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The WAIKATO WINTER SHOW— A Modern Exhibition devoted to the advancement of Industry, Dairying and Agriculture.

HAMILTON - - JUNE 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 1919 Late Entries Close May 14th.

With which is incorporated the Thirteenth Annual Prize List of the WAIKATO WINTER SHOW ASSOCIATION and INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, Hamilton, Waikato, Dominion of New Zealand. THE CALL to every Former, Merchant, Manufacturer, Mechanic, Lawyer, Doctor, Dentist, Schoolmaster, Han, Woman, and Child in the District.

DEPARTMENT H. LADIES 9 HANDIWORK. Chairman: Mil W. N. STUB.GESS. UtJj Superintendent: MRS. BENNETT, MRS. JONES MISS DOROTHY HENDERSON, MISS STURGESS, MRS DOUGLAS. ENTRIES CLOSE WEDNESDAY MAY 14th. All exhibits in the Needlework Section to be the work of the Exhibitor. Exhibits must not have taken a first priz* at a previous Waikato Winter Show. First prize, 7s 6d; second, 5s (except where otherwise specified). Entry fee, Is. No second prize in any claM under 3 exhibits. No exhibit can be entered or shown in more than one class. No article that has received a first prize from this Association in the past is eligible for a prize this year. Plain Needlework. HAND-MADE ARTICLES. Class 215 Underclothing-, 1 article. Class 216 Underclothing, set, 3 articles. Class 217 Underclothing, any article, made by g.rl of 18 years or under Class 218 Child's Frock or Garment. Class 219 Hem-Stitched Handkerchief, plain. Class £2O While Apron, plain, made by girl 18 yearo or unaer. Class 221 Fancy Camisole. Olasa 222 Dressed Doll, adults. Olass 223 Dressed Doll, by girl 16 years and under. Glass 224 Hem-Stitched Handkerchief, by girl 18 years and under. First prize, value 10s Gd, given by Mr Ed. Hall, Hamilton. Olass 225 Buttonholes, three of each, two kinds, worked in lmen, by girl 18 years of age or under. Class 22S Buttonholes, three of each, two kinds. Class 227 1 Pair Frilled Pillow Slips. Class 228 Lady's Blouse. ' Class 229 Girl's Outfit (5 to 12 years). To be judged for neatness and durability. . Class 230 Boy's Outfit (5 to 12 years). To be judged for neatness and durability. MACHINE-MADE ARTICLES. Class 231 Underclothing, 1 article. Class 282 Underclothing, 1 set, 3 articles. Class 233 Underclothing, any article, by girl 18 years or under. Class 234 Child's Frock or Garment. Class 235 White Apron, plain, by girl 18 years and under. First prize, value 10s Gd, given by Mr Harvey, Hamilton. Class 236 Fancy Camisole. Class 237 Dressed Doll, adults. Class 238 Dressed Doll, by girl 18- or under. Class 233 Pair Frilled Pillow Slips. Class 240 Blouse. • , , . Class 241 . Girl's Outfit (5 to 12 years). To be judged for neatness and durability. , „ Class 242 Boy's Outfit (5 to 12 years). To be judged for neatness and durability. FLANNEL WORK. Class 243 Any article of underclothing, hand-made. Class 244 Any article of Underclothing, machine-made. IRONING. Class 245 Blouse. Class 246 Table Cloth. •• A Class 247 Point Lace, fine, one article only. First prize 10s, seeond ss. Fancy Needlework. Class 243 Point Lace, coarse, one article only. First prize 10s, second ss. . Class 249 Drawn Thread Work, fine, one article only. First prize 10s, second ss. Class 250 Drawn Thread Work, coarse, one article only. First prize 10s, second ss. Class 231 Mount Mellick Work, fine. Ciass 252 Mount Mellick Work, coarse.

