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*«>" FRANKTON'S WIN. i m • DRAB GAME WITH TECHNICAL. '**'■•' '••■■FOUR TRIES TO ONE TRY. ■jp ■ f&e...t.eaxrt3 ;W£re '.iHr '.:..:;. ',.. 'ijjfr Fratfktoh;: ' % "Butler;- McCorrriickV il oS&ith, Daibeth; Stitchbury, Morrison; Snodgrass; Scott, Hooper; Charleston; Carthy, Ardwfir; Gruickshank, Prescott; (rover). jj }'.i- » Technical" Old "St"! George; North,. Wilson; McMillan, G. : Roberts, Mayne; J. Wade, Do'waes;' Robertson Bell; Campbell (rover). ' ~ .. j.,, r . The game opened- with, an exchange . 4v-of..Kicks, from which Frankton got Hie i.,:.advantage; through Wilson misfielding. ;'..:Frankton missed a chance of scoring a- knock on. Their backs .'■swung to the attack but Smith missed ■ Vr his pass from Stitchbury and Technical ' rr< worked to'midfleld. . ■ A further series of kicking was resorted-to and v made > play monotonous. Mishandling by the , % f/Techhfcal"outside 'backs gave' the op;&<*'posftlon'an'attacking position but they **s^wwtin't-able to turn it to profit'. Downes «>Vled' his forwards into Frankton ter,;',*'.''Titory where a little later Smith came to the rescue of his side.' From a line-out at the north-eastern 25 a fdll6weu*"but'Wah'ktou "hold out the advance. Play swung south, but it was ragged, Morrison holding up the advance. Technical had an unavailing goal shot from a mark. From scrum feeding at midfield Wilson got • down on tardy Frankton passing and the latter were soon busily defending. Over-eagerness cost Technical •. apenalty and McCorm&k put in a lineside run to help his.'team' out of their difficulty. The.' Frajaktoh.^forwards ■ . soon took charge 'andvlldbper scored at - the J end of a rally which scattered the defence. Charleston's shot failed. Frankton ..........'.'.. 3 . ; ' Technical /; „,,,.... ~.';..'■..".,'," 0 / Dufty had an unsuccessful goal shot on resuming. .Snodgrass;-- Bayly and Daibeth figured in different phases of a Frankton advance to Technical's goal front but offside play spoilt matters. From above the twenty-live Bayly had ' a placed shot which missed narrowly. Technical were forced shortly afterwards. A -kick by McMillan, which rebounded, nearly got Te-hnical into trouble but the defenders headed Frankton in the jace to touch down. Frankton had a rosy chance on offer a little later hui the ball was held too long-with a-couple of • supports waiting for the pass which never came. Downes put in a prominent run opening the second quarter but the Technical forward was not sup-ported.-Frankt-on-took-the upper hand again shortly. Kicking continued to . predominate mllic'play which was far from being up "to the class that dry ground and. ball conditions invited. Snodgrass sent his backs away nicely but Smith got blocked, mainly for the reason that; the inside men ran too much across field. Technical forwards iitffusc.d. some sparkle into the play at this stage, Downes again being prominent. The backs did not support the vanguard and the pressure was only temporary. Frankton carried the attack to the south-eastern corner and then opened play infield, but Wilson and then Prisk were instrumental in getting Technical out of an awkward situation. Snodgrass sent his supports away smartly from a scrum inside: the opposition's territory but Stitchbury mishandled. This did not slay progress, but Prisk took the ball from McCo>mick and extracted his side from, the danger. Frankton had an opportunity When Bayly handled at the end of a long throw-in but the backs were caught off their guard and did ■ not saving; smartly- etfbugh to .the attack. TecliiTieal had a couple of anxious moments following this movement but Uicy got through "safely; ,"\ Scott aud

