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In The Flashlight


(dopy right). Published' by arrangrement with The Offers! Press, Lid.^

CHAPTER XXni. Having reached the Court once more Margaret encountered the doctor just as he was descending into the hall, and. when she"-Kad- given him news of the* other patients/awaiting him, asked about Donald. /- amU"He came off lucky," said the doctor. "Left leg-fractured and a nasty cut in the head, ■bStiothlng to worry about if he can-Keep;.a quiet mind. | ine trouble is::thar:he;;is so concerned about his brother; that I'm afriad.he won't "be,able to-do so. I gather that he had a very-considerable shock when landing: from- -the- African boat this afterrioonrhe, found that Noel was ' charged with .the murder of the woman whom iieis.;suppo*i<po. have married. woman. saw her until the stdryfof bourse but many people will be _ r disin.clined, to d r^ T *h^y; : will have to, lihlnk," ;said : ' Margaret exultantly. .-■' , T ', . "You know something, Miss Mel-, ford?" asked the'* doctor quickly. • «S tQlcld'nvince any jury. I have found the letter that Noel said the woman wrote to him, and I have seen her-father-^ —ip "Her father?" \ 4 __„ ■ - i; "Yes. He is at. the Mayhew Arms,. ■- •-having'read : in the newspapers of the ■ •-niurderofhis daughter, and hurried here He has seen the letter, and he will testify that it is his daughter s "handwriting." ~ "That is great * news,' cried tne doctor-. "And. for Noel's sake I am / delighted.''..";,' 1 - :" '.'; . , ... / ' "There is another thing—rather mysterious as which I gather is itself suffleient to save Noel further troublei- But I think that must not be mentioned as*DddVhot what it is yet;-and it is-better, whatever it is, that it 'should come as a surprise." "I understand," slid the doctor. "So there is'n6 heed for worry about Noel. ,I.'think if I were to see him; r" I -,',". ~.:,. "Dal It will set; his mmd at rest, thdugii-aifir'stit may prove a little exwon'tstay long ?" i "Five at the most. "That will be lobg.enough. I shall trust you-not to make it longer. I must hurry away now to that other poor fellow] though from what you tell me, I'm afraid it.won't be very much use. Good-night,:Miss Melford." . "Good-night; doctor." Accompanied by the housekeeper the V. ; girl went Upstairs to Donald Mayhew's room. She found him looking very white and shaken? the bandage rdund his head making him look even worse than he was, but his: eyes lit up with pleasure when hd saw her. ~. ■ "You'are ,nOt she said; "and I am not td talk to t you long. But 1 have news so gdod-that the docJ "tor thought it would -do you no .harm """' to hear it.", ■'.» .... ~, "About Noel?" he asked quickly, -, "Yes." And forthwith she launched Into a brief account of her finding the note) of her visit to.,.Fxe,edlam, and of;the mysterious -key'given,td her, by the man who,had been knocked down by the cap.f. ■• " : -' ■■ . "I don't Toiow what secret this owner of it is convinogd: this key holds exonerate Noel. He spoke of a fortune"-that it had meant for him, but just how that fortune was to comedo know." "Sounds as. if there was someone behind the was willing to pay him. handsomely to keep that "Yes. I thought-o'f that. But you mustn't talk'.':.- It .is "enough to know that within a,'"day: or'.+wo at most Noel will be back here.; with this stigma completely removed." ' "1 shall BePJolly glad to see him," said the young man with conviction, "though, of course,, his return will knock all my,po6r.::;.;;chances on the head." ;-"?- j Margaret's face flushed rosily. She understood his reference, and she did not deny the...implication. "You must not talk,'"'She' said;- "And you must not worry. lam going now." "Home?" '-- "No. I am going to Mr Strickland, your family .solicitor. -I was on my way there when I found you by the -■wayside." "-■ ' *" •■>■ "Rather an unusual hour for a pro- ■■■■■ fessiohal call, isn't it, Margaret?" ...-:..;■.i.'.'Yes, but the circumstances are un-

''True! And Noel's a lucky fellow; btit after all he's gone 't.hr6ugh he deserves his luck, all of it—even you, Margaret." .Margaret flushed again. At that mom&nt she recalled Noel's face when she had struck'him with her whip, and she grew hot ; wiih;shame. Then, telling her self'."thai-how she was atoning she rose and turned to the door. I "Good-night, Bbnl" And luck be with you."; ■/'■ Four minutes later she was in. her car-and gliding.down the road, and in a very short'time'she had reached the scene of the ac.oiden.t, where she drew up to find theyillage constable and the footman receiving from the doctor--. She did not look at the still figure 'lying:."ori;the;grass,. where it had been Removed frornthe further side of the hedge-.--- She--knew instinctively that the man was dead, and the doctor's first words were almost unnecessary.