Class 253 Prettiest Worked Table Centra, coloured. First prize, valus 10s 6d given by Paul's Book Arcade, Hamilton. Class 2S3a Prettiest Crochet Camisole Top. First prize, value 10s 6d, given by Mrs Beeson. Class 254 Prettiest Worked Table Centre, white. Class 255 Crochet Lace, fine. Class 25G Crochet Lace, coarse. Class 257 Crochet in Silk. First prize, value 10s Gd, given by Mr F. C. Bond, Hamilton. Class 258 Crochet, in cotton. Class 259 Crochet, in Wool, any article not provided for. Class 260 Crochet, D'Oyley, one only. Class 281 Baby's Jacket, knitted, in wool. Class 262 Bug, in wool. Class 253 Baby's Booties, one pair, knitted or crochet. Class 264 Golf Jacket, knitted or crochet. Cless 265 Knitting, in wool, any article not provided /or. Class 266 Knitting, in cotton. Class 267 Knitted Stockings or Socks. . Class 26S Baby's Bonnet (milliners). First prize, value 10s od. yiven by Mr L. Griffiths, Hamilton. Class 269 Baby's Bonnet, prettiest. Class 270 Satin Stitch Embroidery. Class 271 Eyelet Embroidery. Class 272 Hedebo EmbroideryClass 273 Bichelieu Embroidery. Class 274 Tray or Supper Cloth, coloured. Class 275 Tray or Supper Cloth, white. Class 276 Bed Spread. Class 277 Pillow Shams, one pair. Class 273 Fancy Handkerchief. Class 279 Applique Work. ,„,,.. , „, Class 280 Cushions (soft). First ppizc, value 10k 6d, gives by Messrs A. J. Entrican and Co., Ltd., Auckland. Class £Bl Plain Cross Stitch, any class of canvas. Class 282 Hardanger on Hardanger or Congress canvas. Class 253 Tatting, any article. Class 234 Shadow Work. First prize, value 10s 6d. Class 285 Huck-a-Back, colours or white. Class 286 Bibbon Work. Class 287 Prettiest Iland-Bag. First prize, value 10s „Gd, given by Mr J. H. Dalton. Class 288 Prettiest Tea Cosey. First prize, value 21s. Class 289 Prettiest Frock, child's. Class 290 Pen Painting, any one article. Class 291 Hand-painted Article. Class 292 Stencil Work. Class 293 Punch Work, any article. Class 294 Netting, in silk or cotton. Class 295 Any Article of Fancy Work. First prize, value 10s 6d, given by Paul's Book, Arcade, Hamilton. Class 236 Most Original Fancy Article. First prize, value 10s 6d, given by Mr E. Dold. Class 297 Any Article of Fancy Work by gentleman, hand-made. Class 298 Quilt, any kind. Class 299 Anv Article Bead Work. All Fancy Work will be handed to the Exhibitors at 9.15 p.m. on the last day of the Show. DEPARTMENT I. Home IndustriesSuperintendent: MR J. E. TIDD. IMPORTANT. —All Exhibits must be delivered at the Waikato Winter Show Buildings before 9 p.m. on MONDAY, 2nd June. All Jams and Preserves must have been made since June, 1918. Prizes. —First, 10s; second, ss. Entry fee, Is 6d, unless otherwise mei.tioned. The Committee reserves the right to substitute value prizes in any of these classes. MOTE —Exhibitors in this Section will be allowed a reduction of 6d per entry on each entry exceeding ten. Hamilton Furnishing Company offers a prisse, value £2 2s, to the Exhibitor scoring the largest aggregate of points in Classes 300 to 340. A neatly framed Certificate of Merit