Hooper heeled out smartly but the in- j side backs muddled the jppportunity. Nevertheless Frankton continued to have the best of matters. Technical-were penalised >Tor a scrum infringement but Bayly's effort went outside the uprights. Half-time came with the sc'ores unaltered. Forwards Liven Up. Morrison, Smith and Stitchbury figured in a handling movement which took place near Technical's line. From the subsequent melee Bayly dived over to score for Frankton. Butler missed the goal. I Frankton 6 Technical 0 Mishandling by Technical saw them at defence again. Just when a Frankton passing effort was shaping well, Wilson, cut it off and with McMillan and Roberts to support him, play was carried inside Frankton's territory. Campbell gave Technical a further lead and the ball was carried to Frankton's line when the effort closed with a try to Campbell's credit. Wilson missed the goal. Technical 3 Frankton G Frankton rallied from the kick-off, but Prisk dashed in to stall off danger at the north-western corner. Hesitancy on Stitchbury's part halted another Fnnkton, advance and Technical forwards cleared. Ardern led his pack back but a scrum checked the movement, Lang clearing. Lang sent I.atta off but a maa got in front of the movement when it was shaping well. Daibeth, nicely fed by Stitchbury, was speeding on his way towards the Technical twenty-five when McMiii.ia nailed the flying three-quarter. Infringements by Frankton made affairs easier for the opposition and on top of it came faulty handling by McCnrmick. Play among the forwards had improved this half but the balance of attack was with the Frankton set. Snodgrass essayed a field pot but the ball swerved across the front of the posts. Technical heeled smartly for a change and Lang beat the Frankton rover badly, the attack reaching Frankton's southern twenty-five. It was only temporary, however, and Frankton were hammering away again as the quarter ended. The final sesion was opened with a forward sally which Frankton got the better of eventually, only to have St. George turn them off with a fine line kick. He repeated teh dose a little later. Scott led his pack well into foreign territory. St. George had to clear hurriedly. Ardern gathered a long return and dashed for the line where he gave McCormick a chance but the three-quarter over-ran the ball. St. George once mors appeared on the scene to turn off the Frankton forwards. The latter frustrated their chances further through offside play at critical junctures on two occai sions. Charleston made progress following a.scrum and the ball worked ' out to the north where Daibeth picked up and with a dodging run went over for a good try. Frankton 9 Technical 3 It, was not long before Frankton had another try. As the result of fast following Smith found a loophole and sending on to Bayly, the rover ran across at the north-eastern corner. Charleston's shot went wide. Frankton 12 Technical '. . 3 Campbell made a strong centre field dash for Technical but Stitchbury quickly turned it off and ran half Hie field before being checked. Frankton had the upper hand until Huberts and Robinson, by a long loose dash gave them a turn at defence. Bayly cleared the danger. The attack swept upileld and Ardern had an opportunity for a score but held on too long. Downes was injured at this stage and play was held up, .The end came in :t bad light with Dufty, who had toed the ball over the greater part of the field from half-way narrowly missing -a score as- he dived for-the ball. The final scores were:— .•• ./Frankton.... ....... .... 12 ; Technical .... o • "Mr Senior was rcfereu*

NGARUAWAHIA OUTCLASSED. ►' CITTS GREAT FORM. SPLENDID COMBINATION SHOWN. Machine-like combination was shown by City, who played Ngaruawahia and gave a dazzling display at the delta township. The City team, both backs and forwards, played a very fine game, and completely outclassed the opposition, although Ngaruawahla held their own for a period in the second speU. McGregor, as second fiveeighths for City, played a brilliant game, giving the dummy repeatedly, thoughU must be remembered that the opposing backs were weak. City piled up a substantial lead in the opening stages and won by a handsome margin. City were without the services of F. Buckingham, who had an injured leg. City went to the attack immediately, led by McGregor and Going. Ngaruawahia were pressed and Clemett broke thriugh, opening up a dangerous attack. The ball went out to Courtney, who transferred to Going. The latter shot the ball back inside, but the burly City forward was pulled down when within an ace of his objective. City maintained the pressure and Ngaruawahia were hard put to it to defend. The City forwards carried play to the corner, where Clemett dashed over from the ensuing melee. His try was not converted. —City 3, Ngaruawahla 0. Play continued to be willing and Ngaruawahia forced City back to their own territory, but the forwards, led by Courtney, W. Christie, and Montgomery, who were putting in some great work, swept play back to midfield, Johnston received smartly, but knocked on when well into his stride. Snappy handling by the City backs again saw the ball go out to Johnston, who put in a fine run and handed on to Going near the line for the latter to score. He added the major points. —City 8, Ngaruawahia 0.

