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| Tho Cabinet, says a Wellington wire, I commences it's land campaign throughout ; tho colony next month. The campaign j will be opouel in tho North Island. V miuting was held at Messrs King and ! Coy's, auction mart last oveuiug, tor tile I purpose of consideriug the proposil to hold arigattaat Hamilton during the Coming season. After a good deal of discussion it was decided to hold the regatta on Satur day, 19th January next, subject to the approval of the Auokland Rowing Association.

A representative of the Fire in Wool I Ships Commission, Mr 0. F. D. Cooper, has | arrived in Auckland to take the " proof's " iof witnesses ottering there. Some 15 per- ; sons in Auckland have intimated their | desire to be heard on the question of Ikes amongst cargo, and it will be Mr Cooper's ; duty to hear thee and any other v.itn> j flßes coming forward, in order to select those giving testimony, so that they may be called before the Ccaumisaion when it site in Auckland, which it will do, of course, it i evidence of a character different to that ! heard elsewhere is forthcoming. ' onsumption, said Pr. Ma?on, in an nd- : dress at Palmerston, was like a diamond ; it had many facets. One of its charac- : teristics wis that some pitieut-i would do well on the low land and others on high lands. There wire theories that to be cured jutients must get as far away from centres of population as possible, but thin wis not .so. As a matter of fact they were now -ucco sfully treating tubercle cases at t 'baring Cross, one of the most populous p irts of London, " and if you can get an atmosphere less likely to do goo I than that," said the expert, " 1 would like very . ii uc'i to know whore it is."

For Hire: Tents, Marquees, Crockery, Cutlery, and Glassware at I ldd and Stant n's Imperial Confectionery and Grocery St res, Hamilton. 6

A SUCCESSFUL STRIKE Again&t lung troubles cau be engineered by Dr, Sheldon's New Discovery for Coughs, Colds, and Consumption. Price Is t>dandis3. Obtainable at Green and Colebrook, Ltd., and branoh stores j Thomas Wells, Cambridge; G. M. A. Ahier, Te Awamutu, and T. H. Chapman, kibi.

Mr W. Shanag'han, the Clerk of the Court and his stuff, conducted business t>dll y for the firot. time in the now Courth' ui-ti, to which the books aud records were transferred yesb'tyjgy.

A gaug of men yesterday commenced the construction - f an over-'ioad >.ri ige at the Frank ton J •motion railway station, (iood progress has alreidy been made with th-> concrete piers at the goo!f-*hed side ft tie line. The Auckland A. and P. Association holds its show on November 30th and December li>t at Alexandra Park, Au'klind. Kntiie- are invited, and may lie handed to Messrs A. J. Smith, Hamilton, and K. Vcale, Cambridge. There will b ■ cheip tickets issued on 'lie railway.

A sum of no less than £5567 1.3- 4d was obtained in tha North Island by the S lva f ion Army Bel r -!«nial effo t. The list of individual contribute ns is headed by Wellington with £720. Gisbune is second nith £4lO, Auckland third with £ tfiO, Wanganui fourth with £320, Palmerston North next with .£225, aud Newtou next with £2OO.

A man named Henry Adolf r u ' f, a former Wellington jeweller, was arrested at Auckland yesterday morning on a charge of stealing a gold watch valued at XI2, the property of Miss Studholme, of Wellington. Later in the day he was brought before the Cou t, and wits remande i to appear at Wellington. Chief Uelec'ive Marsack said he was instructed by the Wellington police that accused had had a number of watches for repair, and had pawned them. The Secia'ist. newspaper Vo'.kswacht, published at Breslau, states that the German army minoeuvres in Silesia have befn so reals' ic that th« ro is a long list of killed and wounded soldier-". During some of the preliminary strategic marches before the actual operations of the mimic war beg n, "ho hest was s) oppressive that large nu'iiiwrs of s 1 iii-rs collaps don the road. The ri.ute followed by some of the regiments was strewn with prostrate soldiers, who also lay helpless in the adj icent tiolds and woods, Du'ing the manoeuvres themselves a'privnte in the 9t*i Regiment of ' rigoons was shot in one of the engagements, indicating that one soldier at least of the opposing army was firing real instead of olank cartridges. A man > f the 70th company of Field Artillery was thrown from his horse and killed in a charge. Other fatal accidents occurred, and the list of wounded is much longer. Amateur photographers resident in St. Kilda, Dunedin, had a narrow escape from a special rate the other night, say 3 the Stir, when the locil Council almost decided to charge them 10s per annum for the extra amount of water used in the washing of" plates." The matter was brought up by the oonsiderati >n of a letter from a photographer, who asked that a water connection be inado to his workshop, [t was r.cognised that the camera man uses moie water than tiie average ratepayer, and the suggestion to charge all photographers a half-sovereign yearly wis about to be carried, when Cr. Cameron pointed out that the tax would moan that no rosideut in St. Kilda would be allowed to keep a camera, which he thought most unfair. Cr. Scanlan said photographing was a hobby. His ow6 hobby was a dog, and he had to pay for it, But the Council did not, after all, impose this unique dnancial iuiliction.