will be awarded to the Exhibitor gaining the most points in this section. BREAD (Home-made). Class 300 Two Loaves, each about 21b weight. Class 301 Two Loaves, each 2lb weight, made by Exhibitor, who has not taken a prize for bread at any previous Winter Show. Class 302 Two Loaves, each 2lb weight (from Champion flour), made by settler's wife or daughter. First prize, 200 lb flour, presented by the Northern Holler Milling Company. Class 303 One Currant Loaf, 21b weight. First prize, value 10s 6d, given by Messrs A. H. Nathan, Auckland. Class 304 Milk Bread Loaf, 21b weight. Class 305 Brown Loaf, 21b weight. Class 306 Nut Bread Loaf. Class 307 Billy Bread, 1 loaf (made in quart billy). BREAD (Bakers'). A neatly framed Certificate of Merit will be awarded to the Exhibitor gaining the most points in this section. Class 310 Two Loaves Bread (1 white, 1 brown), each 21b weight. Class 311 Two Loaves Bread (white), 2lb weight. Class 312 One Currant Loaf, 2lb weight. Class 3i3 One Milk Loaf, 2lb weiffht. OPEN CLASS FOR BREAD. Ten Guinea Challenge Shield. Oiass 314 The Dominion Compressed Yeast Co., Ltd., of Christchuroh, offer a 10-guinea Silver Challenge Shield for the best 21b loaf of white bread made with their Compressed Yeast, and exhibited at the Waikato Winter Show. The only ingredients allowed in the making of the bread to be flour, yeast, salt and water, with the exception that any competitor may use a Malt Flour Bread Improver if desired. Any exhibit of bread must have been baked not later than Saturday, May 31st. The trophy is especially intended for the Baking Trade, but any householder may compete. The loaf shall not be less than 21b nor more than 21b loz when judged. The trophy shall become the sole property of the competitor who wins it three times, not necessarily in succession. The winner must give a guarantee for the safe custody of the trophy between each Winter Show. Entry' fee, 2s. SCONES, A neatly framed certificate of merit will be awarded to the Exhibitor gaining the most points in this section. To contain nothing but flour, milk and bakng powder, except for fancy scones. Plates provided by the Association. Points prize from Classes 316 to 330. Messrs Fleming and Co., Ltd,. Gore, offer 2001 b "Snowball" flour. Class 318 Scones, home-made, from "Champion" flour, by farmer's wife or daughter. First prize, 2001 b "Champion" flour, given by the Northern Roller Milling Co., Auckland. Class 317 Six Scones, home-made, open to farmer's wives and daughters. Class 313 Six Scones, brown. Class 319 Six Currant Scones. Class 320 Six Drop Scones. First prize, value 21s, presented by Hudner Bros., Hamilton. Class 321 Six Seed Scones. Class 322 Six Sultana Scones. Class 323 Six Girdle Scones. Class 324 Best Collection of Scones, not less than three varieties, three of each. First prize, £1 Is, given by Mr Grigg, baker. Class 325 Six best-made and best-finished Scones. First prize, value 21s, presented by Messrs Hannah and Co. Cla9s 326 Six Currant Buns. Class 327 Six Pikelets. First prize, value 7s 6d, given by Mr W. J. Henry.

