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That the movement against the giving of class prizes in schools 'is gaining ground is stio\vn by the fact that practically no prizes arc being given at New Plymouth State primary schools this year.

No! Don't delay it till the New Year. Why not a New Ford for Christmas? Yan can easily arrange it. Sec Fred. Baker, Ltd., Collingwood Street.

Colloquialisms figured a little more prominently than usual in the proceedings of the Police Court at New Plymouth the other morning. In one case counsel stated that his clients would have to "take it out" if a fine was made too heavy, and later a witness, in giving evidence, used the word "cobher" In referring to a friend. The Magistrate in both instances asked for explanations.

Your Christmas carting. Have it done experitious-ly and at a proper price. Cartage of all descriptions by J. Jebson, Hamilton Express Company (office), Ward Street. 'Phone 2419.

The gate takings at the recent fireworks display at Pukekura Park, New Plymouth, amounted to £59 18s and the expenditure to £63 6s, thus showing a deficiency of £3 Bs. Members of the board at a meeting expressed the opinion that the loss was due to the display having had to be postponed owing to unfavourable weather.

December marriages are very popular but what is any marriage without a visible memory of it? Walk along to the studio of S. G. Dobson, Photographer, King's Buildings, to inspect some of the beautiful work executed personally by Mr Dobson, who has averaged 300 groups per annum for many years.

At present 31 members of the Wanganui Education Board's staff are engaged in painting and repair work at schools in the Board's district. With outside labour the total number of men employed on the Board's works is 41.

On Christmas Day the family meets once more, but the most enjoyable family meats are those served with "Blue Fox" Pickles. There is a very strong reason for people insisting on "Blue Fox" Pickles.

On Tuesday the annual race between the Christ's College and the Wanganui Collegiate School fours will take place on the Wanganui River, the course being over a mile.

Dressmaking, and frocks cut and flt&d by first class expert at the Beehive, next Haeremai Tea Rooms, Victoria Street

Among the remits for consideration at the quarterly meeting of the Auckland Primary School Committees' Association is one from Parnel'l: "That in view of the recent development in Esperanto, and of its advantages, as stated by Professor Findley and others, the Education Department be urged to consider a preliminary course in Esperanto."

The "Croyden" Eleatric Vacuum Cleaner is of British Manufacture and guaranteed throughout. £l3 complete. T. L. Millar and Co., 227 Victoria Street North. 'Phone 2087.

The next Dominion Rotary Conference will be held at Christchurch, commencing on February 27.

While the holidays are looked upon as happy days, to some comes an unfortunate attack of dental trouble. Pittar and Gresham, Dental Surgeons, Times Suildings, Victoria Street, announce that for convenience their rooms will be open throughout the holidays with the exception of Christmas Day and Boxing Day.

The joining up of several new members brings the total membership of the Hawke's Bay Aero Club to 180, and makes the club one of the strongest and most progressive in the Dominion.

A 2/4 tin Rolfe's Wax contains as much as three 1/- tins.

A young woman, a third-class passenger on the liner Tamaroa, became ill with appendicitis, and when two days out from Southampton she was successfully operated upon by Sir Watson Gheyne, assisted by the ship's surgeon and another medical man. The patient had completely recovered on arrival at Wellington. English Stainless Cutlery and Tableware has a well-deserved reputation for beauty and many years of service. "Choysa" Tea offers a full range "free."

Twelve men are shown on the books of the Department of Labour, Timaru, as being out of work. This number includes one engineer, nine labourers, one farm labourer an done woolclasser.

Smart hats for the holidays at special prices for Christmas week only, at Miss Beagley's, Millinery Specialist, Victoria Street, Hamilton.

Owing to the inability of one Ratepayers' Association to participate, it has been decided to abandon the 1929 Floral Fete in Timaru.

When shopping for the holidays, call and inspect Miss Beagley's large and varied range of summer millinery. The prices will please you. Special reductions for Christmas week.

During November 42 new consumers were connected up by the South Canterbury Electric Power Board, bringing the total number of consumers supplied by the Board to 2852.

Corn sufferers I Write for a bottle of Horsley's Corn Cure. Absolute cure. Price 1/6 post free. Ilorsley, Chemist, 94 Queen Street, Auckland.

No fewer than 23 electrio ranges were installed by the South Canterbury Electric Power Board during .November. Up to the end of the month the total installations carried out amounted to 389.

Motorists! Are you sure now that the car is O.K. for the holidays? The Para Rubber Co., Ltd., Victoria Street, will competently attend to all your rubber troubles and requirements.

Rumours have been in circulation in Timaru to the effect that South Canterbury would be following Christchurch in respect to the rise in the price of petrol, but from information gained it appears unlikely that the big garages will alter the prices in Timaru at present.

