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MEETING AT CAMBRIDGE. PTA PL FA' MEMORIAL. There was a large attendance at a public meeting liold in Cambridge on Tuesday night for the purpose of further considering Iho proposed scheme for I lie erection of a Maternity and Emergency Hospital. The Mayor, Mr T. E. Richards, who presided, explained lhat Hie late Dr. Stapler had had his heart set on having a Hospital for Cambridge. A meeting had previously been held and a commillee appointed to go into Hie matter. The committee had interviewed Hie Minister of Health on the matter, and lie had referred Ihcnr lo the "Waikato Hospital Board. Mr Young- had advised Hie committee that whatever was done in the matter it would have to go through Hie hands of the Hospital Board. If the scheme was approved, the money raised by Hie Cambridge people would carry a subsidy of £ for £. The committee had waited on t.hc Hospital Board, which had informed them that when Hie Cambridge people placed in writing what they were prepared to do for themselves, they would consider what steps they would lake in the matter. Ttie Mayor said that lie, with the laic Dr. Slaplcy, had been endeavouring to arrive at some proposition lo place before a public meeting, but on account of the Doctor’s sudden death, nothing further had been done in the. matter. The Mayor hoped that the public would take Hie matter up out of respect to Hie late Dr. Slaplcy. The Mayor’s Suggestion.-

The Mayor suggested Hie raising of, a certain sum of money by voluntary subscriptions, and handing it over to the Hospital Board. Mr F. Lyc said lie had been interested when lie was a member of Parliament representing his district, in the erection of the Te Kuiii Hospital, lie did not agree wilh the idea of a i personal canvass for'subscriptions: tie thought they should adopt the same system as Te Kuiii. The various local bodies concerned should define a rating area and strike a rale as j seeurily for a loan sufficient for their needs. The money borrowed in litis way would carry the Government ] subsidy of £ fur £. Mr Lye Ihougnl j that lo erect and lapiip a hospital a.. suggested would lake, not less than ! £IOOO. It would he necessary lo ! make application to the Minister of lleullh to have I lie mailer included in Ihe ‘’Washing-up Bill.’’ giving the local bodies power lo raise Ihe loan. Mr I-’. Penn said lie was "strongly in favour of Mr Lye's scheme, 'll had hern successful in oilier places, and by this method all would be doing I Iheir hit towards il. | Mr .1. Bruce reminded those present i that Ihe local bodies were already paying a fairly heavy Hospital rate. He thought that another levy might bcccmc a burdenMr Bell said the Te Kuiii Hospital cost £3OOO -more than Hie estimate. He had been given to understand that i the cost of erecting and equipping a hospital was reckoned at about £IOOO a bed. Mr A. N. Murky was in favour of ihe voluntary subscription scheme, and felt quite sure that £2OOO could he raised. iIo did not think local h "lies would agree upon Mr Lye's scheme. Mr Mucky said lie knew il was In the minds of those present that if a iiospital is built, it should he as a memorial to (lie late Dr. Slaplcy, and that it should he called “The .■Hapley Hospital.” By raising a loan lor Ihe scheme the object would be lost sight of. Mr A. II- Gascoigne said it was the general idea to give no consideration to Hie iiospital already in existence. Should a new liospital be built, the present one would become a ''white elephant, ’ and would remain on Hie" hands of Nurse Bussell, wtio had spent Herself in serving the people of this district. The Mayor said that the matter of the present institution could lie submitted to the Hospital Board, but he wished to make it clear that the matter would he entirely in the hands of Hie Hospital Board. Dr. Stapley’s Desire. 1 Mrs Brcrcton said she hoped the meeting would not forget that it was the wish of Hie laic Dr. Slapley that : the whole of Hie money should come from Hie people, of Cambridge, and ‘ 'that the Hospital Board would have nothing to do with it. Mr Lye. said lie was sure Ihe Health : Department was not sympathetic toward private hospitals. Afler considerable, discussion, Mr S. Ycalc moved: “That a sufficient, sum of money bo raised by subscriptions, to erect and equip a Malernily j and Emergency liospital in Cun- | bridge, to lie known as the Shipley | Memorial Hospital, and that a corn- ; mil Ire he set up In take Ihe necessary 1 slops lo give effect in the resolution, sin'll committee lo report lo a public meeting lo lie held at a later dale.” The motion was seconded by Mr A. X. ,\larky. ; As an amendment. Mr F. Lye mnv- ; ed: “That Ibis meeting is of Hie opinion that a properly equipped Public Malernily Hospital and Annexe is required for Cambridge, and lhat it should ho called the “Stapley Memorial Hospital,” and that a committee he, ' set up to go into the matter with the ! j Waikato Hospital Board, and report to J another meeting. j j The amendment, which was seconded by Mr .1. Douce, was carried on a | I sliow of hands. | j The following was ap- ! pointed:—The Mayor (Mr T. F. Bieh- ! arils), Messrs F. Lye, !•’.. Yealo, A. N ! Marky, ,1. Bruce, llev. Mortimer Jones, j | Dr. Tod. W. FL Milburn. F. Penn. X. j Sutherland, A. D. Wills. A. H. GasI coigne, I). ,1. Lundon, and T. Ilieks. Executive Committee. | At a short meeling of Iho general i commit Ire hold iriimodialely afler- | wards, Ihe following were appointed I mi Exeeulivo Commillee : —Messrs j Marky, Bruce, Lyc, Mortimer Jones, and the Mayor. - -. J

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Waikato Times, Volume 100, Issue 16814, 4 June 1926, Page 10

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MATERNITY HOSPITAL Waikato Times, Volume 100, Issue 16814, 4 June 1926, Page 10

MATERNITY HOSPITAL Waikato Times, Volume 100, Issue 16814, 4 June 1926, Page 10