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Notices, HEALTH tOE Alt. HOLLOWAY'B PttLSMDOITIENt THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct aft disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in alt complaints incidental to females. THE OINTMENT is the only reliabfc remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sol'#' and Ulcers. For Bronchitis, Diphtheria/ Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. Sold by the Proprietor, TnosJA* Holloway, 78 New Oxford-street, London, and by all Medicine Vendors? throughout the world "HEATING'S LOZENGES." " HEATING'S LOZENGES." " A Simple Fact about " KEATING'?/ COUGH' LOZENGES., Ask throughout the world, in any country that can bfi named, you will find them largely so3<j< . There is absolutely no remedy that is scspeedy in giving relief, so certain to cWC;' and yet the most delicate can take them, "A TERRIBLE COUGH." "A TERRIBLE COUGH." " 94, Commercial Road, Peckham, July 12, '• Dear Sir,—l am a poor hand at expressing my feelings, but I should like to thank jou c Your lozenges have done wonders in relieving' my terrible cough. Since I had the operation of' Tracheotomy' (the same as the late EmpcroJ' of Germany, but unlike him, thank Gcd, I a® stil) alive) performed at St. Bartholomew's" Hospital no one could possibly have had a mosf . violent cough; it was so bad at times that quite exhausted me, The mucous, which r/as' very copious and hard has been softened, and f have been able to get rid of it without difficulty,—'' I am, Sir, yours truly, J. Hill." UTTERLY UNRIVALLED. UTTERLY UNRIVALLED. The above fact speaks for itself. From strict' inquiry it appears that the benefit from usiflgf Keating's Cough Lozenges is understated. Tin? operation was a specially severe one and w&i. performed by the specialist, Dr H. T. Butlii), ot St. Bartholemew's Hospital.. Since the operation the only means of relief is the use of th»i?' Lozenges.' So, successful are they that orlit' affords immediate benefit, although from tfct" nature of the case the throat irritation is intra*®/ WEIGHT IN GOLD, WEIGHT IN GOLD. Under date Sept. Bth, 1891, Mr Hill agafcl writes;-"lshould long- since have been deasT buti for your Lozenges—they are worth the«' weight in gold. I will gladly see and tell anyone what a splendid cough remedy they are." Keatirg's Cough Lozenges, the nnrivalMremedy for COUGH'S HOARSENESS, ail® THROAT TROUBLES, aVe sold in Tins bya3f Chemists, „ a 7. pRACTICAL OHRISTIANITt Published for the Special Benefit o Nor?*' _ Churchgoers. True Christian Religion, intelligently unclefc' stood, comes not to add to men's burdens but remove them. " For God sent not his Son inter the world to condemn the world, but that the! world through Him might be saved." John yiu 17 Its leading doctrines, adapted to the use of this New Age, are summarised as follows —■ There is one God, in whom is a DiviriV? Trinity of Love,. Wisdom and Operation/ »nd He is the Lord jesus Christ. having Faith is to believe in' Him. ' foils are to be shunned, because tbif are of the devil and from the devil. Good Works ought to be done, because they are of God and from God, and ought to be done by man as of himself, bsi? with the belief that they are from the Lord; operating in him by him. There are two things which constitute the essence of 1 God—love_ and wisdom. And are three which constitute the essence of His love-to love others out of Himself; to desired ,be one with them; and to make them happy frost? ; Himself, The same three constitute the essence of His wisdom;' because love and wisdom hi ; God make one, and love wills these things, and wisdom accomplishes them, . True Christistf Religion, No. 43. The word of God is Divine truth clothed io' human language, and adapted to the varied states of the human heart, that thus a man may .know God, and learn to know and do His wiJL"If ye continue in My word, then are ye My idisciples indeed." John viii. 31. "Therefor# all things ..whatsoever ye would that men . should' 'do unto jbu; do 'ye even so unto them; for thi?*' is tie 'law and the prophets. Matt.- vii. & Ten Commandments point out what evils are to be shunned in order that men may attaia eternal life. ' . "That it is not so difficult to ive the life ctf heaven as if commonly believed is evident fron* . this—that when anything presents itsen that oner knows to be insincere and unjust, to which his mind is disposed; he need not only think that it ought not to be done because it is contrary to . the Divine commands. If a man accustoms him*' self so to think* and from custom derives the habitj he is then by degrees conjoined to heaven j and in so far as he is conjoined to heaven, thtf, higher degrees of his mind are opened; and in %&' far as these are opened he sees what is insinccri? and unjust; and in so far as he sees these evils. ?hey can be shaken off, for it impossible that wf evil can be shaken off until it be seen. This is a state into which a man may enter from freedom f for who is not capable from freedom of thinking.. in this manner ? But when he has made a begin* ning all goods are wrought in him by the Lord, and He causes him not only to see evils, but ak sonot to will them, and finally to, become avers# to them. This is meant by. the Lord's words,' "Myyoke is easy and My burden is light/' Matt. xi. 30 But it should be known that till? difficulty ot so thinking,) and likewise of resisting evils, increases in proportion as; a "man from tiff wills commit evils, for in so far he becomes accustomed to them, until at length he does not seethem, and afterwards loves them, and from the delight of love excuses them, and by all kinds' of fallaciesconfirms them, and declares that they' are allowable and good. But this occurs with those who in the age of adolescence plunge int(?. evifsas if without restraint, and at the same tins? reject Divine things from tne heart."—" Heavea and Hell," No. 533. ; This advertisement, though containing truth fof all, is especially published for the benefit of thosff who from, any cause do not profit by ordinary' religious ministrations, Those who approve' oi the doctrines here euunciated. and who desire W assist in the work of disseminating them, are in* vited to communicate with Mr J. E. Hawley, St, Martin's, Christchurch, New Zealand/ who will l be glad to afford all necessary information and supp y a copy of" The Doctrine of Life," gratif'/ TO ADVERTISERS, All advertisements not otherwise ordered will be inserted until countermanded, and charged for accordingly; and it is parties-' larly requested'that, when practicable sud* orders for either supfiies.or countermand* ing may be in writing, All ad should be addressed to the Manager—a# to the Editor. •

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Waikato Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 3485, 30 October 1894, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 5 Waikato Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 3485, 30 October 1894, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 5 Waikato Times, Volume XLIII, Issue 3485, 30 October 1894, Page 10