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Notices. LAND ASSOCIATION, LIMITED. : ; IS NOW OAEEYING ON (PENDB'G KECONSTRTOTION) The Business, in all its Branches, of the NZ. LOAN & MERCANTILE AGENCY COMPANY, LIMITED. The Omm b- P* 1 ™ shi P mentS ° f CLOYEB AND GEAbS SEEDS of fc highest quaLty. He Company j r BONEDTJST, SUPERPHOSPHATES, k, supplied at the most farairaMe rates. rwvvma POWDER: THE BEST IN THE WORLD. COOPERS DIPPING POWDER. kUl BEQUISITES OF EAEMES AID MBOWm GEORGE W. SARE, Agent. Sept. o, .■;.;.:.; ....

Auctions. GARTER AND FRANCIS. WHATAWHATA. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7th, At 1 p.m. SALE OF STOCK, PRODUCE, ETC. a YOUNG STEERS & HEIFERS, tU from Whatawhata 15 Calves, from Te Awamutu side & First-class Milch Cows, juttcalved 2 Shorthorn Bulls, quiet and young Chestnut Colt, by Muskapeer, from Neamawahia J Brown Gelding, seven years, firstclass buggy horse and lady's hack iFirst-olass Hacks, young and sound ft Light Harness Horses 1 D.F. Plough (Wallace) 2 Berkshire Pigs • 1 Polo Pony | Whatawhata 3 Good Hacks ) T Single Buggy , Further entries. in future issue., CARTER & FRANCIS Auctioneers. , N.8.-These sales will be held quarterly at Whatawhata, Ngaruawahia, and Raglan, and we trust by'prompt renderinf of account sales and a low rate of commission and charges to merit a fair •hare of support from the farming commiwity and general public. CARTER* FRANCIS. Klines for our Sale at Whatawhata on 7th March can bo left with Mr WhiU. at Whatiwhata. :! HAUTAPU. flblAT, *AICH *, 18ft* At twelve o'clock noon, sharp. The undersigned have been favoured with instructions from Mr E. Pilling,, who is leaving the district, to sell by auction ' on above date at his residence (near Mr Douglas', of BruDtwood), THE WHOLE OF HIS VALUABLE FURNITURE A EFFECTS, comprising:— ROOM: Mottled Kauri Cheflfonier, Handsome Table, (on castors) And Cover. 6 American Chairs, Cane, and Deck Chairs, Linoleum 12 x 12, Hearth Rug, Mineb Stove (nearly new), Book Case, Curtain*, Ornaments/etc. DRAWING ROOM: Very Handsome Cretonne Cane Suite, Kidderminster Carpet 12 x 12 (nearly new), Bamboo and Octagon Tables; Platform Rocker, Fancy Chairs; and Bamboo Stools, Handsome Fender and Irons (brats mounted), Linen Damask, and Lace Curtains, Brass Curtain Poles and Rings, etc; / BEDROOM NO. 1: Splendid Brass Mounted D. Iron Bedstead; Mattress, Kapok Mattress, 'Feather Pillowly Handsome Dressing Table and Washstand, Choice Toilet and Chamber Ware, Marble Top, Looking Glassj Mottled Kauri Chest. Drawers, Linoleum, Mate, Crimson Damask Curtains. ' ; BEDROOM NO. 2: Three : quarterirbh Bedgteaii; j Wire-wove Mattress, Kapok Mattress, Feather Pillows, Table, Mangle; Blinds, and, Looking Glass. KITCHEN: Meat Safe, Tables,Chaiis, Scales and Weights, 2 Handsome Lamps, Crockery; and Glass Ware, % P. Forks and Spoons, Cutlery, Galvanised Tubs, Hall Linoleum, Blankets (new and good), Household Linen(nearly new), and large lot of sundries too numerous to particularise. ''"■ Also, 1 Pad Saddle, Bridles, Dog Chains, Garden Tools, Horse Covers, Set Single Harness, 1 Canterbury Roadster Trap (real bargain), Black Spanish Fowls, Pure-bred Alyesbury and Rouen Ducks, 3 Good Hacks, I quiet steady Buggy Horse. 1 Lady's English Saddle, 1 Gentlenmu's English Saddle, Luncheon provided. i CARTER ft FRANCIS, Auctioneers. <■ N.8.-The Auctioneers would oall the attention of the public to above Sale, as being a splendid opportunity of gettmg really first-class and choice furniture, I eto.