Showing excellent combination, City continued to give Ngaruawahia a warm time, Buckingham fired the ball out from behind the scrum to Schultz, who tcansferred to McGregor. The second five-eighths cut through neatly, beating several of the opposition, and sent the ball on to Johnston, Clemett next received and put in a hard run for the corner. He gave a reverse pass to Johnston, who raced over to finish a fine effort with a good try. Johnston was successful with the kick. —City 13, Ngaruawahia 0. Ngaruawahia were kept on the defensive and the City backs opened up some beautiful rushes. From in front of the Ngaruawahia goal the ball went out to McGregor, who gave the dummy neatly, and cutting-in transferred to Johnston, who walked across for the easiest of tries. Going converted. Play had hardly been, resumed when City returned to Ngaruawahia's territory. Buckingham threw a long pass out to Clemett, who picked up the ball on the bounce and dived over in the corner. Going missed a difficult conversion.— City 21, Ngaruawahia 0.

Sweeping rushes by the City backs nonplussed the Ngaruawahia rearguard, who were no match for their opponents. McGregor was giving some great dummies and getting away with them, while Johnston, with fast straight runs, nearly went clean through the opposition on several occasions. Clemett was playing well. He fielded a high kick on the side-lmc, evaded several tacklers and put in a good kick. Following up smartly he caught the Ngaruawahia centre in possession and kicked the.ball over near the posts, but unfortunately fell when about to dive on it. City kept up a strong offensive and some good forward play culminated in Hume scoring in the corner. Going's kick missed. — City 24, Ngaruawahia 0. Ngaruawahia got few chances to open up their attacks, though Wilson attempted to Initiate some movements. He got little support, however, the Ngaruawahia backs having their hands full in trying to check the opposition. City's rushes were almost irresistible on. occasions and the first spell ended with Ngaruawahia busily defending their line from further encroachment.

The opening of the second spell was marked by some fast play and before City had properly found their feet A. Griflilhs cut through nicely. Ngaruawahia followed up well and swept through to City's line, where some swift exchanges ended in A. Griffiths forcing his way over for a well-dcser-ved try in a handy position. His kick failed.—City 24, Ngaruawahia 3.

Ngaruawahia showed more dash, but City again began to assert their superiority, and a smart movement saw the ball travel through the backs to McGregor. He beat his opponents nicely and transferred to Going. Montgomery rushed up alongside the latter, and when he was checked the tall City forward took the ball and went over the line without trouble for a try, which was not converted.—City 27, Ngaruawahia 3. Without relaxing their efforts City came again and swept up to Ngaruawahia's line, where McGregor, who was playing brilliantly, fooled the opposition completely with a beautiful dummy and touched down near the corner. The kick failed.—Cily 30,

Ngaruawahia 3. Willing play followed and there were some hot forward exchanges in front of City's line, excitement running high. City cleared but R. Griffiths picked up from the ruck and kicked a neat field goal, adding four points to Ngaruawahia's score. —City 30, Ngaruawahia

Ngaruawahia were showing greatly improved form at this stage and kept Cily in check, initiating some good counter-movements. The last quarter was entered upon with City pressing Ngaruawahia hard. Clemett, with a well-judged cross-kick, put the ball clean into Going's hands, and the winger galloped over for an easy try. McGregor converted with an excellent kick.—City 35, Ngaruawahia 7. Attempts by Ngaruawahia to open up movements were nullified by the hot pace set by the City forwards, who effectively frustrated all efforts in that direction. Close play ensued, City making strong efforts to cross. McGregor got away, and working the dummy effectively, was almost across under the posts, but his pass went astray; Clemett next picked up and dodged through the middle of the opposition, being [lulled down within inches of the line. McGregor, who was giving a faultless exhibition, created enthusiasm by his successful dummying ami gave Ngaruawahia an anxious time. Cily remained on lb" alfnek when lime sounded with the score.— Cily .." ;ir, Ngaruawahia 7 Mr W. J. Connor was the referee.