With reference to the proposal to establish a fortnightly steam service betweon Rarotonga and New Zealand ports, oalling alternately at Auckland and Wellington, the Resident Commissioner for the Islands (Col. Gudgeon) points out in his annual report that it is by no means certain that such a service would benefit these islands, except perhaps during the months of May, June, and July. " The present arrangements for the transport cf island produce are really supplementary to the Fiji trade, neither service interfering iirectly with the other, It hj, however, relt that the second steamer may disorganise a system lus worked very smoothly for the last two or three years tnd ttiat at least one of our shipments must come into conflict with that of Fiji, to the detriment of all parties. If this should prove to be the case—and I do not see bow it can be avoided—the planters, both European and Native, will cease to snip by that boat." Tne commissioner adds " we are at Uast twice as Well oil as we were live years ago, and the habits of industry lately developed by the Native inhabitants insure a continuance of the present prosperity." A portly and respectable shopkeeper of •Sydenham, named James, met with an adventure in Christchurch on Monday morning (says the Herald's correspondent). He •ame down town carrying a small brief bag, containing some sovereigns, notes an 1 silver, destined for the safe cmtoly of the Hank of Now Zealand. Outside the bank he oasualiy noticed a sturdy, thickset feliow of about 40, respectably dressed, and leaning against a bicycle. He attached no significance to the fact, but when he left the bank the man with the bicycle started to move ais). Just as Mr James was about to mount the steps leading to jjargood's a man on a bicyclo dashed up, slung the uachine againsc the wall, and seized the brief bag with the oasual remark, " Weil Mr Contractor, are you going to pay out yuur men?" He squeezed the bag, and turned it over, and iheu, realising that the brig was empty, ho left it in the hands of its owner, and bolted. Obviously the man uad mistaken Mr James for a contractor who was g'.ing to the bank to draw out money to pay hia men, but Mr James was paying in instead. The surprising feature about the allair is that it happened in the heart ot the city almost, at shortly after eleven a.m. Had the bag been full there is little doubt Mr Jamea would have been relieved of it.

According to an exchange, fashion is the CiU-eof the high proas tint ladies have been askei to piy fir gloves lately. Motorintf, th« writer says, has had its influence upon tho glovo market hy requiring, for motor garments, skim foroiarW use! for gloves. Other factors are the increased demand for long nlovei, which need twice the amount of material used for the short • mes, and the increasiug popularity of ki I boots. "The long evening gloves," it is -tated," cannot at present be bjught iu London, and factories are fully occupied tor ui nths ahead, so there is little chance of getting them even could the skins be spared tor this purpose. While t .is refers to l ing glo '/us, tiie shorter are daily advancng in price. L.dies who have been in the habit tor yoars ot getting a particular glove must therefore not be surprised if ••aked an advanced price ; hut according to Continental papers, should be pleased to get them at all. in the short glove, the black kid, so much worn. a tow years ago, haa again revived. Possibly economy has something to do with this, as there in nothing to soil. For the long glove at present worn with the stylish short-sleeved gowns, white kid will be principally worn, t hough iu my will prefer the suede in white, I eiver or pag el shadvs,"

Writing from 11 >ror>ii», 1 infcerbury, to a friend in Hamilton, Mr Thomas Stone, late of Woodland?, Hamilton, ,who recently returned from atrip to the Old Country, says he has purchased the Hororata Estate, of WOO acres, and intends to re-ide there for the present. Hororata is 30 tuiloi from Christchurch, on the plums side of -Sir John Hall's fjiU'jus (Iridium Kstate. Ho says thoy had a splendid holiday, and eujo)od good health all the time thoy wore away from the colony. Mr Mono remarks tint he is uot half as conceited regarding New Zealand as ho was b'tore he left. The market uud consumption at Home are marvellous, fie is one of the few New Z inlanders who say they woull like farming in England, and if it w re not for his fimity he would have been tempted to stay in the old land. Mr Stone says good agricultural land wi hin fifty mites of London is selling for from Xl2 to £l7 per acre. Forty-pound lambs fetch 40s, fat sheep 60s to 755, and fat steers .£.'s per head. There are equally high prices f r poultry. '1 he English farm.r is losing millions through n< t adapting up-to-iate method?. He attended the bmithtiald uifat market for a weak, and hecuuuu to'tho conclusion that the i-Jovern-rnent would have to grade meat like butter, although Canterbury Kill be the loser. Iu the i utter market there is not so much to cjmplain of as there is in reyard to frozen meat. Thoimnds of middlemen are making fortunes in handling farmers produ e. We cater for wed ling parties, birthday parties, picnics and balls No catering job i-i t"o big or to small tor us.—Tidd uud citaulou, Hamilton. li

