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j H.Z. PEDIGREE ASSOCIATION. i . ; ANNUAL MEETING OF BREEDERS. . : The annual meeting of the New Zealand Pedigree Milking Shorthorn Association was held at Hamilton last night, Mr A. .7. Melville (president) being Id the chair. There was a large and enthusiastic meeting, over 00 branch delegates, including many from j the South Island, being present. ; President's Welcome j The president (Mr A. J. Melville) | extended a hearty welcome to the delegates on behalf of (lie council, and said the large attendance showed plainly that the New Zealand Pedigree .Milking Shorthorn Association was very much alive. During the past year the association had experienced quite a change, and the old order of things was gone, the association now having a secretary with organising power. The mailer had been considered very carc- • fully by Ihe council, which recognised j that if the association was'to keep ; abreast of all ihe large societies, the I lime bad arrived when Ihe secretary should have power as an organiser, and had appointed to the position Mr A. \V. Green, lately instructor at RunIs lira Farm. lie thought members would agree thai the choice was a good one, and the man appointed had high abilities and unbounded energy. If the members supported the council and secretary the future of the assotion .was assured. "The prospects were never brighter ihan to-day," he continued, "anil a steady demand has set in. We have been continually receiving inquiries from breeders wishing to take advantage of Ihe pedigree stock offering for sale. All llial is needed is the close, co-operation of members with Ihe executive. Individually we must set a high standard with regard lo breeding. II is no good having a good society unless we can hand over to others something of the high order of the breed. We will have to be courageous, and if an animal does not come up to our standard—• out with il. By doing Ibis we will breed up to a high and profitable standard." Annual Report. The annual report of ttic association for the year ended March 31, ty'26, was presented as follows: In presenting the thirteenth annual report and balance-sheet, your council has much pleasure In congratulatmembers on the steady progress made by the Association. Finance. —The balance-sheet shows the association lo be in a sound financial position, but your council lias to again call attention to the large amount outstanding by way of members' subscriptions and entry fees. This is not a healthy sign and calls for serious ' consideration.

Organising Secretary,—Your council has appointed Mr A. W. Green as organising secretary us from April 14, I'l-i', Willi headquarters at Hamilton. A copy of Ihc'sclicdulo of duties attaching lo ihe oilico will be printed and posted lo all members of the associaion. The earnest co-operation of all numbers is solicited to make this for...ird move a success.

Herd Books.—Volume VIII. is now printed, and should reach all financial members in the near future. A large number of Volumes 111., IV., and V. are on hand, and these are being offered to members for £2. The printing of a cheaper form of herd book calls for attention, as the present cost is a heavy drain on the finances of the association.

Tattooing.—Your council has adopted a compulsory system of tattooing ns from .Tunc t, 1020. This is ouly railing in lino with all well oiganiscd Kindred associations. liranches.—"-The branches have carried out Iheir duties satisfactorily, and we extend our best thanks to the officers who have worked so wholeheartedly to bring about this result. Sales.— During the year a steady demand was experienced for Milking Shorthorns of good quality, especially stock with semi-official records. We would asain urge breeders to appreciate the value of testing their stock. Shows. —The interest in the Milking Shorthorn sections at the various A. and P. shows has been well maintained and the class of stock shown much admired by the public. This is distinctly creditable to breeders. The balance-sheet disclosed a hank balance of £2'«4 15s 9d, which, with cash in hand, made a credit balance of £2OO 0s iOd, while there was an amount of £6OO out on fixed deposit. The main items of expenditure were for printing of herd book, £250 ss; prizes A. and P. shows and S.O. test, £9OB 3s; and salaries, £250. A bank balance of £394 3s 4d hd been carried over from the previous year, while interest on war loans accounted for an income of £l4O. The principal sources of revenue were £345 10s lor subscriptions, £492 17s Gd.for entries and £IOO for matured war loan certificates. The liabilities were set out as being £3Ol 8s Bd, and the assets were represented at £2044 0s lOd, leaving the balance of assets over liabilities at £2582 12s 2d. The report and balance-sheet were a The chairman, in formally moving the adoption of the report and balance sheet briefly referred to the flnancia position of the association, and said the £"80 represented in the assets as the value of all the herd books was, he considered, too high, and should be written down. The seconder stated that, the balance-sheet showed the society's affairs to be in a very satisfactory slate. Election of Officers. Mr W. Jenkins (Christchurch) was elected president for the ensuing year. In returning thanks for the honour conferred on him, Mr Jenkins said he would be proud lo do all he could for the association. His interests were with them, and he considered the breed was second to none, and the most valuable in New Zealand, in the greater portion of which it was the most adaptable breed. In the past few years, it would be noticed, they had had some energetic workers, and he felt a great deal more would be accomplished now they had an organising secretary, whose work, he thought, would be a credit to the association and lo New Zealand. The chairman, as retiring president, endorsed heartily the election or Mr Jenkins to the presidency, and said that he was one of the most esteemed members or the New Zealand Shorthorn Association. (Hear, hear.) They would look up lo their new president, and regard him favourably, as lie would nil the position with honour and credit to himself. Ho had a high regard I'm- Mr Jenkins, and hoped that the mbers would give him every support during his tenure of oflire.