AN EASY WIN. OLD BOYS DEFEAT SJUNTLY. BADELEY'S GOOD KICKING. The match between Old Boys and Huntly was not characterised by a high standard of play, and the former won very comfortably by 30 points to G. The Huntly team was considerably weakened through the absence of three of its best backs, O'Sullivan, McDermott and "Dell" Carter. The last-named had been playing right up to his best form this season, but an unfortunate kick' which he received on the leg last Saturday has put.him out of the game for the remainder of the season. Old Boys were at full strength, but did not appear to be exerting themselves to any extent to win by six tries to two scored by their opponents. The chief feature of the [lime was the great goal kicking by, Badeley, who converted all the tries scored by Old Boys. Kemp played with his usual dash, although lie retained possession of the ball too long at times. Among the forwards "Togo" Johnston, a promoted junior, ■ was in the thick of it throughout, and did well. The Huntly pack ail worked hard, that enthuisast. Father Curlcy, keping them at it throughout. In Ihe Huntly backs, Hart, "as centre, was the most impressive. He might be given a trial as second five-eighths in any good team. Mr W. J. Brydon was the referee. MARIST JUNIORS. ANOTHER WIN. FRANKTON CROSS THEIR LINE. Although the Marist juniors won comfortably by 30 points to 8 points against Frankton on Saturday, as the curtain raiser to the principal game, the result was notable for the fact' that Marist had their line crossed for the first time this season. Up to the interval the scoring was close, but after that Marist readily assumed the upper hand. Their goal kicking was right oft on Saturday, P. Clarkin, who is "usually very successful in this department, missing some easy shots. One of the Marist forwards was sent off Ihe field. JUNIOR RESULTS. Results in the junior Rugby football fixtures on Saturday were as follows : Juniors. —City 14 v. Horotiu 9; Marist 30 v. Frankton 8; Technical Old Boys 3 v. Old Boys 0; Te Kowhai G v. United 0; Pukemiro 14 v. Orini G. Third Grade.—Technical School 9 v. Technical Old Boys 9. Fourth.-Grade.—Technical Old Boys 9 v. High School 0. Fifth Grade. —High School A 6 v. Technical School B. 3. CAMBRIDGE v. MATAMATA. A friendly inter-union match was played on the Cambridge ground on Saturday between the Cambridge and Matamata Unions. The weather was fine, and the ground in good condition, but a heavy fog fell during the latter part of the game, and almost prevented play. The game was interesting from a spectator's point of view, the play being fairly open. The result was a win for the home team by 11 points to 4. Shortly after half-time one of the Matamata forwards (Aoake) was unfortunately injured severely enough to necessitate him leaving the field. His place was taken by Kuhtz. The teams w-ere :

Matamata (black). Full-back, Garrv; three-quarters, Symes, Stewart, Dixon; five-eighths, Egan, Gardiner; half, Fausilt; rover. Capper; forwards, Abrahams, Aoake, Morrow, Robertson, Simpson, Dcvey, Collins. Cambridge (blue and white). —Fullback, 'W. Bourke; three-quarters, A. Russo, A. Thompson, C. Thompson; five-eighths, A. Hart, W. Morrow; half, McDonnell; rover, J. Voyscy; forwards, J. Dagg, J. McDonald, I). Bourke, McNamara, Cooper, Collctt, B. Hall.