"Aroyi'U going to thu Exhibition r"— soo Hi a to be liie burning question of the day. The nudstiou whuh really interests you Mi Ciotliec- -water is—" Jiave yuu seen the exhibition ot lovely suitings in V. Houghton's window r " They are all at one pr'oo, ninety-live shilling?. It will cost you nothing to look, and it will save your money to order one. If thero is nothing in the window to suit your taete, just walk inside and you will be suited at V. Houghton's jup-to-date tailoring establishment, Hamilton. 6 THE MTEST AND THE BE-T Remedy for Chest Complaints is llr. Sheldon's New Discovery for Cough*, Colds, and Consumption. It cures when all el.-p fails, Price, Is 6d and 3a. Obtainable ai Green and Oolebrook, Ltd., and branch stores; Thomas Wells, Cambridge; G. M. A. Ahier, Tu Awamuta, tied T. H, Clmpmiy}, Kihikibi.

Mr L). Elwa r d-, wh« his for some years been connected with the Stock D put merit in Hamilton, took over the Whatawhata Hotel to-day. Extensive alterations to the building have been effected, and this combined with the many known good qualities of Mr Edwards should assure travellers that their s'ay at the hostelry will be of the pleasanteet. The penny postage between Now Zealand and the United States came into operation t' - 'a>, when the reduced postal and telegraph rates aNo commenced, v.'/,., inland 010 penny for f> ur ounces or less, and the United Kingdom, British possessions and other countries which have agreed to the reduction of the Postal Union rates, one P'inny for each half ounce and to British New Guinea twopence per half ounce.

The Cambridge Croquet Club's season w»s formally opened yesterday. The Deputy-Mayor (Mr E. J. Wilkinson) perf< ruied the ceremony, and congratulated the club on acquiring such a fine lawn. The club deserve the hearty support of ocal residents. Play was commenced, but a steady drizzling rain set in, and the game had to be abandoned. There was a large attendance of players and friends, and .fternnon tea was provided by the lady members.

During the last few months farmers in this district have been subject to considerable annoyance (says our Te Awamutu correspondent), caused through the railway department failing to supply trucks for conveying fat stock to Auckland. This morning the same thing oocurrej, and f n r the fourth time to Mr C. J. Storey, who, owing to the non-arrival of trucks, was compelled to return home with no less than three truck loads of prime fat bullocks which he entered for the next day's Aucklund markets. Tne whole matter has been reported to the proper quarter, and will no d'ubt, receive the Department's earnest contention.

A difficult problem was presonted to the \\ aitnate Borough Council a few days ago, when petitions were submitted by various firms regarding the hours of closing. Tobacconists, general merchants, drapers and ironmongers desired the present hours gazetted with a view to stopping after-hour closing by several firms. Against these petitions were others who, in the words of one couno'llor, "dabbled in all and these were held to be in the majority. The discussion resolved itself into a protest against people engaging in so many lines that it was impossible to define what they really were. It was said that auction and commission firms were not justified in sUningipititions to regulate hours different fr)m their own, even though they were selling merchandise.

The Auckland Acclimatisation Sjoiety's appeal to the Otago Society to support it in its protest against the Government's proposal to separate the counties of Rotorua and East Taupo, together with portion* of Piako and West Taupo, from the Auckland Society's district, and to form them into a new district under the control of the Tourist Department, has fallen upon deaf ears (->aya a Lunedin mossage). The matter came before the council of the Otago ■Society at its monthly meeting, and the chairman (Mr A. C. Begg) said the protest could not be made, as the district had already been divided, lie also stated that it was hard for the Auckland Sooiety to have all the best of its districts cut our, bus the council of the Otago Society did not see that it could do anything in the matter. The subject then dropped. SICK! BABIE3 IN SUMMER. It is during the warm months of summer that mothers have to be most careful of their little ones, and at the first unußual looseness of their bowels should give the little sufferer a dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Get it to-day; it will save trouble later on. For sale by W. Dey, Hamilton; Thos. Wells, Cambridge; Geo. M. A. Ahier, Te Awamutu; Green and Colebrook, Ngaruawahiaj C'has, Dallas, Taumaruauij T, H. Chapman, Kihikihi.

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Waikato Times, Volume LVII, Issue 8046, 1 November 1906, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Waikato Times, Volume LVII, Issue 8046, 1 November 1906, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Waikato Times, Volume LVII, Issue 8046, 1 November 1906, Page 2