prime ewes, 7s. 3d to 8s; light prime ewes '6s to' 7s '6d. Lambs, were, penned in average numbers and sold at late quotations. Heavy prime . lambs . realised 13s 6d to 15s 6d; medium prime, 12s fid to 13s 3d; light prime, 10s 6d to 12s 3d. Pigs were penned in average numbers. 'Competition' was steady; and values were firm on last week’s quotations. Choppers sold from £1 10s to £2 13s; heavy and medium baconers. from £2 to £2 9s; light baconers and heavy porkers,-from £i-10s to £1 18s: medium porkers and light porkers, from £1 to' £l' Bs. Store pigs sold at late quotations, large stores making 15s to 18s ; slips, 9s to 13s; weaners, 3s to 9s. 'Calves were penned in large numbers. There was a steady demand for good quality calves, but values were easier. Runners realised £1 5s to £1 17s; heavy vealers, £1 8s to £l, 12s; medium, £1 2s to £1 6s; light, 15s to £1 l.s; small and fresh dropped, 3s to 12s; rough calves, 5s to 10s. Alfred Buckland and Sons. Alfred Buckland and Sons, Limited, report on the weekly Westfield fat stock sale yesterday as follows:—; We penned fat cattle to the number of 519 head, as against 462 head •at last Wednesday’s market, comprising 298 steers and 221 cows and heifers. There was a steady demand, with little or no alteration in value of ox beef. Cows and heifers were easier. Extra choice ox sold to 19s •per 1001 b; choice and prime ox, 16s to 18s; secondary and plain ox, 12s to 15s; prime young cow and heifer beef, 14s to 16s; ordinary cow beef, 8s to 13s. Extra heavy prime steers ranged in price from £7 10s to £8 ss; heavy prime steers, '£6 10s to £7 7s 6d; lighter prime steers, £5 10s to £G 7s 6d; light prime steers, £4 5s to £5 7s 6d; small and unfinished steers, £2 to £4 2s 6d; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £4 to £4 2s 6d; heavy prime cows and heifers, £3 to £3 17s 6d; lighter prime cows and heifers, £2 5s to £2 17s 6d; other killable cows, £1 10s to £2 2s 6d.

The sheep pens were well filled, wethers predominating. There no improvement in the demand, and a further decline in values has to be recorded. A total of 1496 sheep was sold. Extra heavy prime wethers made 15s 3d to 16s 6d; heavy prime wethers, 14s to 15s; medium to heavy prime wethers* 12s 6d to 13s 9d; light to medium prime wethers, 11s to 12s 3d; unfinished wethers, 8s to 10s 6d; extra heavy prime young and maiden ewes, 9s to 11s; heavy prime ewes, 7s 6d to 8s 9d; lighter prime ■ewes, 6s 6d to 7s 3d; other killable ewes’ 5s 6d to 6s 3d; other ewes, 3s ■to ss.

There was a full supply of lambs and here also values were slightly easier. (A total of 699 lambs was ■sold). Extra heavy prime lambs made 13s 6d to 14s 9d; heavy prime lambs, 11s 6d to 13s; lighter prime lambs, 9s 'to 11s 3d; light prime lambs, 8s to 8s 9d; small and plain lambs, 4,s 6d to 7s 9d. We bad a full offering of fat and young calves. All well-finished light and medium vealers met a ready sale, the heavier sorts were not in such good request. Runners made £1 15s ■to £3 19s for an extra heavy prime Hereford steer; heavy vealers, £1 15s to £2; medium, £1 9s to £1 12s; light, £1 3s to £1 7s; small, 16s to £1; rough and bucket-fed, 8s 'to 14s, bobby calves, 2s to ss. (A total of 243 calves was sold). There was an average entry of pigs. Bidding was again steady for good baconers and choppers. Values for porkers eased slightly toward the ■conclusion of the sale. Choppers made £1 15s to £3 Is; heavy prime baconers £2 6s to £2 Us; medium, £1 17s to ’ £2 4s; light, £1 12s to £1 15s; heavy porkers, £1 8s to £1 10s; medium, £1 5s to £1 7s; light and unfinished, 14s to £1 2s; stores, up to 15s; slips, 11s to 13s; weaners, 8s to 10s, for best; smaller, 4s to 7s. (A total of -439 pigs was sold).

This Week. Last Week. BEEF (per 1001b) — Extra choice ex Choice and 19/prime ox .. Choice and prime cow 16 - to 18/16/- to 18/and heifer . 14/- to 17/15/- to 17/Ordinary Cow 8/-to 14/13/- to 15/SHEEP (per head) — Heavy prime 13/6 to 17/3 wethers Med. prime 14/- to 16/6 wethers ... 12/- to 13/6 12/- to 13/3 Unfln. w’th’rs 8/- to 11/6 8/- to 11/9 Prime ewes . 7/6 to 11/7/- to 12/Unfln. ewes . Ex. hvy. prime 3/-to 6/6 3/-to 6/9 lamb3 .... 13/6 to 16/6 14/- to 1 5/Prime lambs . 8/- to 13/6 8/- to 13/9 Unfln. lambs 4/6 to 7/6 6/- to 7/9 CALVES (per head) — 25/- to 50/25/- to 51/Vealers 15/- to 40/16/- to 40/PIGS (per head) — 32/- to 54/Baconers 32/- to 51/Porkers 20/- to 30/19/- to 31/Weaners 3/- to 10/3/- to 10/Slips Large stores 9/- to 15/8/- to 13/13/- to 18/13/- to 18/-

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Waikato Times, Volume 111, Issue 18652, 2 June 1932, Page 12

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BEEF LEVEL SUSTAINED Waikato Times, Volume 111, Issue 18652, 2 June 1932, Page 12

BEEF LEVEL SUSTAINED Waikato Times, Volume 111, Issue 18652, 2 June 1932, Page 12