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RACING FIXTURES. October 22 and 24—Wellington Racing Club. October 24—Waikato Hunt Club. October 24 Waverley-Waitotara Racing Glub, Annual. October 27 and 29—Poverty Bay Turf Club, Spring. October 29—Taratahi-Carterton Racing Club, Annual. November 5, 7. 9 and 12 —Canterbury Jockey Club, Metropolitan. November's and 7—Auckland Hacing Club, Spring. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. "Sweepstakes," Hamilton. "Sweep stakes" means a race in which stakes are to be made by the owners of horses entered to go to the winner or other horse or horses placed; any such race is still a sweepstakes although money or other prize be added, and nil hough the word "Plate" or "Cup" be used :a the official or ordinary name or doscrip Won of such race. "Records," Uhaupo.— (1) Last year's Wairarapa Cup was won by Scornful. Although handicapped at G. 12 the winner carried 7.9 lo secure the services of li. S. Bagby. (2) Golden Glade won the Turanganui Steeplechase at Gisbornc in July. "Classics," Huntly.—L. 11. Hewitt gained his first win in the Great Northern Derby on Menschikoff in the event of 1902. His other win was on Multifid in 1900. "Light Harness," Hamilton. — (1) Trix Pointer was foaled in America in 1914. (2) H. F. Nicoll headed the list of winning owners last seas .in with £4161. J. H. Corrigan's figure was £3374 which placed him second. wa:kato hunt races. The Waikato Hunt races, to be held al the Claudelands course on Monday, October 24, promises lo be a very successful gal tiering. The nomination lists have I'dled to record extent, .and the number of candidates standing I heir ground after acceptance hour promises lo be such' as to provide interesting racing. Owing to the Whanlareii races extending over to-day the weights for the Waikato Hunt fixture have been dcla>ed until Monday. Owners are reminded that acceptances will close at r> o'clock on Tuesday evening with the secretary, Mr E. 11. O'Mcara '.Hamilton), Mr C. Meredith (Cambridge), or Mr C. F. Mark (Auckland). THE DERSY HORSES. Another New Zealandcr in Cupidon won the Derby on Saturday; in fact; it is almost gelling a habit for the blue ribbon to be taken back across the Tasman, as during the last few years Dominion-owned three-year-olds in Kilbov. Gloaming and Biplane have been successful (writes "Cardigan" in the Sydney Referee). However, few begrudge the N.Z. horses their success, as their presence in the held gives the race added interest, and any sportsElian who is plucky enough to bring a team across deserves the best of fortune. Ido not think Mr Greenwood or Mason thought Cupidon would quite win, as even allowing that he got a wretched run in the Hoschill Guineas, he was too far away to be considered a Derby possibility. However, he won like a really good colt, and finished in a remarkably game manner. Furious looked to have the race safe al the distance, but Cupidon had too many guns for her over the iinal furlong. The Derby Held comprised some good-looking colls and lillies, but the pick of the bunch was Furious. She is a beautiful mare and looked very fit, and it was no! on account of anything being wrong with her condition that she was beaten. Marsdcn gave her a tremendous amount of work; in fact, few fillies would have stood it, but Furious came through with flying colours. She was muscled up all over and was very free. The winner, Cupidon, is nothing out of the ordinary to look at, being an ordinary sized brown gelding, of fair length and nice quarters, with a for.lish head. All the same, on.: cannot help liking his head, even though il is foalish, as it has a remarkably intelligent appearance. Honey Bee 'is a compactly built customer, bul is only small, and weight may bother him, although he seems to carry it pretty well now. I'opaway is a nice colt, hut hardly looked up lo Derby weight, and it, was the same wilh Duke Isinglass. Pelaw Main is a fine horse, and looks as 'i( he could carry anything, bul Vaccine is rather short, and i 3 not big. Brachcad did not look as well as at Hoschill, and Woodvilie's appearance would not make anybody want lo back him, as he is very narrow and looked light. Serenuis is not a bad sort, and no fault could be found with Brank or Even Song's appearance. Harvest King is not quite as big when one gels alongside him, and his hind legs are not impressive; in fact, 1 do not like ham at all behind. Loyal Irish is a nice colt and looked up to Derby weight, but ho had rather a tired look and ran that way. So much for Hie appearance of the Derby candidates. Cupidon wa.s bred by the New Zealand studmaster, Mr 1. G. Duncan, and is by that great sire of stayers, Martian from Bebe, by Bezonian from Blue Water, by St. Leger (imp.) from Sapphire, by Tile Drummer from Amethyst, by Ambrose from Heroine of Lueknow. Martian, it seems almost unnecessary to say, is by Martagon (Bend Or — Tiger Lily) from Otterdcn, by Sheen from Spring Morn, by Springfield from Sunshine, by Thormanhy, and is a direct descendant in male tail of Slockwell, and in addition has a double cross id' Thormanby. Hebe's sire, Bezonian, is a half-brother lo the successful English sire, Cicero, being by Velasquez from Gas, by Ayrshire, son of Hampton, and il will be seen that Cupidon has the valuable Hampton cross in addition to a double cross of Doncaster, while Her' ine of Lueknow. from whom he descends in female tail, is out of the immortal Pochantas, wirnse progeny in Stockwell and Ratap:ian appear more than once in the fifth remove of his pedigree. Cupidon's extended lines simply teem wilh staying blood, and Martian was a great slayer, and Danube, Chcrubini, Warstep, Sasanof, and 1! potation, are a few of his gets who were above the ordinary over long journeys. His sire, Martagon, won a Goodwood Gup and Ins sire and grandsire, Bend Or and Doncaster, each won an Enalish Derby, as did Macaroni, the sire of Martagon's darn. Marxian's maternal grand-sire, Sheen, was a

