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WINTER STEEPLECHASE TO SPALPIKO. VALROE SCORES IN YORK HANDICAP. THE SPRINTERS LED HOME BY PRINCE VAL. TQTALISATOR RECEIPTS DECREASE BY £47,581 10s. The Winter meeting of the Auckland Racing Club was concluded at Ellerslle yesterday In fine weather before a good attendance for an off day. The standard of the racing was again" Interesting, although only one first favourite scored. In the York Handicap, the leading flat race of the programme, the Matamata trained Valro© scored a convincing victory over Taneriri and Standfast. The Winter Steeplechase was won by Spalpiko, this To Awamutu owned Jumper being followed home by Claremore and Copey. Cambridge provided the winner of the Campbell Hurdles In Prlnoe Lu who showed the way past the Judge to Nucleus and Antrim Boy. The South Auckland district had a fourth success* when Prince Val led the sprinters heme in the Visitors' Handicap In which the IVlatamata owned galloper was attended by Awaken and Tetrarchate at the close of the six furlongs. The Invercargill owned Paris won the Tamaki Steeplechase from Senora and Jlu Jazz; Blenheim provided the winner of the Orakel Hurdles In Landmark with Loving Cup and Kalrurl In the minor places, while the Carbine Plate saw Catoma give Auckland a success from Te Hola with Jalldy Karo and Grand Spirit on oven terms.for third place. In a totallsator turnover of £136,978 10s for three days, the decrease was £47,681 10s compared with the Investment revenue at the Winter meeting last season,

NOTES ON THE RUNNING, The six acceptors appeared for tha Tamaki Steeplechase in wiiich Dark Prince was £248 better supported than Pangolin, with Senora next in demand. Paris began smartly and making no serious errors, the Invercargill owned gelding got the verdict by three lengths. In his previous start at the meeting Paris railed to get round. The Marton owned Senora threw out a challenge to tire winner over the final round, but could not head Paris* off, despite the fact that the latter screwed the final fence. Jlu Jazz was but a moderate third. Dark Prince, who was next, was made a lot of use of early and It was not altogether surprising that he failed. Quinsilia got round safely and will come right at the game. Pangolin went out of action at the first fence on the hilltop on the Anal round. A Blenheim Vlotor. Spalpiko and Abbess were the withdrawals from the Orakel Hurdle race for which there were thirteen starters. 'Landmark, who carries the colours of the Blenheim owner, Mr J. J. Corry, was £233 better fancied than Cristobei,'-'\vftill; 1 /Gdolmint' n hext in request. Landmark was always prominent and scored by two lengths and a half.' Loving Cup finished on will In second place with kairuri third. Cristobal's weight told in the final stages after being the pacemaker for over a mile. Won From End to End. The fifteen acceptors paraded for the York Handicap, most support in the mile event going to Havering, who was £509 better favoured than Standfast, with Inevitable and Taneriri in that order of the others. The seventh favourite Valroe was quickly in a leading place and gave nothing else a chance at the business end of the trip. in the King George Handicap on Saturday, this member of 11. J. Mateer's Malamata stable lost his rider early in the., race, which was an unfortunate happening as his latest form proved. Taneriri came with a late run to get second, but that was two lengths and a half from the winner. Taneriri’s form has been very consistent. Standfast, who hails from the same stable as Valroe, was third, while the Taranaki owned Little Doubt was close up in next place. Havering,- wtio was fifth, found his weight telling at the finish, but his effort was good. High Pitch did well to be-sixth, seeing he has been at the Jumping game of late. Eaglet and Inevitable went well for seven furlongs.