Class 828 Six Scones, made with Excelsior Baking Powder. First prize, tea to the value of 13s 6d; second, tea to the value of 9s. Presented by Messrs Brown, Barrett and Co. Class 329 Six Treacle Scones. Class 330 Six Best Scones, made with the P.B.S. Baking Powder. First prize value 20s, second value 10s, presented by the Public Benefit Stores, Hamilton. SCONES (Home-made), made by Gentlemen. Class 334 Collection of Scones. First prize, value 10s 6d, given by Mr Robinson. BISCUITS. Messrs Fleming and Co., Gore, offer a Most Points Prize in Classes 335 to 340—One Dozen Packets Creamoata. A neatly framed certificate of merit will be awarded to the Exhibitor gaining the most points in this section. Class 335 Six Plain Biscuits. Class 33S Six Sweet Oatmeal Biscuits. Class 337 Six Plain Oatmeal Biscuits. Class 333 Best one dozen "Oreamoata" Wafers (from recipe on packet). First prize, one dozen packets Creamoata, presented by Fleming and Co. Class 339 Six Cocoanut Biscuits. Class, 340 Collection of six Varieties, three each. . CAKES. A neatly framed certificate of merit will be awarded to the Exhibitor gaining the most points in this section. Prizes: First, value 10s; second, value ss. Entry fee lt> 6d, unless otherwise mentioned. Class 341 Sponge Cake, lib to l*lb. Class 342 Fruit Cake, 2lb to 2 Jib. Class 343 Seed Cake, 21b to 2Alb. Class 344 Currant Cake, 21b to 2£lb. Class 345 Madiera Cake, 21b to 2Jlb. Claas 34Q Ginger Bread. Glass 347 Variegated Cake. Olass 348 Oriental Cake. First prize, 51b tin Amber Tips Tea, given by Messrs Fletcher, Humphries and Co. Class 349 Chocolate Cake. Class 350 Spiced Cake. First prize, 51b tin Amber Tips Tea, given by Messrs Fletcher, Humphries and Co. Class 351 Iced Cake, icing only to be judged. Class 352 Oatmeal Cake. Special prize, 251 b bag Thistle Oatmeal, given by Messrs Fleming and Co., Ltd. Class 353 Jam Sandwich. Class 354 Swiss'Roll. Class 355 Six Cocoanut Cakes. First prize, slb tin Amber Tips Tea, given by Messrs Fletcher, Humphries and Co. Class 356 C Rock Cakes. First prize, slb tin Amber Tips Tea, given by Messrs Fletcher, Humphries and Co. Class 857 Six Banbury Cakes. Class 358 Six Queen Cakes. Class 359 Best Collection of Afternoon Tea Cakes, six varieties, three of each.. PASTRY. A neatly framed certificate of merit will bo awarded to the Exhibitor gaining the most points in this section. Class 380 Shortbread. Class 361 Six Cream Puffs. First prize, value 10s 6d, given by Messrs Ellingham and Co., Auckland. Class 362 Six Mince Pies. Glass 363 Six Jam Tarts. Class 364 Six Sausage Rolls. Class 385 Six Lemon Cheese Cakes. Class 366 Six Napoleon Cakes. Class 367 Six Cheese Cakes. Qlass 363 Six Square Puff Paste. Class 369 Open Jam Tart, lOin plate to be used, puff pasts. Class 370 Open Jam Tart, lOin plate to be used, short paste. Class 371 Three Meat Pies. Class 372 Three Pork Pies. Class 373 Apple Pie. Class 374 Plum Pudding. J, ' PRESERVED FRUITS. A neatly framed certificate of merit wijl be awarded to the Exhibitor gaining most points in this section. Entry fee Is Gd, unless otherwise mentioned. No chemical preservative to be used. Prizes: First iOs, second ss. All Jams and Preserves must have been made since June, 1818. Bottled fruit will not be opened unless deemed absolutely essential by the Judge. NOTE. —Rhubarb is not classed as a fruit. Class 378 Three Varieties, in bottles. Class 376 Three Varieties, in bottles, made from New Zealand-grown fruit. Open to those who have not taken a first prize in a similar class at a previous Winter Show. Class 377 Three Varieties, in bottles, open to those who have not won a prize at any previous Show. Class 378 One Jar Plums, any variety. Class 379 One Jar Peaches. .%. . Class 380 One Jar Christmas Plums. ... • Class 3SI One Jar Pears. . ;.; ~? ■■»■ 3& Class 382 One Jar English Gooseberries. j '"* ' - • Class 383 One Jar Apples. Class 384 One Jar Quinces. Class 385 One Jar Japanese Plums. Class 386 One Jar English Plums. Class 387 One Jar Nectarines. Class 388 One Jar Tomatoes. Class 339 One Jar Tomatoes. Open to those who have never won a prize at a previous Show. JAMS. A neatly framed certificate of merit will be awarded to the Exhibitor gaining most points in this section. Class 391 Jam, three varieties, to be named; one Jar each. Class 392 Jam, three varieties, to be named; one jar each. Open to those who have never won a prize at a previous Show. Class 393 One Jar Orange Marmalade. Class 394 One Jar Marmalade. Open to those who have never won a prize at a previous Show. Class 395 One Jar English Gooseberry. Class 396 One Jar Cape Gooseberry. j Class 357 One Jar Peach. Class 398 One Jar Plum, English. ; : Class 399 One Jar Plum, Japanese. >■ ; . Class 400 One Jar Green Tomato. . '<£ Class 401 One Jar Pie Melon. Class £O2 One Jar Nectarine. , Class 403 One Jar Greengage Plum. Class 404 One Jar Damson. Class 405 One Jar Marmalade. Class 406 One Jar, any other variety. JELLIES. Ciass 407 One Jar Quince Jelly. Class 408 One Jar Apple Jelly. Class 409 One Jar Damson Jelly. Class 410 One Jar, any other variety. Class 411 Jelly, six varieties. PICKLES. (To bo shown In clear glass bottles). A neatly framed certificate of merit will be awarded to the Exhibitor gaining most points in this section. Class 412 Onions, one jar. Class 413 Walnuts, one jar. Class 414 Cauliflower, one jar. Class 415 Chow Chow, one jar. Class 416 One Bottle Mixed Pickles. Class 417 Red Cabbage, one jar. Class 418 Collection of Pickles, three or more varieties. Class 419 Collection of Chutney, three or more varieties.