great stayer ami won a Cesarewitch. On the dam's Ride Cupidon is just as rich in slaying blood, so it is little wonder that he stays. Wis record up to the present is two wins for three starts, and I have no doubt, that, h p will be a very good horse in the Dominion-

JOTTINGS. The champion Gloaming, which was brought back from Sydney this week, is reported to be doing well, and should soon be measuring strides with the home talent in the classics. The Quin Abbey—Belle Crispin, gelding, Booinerday, which was disposed of by Mr R. llannon after the Auckland Summer meeting, secured his first success over a mile at Whangarei on Thursday. Booinerday ran two seconds and a third last year. Golden Abbey showed out in front in the first part of the Maiden at Whangarei on Thursday, but could not sec the journey out.

Spanner went to the post for the Gup at Whangarei, but he lost ground from the barrier, and spoiled any chance of success the son of The Nut may have had. A win to any ;.'r\v Zealand Gup horse engaged in the Masterton Cup entails a penally of 51b for the November race at Riccarton. forest Gold's win in the Whangarei Cup over a mile and three furlongs was annexed at the right end. The Vonoform gelding taking charge three furlongs from home, and stalling off opposition in convincing fashion, carrind his Hamilton owner's colours first past the judge. The success of Phil Brady's charge was not unlooked for from this quarter.

That consistent performer. Night Time (Merry Moment —Noctorum), which last season led the Held home on three occasions, was placed second five time, and third three times, again got in the winning list on Thursday, at Whangarei. Night Time's prior latest success was at the Egmont-Wanganui Hunt meeting, in May last, when he led a Held of eleven home in a seven furlong hack handicap. While there was nothing very much in Hockfleld's third in the Whangarei Cup, it indicates that the Monoform gelding should be. attuned by the time the circuit meetings roll round. Last season Rockfield got on the winning list three times, was runner-up on two other occasions, and twice placed third. lb; is still quartered at Morrinsvillc under trainer .1. Anderton's charge. The Fashionable —Gluten mare, aged gelding, Some Fashion, is now owned by a To Aroha syndicate of four, included in which are two ladies. Some Fashion contested no less than 28 races last season, but only got on the winning list twice. His other placings were two seconds and two thirds. Followers of form will probably make mental note of the performance of Warlove, the full sister to the brilliant Warstep, in winning the Mosgiel Handicap at Duncdin, on Thursday. The distance was a mile and a quarter, and Warlove carried 71b more than she was originally given in the New Zealand Cup. Four of the horses beaten by Warlove on Thursday are still among the. New Zealand Cup Held, viz., Eluus, Clean Sweep, Bonnie Maid, and Jock.

Ring Lupin 'is looking and doing well in his preparation at Malumata. . The next appearance of the Lupin;—iota gelding will probably be over hurdles.

It is understood that Mermin is under offer to an Indian buyer, and this probably accounted for his absence from the Held for llie Hawke's Bay Guineas.

Coniston's form at Sydney must have greatly impressed Mr Coyle, as the gelding is set to give away loLs of weight in the Rimutaka Handicap and October Handicap at the Wellington rnceuing. The races won by the Timaruowned Jock at Ashburton and Kurow will necessitate him putting up a 51b penalty in the New Zealand Cup. Class is particularly well represented in the Stewards' Handicap at the C.J.C. meeting as the lists include such brilliant horses as Amythas, Mermin, Rational, Solfanello, Silver Link, Clean Sweep, The Hawk, Vagabond, Mustard Pot and Michael a According lo a Napier authority, Maio.ha looks all the better for his recent racing, and is fast getting into form. He is expected lo have a big say in the decision of the New Zealand Cup. The Hallowmas gelding revels in the bright, dry weather, but his nasal trouble appears to be aggravated when a wet spell sets in. Loyal Irish will, it is reported, contest the Great Northern Guineas next month. .