Auctions. McHICOL & CO. SECOND SHEEP, FAIR. Thursday, 22nd March. The undersigned will hold their second ; Sheep Fair at Ohaupo on the above date. ififlfi SOUND, FJIESH FULL--IUUU MOUTH CROSSBRED EWES, fromWainiana 100J Big - framed, Four-year-old\ Crossbred and Longwool I „ ■ ''Ewes' ; ■• I g'E 1300 Grand Four-tooth Crosßbred >g 9 and Longwool . Wethers. I fro with a few exceptions all I * fat and big weights. ■// c 1000 Two-tooth Ewes and] trom Wethers ....'. \ King 1000 ( M-month Ewes ,) Country, 1000 Crossbred and Half-bred Down Lambs, F. W. Bernett. 350 Crossbred and Half-bred Down Lambs, Mrs Jno. Huut , 200 Full mouth and Crossbred Ewea, R. F. Lascclles j 1 380 Fresh Full- mouth Ewe's j Home. 250 ' ' I wood ; 500 Crossbred and fiaifbreti Romney Lambs, from Waihou 400 Sound Good: Merino Ewes, all good i imutton; J. S. Browne 50 Fat Sheep, F. Norrish 50 LonnwoolEwes j ; V. 50 Halfbred Limbs (Marshall ,80 Haltbred Romney Two-V from / tooth' Ewer r A Utighb'r--140 Half bred Wether* • ?■ j *hood 150 FulMnoutJ! Ewes, R. F.jHargrave 1000 Crossbred.Ewe*, Lockerbie Estate McNICOL ft CO. G. F. McColiagh; Auctioneer, f24 cambridge autumn horse ,:;';;;v;fXir.' ::;, / v;::: : ; ' ; ! Wednesday, llth ApriL ,'HE, will 'hold _ their annual. Autumn, Horse Fair on above date.;,' ','"' '.' ; ,' i , l .«' ~.,•■" "''''.'.'•■'■ Entries received Iroiri A Austin, Jno, Kennedy/Win Crimmins, AV. K Carter, A, A. Company, B, VVard, H, Ja& Taylor, C J. Stbiey, B. Comer,'Jno. Browne, Te Arpha; Rangiatea Estate, Ja«. Hume. ' " rL ''''''..''"', ,!' > Entries solicited. t McXIG OX, (ft CO. \ G. F.McColiagh, Auctioneer, f27 IHR WILLOWS, Wyriyard • street, .! Auckland. - Boaulmg and Day School; principal, liMrs. as sisted by an efficient' staff of teachers. This school occupies an elevated and lieulthy position, aud pupils placed under Mis Williams';, charge receive careful training, and have all the, comforts of; a home, iiistruction gi veu in all t(»e cuetoinary llraiicuei of an English eduction, w'th French, Weniiwi, Latin, etc. The. year; is divided into threeterms of equal length, which begin in February,' May;,anil, September. 1 F«es |H)r term '(payable in advance): Board, with English educatiou, £13135; weekly I ,1..-„ I'll 110. r1,.., i.nnila f.'J \>a Extras: French (Iss|, Qeririao (255), Drawiug C2ls), Paiutiug ( (30s>; Lauuciry Expeutes (30s), fctc. ' ml J. UARTLY, EACHEROF MUSIC k SINGING, Cambri»ok. .Mueic supplied tor Public and Private Daucea in Bay part of Waikato. Terms ou applioation. IEW MUSIC- 1, Fidelite" (Gavotte) \ by Eifen WiiiM)u.-Eady and Co., Ancklwd. jy29

Auctions. McNICQL AHD CO. AVING purchased the Goodwill of the AUCTIONEERING BUSINESS carried on by the late Mr John McNicol, I d«sire to inform the farmer* and settlers of Waikato and surrounding districts that on and after the Ist February, 1894, I will carry on the same under the name of McNICHL & CO., and trust, with attention to business in th« interests of clients, and prompt settlements, to meet with a fair share of support. ; A. J. STOREY. Hamilton, Jan. 29,1894. In reference to the above, we have sold the