tlce In Prince Val was third choice Prince Val, ridden by A. E. Ellis, mad reasonable progress out of the barrier He was fifth into the straight an. readily outstayed the opposition ove the final stages. Awaken was al ways In the picture, finishing within length of the winner. Tetrarchate who was next, was in the issu throughout. King Ford made m’os of the running but did not hold on although his fourth was a useful per romance. Refresher, Gay Lap am Grand Talk were each handy to tin placed horses. The Carbine Plate. Little Doubt, who had starter earlier, was missing from the Garbin' Plate, for gentlemen riders. Vandyki was a pronounced favourite will £670 more than Jalldy Karo, Catomi being next in request. Catoma cleared away from the- field down tin straight. Te Iloia finished on well t< get second money, a head In fron of Jalldy Karo and Grand Spirit, wh< dead-heated for third. Vandyke wa: next, his showing being disappointing. CONCLUDING REBULTB. VISITORS’ HANDICAP. Of £450;; 6- furlongs.--'. - LL 3 PRINCE VAL, Mr J. Clothier’s ch g by Valkyrlan—Sports’ Queen, syrs, 9.3 (A. E. Ellis) 1 I AWAKEN, Air A. Alexander's br f by Chief Ruler—Wake Up, 3yrs, 10. i (K. Voltre) % 10 TETRARCHATE, Mr C. M. Emanuel’s b g by Tea Tray—• Volopia, 4yrs, 9.0 (A. McCormac) 3 Also started, —6 Havering, 10.0 (Cray); 8 Gold Money, 11.4 (Green); 7 Refresher, 11.1 (Bagby) ;. 5 Manawhenua, J 0.7 (Parsons); 9 White Wings, 9.13 (Keesing)?; 2 Cay Lap, 9.8 cFoster); 4 King Ford, 9.3 (R. E. Thomson); .13 Big Bertha, 9.0 (Goldfinch); 12 Rafflight, 9.0 (McTavish) ; II Grand Talk, 9.0 (Spinks); 14 Full Measure, 9.0 (Goulsbro). Winner trained by owner, Matamala. Awaken was most sought after going out with £941 on her chances, the next in order of selection being the Matamata trained representatives Gay Lap (£910) and Prince Val (£813). King Ford, was soon in front showing Ihe way across the top to Rafflight, Tetrarchate, Awaken, Full Measure, Prince Val and Gay Lap. King Ford led into the straight from Rafflight, Full Measure, Gay Lap and Prince Val. Prince Val came through in the run home to win by a length from Awaken, who beat Tetrarchate by half a length. The Hamilton owned and Te Rapa-trained King Ford was fourth, followed by Refresher, Gay Lap, Grand Talk, Manawhenua, Havering, Rafflight, Full Measure, Big Bertha and Gold Money. Time, Imin 16 l-ssec.

Cross-Country Raco. The scratching of Pendavies anc; Dark Prince left twelve to contesl the Winter Steeplechase. The Greal Northern winner, Master Lu, was favourite with £ll7 more than Star Comet, Lucess and Claremore having must support of the others. Spalpiko and Claremore, who were always weii clear of the others, finished as named, Spalpiko getting the verdict' by a length. As in the Great Northern Steeplechase, Spalpiko was out by himself for most of the trip, while the shorter journey on the latest occasion enabled the To Awamutu candidate to see the trip out successfully. He fenced boldly throughout. Spalpiko survived a protest for alleged boring of Claremore at the last fence. Claremore was making his first appearance in a steeplechase and his performance was a good one. Copey, who was fourth in the Great Northern Steeplechase, improved yesterday to be third. The llawcra owned gelding Jumped well, but could not foot It with the pair in front. Wako King was well back for the first half of the trip but improved ids position over the final round to be fourth. Master Lu. who was next, was kept a long way back for most of the journey but finished strongly. Star Comet was brought down early in the race. Prince Lu’s Hurdlo Win. The scratching of Nukumai saw seven contest the Campbell Hurdles In which the Marton trained Nucleus was £227 heller favoured than the Invercargill owned Apache, with Make Up and Prince Lu almost evenly supported. The Great Northern Hurdles winner, Prince Lu, who had failed on Saturday, saw the two miles our yesterday to beat the favourite by two lengths. l'\ Foster rode Prince Uu on the latest occasion, this rider being first call of the stable. lie handled Ills mount well. Nucleus was bothered by the early pace, but. she finished on solidly. The Dunedin owned Antrim Boy was a moderate third. Make Up found liis lI.A 100 nuicti. Apache was mil with Prince Lu for about a mile and a half, hut the former then cried enough.