The A.J.C. Derby, won by Cupidon, is the richest classic in Australasia, and is worth more than.the English iace of the same name. Stare, who won the valuable Tborak Handicap, one mile, and later the Cooiigy Handicap, one mile three furlongs, at Caullield, is a three-year-old bay colt by Earlston from Gaze. He is owned by Mr Darcy Ecelcs, who used to race the Australian Cup winner, VVallalo.

After he won the A.J.C. Derby, Cupidon was placed under offer to an Indian buyer, but apparently the deal did not eventuate. The return of 11. .1. Mason with his team from Sydney does not suggest that there are any champions in it. although it contains a Derby winner in Cupidon (writes "Glencoe"). The latter met a very weak field, which i s proved by the fact that a filly by 'lhe Welkin in Furious was a hot favourite. The Welkin in tlie past has been notorious for producing highclass sprinters, and probably Furious comes under this category. True she won the Hosehill Guineas, nine furlongs, which reads like a useful Derby trial, but her subsequent form suggests that she met a poor lot. Mason evidently did not regard Cupidun's chances very highly, or he would have kept him in the Victorian Derby. What probably happened was that the wily Kiecarton trainer noticed Furious finishing badly in her gallops; he knew as everyone else did that Loyil Irish had trained off, so lie tuned up Cupiidon, and had the satisfaction of winning the blue riband with the Martian gelding. He may do the same thing at Miccarlon, for our three-year-olds do not appear to be stayers, and, furthermore, Cupidon will he more forward than any of them. Whether the three-year-olds are up to the standard of previous years can better be gauged after the runming of the Champion Plate at Trenthain, when Tamatete, Grotesque, The Hawk. Cupidon, and Winning Hit will be well tried out by Amythas and Sasanof. TROTTING ITEMS. (By "Win Soon.") The secretary of the Cambridge Trotting Club (Mr B. Carpenter) has been to Wellington where he attended the meeting of delegates from tlie various trotting clubs from throughout New Zealand. The conference passed a resolution in favour of the liacing Commission report being adopted, and this was afterwards banded over to Ihe Hon. W. F. Massey by a deputation that waited upon him immediately after the meeting. Mr Massey re ceived the deputation, and gave them a very good hearing, stal.ii g thai ne would give the resolution his entire consideration. The Cambridge Trot ting Club are now awaiting inform iirei as to the result which is expected in the course of a few days.

Man-o'-War and Author Dillon are still the ruling favourites for the N.Z. Trotting Gup, while Dean Dillon ami Willie Lincoln are coming into Hicreased favour.

The Ngaruawahia Hacing Club, whose application for an annual totalisator permit was not favourably reported on by the Commission, will now drop out of existence, it is understood. Mr. W. Thomas has leased the old course area, and has laid down a six furlong track, which suits the convenience of Jural trainers. There are a number of horses in work there at present, several of which will be at Auckland next week. Included among them is Mount Albert, which is looking well, and put up a very satisfactory trial' the other day. His stable companion, Wairemana, is showing good form, and must not be long in running forward with the colours up. These horses are now being trained by W. Waters. Sid Collins has a nice three-year-old colt in work. This youngster is bv Nut Ansel from Lucy Hinton, and a natural pacer. Also in the same stable the straight-out trotter, Winhana, a six-year-old mare by Ghoai from' Disappointment, is quartered. She is at present being kept up to pitch, and a maiden race should not be bevond her at an early date. \V. Thomas has the straight-out trotter, Miss Murphy (Manderene — Huanui) in commission, at present doing light work. The same stable shelters that good but erratic pacer, Kotiro, by King Edward —Sou'-wester marc. ' She is very fast in her work, but fails to produce it with the colours up. Another the writer noticed doing steady work is a five-year-old gelding, a straight-out trotter, by Gold Bell.

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Waikato Times, Volume 94, Issue 14776, 15 October 1921, Page 14 (Supplement)

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SPORTING. Waikato Times, Volume 94, Issue 14776, 15 October 1921, Page 14 (Supplement)

SPORTING. Waikato Times, Volume 94, Issue 14776, 15 October 1921, Page 14 (Supplement)