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her efficient work in the past. The election of a sitting committee resulted as follows:—Messrs C. Bones, R. Speake, C'. Cowley, B. Mitchell, R. Boucher, Misses I. Cowley, M. Speake and D. Bones. Messrs R. Speake and C. Bones were later elected chairman and secretary respectively. Personal. '» Friends will regret to hear that Mrs Douglas, wife of Mr George Douglas, was this week admitted to a Hamilton private hospital to undergo an operation for appendicitis. The operation was successfully performed, and all friends will wish her a speedy recovery. Her friends will condole with Mrs E. A. McDonald, whose mother is lying seriously ill at her home in Hamilton, and whose eldest son, Athol, i s still detained in the Waipukurau sanatorium. TE PUNINGA. Debating Society. The annual meeting of the Te Puninga > Literary, Debating and Dramatic Society was held in the Te Puninga School last Friday evening. The balance sheet disclosed a most successful year. After a considerable portion of the funds had been donated to other local institutions a balance of approximately £8 remains. The financial success of the season was mainly due to the activities of the dramatic branch of the society, whose staging of “All Hands on Deck” was very well received. The membership last year was about 30, and it is confidently anticipated that this number will be greatly increased this season. The election of officers resulted as follows:—President, Mr H. Skiffinglon (re-elected) ; vice-presidents, Messrs Lamb and Lindsay; secretary and treasurer, Miss R. Hallen; committee, Misses Newbegin and Saxton and Messrs Cubis', Dakers and Milne. Messrs Dakers and Skiffington were deputed to draw up a tentative programme to be submitted to the committee later. The first of the fortnightly evenings xvas held in the schoolroom on Monday, April 7. Inter-School Sports. A meeting of head teachers and school committee representatives convened by Messrs Cates and Skiffington was held at Te Puninga. The meeting was called for the purpose of deciding upon some scheme for the promotion of sport in the surrounding country schools. The following representatives were present.—Messrs Dey and Jenkins, Tatuanui; Davis and Carter, Ngarua; Solly and ColliDg, Tahuna; Boswell, Waitoa; Skiffington, Lamb and Cates, Te Puninga. Mr Cates was elected to the chair.

Tennis. The tennis season seems to have come to an end now in this district. All match playing is over, and there is not the enthusiasm shown that there was earlier in the year. There no doubt have been some very interesting matches played, and tennis has gone with a good swing right through, and has been most enjoyable. Unfortunately this club lost the matches for both the Peake and the Smith Cups during the season’s play, but hope for better luck next year. Personal. Mrs Hood is the guest of her sister, Mrs Imrie, of Maungatautari. Miss P. Dean, who has been holidaymaking, has returned to her home in Maungatautari. The Weather. Welcome rain commenced to fall on Tuesday last, and steady rain fell on and off until Thursday. There had been a long spell of dry weather, and rain was badly needed for the grass, as the ground was hard and dried up; also the tanks were getting empty. Quite a number of farmers had just recently sowed young grass, and the rain came just in time to give it a good gtart. KAIPAKI. Euchre and Dance. With the longer evenings coming in the committees of the various sports bodies have been arranging fresh programmes for the coming months. The Hali Committee has decided to run another series of fortnightly euchre parties and dances, the first of which was held on Tuesday evening last, when, although the numbers were not so large as usual, a very enjoyable time was passed. Mr W. W. Tarr was M.C. for the dancing and Mr J. Boyd for the euchre. The floor was in good order, and very fine dance music was rendered by Clayton’s Orchestra (Cambridge). The usual ample supper was served, and the tables were tastefully decorated. Prizes for euchre were won by Miss Scott and Mr L. Cowley; consolation, Mrs Graham and Mr J. Goodwin (Ohaupo). The chocolate waltz was won by Miss Isabel Boyd and Mr Eric Speake. Ping-pong Club. The annual meeting of the Pingpong Club was held recently, when Mr C. Bones presided over a good attendance of enthusiasts. The secretary (Mrs T. Searle) read a very favourable report and balance sheet, showing a credit balance of £2 Os 7d. These were adopted as read. It xvas decided to carry on again this winter, the opening night to be Tuesday next, April 15, when all members and intending members arc invited to be present. An invitation has been sent to three neighbouring clubs. A hearty vote of thanks was extended to Mrs T. Searle, the retiring secretary, for

Mr Skiffington outlined proposals for the promotion of football, basketball and athletics in the schools. Tennis and cricket were also included in these proposals, but were not dealt with in any detail, as the season is now practically closed.

Mr Skiffington formally moved that the six local schools form an associa-* tion, to be called the Piako County Central Country School Sports Association.

