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_ «. There will bo no issue of the Waikato Times on Friday next, the King's birthday, and People's Day at the Waikato Show. The Auckland swap companies have raised the price of soap XI per ton, making au advance of £2 per ton within the past week. This advance is evidently in keeping with the rise in pr.'oj in the English and Australian markets. Evidenoes of Frankton's continued growth are to be found in the building of a commodious billiard room near the station, the enlargement of Messrs New by and Ramsay's store and the erection of several new houses. Air \V. A. Gosling reports a brisker demand for town sections, and altogether the prospects are cheering for the future town district. There is an emporium for babies at the Exhibition, a lady being in charge of tins institution,and if the children happen to net into the " lost property" department they will be exhibited where their mothers will be able to see and indentify them. Not crediting human nature with the same maternal instincts as the brute creation, the Exhibition authorities have decided to number all babies taken in at the baby emporium, so that their mothers will know which is which \thna they come to claim their own. A letter was read from the Secretary for Agriculture at a meeting of the Birkenhead and Northo te Fruitgrowers' Association on Monday, in reply to a resolution passed by the Association, stating that " An ex- ! pen mental statiun for strawberries had ! been ostuHished at Tauranga, and that any I further developments in thy direction of new varieties of strawberries would be com muuicited to the Association. 4s the province of Auckland has been liberally supplied as regards experimental stations, it would not be advisable just yet to open one at Birkenhead." Mr Chas. Verner, with his Dramatic : Company, paid a return visit to Hatuiltoo j last night, app axing at the Town Hall in I ' Dublin Assurance," a ootnedy played by i Mis Brown-Potter at the Imperial Theatre, i London. As before, Mr Verner was the | life of the piece, acting Sir Felix to the lett-jr. The other churauters were well : sustained, and the audience was kept in ! roars of laughter horn the rino of the | curtain till its fall. The cacto was as follows : Colonel Revere, Mr .Richmond I Roy; Cbas. Revere, Mr John Lambert; John Bulloch, Mr Richard J. Oswald; I'lhomas Aginas, Mr T. Arnsdale; Dr. ! Majoribauks, Mr Frank Davonport; Miss j Julia Kevere, Miss Kjue Gougbj Mrs ' Mwjoribanks, Miss May Bradley; Miss Betty O'Hagan, Miss Gertrude Esdaille, not forgetting the " little street Arab." Not quite twelve months ago we were aisle to announce the arrival of the Bank of I Australasia in Hamilton, and now it gives us gieat to further annuuace that the Bank have deOided to built a large I two-storied brick building on their Bite aej lining the Kia Ora lea Rooms, which is j further proof cf the advancement of | Hamilton and district, and also of the Bank having got a good connect; m together in the short time they have been here. We understand that a residence for the manager will a'so be attached to the promisee. .Messrs Mahoney and Son, the Bank architects, have provided a handsome building, which will be a decided acquisition to the architecture of Hmmlton, as well as providing fitly for the ollico and dwelling Arrangements. Mossrs Johns and Sons, of Auckland, are the sueoeisful tenderers, the amount being Xl'iTii, and they commence on their contract on Monday next. For fruit, ice creams, candies, afternoon tea and refreshments don't forget to p>iy a visit to Tidd and Stanton's booths at the A. and P. Showground on the 9tn, 0 "Are you going to the Exhibition?"— seems to be the burning question of the da/. The question which really interests you Mr Clouie3 wearer is—"Have you seen the exhibition of lovely suitings in V. Houghton's window <f " They are ±\\ at one price, niuety-fivo shillings, it will cost you nothing to look, and it will save your luoney to order one. If there is nothing in the window to suit your taste, just walk inside and you v.ill bo ouited at I V. Houghton's Jup-to-date tailoring eatab , Jiijhmeat, Hamilton.. fj '