CARRINE PLATE. Of £3of) (gentlemen riders); I mile, 3 C ATOM A, Mr B. Goldwater’s eh c by Catmint—Loloma, 4yrs, 11.4 (Mr H. Dodds) 1 4 TE HO (A, Mr M. 11. Tims’ hr g by Paper Money or Lucullus— March, f»yrs, 11.4 (Owner) .. 2 2 JALLDY KABO, Mr W. Vanderspcck's li g by Lucullus—Elysian—Graceful mare, 3yrs, 11.0 (Mr J. Morris) t G GRAND SPIRIT, Messrs F. W. and A. B. Stonex’s b f by Peach Brandy—Lady Bunyan, 3yr«, 11.0 (Mr F. \V. Stonex) t tL)ead heat for third. Also started.—7 Alloy, 11.4 (Mr Plalsted) ; 9 Bizarro, ii.-i (Mr Bigham) ; 5 Snow Prince, 11.4 (Mr O'Connor) ; 8 Liona, 11.4, car. 11.9-J (Mr Burke); 1 Vandyke, 11.0 (Mr Duncan). Winner trained by J. E. Thorpe, EHerslie. Vandkye was a good favourite with £1952, while Jalldy Karo (£l2Bl 10s), Catoma (£1257 10s), and To Hoia (£SBG 10s) were supported in that order of the others. When the field settled down Liona had charge and showed the way along Ihe back lo Jalldy Karo, Catoma, Vandyke, Te Hoia, Grand Spirit, Alloy, Snow Prince, and Bizarro. There was no change crossing the top, Liona leading into the straight from Catoma, ■Jalldy Karo, Grand Spirit, Vandyke and Te Hoia. Catoma won by four lengths from Te Hoia, who was a head in front of Ihe dead-heaters, Jalldy K uni and Grand Spirit. Vandyke was fifth, with Liona, Snow Prince, Alloy and Bizarro in that order. Time, I min 43 3-ssees.

TOT ALISATOR RETURNS. £ 139,978 His FOR MEETING. A DECREASE OF £17,581, 10s. The totnlisator returns yesterday were £311.5 I I lOs against £55,830 for the third day (Saturday) of last season's Wilder meeting, a decrease of £19,318 I Os. For Ihe three days of the latest fixture £139.978 10s was invested against £lB 1.590 last season, a decrease of £17,581 10s.

Sprint Event of the Day. The sprint event yesterday, the Visitors’ Handicap, brought out the, fourteen acceptors. The public gave chief attenlion to the Taranaki owned Awaken, who carried £3O more than Day Lap, white another MolaYata awned and trained representa-

STATISTICS OF MEETING. THE STAKE EARNERS. £I3OO.—A. Coubrough (Cambridge). £IOOO.—M. and J. O’Connor (Kaihere). £BSO. —11. Rama (Auckland). £6OO.—H. L. Russell (Te Awamutu). £525.—J. Fnederic (Hawera). £SOO.—M. Robertson (Matamata). £465.—J. Clothier (Matamata). £4SO.—A. L. Dew (Paeroa). £43O.—W. J. McLean (Cambridge). £420. —J. H. Greenhead (Rotorua). £37O.—J. J. Corry (Blenheim). £3SO.—J. Irwin (Paeroa). £270. —M. H. Tims (Te Awamutu), G. J. Quirks (Auckland). £2SO.—J. D. Kemp (Auckland.) £23O.—R. Casey (Matamata), B. Goldwatex’ (Auckland;. £2oo.—Mrs F. Baker (.Hamilton), 11. R. Burrett (Auckland). W. T. Hazlett (Invercargill). £ 175. —S. Malone (Auckland). £l5O.—G. L. and W. 11. Orbell (Tlmaru), F. W. Ehrhorn (Mar-, ton). £l3s.—F. Ormond (Hastings!, £127 10s.—Dr. Grant (Auckland). £ll2 10s.—H. P. Clear (Auckland). £IOO.—M. Wells (Cambridge), W. Kemp (Auckland), A. T. Gattrell (Palmerston North), G. A. Kain (Tlmaru), A. Alexander (Hawera) £75. —J. Fryer (Hawera.) £7O. —.Misses W. and N. Corbett (Hikutaia), Jas. Paterson, IT. Lynn, A. Tooman, G. Wallace. (Auckland.) £SO.—C. M. Emanuel, T. E. Davison (Auckland), G. Glenn (Wanganui), G. J. Barton (Dunedin). £3O.—C. Carmont (Hamilton), W. Montgomery, J. Farnworth, Mrs A. Muir (Auckland), L. 11. Collinson ('Palmerston North) £ls. —W. Vanderspeck, F. W. and A. B. Stonex (Auckland). WINNING RIDERS.