SAUCES. Class 420 One Bottle Plum Sauce. Class 421 One Bottle Apple Sauce. Class 422 One Bottle Tomato Sauce. Class 423 One Bottle Ketchup. Class 424 Collection of Sauces, three or more varieties HOME-MADE WINE. Class 425 Grape Wine, one bottle; exhibitor to state date of making at lime of entryClass 426 Wine, any variety, one bottle; exhibitor to state date of making at time of entry. SWEETS. A neatly framed certificate of. merit will be awarded io the Exhibitor gaining most points in this section. Class 427 One Plate Cocoanut Ice. Class 428 One Plate Toffee. Class 429 One Plate Cream Dates. Class 430 Collection of Sweets, one plate assorted.. DEPARTMENT J. INDUSTRIAL SECTION. Superintendent: MB D. L. SMITH. Amateur Photography SENIOR DIVISION (over 20 years) Any size up to 12in. x lOin. Class 440 Landscape photo. First prize, £1 Is; second, 10s Gd. Entry fee, Is. Class 441 Portrait Study. First prize, £1 Is; second, 10s Gd. Entry , fee Is Class 442 Any Subject. First prize, £1 Is; second, 10s 6d. Entry fCG Is. Class 443 Dairying Scene. First prize, £1 Is, donated by Treloar Milkciass w Class 444—Champion Picture. Adjudged to one scoring most marks in Class classes. First p r i Z e, gold medal value £1 Is, donated by Messrs Manning's Pharmacies, Ltd. JUNIOR DIVISION (Age limit, 20) Not Larger than Postcard Size. Class 445 Landscape. First prize, 10s Gd; second, ss. Entry fee, 6d. Class 446 Portrait Study. First prize, 10s Gd; second, ss. Entry fee, 6d. Class 447 Any Subject. First prize, 10s 6d; second, ss. Entry fee, Gd. Photos must be handed in the Saturday before Show All photos mu ß t be mounted, but not framed. Marks will be allowed for mounting. Post yoLar Entries to Wrn. H. PAUL, Secretary, Hamilton, Box 91, on or before SVlay 14th.

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Waikato Times, Volume 90, Issue 14052, 3 May 1919, Page 11 (Supplement)

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THE CALL Waikato Times, Volume 90, Issue 14052, 3 May 1919, Page 11 (Supplement)

THE CALL Waikato Times, Volume 90, Issue 14052, 3 May 1919, Page 11 (Supplement)