Tne meeting oalled by circular for to- j morrow morning at the Show grounds to discuss tho sugar beet industry, will tike place at 10.30 and not at 11 o'olcck as previously notified. A meeting of the Hamilton Fire Brigade was held last evening to consider ter>d>rs for uniforms. "he teiiW of Messrs Hallenstein Bros, at £4 2s fid per man was accepted; the material to bo Fox No. 4 serge. A meeting of tho Committee -et up by •he Borough Council to consider tender* for street works was held last night*. Tne tender of Messrs L ivett »nd Tucker f>r contracts at £2407 11-* Bd. There was again a large attendance at the Waikato Fancy Fair yesterday afternoon and evening, and business was as brisk as ever. Several rill h and competitors were got off, and winners and losers a'ike seemed greatly to enjiy the outing. The success of the fair is now assured, and a substantial sum should be netted for the funds of the Church and Convent. At the meeting of the Waikato Hospital Burdthis morning, the manager of the VVaikati JI una called attention to the am. unt of waste land attached to the Home, about 25 acres in all, which if cleared off and grassed would rui 7 or 8 cows, and thus make a considerable difference in the milk bill. It was decided to refer the matter to the House Committee. The Waikato Farmers' Supply Stores, lootl agents for the International 11 investor Company, hive recently K>ceived « Urge consignment of agricultural machinery, including rotary disc plows, Deering, and McCormick plows, binders, mower- and harvesting machinery. A feature is being made of seed potatoes, Northern Starß, White Stars, Up-to-Dates, Laplands and Late Rose. Owing to there being some doubt in the minds of runners and others as to whether there will be any sports ou Boxing Day, the committee who ba7e taken this matter up wish to announce that there will be a sports meeting on that date. The programme will be issued to-day, and will also appear in this piper shortly, so that intending competitors can g•> into training without further delay. The running track on Steele Park at the disposal of all who care to use it. William Stevenso-i Aicken, on remand, appeared at the Police Court, Auckland, yesterday, to answer a charge of sending a threatening letter to Sir Joseph Ward. After the evidence of Chief Detective Marsickand James Hislop, private secretary 11 Sir Joseph Ward, had been heard, accu=ed pleaded guilty, and waacommitted to the Supreme Court for sentence. Bail was allowed in two sureties of .£503 each, accused undertaking not to leave the province until after he had been dealt with by the Supreme Court. Consequent on the recent issue of circulars by the Vaccination ' Inspector to parents who had failed to comply with the Public Health Act in regard to vacoination of children, the Dunedin Health Office has during the past month (says the Otago Daily limes) been drawn on for lymph to the extent of over 50J tubes. With the exception of perhaps one instance the occasion of the recent smallpox scare—this forms a record distribution of lymph by the local Health Office. A meeting was held in Mr Gosling's offue at Frankton last night to consider the formation of an athletic club, Mr S. Knight presided and there was a large attendance. It was decided to form a registered club to be known as the Waikato Athletic Club. Anoher meeting will be held shortly on a date to be advertised, to fix the date of the first sports gathering. Improvements will be made to Seddon Park, which will bo used for the sports. The Club should have a very successful carer. With regard to the manifesto of the Auckland State school masters against the preseut pupil teioher system, the Press siys: "iome of the dotails in the soheme are perhaps, pen to criticism and to modifijation, but it is drawn on good line 3 and might usefully serve at the basis of which the reconstruction of the system might proceed. Tho increased cost to tha State would, of course, be considerable, but that is of less oontequecoe than the increased efficiency which should be the result." A handsome motor launch, to carry about Do passengers, is nearing completion at Mesars liaiioy and Lowe's yards for the ti urist traffic on Lake Rotorua, and is expected to bo out of the builders' hands in about a fortnight. The new bo it, which is to tne order of Messrs Kmabs and Irsley, is 10ft long, with a beam of B.6ft, and is built on the tunnel principle to ensure a shallow draught, the vessjl drawing only lOin of water. She is comfortably fitted up. bho has a 15 h.p. Gardner engine, and is expected to develop a good turn of speed. Messrs Bailey and Lowe have just laid the Keels of two 15ft rowing boats for the Government Tourist Department for use on Lake Tarawera. An interesting feature of tho Railway Department's display at the Exhibition is the motor train. This a long corridor car is (intended to be drawn by a small petrol engine), divided into thrte compartments, one for non-smokors, ano.her for smokors, and the other for the Ruard. 