F. Foster (Cambridge).—Billy Boy, Landmark, Prince Lu (Campbell Hurdles). J. Mcßae (Te Awamutu). —Te Homai, Master Lu. J. Smith (Paeroa). —Cristobel (2). A. E. Ellis (Christchurch). —P'ewa, Prince Val. E. Keesing (Te Arolia). —King Ford. R. Horne (Te Awamutu). —C-atch’em. H. Goldfinch (Te Awamutu). —Tancrii’i. A. McGregor (Te Awamutu). —Spal■piko. W. Rennie (Hamilton). —Prince Lu (CRN. Hurdles). A. Parsons (Auckland). —Manawhenua. A. G. Campbell (Auckland). —High Pitch. R. Olive (Auckland). —Dark Prince. H. Gray (Auckland). —Gay Lap. H. N. Wiggins (Auckland). —Lord Val. R. McTavish (Auckland). —Valroe. Mr H. Dodds (Auckland). —Catoma. T. Green (Palmerston North). —Seatown. G. Dempster (Inveroargill).—Paris. Fees Earned. The leading fees by the jockeys were: F. Foster, £131; J. Mcßae, £130; W. Rennie, £114; A. McGregor, £73; 11. Dulleu, £67; J. Smith, £55; R. Olive, £49; A. G. Campbell, £46; R. W. McTavish, £44; G. Dempster, £3B; H. Goldfinch, £37; T. Green, £36.

SUCCESSFUL TRAINERS. W. J. McLean (Cambridge).—Prince Lu (2). N. J. Prenter (Paeroa). —Cristobel (2). R. J. Maleer (Matamata). —Gay Lap, Valroe. J. Clothier (Matamata). —Lord Val, Prince Val. 11. Rama (Ellerslie). —Manawhenua, Tancriri. J. D. Kemp (Ellerslie). —Dark Prince. R. W. Lewis (Ellerslie). —Billy Boy. J. E. Thorpe (Ellerslie). —Catoma. C. Morse (Takanini). —Catch’em. J. Irwin (Paeroa). —High Pitch. J. F. Tutchen (Te Rapa).—King Ford. A. Cook (Te AwamutiU. —Te Homai. H. L. Russell (Te Awamutu). —Spalpiko. M. and J. O’Connor (Kaihere). — Master Lu. J. F. Butler (Stratford). —Seatown. W. McKinnon (Greenmeadovvs). — Pewa. T. R. George (Blenheim). —Landmark. F. J. McKay (Invercargill).—Paris THE SIRES' LIST. Valkyrian.—Lord Val, Valroe, Prince Val. Quin Abbey.—Cristobel (2), Te Homai. Spalpeen.-—Master Lu, Spalpiko. Catmint. —Catch’em, Catoma. Lucullus. —Prince Lu (2). Archiestown. —Seatown, Billy Boy. Arausio. —Pcwa. Antagonist.—Taneriri. Sarchedon.—High Pitch. King Lupin.—-King Ford. Prince Mcrriwee. —Dark Prince. Lapidary.—Gay Lap. Acre. —Manawhenua. Solferino. —Paris. Surveyor.—Landmark..

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Waikato Times, Volume 109, Issue 18350, 9 June 1931, Page 11

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AUCKLAND RACING CLUB. Waikato Times, Volume 109, Issue 18350, 9 June 1931, Page 11

AUCKLAND RACING CLUB. Waikato Times, Volume 109, Issue 18350, 9 June 1931, Page 11