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MORRINSVILLE HIGH. YEAR OF STEADY PROGRESS. The annual meeting of householders at Morrinsville was the largest end most representative of the sort ever held in th=e district. Mr E. McGregor presided. The secretary read the following report:— Your committee has again to report a year of steady progress. The examination results were exceptionally good, while apart from this the inspectors’ reports indicated that the general standard of learning and conduct was good. The school buildings and grounds have been maintained in good order, and as finances permit further - improvements will he carried out. The flower beds and shrubberies at the Lincoln Street sch Sol are considered to be an example for other schools. During the year the tennis courts at the High School were completed, and have since been much used and greatly appreciated by the scholars. At. last the overcrowding problem has been settled. During the year two additional rooms were added to the primary school, and accommodation is now ample. The committee has noted with satisfaction many evidence: of increased interest in school affairs by parents and the general public.

The finances of the school are in t satisfactory condition, a credit balance of £53 4s lid being shown, at February 28. The balance is now £22 2s Twelve committee meetings were heii during the year, and were attended b.

the various members a 3 follows: Mrs Cornish 12, Messrs Johnstone 12, MoGregor 11, Gaddes 10, Wyatt 10, Scott 10, Mrs Oates 10, Rev. Wilkes G. The High School basketball and football teams had a very successful season, and in this connection it is pleasing to note that the policy of the school staff is to encourage all the children to play games for the sake of the physical and mental benefit of sport and to impress on them that the winning of matches is a secondary consideration. The boys of the High School took up cricket in earnest this season and played several matches. A rifle range and a school caedt crops were established. The main advantage of this is that the boys receive their training at the school under the eyes of the staff, and are kept off the streets more than would be the case if they attended ordinary evening parades in the town. The amiable relations that have existed between your committee and the school staff have been a pleasant feature of the year, and have helped to lighten the work of all concerned. Favourable Reports from Inspectors. The headmaster, Mr Pole, read the favourable reports which had been received from the Inspectors. The chairman referred to the question of the dental clinic, slating that funds were required. He suggested that parents should he asked to contribute to the fund. At present only he Primers and Standards 2 and *3 verc benefiting by the operations of he clinic, but he hoped that in the ear future all the children would he bowed to benefit by it. It was resolved that the committee 3 asked to devise some scheme for

■a'ing with the question. The question of postponing the iristmas holidays until February and

March was discussed, and the meeting decided that it \Vas not in favour of altering the date. The question of obtaining vacuum cleaners for the schools was reierred to the Incoming committee. Religious Instruction. A long discussion took place on the question of the Nelson system of re- , ligious education in schools, and Mr McLeod moved that this meeting of householders, believing that religious education should be given in schools, was in favour of the Act being amended so that religious instruction should he given in school hours. After several amendments had been proposed and rejected the motion was carried. Twelve nominations having been received for the school committee an election took place, and resulted in the following being elected: Mesdames Cornish and Oates, Messrs Gaddis, Gray, Scott, Wyatt, McGregor, and the Revs. Gillespie and Starnes. New Committee Meets. At the conclusion of the householders’ meeting the newly-elected committee met.

Mr E. McGregor was unanimously re-elected chairman and Rev. Canon Gillespie secretary and treasurer. The chairman and secretary were appointed to operate the hank account. The headmaster, Mr Pole, suggested that the new committee sohuld inspect the school grounds as soon as possible, so as to decide upon certain work that required to be done.—The committee agreed to do so.

It was resolved that meetings of the committee he held on the second Monday in each month.

The chairman was asked to write to the Education Board respecting the conveyance of children from Piako.