Cambridge won the toss and Matamata kicked off with the sun in. their faces. About a minute after the kickoff Cambridge forced. Matamata attacked further, and were awarded a free kick in a handy position. Fausitt's kick was a good one, but did not count, and Cambridge again forced. Cambridge were again on the defence, when W. Bourke intercepted a pass and carried play to the blacks' twenty-five. Cambridge now started an offensive movement, and looked like scoring, but a timely free kick to the blacks broke up the attack. Simpson got away with the ball at his toe, and gained considerable ground for Matamata. From a scrum Mala-' mata lost a lot of ground through faulty passing, allowing the blue and white forwards to break through. A nice passing movement by Hart, A. Thompson, and Russo was eleverely stopped just at the corner by Stewart. Fausilt made a brilliant run down the field welt into Cambridge territory. The blue and whiles were in difficulties, and for an infringement Matamata were given a free kick. Fausilt took the kick, but the ball went wide, and Cambridge forced.

At the change over Cambridge attacked strongly. McNamara made a nice opening, and from a passing rush C. Thompson scored close to the corner Hag. W. Bourke failed with the kick: Cambridge 3, Matamata 0.

There was a very exciting moment which looked like a sure score for Matamata. The ball bounced badly for McDoneli, and Egan, who was in position, took the ball, aud hud a clear run home. Tim Cambridge full-back failed lo overtake him, hut C. Thoihpsome came at great speed across the field and just managed lo throw Egan at Ihe corner.

On resuming after the half-time spell, play was soon centred in the home team's territory. From a scrum just in front of the goal Egan polled a nice goal: Matamata 4, Cambridge 3.

McNamara kicked the ball over the Matamata forwards' heads, and following up well tackled Garry, who lost the ball and allowed Colletl, to. score a second ley for Cambridge. W. Bourke failed with the kick: Cambridge G, Matamata 4.

In the last quarter (he game wis very willing, but the fog was becoming troublesome. C. Thompson got possession, and side-stepped the Matamata hacks, and scored in a handy position. YV. Bourse converted: Gambride I J, Malarnala i. Malarnala tried hard, to score, and the .gome was very exciting. Kuhtz broke away wilba clear run, bill was overtaken by \Y. Dourkc. Kuhlz was well bucked up, und a score was in