Liquid Granite, the most lasting of all Varnishes for "wood floors and linoleum. Obtainable Oil and Colour Merchants and Stores, or direct from W. V. Wilson and Co.. 3'JU Queen Street, Auckland.


According to a motion picture shown at Wellington by Mr Walton Schmidt, in conjunction with his lecture on motor transportation problems, the only horses left in America arc those which compete at race meetings. "There are still a fewhorses left." remarked Mr Schmidt," but somebody said the other day that there were 70,000 blacksmiths in America and no sign of a new model horse yet." (Laughter).

1928 has been a great year for us. During its course we have met many new patrons, given them full satisfaction, and delighted in their appreciation of our expert .workmanship and moderate charges. May we build your next suit? We are confident of pleasing you.—R. Higgott, Tailor, Victoria Street, Hamilton.

"I'm going to get on to the new Minister of Health and the new Minister for Education," said Dr H. T. J. Thacker at a meeting of the Publicity Committee of the Christchurch Health Week Committee, "and get them to agree to a fruit stall being set up in the vestibule of each school, so that every child can buy an apple or an orange, and see if we cannot get rid of the ice-cream shows."

From now on the real Christmas rush sets in. People who are about to take a holiday, set to work in search of requirements. Footwear is essential and with it, quality and value. Smartly dressed people thank the day they went to F. G. Keep's, Footwear Dealer, just over the railway line, Victoria Street.

Cr. Luxford made a suggestion at the last meeting of the Wanganui City Council that in order to .supplement the city water supply a test bore should be put down near the Westmere reservoir, into which the water could run. There were several bores in the city giving forth abundant supplies. The matter was referred to the engineer to report.

Beautiful homes can be made with the furniture displayed at Warman and Sons, Furnishers, opposite Strand Theatre. Warman's exceptionally reasonable prices make home-making easy.

A ratepayer writing to the Wanganui City Council regarding the,state of Brassey Road and the ' dust nuisance, said It made the residents weary of the soul. "What sole does he mean?" queried a councillor. "The sole of his boots?"

Young ladies generally do some hard thinking during December. The subject of their thoughts would appreciate an article of utility and appearance. That is why so much Christmas happiness is caused by the presentation of shirts and ties, the best selection of which will be found at Alick J. Council's, Mercer, 54 Victoria Street, Hamilton.

When the Mayor of Wanganui was asked a question at the last Council meeting regarding water restrictions he replied that they would have to wait and see what transpired. In the meantime they were hoping to be fed like Elijah by the ravens.

Christmas finds families packing up for holidays, perhaps a few weeks on the beach. In any case the hampers, when packed, are rather weighty. Don't worry. Ring Ireland and Burn, Ltd., Everybody's Buildings, Victoria Street, who will carry your luggage to train, boat or beach, at very moderate charges. 'Phone 1767.

A constable had occasion to interview Hori regarding a horse, says the Wanganui Herald. "Do you know anything about the horse?" asked the constable. "No," replied Hori, "me no know nothing about him except .what I hear by sighL"

Though Master of Man and his temper, a corn, however obstinate, has never asserted superiority over Forsythe's Corn Cure. 1/6 at Forsythe's Pharmacy, Victoria Street.

A Rapanui (Wanganui) farmer states that the present is a wonderful season from a dairying point of view. There is more grass in the district that has been the case for the past ten years.

There Is in Victoria Street, Hamilton, a shop that can make you the most appreciated donor of Christmas presents. The National Electrical and Engineering Co., Ltd., are now exhibiting a range of electrical appliances which will give a lifetime of service and pleasure. A fancy English electric lamp shade valued at 3/6 will be given away gratis on purchase of kettles irons, percolators, toasters, etc.

Additional interest will centre in the Scout jamboree to be held in Stratford on January 4, by reason of the fact that 14 Indian Scouts, under an Indian Scoutmaster, are coming over from- Fiji to attend the gathering. The visit of the Indian boys is the outcome of the attendance of a number of New Zealand Scouts at a jamboree in Fiji

Get ready to start 1929 with a new suit —a suit that fits you and your pocket.—ll. Fort, Tailor, South British Buildings, Hamilton.

A recent visitor to the Lawrence (Otago) district, said that he had inspected some of the alluvial gold mines, and he found that they were still getting gold at Gabriel's Gully, where Gabriel Reid made his discovery that created the rush in 1861. Sixtyseven years' life of a goldfleld is not, ho said, "a bad record."

The best of summer delicacies are always found at the Marble Bar where the surroundings are so cool and refreshing, Victoria Street, opposite House and Daking.

"With the exception of a second bassoon and a couple more violas we have in this town a full symphony orchestra," said Mr 11. C. A. Fox, conductor of the Hawera Orchestral Society, at the annual meeting. "I should like to see a few players take up the viola."