NGARUAWAHIA. YEAR’S WORK REVIEWED. The annuad meeting of householders for the election of the school committee was held at Ngaruawahia on Monday evening, Mr A. Warburton presiding. The following report was submitted by the chairman of the retiring committee: "During the year there were tlie following changes in the staff: Misses Keaney, Wakelin and left and were replaced by Misses Grey, Bonner and Mr J. Beever. The result of the annual examination was very satisfactory, the inspector making special comment upon the good discipline prevailing and all candidates presented securing a pass in the proficiency examination. The roll number is 238, the average attendance being 220 for the year. The flnances are ifl a fairly healthy condition considering the small grant received per capita for the cleaning and maintenance of a school which, prior to the opening of the Convent, seated up to 360 children. The dental clinic was in operation lor five months of the year and will be reopened in May. The money raised by a Paddy’s Market for the improvement of the rear playing area, the supply of sports material and additions to the school library, and it is hoped that the new committee will carry out the projects.

"The thanks of the committee are due to the trustees of the Technical School fund for the balance handed over by them, which enabled the committee to purchase a piano and make additions to the library.

“Votes of appreciation to the outgoing committee for their 'excellent administration of school affairs and to the staff were passed. New Committee. “The following members were elected as a new committee: Messrs A. Brewer, A. G. Hampton, L. K. Soppett, W. L. Johnston, C. E. Brown, A. R. Raynor, F. D. Mills, J. R. Redpath, and Rev. Martin.” Subsequently Mr A. R. Raynor was elected chairman and Mr R. Eyre secretary. WALTON. GOOD WORK DONE. There were 26 present at the householders’ meeting at Walton. Mr C. Given was elected chairman and Mr A. E. Gillingham secretary. The chairman’s report and balance stated that the members had ‘worked well together and had formed themselves into working bees, thereby doing a lot more work to the school grounds than if labour had to be hired, the committee having given all their time and labour free of cost. The recommendations of last year’s householders had been carried out. The committee desired to express its appreciation of the assistance given by the Education Board in the matter of grants; at no time had they refused requests for money to improve the ! school grounds.

Messrs Barlow and Given congratulated the committee on the good work dons during the year. Maoris’ Grievance. A party of natives attended with a grievance concerning the treatment of their children. The chairman ruled it out of order, as it was a matter that was not within the jurisdiction of a householders’ meeting. Mr S. Miles, a member of the committee, thanked Messrs Mudford Bros, for their valuable services in putting down the hose. He recommended that something should be done to drain the horse paddock. It. was decided that it be a recommendation to the ingoing committee to establish school baths. The report and balance-sheet were adopted. The following were elected a committee for the ensuing year: Messrs; Nicholls, Forketh, Rippey, Waller and ! Given. i Headmaster’s Report. The headmaster reported that when I lie took over the school' on July 1 ilia middle and upper classes were backward in their work, so much so that he had held Saturday classes in order to pull up, with the result that all had gained proficiency certificates ! for the 1929 examinations. The In- j spector’s report had been favourable. I Standards 5 and 6 were attending Morrlnsville Technical School, and were progressing satisfactorily. The roll number is 83. The infant classes, under Mrs Willis, were doing good work. He thanked the committee for their assistance. - | MATANGI. The deplorable apathy evident on | the part of many householders in the Matangi School district to matters connected with the educational welfare of the children was the subject of adverse comment during the annual meeting which took place in the school last evening. The attendance present at the hour appointed for the opening of the meeting included members of the outgoing committee and the headmaster only. It was thereofre necessary to postpone the meeting until 8 p.m., when Mr W. J. Trownson (chairman of the outgoing committee) was voted to the chair, and presided over an attendance numbering twelve. In the election of a new committee members of the former committee were the only nominations received, and they were re-elecLcd as follows: Messrs W. J. Trownson, 11. Mary church, J. H. Taylor,, L. V. Judd, R. Richardson, W. Tomlinson, and J. McDowell. The annual report was submitted by the chairman (details of which have already been published) and the successful accomplishments of the committee during the past unusually active and eventful year reflect much credit upon its members. Inadequate Capitation. Considerable discussion followed the reading of the financial statement by the treasurer, and regret was expressed by the chairman at the unsatisfactory position disclosed, due to the inadequate capitation allowance received I from the Education Board. It is quite j impossible for any committee to carry j on the management of the school i affairs under existing conditions and he j would suggest that the board be ask- j ed to undertake the responsibilities jjj connected with the cleaning and fuel- j jj ling of the school themselves, said the I speaker. From an annual grant of £SO j 8 allowed the commi*tee for upkeep \ | purposes £-49 is the minimum amount 11 necessary for school-cleaning pur- | poses, leaving £i over for other com- j miti-ments of the school management j during the year. i This problem had the serious attention of householders present 1 last evening, and in a recommendation to the new committee it was resolved to support the efforts of the Primary