sight for Matamata had he passed out. Cambridge brought play from their danger zone, aud the bell sounded \yithout further score. Mr A. R. Thomas was referee. Junior Matches. The junior competition matches were continued. The match. Hautapu V. Leamington, ended in a draw, neither side scoring. Tamaherc 8, beat City 6. Third Grade. In the third grade match, High School (15) beat Leamington (0). MATAMATA. Junior Representatives, 8, v. Cambridge Senior B team, (3. In'the third grade games High School heat Patetcre, 20—0, and Matamata beat Wardville, 11—8. PIAKO BEAT HAURAKI PLAINS. TE AROIIA. Saturday. The Poland Cup challenge match, Piako (holders) v. Hauraki Plains (challengers), resulted in a win for Piako by 8 points to 3 after a fast, even game. GAMES AT TE AWAMUTU. There were three matches played at Albert Park, Te Awamutu, on Saturday afternoon, and in spite of the fog and absence of the. sun the spectators were treated to some real good foolball, especially In the senior game. Seniors. United 10 v. Rovers 3. Shepherd and Elliott scored tries for United, McDonald converted both. Urquhart scored for Rovers. Mr E. T. Crump was referee. Juniors. Rovers won from Parawera by default. United 9 v. Ohaupo 3. Baline (2), and Taylor scored for United, and McIntyre for Ohaupo. Mr M. Winter was referee. Korakonui 16 v. Pirongia 3. Collis and Ilagcn (tries), Andrew and Foley (penalty goals), and Foley (potted goal) scored for Korakonui. Grace kicked a penalty goal for Pirongia. Mr Collis was referee. HUNTLY. Seniors. —Pukemlro, 14, v. Orini, 0. AUCKLAND DEFEATS THAMES. AUCKLAND. Monday. The Auckland Rugby Representatives defeated Thames by 47 points to 3 at Eden Park on Saturday, when the Aucklandcrs played their first representative gave of the season. The local team displayed superiorly in all departments of the game. Its win was due in a large measure to the brilliant play of Iho hacks, but (lie forwards ably supposed the rearguard and often joined in passing movemenls. GAMES AT AUCKLAND. AUCKLAND, Monday. Owing to the representative games on Saturday, all senior A grade fixtures were postponed. Following are the results of games in the remaining, grades: —- Senior B. Grade. Manukau, 17, heat Waitemata, 7. Marist, 17, beat Newton, 0. Ellerslie, 0, drew with Suburbs, 6. City, 1-i, beat Otahuhu, G. University, 17, beat Tramways, 5. IN THE SOUTH. MASTERTON, Saturday. Red Star 19, beat Masterton 13. Gladstone 9, beat Greytown 5. Carterton 11, beat Fealhcrston 3. White Star forfeited (o Ramblers. ■ PAHIATUA, Saturday. Hamua 14, boat Konini 8. Pahiaiua and Konini lead in the competition. _ , NAPIER, Saturday. ' Hastings 9. beat Marist 8. Technical Old Roys 12, beat Pirates HASTINGS, Saturday. Maori Agricultural College 13, beat Celtic 0. WANGANUI, Saturday. Pirates G, beat Old Roys 0. Marist 22, beat County 0. Kaicrau 11, beat Technical 6. INVERCARGILL, Saturday. Star G, beat Pirates 3. Jnvercargill 30, beat Southern 0. NEW PLYMOUTH, Saturday. Tukapa i I, beat: William 3. Star 17, beat Clifton 0. Stratford 12, beat Inglcwood 5. Friendly game, Old Roys 8, beat Okaiawa 3. WELLINGTON, Sunday. Senior Rugby matches were played jesterday in drivmg rain and freeing cold. They resulted as follows: Athletic, 0, v. Old Boys, 3: Wellington, 3, V. -Marist A, 3;'Varsily. 1 i, v. Oriental, G; Petone, G, v. Poneke, 0; Bcrhampore, 14,,v. Hull, 3. CHRISTCHURGH, Sunday. The football grounds were all very wet and heavy yesterday. Results of Rugby matches are as follows: —Old Roys, 12, v. 'Varsity, 9; Christohurch, 43, v. Technical, 13; Merivale, 6. v. Linwood, 5. DUNEDIN, Sunday. Rugby matches played yesterday resulted:—Kaikorai, 17, v. University A ir>: Southern, 20, v. Dunedin, 0; Alhambra, IK, v. Union, 0: Zingari. 10, v.'University- 13, 8;-PiJfatcs, 23, v. Taicri. £*

TO REGAIN SHIELD. HAWKE'S BAY'S BIG EFFORT. MASTERTON, Saturday. According to information received in Masterton to-day _ from Napier, Hawke's Bay are leaving no stone unturned to win the Rant'urly Shield back again. At' a meeting of the management committee of the Hawke's Bay Union last night it was unanimously decided lo put the Bay team into camp r or a week for training. Meanwhile a remarkable series of gr6undlcss rumours is flying about Napier and Hastings regarding outside players coming to Hawke's Bay. Reports that Sheen, of Auckland, was working in a Hastings brewery, and that Lucas had been transferred by his employers to Napier from Auckland, are without foundation. Confidence is expressed in Napier that Hawke's Ray will on July 9 be able to acquit itself with credit against Wairarapa, without outside aid. RAILWAY FOOTBALL.

After an exciting game for the Elliot Shield, Frankton defeated Te Kuiti by li points to G.

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Waikato Times, Volume 102, Issue 17132, 20 June 1927, Page 4

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RUGBY. Waikato Times, Volume 102, Issue 17132, 20 June 1927, Page 4

RUGBY. Waikato Times, Volume 102, Issue 17132, 20 June 1927, Page 4