Messrs li. V. Rrown (Levin) and J. .Mct.eod (Auckland) were elected the association's vice-presidents far the ensuiuc year.

Messrs C. W. Armstrong and R. D. Duxfleld were elected to the positions of auditor and treasurer respectively. It was decided to place on record the meeting's appreciation of the services of the retiring treasurer, Mr .1. Hearsey. Tributes to President. Mr Jenkins, in assuming the position of chairman, said it was very encouraging to see such a large ami enthusiastic meeting. Every member could move in Ihe, interests of the association, and he hoped that in the future il would make great strides, as tie fell it would do, with Mr Greens able, assistance. A hearty vote of appreciation was passed to the retiring president for bis services during his term of olflce, and eulogistic references made lo his valuable work. 11. was stated that he had been round to be straightforward and honourable in his convictions, even if not. in agreement, with other members of the council, and had always carried out his duties in a conscientious manner. Mr Melville (retiring president) thanked all his associates for the support they had given him during the past year. Royal Show Matters. A remit from the Christen urc!: branch " That branch groups be inaugurated in. preference to provincla groups at the Royal Show in connection with milking Shorthorn cattle," was considered. It. was said that if a system was introduced on the lines of the recommendation il, would be more equitable for all concerned, though it would mean the creation of a new class for branch groups in the milking Shorthorn section a!, the Royal Show. —The remit was carried, and if was resolved lo advise Ihe Royal Show officials lo that effect.

Another Gbrlsteliureh remit " 'l'll-' }s Ihe .scale of points for judging niilkii. K Shorthorn rattle he placed in eye; |;i volume or Ihe herd baok publish .1 V was carried by Ihe meeting. to 'l'iie motion was carried that a com J) petenl judge be brought from Auslruli ft lo judge Ihe milking Shorthorns at the | nexl Royal Show, ami a conmiltle.e pj consisting of Messrs I'.ansload, Mel- :j vlllc am! Duxfleld was appointed to IB confer with the Royal Show Committee j g on the matter. ; j?

General. j A notice, of motion submitted by Ihe , Wellington-Taranaki-llawkc's Bay; branch to the effect that the association provide each branch with a 'set of tattoo markers for the use of members was discussed. It was slated that about seven brandies would require sets. The difficulty of carrying out the marking system and collecting brands was raised, but it was suggested that the branches should be held responsible for the distribute i and collection of markers. The motion was carried. A resolution was passed by the meeting that il. be a recommendation to' the council Ihut the rule making il compulsory for u!l registrations lo hi accompanied by Ihe necessary fee hi strictly enforced. It was st;Ued tlml the Railways Department had raised the charge for trucking cattle by making the. half rale applicable only to slock under six months of age instead of under 12 months as formerly. It was decided to approach the other breed societies with a view to enlisting their support in the matter and to make representations to the Minister for a concession in regard to purebred stock at least. •A hearty vote of thanks was accorded the press.

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Waikato Times, Volume 100, Issue 16813, 3 June 1926, Page 11

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MILKING SHORTHORNS. Waikato Times, Volume 100, Issue 16813, 3 June 1926, Page 11

MILKING SHORTHORNS. Waikato Times, Volume 100, Issue 16813, 3 June 1926, Page 11