School Committees’ Association in its further appeal to the Education Board lor increased grants to school committees for incidental purposes. Headmaster’s Report. The report and statement were subsequently adopted, when the headmaster, Mr R. c. Larsen, submitted the following report:— The year opened with a roll number of 122, increasing later to 125. The acommodation is ample and the equipment is quite sufficient for the efficient conduct of the school. -Work has progressed steadily and with the assistance of a capable staff I feel confident, that a successful year’s work will result. Miss Curie has joined the school as probationer. Owing to the noninclusion of the forestry section at the Show there will be no competition for the shield held by Matangi. Swimming: Twenty pupils qualified for swimming certificates, while many more have learned to swim hut as yet are not capable of doing the distance. Swimming has ended for this season, hut in the meantime land drill connected with life-saving will he carried on. The football'and basketball teams have commenced practice, and I hope that suitable competitions will be arranged. I found the grounds well laid out and a credit to the district, and it is my aim to continue the good work already done in Ibis connection. I wish lo thank the committee for the kindly interest they have shown in all matters pertaining to the welfare of the school.

The appreciation of householders was expressed in a hearty vote of (hanks to the chairman, secretary and members of the outgoing committee. At the close of the meeting the new committee met, when Mr W. J. Trowmson was reappointed chairman and Mr W. Tomlinson secretary.

GLEN MASSEY. The annual meeting of householders at the Glen Massey School was poorly attended. The committee’s report spoke highly of the work done during the year and of the resutls obtained, but deplored the lack of interest displayed in school matters by many of the local residents. The statement of receipts and expenditure, which showed a satisfactory balance, was adopted. The following committee was elected: Messrs R. Gair, J. K. Brown, B. Alker, J. Connew, and R. Cooke. At a subsequent meeting of the committee Mr Brown was appointed chairman and Mr Gair secretary.

ROTOTUNA. The householders' meeting at Rototuna was better attended than of recent years, especially by the ladies of ihe district. Mr Griffith was elected to the chair and Mr Clement to the position of secretary. The report showed a credit balance of £8 on the year’s working. The sum of £ls had been expended on Ihe grounds, which are in a greatly improved and satisfactory condition. The school has gone down a grade, bul under the guiding hand of Mr R. [Tain good progress is being made by Ihe scholars. The teacher’s report showed attendance well maintained and work' and conduct good. Six pupils sat l'or proficiency and all passed. Mrs Train hss b.een appointed to the position of sewing mistress. It w 7 as decided that the attention of the board be drawn to the need of repairs to the north-west corner of the school building. The incoming committee was recommended to move in the matter of the erection of a bicycle shed at the school. The following were elected to the committee: Messrs R. Griffith (chairman), A. H. Clement (secretary) and treasurer), R. A. Forsythe, E. Baldwin, and W. 11. Miers. MATAMATA.

The Rev, A. Q. Hampton presided at the annual meeting of householders, which was poorly attended. In his report the chairman mentioned the establishment of the dental clinic in Matamata and the laying down with Colflx of the assembly ground. He deplored the inadequacy of the capitation grants, and the meeting decided to forward a strong protest to the Government. For the nine vacancies there were ten candidates, and after the ballot the following w’ere declared elected:— Mrs W. J. Stanley, Rev. A. C. Hamton, Messrs W. Clover, A- J. Tong, A. E. Wrigley, L. Flower, R. W. Stevens, A. S. Thirlwall, and V. B. Forbes. At a subsequent meeting of the new committee the Rev. A- C. Hamp- i ton was re-elected chairman, and Mr A.’ J. Tong secretary. It was decided to meet on the first. Thursday in the month and to send a deputatioq to the next meeting of the Town Board to ask for a reduction in the water charge. 1