'I he vehicle is not designated either first or second class, and is much on the tramcar priLciplo. An electric motor, connected with tne axle by a belt, supplies the lighting, there beiuLr also a storage battery to carry a reserve supply of energy. The car, which is comfortably upholstered and beautifully finished, has seats for 72 passengers. An aocident occurred at the Saxon mine, Thames, yesterday morning, to a man aauitd Joi.n Adam, residing at Tararu, who received injuries which necessitated his removal to tue hospital. Adams wa3 working a windlass at Mo. 4 level, hauling quartz trom the winze sunk ou the Cardigan lode. He was winding a bucket of quartz, when his hands slipped, and the n»udle of the windlass struck him a violent blow, partly on tne forehead and partly on the nose, stunning him. Adams was taken to the surface in the cage and conveyed to the hospital. It was found that his nose was broken. Tuere was aldo a cut above the eye, and another beneath it. He had a narrow escape from being killed. The Dunedin Star says:—lnquiries made at tho city registry ollices show that one effect of the Exhibition is beginning to bo telt here already. Applications for places as domestic servants are becoming scarcer. At present the supply of grooms, night porters, and male cooks is about equal to the demand, but it is otherwise with f - male servants. One informant said : " They all want to get places up north if thoy can. If they can't get to Christcburch right away they will take positions at Timaru, or any other part of Canterbury fairly adjacent to the 'big show.' It is consequently yery hard to get female applicants for places in Dunedin. ' In a dwelling-house threatened by fire in Gore a few days ago many ludicrous things were done. One man was seeu striving wildly to wrench a door off its hinges, another tore down a mantelpiece and a third effected the rescue of a tire grate. Furnili.:o, clothing, bedding and 1 ciockory were unceremoniously dumped ! outsido iu a confused medley, and iu about ten minutes as much damage was dune by thesu gontluwerj as a fire could do in twenty. The owner practically finds his place unlit to live in, not owing to the damage caused by fire, but by that oausud by the misdirected zeal of his friends. As an instance ol how the go .ids woro thrown about, the police picked up a XI note and a glass containing a number of small silver coins, where they were thrown by some rescuer whose honesty far exceeded his judgment. The effioaoy of advertising was well exemplified at the Palmerston A. and P. Show on Friday (says the Manawatu j Times). A toddler from the great crowd ! announced herself as amongst the misßing, i | and, after being furnished with a bun, waa | taken into the centru of ring, where the result recorder put up * big sign, " Found, | aohild." Immediately the eyes of thou-j sands of people were rivotted upon the lone j and solitary infant who sate mtinplatively eating her bun in the midst of the great I arena, and a buzz ng of voices indicated a j liviug interest in her destiny. It was the | problem of the moment. Two minute*, | three minutes passed, aud a debonair | bachelor judge from Mastertoii was ob served to be talking sweet nothings to the strayling, aud bogging her to be comforted. Then the advertisement got in its work. A j sigual went II ating over tho mass, and a happy child was restored to her happier parents, while applause pulsated from tho populous grandstand in token of the re- . lieved feelings of many mothers and in j confirmation of the ancient saw—"One j touch of nature makes the whole world i kin." For fruit, ioe oreams, candies, afternoon tea and refreshments, don't forget to pay a visit to Tidd and Stanton's booths at the j A, and P. Showground on tho 9th. 6 I NEW LEASE FOR WEAK LUNGS. Dr. Sheldon's New Discovery for Coughs, Colds, and i 'on=uuij,iion cures Influenza and all Lung Troubles. Obtainablo at Green and Colebrook, Ltd., and branch stores; I'homaa Wells, Cambridge) G. M, A. Ahier, Te Awamutu, and T. H. Chup> j man, Kihikifti, '

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Waikato Times, Volume LVII, Issue 8052, 8 November 1906, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Waikato Times, Volume LVII, Issue 8052, 8 November 1906, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Waikato Times, Volume LVII, Issue 8052, 8 November 1906, Page 2