"As I expected, Miss Melford, I was of no use. The man died the moment Ave started to move him. We've just been going 'through his pockets. There's not much there—only an old letter or two, from which it appears that he is some .sort of a naturalist, and the constable had an idea that he has been staying at one of the farms hereabouts. When the news is known, no doubt the police will soon find out all about him." A sudden thought came to Margaret. -"Doctor," she said in a low voice, "do you think the news ought to get about—yet?" The doctor stared at her in some surprise. "I'm afraid : I don't understand what you're driving at, Miss Margaret." . ' "No, of course not, I was forgetting that I had not told you all that happened. But you remember what I told you about another thing that would help Noel " 1 "Of course! Somelhirig'rather mysterious,' you said. ''Yes; and it has to do ..with, that poor man there." "As succinctly as slie could she gave., him an account of Hie mysterious key, and the doctor listened in growing wonder until she had finished, then lie offered comment. ■ ' ■ ; "By Jove, Miss Margaret, I believe you're right. The news of this man's death must not get about'yet, nor even his name bo mentioned, until that'key 1

7~ "1 By' BERNARD ROWTHORNE Jewels of Sin," "The Shadow of the Yamen," etc., etc

has unlocked his 11l talk to the constable •" "And to the footman, please. He : was there when thean gav emem aihfw was there when, the man gave me tne key. He heard him tell me that a man's life hung on it. It is just the kind of thing to furnish excitmg gossip for the servants' hall." "And for the more exalted places, said the doctor. "But I will talk to Taylor. I happen to be a J.P., and l think I can impress upon both the constable and him the need for silence until the ban is removed. I'm glad you thought of it, otherwise the real criminal, whoever he is, might have heard, and, forwarned, have made good his escape." "Yes! That is what I was thinking, But I must push on now. GOOdnight." U Once more she resumed her way,., and in a little over 20 minutes drew up at the private house of the Mayhews family lawyer. The hour was late for a country town, and a surprised maidservant answered her ring, whilst a more surprised lawyer heard the announcement of her name, and hurried to meet her. ' "My dear Miss Melford," he said, "this is an unexpected pleasure ——" . "You mean that it's a shoekmgly late hour for me to call, don't you Mr Strickland?", she said, with a smiling glance towards the clock. The elderly Jawyer permitted himself to smile. "Well" he said, "you couldn't expect me to put it so crudely, though I will own it is rather late; fro.m which I conjecture that something very important has brought you to see me." "Yes," she began. "It's about No—about Mr Mayhew. I " •■ "Please be seated, Miss Melford," broke in the lawyer. "That chair there is one that I can recMhmeni,. ! and we shall lose nothing by talking over your business in comfort." ■•- Margaret too* the chair indicated, a cosy one near the fire, and the lawyer watched her whilst she unbuttoned her heavy coat. Then he spoke. "You have come about Mr Noel Mayhew?" "Yes," she said, and as she answered held out to him, the note which the Creole woman had sent to Noel Mayhew. "Read-that, Mr Strickland." The lawyer took the note, put on his pince-nez, and with ah air of deliberation began to'"reaa\; but when he looked up; his ;staiU countenance betrayed his excitement. "The note that poor woman sent! Where did you get it, Miss Melford " "I found it -at the-entrance to the wood. It had been trodden into the earth." ' ■ ' , '-.■

The lawyer nodded. "If we can get hold of a sample of .that woman's writing -" "Wc can do better," interrupted Margaret. "The woman's father, Mr Otto Freedlam,.. is at the Mayhew Arms. I have shown' him that note. He recognises his daughter's handwriting." "Good!" crled.Mr Strickland. "The clouds are breaking for Mr Noel. This note and Freedlam's testimony will be invaluable." "But thatls not all!" said Margaret. "Indeed! You have something else up your sleeve, Miss Melford?" "NO," she answered with a smile. "In my glove." She slid the glove off as she spoke, and handed the key to the lawyer. Mr Strickland considered it a moment, then he looked Up. "Urn! A safe-key! My deaf .young lady, this does not tell me very much. Perhaps you will explain the meaning of it?" "I'm afraid I can't," she said; "but I can tell you how it came into my hands." s For the third time that evening she told the story of what had followed Donald Mayhew's accident, and the lawyer listened with growing wonder showing in his grave countenance, and when she ended he looked at the key in his hand. "There is more in this than meets the eye," he commented thoughtfully. "Yes."

"This key arouses in me a stronger curiosity than I have ever experienced in rny professional life."