TE KOWKAI. At the annual meeting of housei holders at Te Kowhai the retiring chairman of the School Committee, in his report, gave details of the progress made towards the introduction of the Nelson system of Bihle-reading in schools, and also of the negotiations with the Department and the Minister of Education regarding the purchase of a secti(si adjoining the school. The meeting re-elected the retiring committee, and in the ensuing committee meeting, Mr \V. T. Simmons was re-elected chairman for the year. The committee consists of Messrs W. T. Simmons (chairman), S. It. Cox (secretary), J. S. Allan, W. J. Limmer, and ,V, lleuton. TE AWAMUTU. At the annual meeting of the householders of the Te Awamutu school district, the Rev. W, Bulterworth presided over about thirty householders. The chairman's report was adopted without discussion. The headmaster, Mr A. .T. Shepherd, presented his annual report, which showed that though the roll number had not increased greatly, there was a general improvement in the standard of work, as evidenced by the inspector's reports. Punctuality had ’ improved, but there was room fori

further improvement yet.—The re- I port was adopted. J Ten nominations had been receiv- ] ed for the committee, but as Mr A. A. I j Reese had withdrawn the following j were elected:—Mrs T. E. Wood and) I Messrs G. S. Clarke, A. H. Roberts, R. i Ross, G. F. Smith, H. E. G. Wilson, j G. B. Melrose, H. A. Burchell, and D. j G. McCallum. The last two are new i : members. j j A hearty vote of thanks to the re- | | tiring committee, the headmaster, and ! the staff was carried with acclama- j tion. i i Considerable discussion arose over] the delay in commencing the Bible ' reading this year, caused through the i board’s new regulations, and the fol- : J lowing resolution was carried unanim-j iously:-—That this meeting of house-!, holders respectfully draws (lie atten- j ; tion of the board to what they con- j j sider a misinterpretation of the Act, J , and would suggest that the permission of the parents should be sufficient expression for voluntary ati tendance on the part of the children-

A further resolution supporting the establishment of a-Junior. .High tehool in Te Awamutu was carried unanimously. At a subsequent meeting of tne committee Mr G. S. Clarke was reelected chairman. Applications are to be invited for the position of secretary. OKOROIRE. The following wore elected to the committee of the Okoroire School: — Messrs ,T. Hancock (chairman)F. White (secretary), T. Taylor, L. Watkins and E. Orr. PIARERE. The Piarere School Committee election resulted: Messrs Sefton Banks (chairman), W. Watkins (secretary), F. Vosper, J. Arnold and R. E. Felt. TIRAU. The following is the committee elected for the Tirau School: Rev. Brabyn (chairman), J. Corcoran (secretary), F. J. Bear, E. W. Jordan, and Mrs F. J. Bear. TAIHOA. The School Committee election resulted in the return of .Messrs H. Baylis, E. J. Davidson, T. A. Ferguson, and M. E. Gould (secretary). ; ) MAT!. 1 The new School Committee is:—• ! Messrs H.* Rollett (chairman), F. W. | Bowler, A. A. Potts, W. J. Watson, | and C. G. Payze (secretary). ! TURANGA-O-MOANA. Messrs E. G. Mockridge (chairman), T. Davison, S. Harding, A. B. Gibson, and H. Gouk (secretary) were elected as the School Committee. TE POI. The School Committee election reThe School Committee election resulted in the return of Messrs 11. Dalton (chairman). J. H. Burkett, L- Hitchcock, S. Xelmes, and G. Bellamy (secretary).

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Waikato Times, Volume 107, Issue 17997, 16 April 1930, Page 3

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SCHOOL COMMITTEES. Waikato Times, Volume 107, Issue 17997, 16 April 1930, Page 3

SCHOOL COMMITTEES. Waikato Times, Volume 107, Issue 17997, 16 April 1930, Page 3