Mr N. Dey, in seconding the motion, said that the scheme as a whole was an admirable one and deserved wholehearted support. Other speakers also expressed themselves as being decidedly in favour of the proposals. Mr Boswell (Waitoa) said that he had come to the meeting with misgivings as to the practicability of the scheme, owing to difficulties of transport, but now that it had been explained he felt that these difficulties could be overcome. The motion, when put to the meeting, was carried unanimously. The following officers w’ere elected: President, Mr N. Dey; vice-presidents, Chairman of the school committees; secretary, Mr H. Skiffington; Management Committee—Head teachers of the various schools. The officers of the association will be elected annually from the head teachers and representatives of school committees (one from each school). Football and Basketball Competitions. During the winter months there will be football and basketball competitions. For these competitions it is proposed to divide the schools of the association into two groups—Te Puninga, Springdale and Tahuna in the north; and Waitoa, Tatuanui and Ngarua In the south. The winners In these groups will play off to decide the premiers for the season. In this way all schools except the group winners will have only two matches away from home It is proposed to hold also annually in March an inter-schools athletic meeting. Messrs Dey and Skiffington were appointed to interview Mr English, one of the trustees of the Herbert Smith Fund, with a view to obtaining trophies to he competed for. It is hoped that these may be supplemented by other trophies presented by local enthusiasts. It was decided also to request the donors to allow all the schools in the' association to compete for the Walters-Johnson Football Shield.

Before conclusion of the meeting Mr Skiffington expressed his appreciation of the support the scheme had received. He knew that some of those present had come to the meeting at considerable inconvenience to themselves. This showed their keen interest in sport and In the welfare of the children, and augured well for the future of the association. The meeting terminated with the usual vote of thanks to the chairman. General. The monthly meeting of the school committee took place on Monday. It was decided to hold a poll of parents on the question of opening the school half a hour earlier in the morning. The poll resulted in a majority for the present time of opening school. It is pleasing to report that over a mile of metal has been laid from the Te Puninga factory towards Whakahoro Road. Tennis. The remaining matches in the tennis tournament for Mr C. Murphy's trophies wil be played on Saturday, April 12. This will bring the tennis season to a close. Rural IViail Meeting. A meeting was held on Saturday to discuss ways and means for a rural delivery. Most of the settlers think the time has arrived to be up to-date in - mail matters. Mr P. S. Saxton

was voted to the chair and Mr Skiffington was appointed secretary. Mr Dakers spoke at some length and gave some interesting information concerning the rural mail. It was also suggested to establish a bus service to Morrinsvllie, which would greatly benefit the district. The rules and regulations of the Post and Telegraph Department were read to the meeting and Messrs Cate, Old, Corbett gave some useful information. A general discussion followed which terminated in the meeting agreeing unanimously for a rural mail delivery. A well-filled petition is going forward to the proper authorities. A committee was set up as follows :—Messrs Saxton, Skiffington, Howell, Henery, Cates and Forbes-West. A vote of thanks to the chair concluded the meeting. Personal. Mr Dane Donald, who has been indisposed, is about again. MATAMATA. Spontaneous Combustion. One or Iwo cases of burned haystacks have been reported in the district, with tlie consequent loss of much valuable winter fodder. Demand for Farms. Quite a demand exists for farms locally, and several men from the south are inspecting properties. The fall in the price of butter-fat has not, so far, affected the figures asked. Weather and Stock. The dry spell was broken by a good downfall on Wednesday for a few' hours. Though the pastures had kept green they w'ere getting short, and it is doubtful r whether they will now show much growth. Stock are looking well, and as a large amount of fodder xvas conserved there should be no shortage through tlie winter. Rest Room. Tlie ladies of tlie town and district are conducting an energetic campaign for funds, ami the unfortunate male who passes along Arawa Street is being frequently invited to guess the number of pens iu a bottle and other mathematical problems. Town Hall. At its next meeting the members of the Town Board arc to discuss their policy for tlie future in regard to running pictures in the Town Hall. The Union Theatre Company’s fine theatre on Broadway is nearly completed, and is the outstanding building of Die town. Local opinion is sharply divided on the question of xvhether an up-to-date municipal hall should not have been built, and at the next election of members this will be one of the main points of contention. Railway Gate. Farmers and carriers recelx'ing or delivering goods from the south side of the railway station yards have been long-suffering. The back-shunt for the yards is opposite the factory, and for want of a gate each load entails an extra travelling distance of approximately twenty chains. Several attempts have been made to get a gate near the factory, and the Farmers’ Union is again moving in the matter. Personal. Mrs Zuizan, Mauku, has been the guest of Mrs L. W. Mehrtens, Tarnahana Street.