"I am : hungry to know what is behind it said Margaret. The lawyer nodded. "That is more than understandable. lam not in the habit of attending the cinema halls, but from what I know of them this key. would seem to be in line with their extraordinary dramas. I feel in the bones of me that some strange denouement of the Hawton Carcw mystery hangs on this key." ;"I am sure of it. That dying man's : words, cryptic as they were; would have left no Ooubt In the mind of anyone who heard them, as I did." ■ "I can well believe it," said the •lawyer. <-. •■■'■ • -

He considered for a moment, then he said: "I think I will ring up Mannington, the Chief Constable, and ask him to run down here. He is a late bird at both ends of the day, and I don't think he'll mind if he thinks there is any chance of delivering Noel Mayhew li/om his awful predicament. When I have got him I think you had better telephone to your father—: —" "He is not at home." "Then to the servants. You must slay the night here'. I will get Mrs Strickland down in a few minutes—"

"There is really no need, Mr Strickland." r The lawyer smiled. "I thought you were curious about that key, and the secret that it holds." "So I am." "Then if'you wish to see the secret unveiled you must be on hand to catch the early morning train to go to London with Mannington and myself. Do you agree?" "Of course, Mr Strickland; I would not miss it for worlds." - "Then I will, telephone. Mannington."

"There's my car " "It can go in my yard," said the lawyer smilingly, and went out to the telephone. In five minutes he returned. -

"Manningtort will be here in ten minutes. I got him at the County Club, where he is playing bridge. When he hears our story I don't imagine he will be quite so resentful at the interruption of his game as he appears to be at this moment. "He is cross?" asked" Margaret. "Very. He swore at me over the telephone—a most reprehensible habit!" The lawyer smiled, and then chuckled. "But in a few minutes you will give me my revenge, I fancy."

And when the Chief Constable had arrived and heard Margaret's story the look upon his strong, handsome face afforded the lawyer full and complete satisfaction. CHAPTER XXIV.

-"NO. 402! This is the safe, sir!" "Thankyou, my man. Now you can leave us."'

The Safe Depository official withdrew, and Mannington fitted the key in the safe, whilst the lawyer, with a little of excitement in his eye, watched him. Margaret, by his side, scarcely able to stand still. The Chief Constable turned the key and the handle, and as the heavy door swung. open peered inside. Then he thrust a hand in and drew forth a large square envelope, sealed, but bearing no superscription. Holding it,in one hand, he opened the drawers of the safe with the other, and explored the shelves. Then he spoke. * "This is all," he said, looking at the envelope curiously. "Oh, do open it, Mr Mannington," cried Margaret.

"Impatient! Miss Margaret?" inquired Mr Mannington, with a smile. "So am I, I will own, and Strickland is dying with curiosity, though he won't own to it. Well, here goes, to deliver us from the tenterhooks I" He broke the seal carefully, cut the flap of the envelope with a penknife, then took out the contents —a package in a thin strip of cotton-wool tied with tape. He cut the tape, and as the cotton-wool was thrown aside, saw a sheet of glass, on the top of which reposed an envelope. He lifted the envelope and then gave an exclamation. "A photographic negative!"

With a wondering look upon his face he held it up' to the light, frowned, altered the position, then gave a whistle. "Phew!" "What is it?" asked Mr Strickland quickly. "Take a look!." said Mannington quietly. ' "It's almost too astounding for belief!" ' The lawyer took the plate, and, holding it in position, examined it. Then he started, and an amazed look came on his face. t

% "Why—" he began. "Why!" "Exactly! A negative—well, of a crime! I think we must go to New Scotland Yard and get a print from this as soon as we possibly can. Would you care to take a look, Miss Melford?"

Margaret took the plate, her hands trembling a little as she did so. As she examined it her face was pale, and there was a strained look about her eyes.

"Can't make out the features of those two people, I suppose, Miss Melford?"

"No, Mr Mannington." "We'll see them right enough when we get a print," he said, as he took back the plate and carefully rested it on the cotton-wool. "I fancy we've got some unique evidence in the annals of crime. But perhaps this envelope will give us some clue to the plate." He opened the envelope, and taldng from it a folded sheet of writing paper straightened it out and began to read: ! Marlow Farm, Hawton Garew,

"Dear George,—This is the photographic plate that I want you to take to the police in the event of my disappearance or death, by violence, within the next few days. The negative was taken automatically in the Mayhew woods on the night of'September 11, when I had set the camera to take a night photograph of a pair of owls. I was in another part of the wood at the time, but saw my flashlight fire, and hurried to the place, to see two men holding a third, whilst on the ground there was the dead body of a woman. I heard two of them charge the third with having killed her, which he denied. I waited till the two went away with the third man a prisoner, then I crept up and removed my camera, etc., as I didn't want to lose it, nor yet to be mixed up in a nasty affair. When I got back to the farm it struck me that, since the flash-light had been fired, there might be something on the plate; so I developed it, and found that I had photographed the murder. Any newspaper in England would pay a lot for this quarter-plate ; and maybe the police authorities wouldn't mind buying it at- the professional rate; but the man who'll pay most for it is the man who is on the plate; he can afford it, and I reckon to ask him £SOOO for it. It'll be worth every penny of that to him, and he'll pay up right enough; but he's a tiger, and I shall have to be careful; and that's why I'm writing this note, and why I shall leave the key of the safe with you. If anything goes wrong with me, the fellow will pay for it with his life, if you take this to the police." As he finished reading the note the Chief Constable looked at Mr Strickland with a curious expression on his face. *

"Blackmail!" "Yes," answered the-lawyer, a trifle absently. "And he died before he could send the key to 'dear George,' whoever he may happen to be." "And by violence," said Mr Strickland, in an odd voice.