What to wear for the holidays and how much to pay for it is clearly seen at Robson and Co., "The Don," corner Victoria and Ward Streets, where one? is sure of purchasing the season's best at the lowest prices possible. "The Don" is a good all-thc-year-round shop to deal with.

For the month of November production of butter-fat at the Stratford dairy factory showed an increase of 5.8 per cent over the production for the corresponding period last year, as well as an increase of 7.2 per-cent for the period June 1 to November 30, as compared with the same months in 1927*

For the third time during the Taranaki egg-laying competition eight eggs have been laid by a duck in seven days. This performance was achieved by a white runner duck. There is no doubt that things have taken a turn for the better. Going around the country last week we noticed hay being made on land which previously was considered to be very second class. This of course is the result of careful top-dressing, combined with endless harrowing. The farmer informed us that the harrow he used was the Wallace Tripod Harrow. This harrow is made by D. McL. Wallace, Ltd., Collingwood Street, who will be pleased to show it to anyone interested. All sizes stocked or made to order. It will cost you very little to have your hair permanently waved by Michell's, corner Victoria and Ward Streets. , Make an appointment immediately* 'Phone 179 G. ( The balance-sheet submitted at a meeting of the Hawcra Orchestral Society showed a net profit on the year's working of £2't 19s 6d. This with assets shows a credit for the forthcoming year of £ll6 (is 3d. How fortunate it was that there should arrive in Hamilton at this time of the year, a gorgeous consignment of navy and black frocks in georgette, crepe-de-chinc and marocain, including O.S. sizes. These arc at Miss Wittner's, Victoria Street, opposite Collingwood Street, and, being bought at a very special price, the benefit is passed on to the public. During a discussion on the wear and tear of roads by heavy traffic at the monthly meeting of the Egmont County Council, a member staled that he recently saw a motor lorry travelling on an Egmont County road at 52 miles an hour. He followed the lorry and checked its pace by the speedometer of his own car. To have your footwear repaired by L. Jones, London .Street (just next Dairy Co.), is equivalent to buying a new pair. The workmanship and finish are perfect. Each concert given by the Hawcra Orchestral Society during the past I season was a financial success. The first one netted £39 13s 7d, the second effort making a profit of £27 Lis 7d. The third, which was a "request" concert, was adversely affected by I' lo election, the net result being a profit of only 12s 7d. Nottingham Woman: This is the first time I have had to come before you gentlemen—excuse my calling you gentlemen I

With the Gift Season approaching, , there are many who are in a quandary as to the nature of the articles they will present, and again as to where they will obtain articles of distinction and quality, and our advice to those is, to make an early selection at our Pharmacy, as for many years we have enjoyed that enviable reputation for "Duality and Distinction." An early visit will convince that our selection of high class toilet articles would be difficult to eclipse in any city estab-, lishment. Truly we have never offered such beautiful gifts. We invite enquiries from those who intend shopping early, and who require gifts that will be sure to please. Manning's Pharmacy, 85 Victoria Street, opposite Theatre Royal. Willesden Solicitor: The doctor's evidence was not very slrong. Magistrate: But he mentioned that the prisoner's breath was. • "What shall I give?" Well might one ask, for at every turn one is confronted by countless suggestions. The gift to give is the gift that is acceptable and so your attention is directed to Page in of this issue to a page full of sensible suggestions that, express the atmosphere of Christmas. A walk through the Great Bargain Stores will reveal this value-famous establishment as the Christmas Store. Willesden Witness: I was on a pirate 'bus. Magistrate: Say "independent" ; the days of pirates are past. Next time you are on Victoria Street do not forget to call and see the display of Christmas novelties at Miss Berry's Wesley Buildings, Victoria Street, Hamilton. Mr R. Crawford, J.P., at Killagan, near BcLvsl, Petty Sessions: A young woman wearing white stockings is just as good a reflector at- a red light when cycling on a dark nigh I. W'aikato's leading undertaker —E. G Scrimshaw, Hood Street, Hamilton. •Phone 2182, night 2280. Already the Christmas spirit is •abroad and business people are well prepared for the season's demands. - 1 With confidence and pride can If. 11. iluwden, Watchmaker and Jeweller, Victoria Street, announce his readiness, - and it is a pleasure visiting this estab- ' lishment to see and enquire of any \ article. Our advice is to "Come : Early." Solicitor at Mansfield: How often do -. you take your medicine of mixed gin, port and sherry? -Man: Whenever i ( lai'oy a drop I 1 1

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Waikato Times, Volume 104, Issue 17586, 15 December 1928, Page 3

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NEWS AND NOTES Waikato Times, Volume 104, Issue 17586, 15 December 1928, Page 3

NEWS AND NOTES Waikato Times, Volume 104, Issue 17586, 15 December 1928, Page 3