Mrs E. Dobson, Wellington, Is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs E. C. Banks, Matamata. Mrs V, B. Forbes has gone for a holiday in Taranaki. Mrs W. Halligan left for Christchurch last Tuesday. Mrs A. W. Burnett, Wellington, and Mrs K. O’Halloran, Mount Albert, arc the guests of Mrs E. C. Banks. Mr X. C. Rollett, of Peria, has joined the staff of the Bank of New Zealand. WHATAWHATA. Ended Drought. The dry period which has extended over the past six weeks was broken at the beginning of the week. The rain was most welcome, as the country had dired up considerably. Although the rain was rather late for the autumn growth the pastures have benefited a little.. Domain Ground. Improvements are being made to the pavilion. It has been painted, and looks considerably better for its new coat. The croquet ground is now ready, the grass having been sown, so that early next season play should commence, with a number of enthusiastic members. St. Barnabas’s Church. At a committee meetiing it was decided to hold a concert and dance at an early date. The proceeds will go towards new furnishings for the church. Personal. Friends of Mr P. Lindsay will regret to hear that he is seriously ill. Mr .Tack Sutton lias returned from the South Island. GORDONTON. Harvest Thanksgiving. At the harvest thanksgiving, service held in the Presbyterian Church there was a splendid attendance, the minister (Hev. .J. Jlaslop) conducting the service. The people had given very liberally and a great and varied assortment of fruit and vegetables, butter and eggs was displayed. The pulpit and organ were tastefully decorated with fiowers and greenery. On the Monday a social evening was held in Hamilton East, at which Mr Cobbe kindly auctioned the produce of Hamilton East and Gordonton. Flag Five Hundred and Dance. A flag five hundred and dance was held in the local hall, and a jolly evening was spent. Keen interest was taken in the cardroom, Mrs McLennan, Mr M. Smith and Mr T. E. Saxton proving the winners. The Rhythm Boys’ Orchestra was in attendance. After a dainty supper dancing was continued till after midnight. Bible Class. The first Bible class of this year was held on April 7. The leader (Bov. Haslop) conducted the class. H was decided that the studies would he taken from the Acts of the Apostles. TAUHEI. Memorial Hall. The improvements to the hall contemplated by the committee are taking definite shape, and, should all go well,

the work-should be completed by the end of June. The contract will be in the hands, of Mr L. Keir, Ohinewai. The finance committee report a ready sale of bonds. Roads. The Waikato County Council has just completed metalling Yalintine's road to Mr Pike’s gate, giving every subscriber to the loan a metalled road to his property. This portion is almost the last unmetalled road in the Tauhei area, ami should the Piako County respond by metalling the upper end of the swamp road Tauhei. will he well served. Social Events. Now that the busy season is over people will have time for evening entertainments, and it is to be hoped the various clubs in Tauhei will make ■full use of the hall. Tennis. The local club has been very successful in inter-club games, and should have a good chance of winnin the rubber. MOKAI. Working Bee. A working bee turned out on Saturday afternoon and commenced getting the football field in playing order for the coming season. The ground being rough, quite a lot of work will be necessary. The Weather. Rain fell this week for the first time in weeks. It was badly needed, especially by the people relying on tanks, there being a general shortage. Maori Talkie. All the local Maoris have motored to Tokaanu to take part in the Maori talkie being filmed at “Hollywood” Waihi, on the shores of Lake Taupo. Picnics. Three picnic parties set out from Mokai on Sunday for Taupo, lluka Fall and the Waikato Bridge. The party at the bridge had wonderful sport with Ihe trout. Mrs Brain topped the score with a catch of ten fish. Mr Linderman came next with eight. Bather an amusing incident occurred while one of the ladies was landing a trout. Tlie fish was ready to be landed when the tackle broke. To the surprise of tile onlookers the lady jumped into the shallow water and caught the trout in her hands, throwing it on to the bank. Personal. Mrs Gamble has returned from a holiday in Auckland. Mr and Mrs Rucastle have left for a holiday. Mr J. Morris has been spending a few days’ leave from the Rotorua Hospital with friends in Mokai. Mrs C. Lowe is very ill, and her firends wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs Brarn and son are leaving on Friday to spend a few days in Hamilton. TE AROHA. School Committee Election. Following are the nominations for the Te Aroha School Committee — Rev. R. L. Connolly, Messrs J. Hobson, R. Trebila, J. Cassidy, J. E. Wild, W. F. Bates, B. R. Horner, 0. H. Jones, M. Edgar, S. M. Vernon, H. G. Powell and C. Bowie. Nine candidates are to be elected.

TAMAHERE. Eeellng Club. The Tamahere Eeling Club held its fortnightly meeting last Saturday evening, when a full muster of members assembled on the banks of the Waikato. An enjoyable evening was spent and some very good catches, ranging from lady one-pounders to man-size fifteen-pounders, were recorded. At 12 o’clock the party was conveyed by cars to the president’s house, where they partook of a dainty supper. From there the narty disbanded, and unanimously agreed that many more meetings should be held.

PUKETAHA. Amusement Club. The annual meeting of the Amusement Club was held in the schoolroom. In spite of the unsettled weather there was a very good attendance. Opening night for the ensuing year was fixed for April 23, when a mock court will be held. Subscriptions are to he as usual, and ladies are to provide supper. The ping-pong and bobs’ tables will be available every club night, and cards every third night. The committee was elected as fol-lows-Chairman. Mr C. Seddon; hon. secretary, Miss M. Bogun: committee, Mrs E. Thomas, Miss Bellamy and Messrs C. Thomas and E. l'eisst. |

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Waikato Times, Volume 107, Issue 17994, 12 April 1930, Page 5

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DISTRICT NEWS Waikato Times, Volume 107, Issue 17994, 12 April 1930, Page 5

DISTRICT NEWS Waikato Times, Volume 107, Issue 17994, 12 April 1930, Page 5