"Ah, Strickland, I was wondering if that would cross your mind." "But it's impossible that Donald 'Mayhew can be the man oh that plate. He only landed from the African boat yesterday." "Is that so?" There was a note of relief in Mr Mannington's voice. "I'm jolly glad to hear it. It gave me a shock when I remembered that he drove the car which killed the writer of this precious letter. But come along; we'll go to the Yard, where they'll set us ijp with a print of this in a very few minutes, then we'll have the solution in our hands."

They left the Safe Depository and drove to New Scotland Yard, where the Assistant Commissioner, who was an old friend of Mannington, welcomed them cordially, and then asked carelessly—

"What wind bows you here this morning, Mannington?" The officer gave a grim laugh. "I've something you'd like for your Black Museum, but which you won'.t get—something that you haven't got the like of."

"Indeed!" The Assistant Commissioner was politely incredulous.

"Yes! But you can have a print when you've made mo one\' said Mannington, producing the plate, "and I want one in double quick lime. It doesn't matter about the fixing. I want to see the faces on this plate as quickly as possible." The Assistant Commissioner took the plate, and then asked curiously: "What is it, Mannington?" "Well, if I'm not mistaken it's a photograph of the Hawton Carew murder at the very moment or the crime." "Phew!" The Assistant Commissioner added nothing to the whistle. Touching a button, he waited until a plain-clothes officer came in. "Take this to Jarvis. Tell him to print a copy as quickly as he can. Tell him not to mind the fixing. I want to see the picture as speedily as possible."

"Yes, sir!"

The officer saluted and departed, and then the Commissioner spoke again musingly. "I've read about your Hawton Carew business, Mannington. It has a queer look. Are you expecting that photograph to prove that in Noel Mayhew you've got the right man?" "Heaven forbid! But I'm willing to take very long odds against it doing so?"

"You don't think Mayhew did that particular business then?"

"No, thank heaven!" "But it looked black against him at the magisterial hearing, between that certificate on the dead woman, her presence at Hawton Carew just after Mayhew's own arrival there, and the slory he told abouL that lost note?" The note has been found, and the dead woman's father will identify her handwriting."

"So! Then I think Mayhew will get his discharge. But that will leave you rather in the air again, wont it, Mannington?" "You are forgetting that plate, answered Mannington. "If that does not put us on very Arm ground I shall be disappointed." "Ah, yes—the plate. If it is what you think it will be pretty direct evidence."

They fell to talking of other things, but Margaret heard nothing of what they said. She was listening—listening for a step outside the door, praying for it to come quickly, and yet half dreading its coming. Then a tap on the door sounded, and an odd silence fell. "Come in!" said the Assistant Commissioner. Another plain-clothes man entered, carrying in his hand a folded sheet of blotting-paper, which he laid on the desk in front of his superior. That officer lifted the upper fold of the blottinp-paper, looked with keenlyinterested eyes at the photograph which lay underneath, and then nodded.

"Thank you, Jarvis. Print off a couple more copies and fix them as quickly as you can."

"Yes sir." The man withdrew, and as the door closed behind him the Commissioner handed the blotting-paper and photograph to Mannington. "It's a clear photograph—and a startling one. You should be able to get your man from that!" . Mannington opened the blottingpaper, and as he did so an utterly startled look came on his face.

"Great God!" he whispered. "You know him?" asked his friend. "Yes; I've dined with him a dozen times." ' He turned to the lawyer and Margaret. ' "I am afraid it will be a shock to you, Miss Melford; but, it is as well that you should learn now as later.' See if you recognise the man? He handed it to her, and she looked at it whilst Mr Strickland looked over her shoulder. Scarcely had she made the startling recognition when over her shoulder she caught the lawyer's voice — , „ "John Carston, as God lives l* (To be Concluded.)

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Bibliographic details

Waikato Times, Volume 98, Issue 16174, 27 December 1924, Page 12 (Supplement)

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In The Flashlight Waikato Times, Volume 98, Issue 16174, 27 December 1924, Page 12 (Supplement)

In The Flashlight Waikato Times, Volume 98, Issue 16174, 27 December 1924, Page 12 (Supplement)