Goodwill of the Auctioneering to the Estate of the late' John McNicol to A. J. Storkt, who will take over: the: same on the Ist February, and conduct it under the name of McNicol & Co., and we trust the support given to the late firm will still be, continued. ; All outstanding/Accounts in the, old Estate are, requektid to be paid at an early date to '% J. Storey,.. Hamilton;' n E. F. McNICOL ARCH. McNICOL -Executors. OHAUPO.LIVE STOCK SALE, THIS DAY. \ HEAD FAT, STORE, AND ' DAIRY CATTLE McNICQL * CO. G. F. McCnLtAflH; Auctioneer, f24 WAITOA LIVE STOCK SALE. Friday, (Hh March. i CHOICE FAT} V STKERB W.L.C. lOFatHeifera k Williams sFatC6w« 11 Choice Fat Cows \ ; 6 Fresh • conditioned [- A. R. Hine • Cows ) 6 Lightweight HeiftK, McNicol 100 Fat Ewes, Raogiatea Estate SO Crossbred Eh es I T , • D „ - ~ 20, Lambs _,,.,,: ~.<: f...:.,. ~;■ ' 4 Fat Cows, Richmond Downs l'."W Half-bred DownA ['. 7 Lambs .',.< i- 1 ...,•: p I), Crossbred Ifcwn> Thos. Bellamy V ' Latnbs . • .J-.- . , 1 JO Fat Ewes J 10 Quiet Springing Heifers, F. W. Burnett 1 u ' ' Purehwl Pointer Dog, eighteen* ,'! ■; w months-old }■■ i,'. :• ''-;. :■ 5 Mar Wand Foals 1 ~.,. „",„, r Y r [ without reserve 100 Fat Ewis, Waitoa Estate McttlCO!, * CO. G. F. Auctioneer, f27 SALE IN TE AROHA TOWN BOARD "' ' -YARDS;, ' Thursday, 15th March. Tht undersigned i will hold a sale'in Yflbove yards oil the day after Te Aroha Races of ORSES, CATTLE, ETC., ETC. -2 Good Draught Horses J' From :, .2 Active Spring Cart [• Meadow- . Horses , ~, ) i bank; , 15 Usiifnl Light;Harne««t Hotscu and Hacks, from,Te Puke. , Upftandjng Bay gelding, by Billingsgate :;; McNICOL & CO. G. F. McCoi-UfiH; Auctioneer, m 3 VAILE JpOTEERS, COOMBEIS ARCADE, Qukkn-stukei;, .!:-■•:• Auckland. HEGISTEEED PATENTEES' AGENTS (By exam.) The Only Qualified Agents iu Auckland. Patents, Trade Marks and Copyrights obtaiued in. any part ot the woild at moderate cost. oopp»rp) Tinea office

Wanteds, (fee , ANTED-An Apprentice for the chemist and druggist business; must be a well-educated smart lad, about 15 years old. Apply to. R. F. Sandes, Hamilton. *6 , ANTED -A Good Ploughman, married, without encumbrance; wife must be good housekeeper. Also, a good trustworthy shepherd, marrii)d. For further particulars apply to John Gordon. Woodlands, Taupiri. , : mj y 1 ANTED-Intending purchasers of ' Glass, 'Ghinji, Earthenware, Fancy Goods, Cutlery, Ac, visit Aspinall's, Importers. Our motto is: Good value for little money. Goods carefully packed and sent to country customers on receipt dP.0.0. Price list on application to ASPINALL'S,' 80, Victoria-street, Auckland 012 ANTED' KNOWN-A Small Stock , of Seasoned Timber, etc., for repairs always on hand. Country orders promptly attended to.-J. Frear, Ha'mil' tbo;-Vi-.i-.--r..i..!. ■■ ■■■■[ •' '' ; ml;, r ANTED KNOWN -Waterbury Watches cleaned and repaired equal to neti-H.iH. Howclen, Watchmaker, etc., Victoria-street, Hamilton West, m r. > v n f\ m 'A ANTED RNOWN-4. Wilson and » V Co, Auckland, give estimates and instructions on concrete free, aud sell Cement, Hydraulic and Shell Lime, Bricks, etcy 11' / [.'.; c; : 'i i (an\l2 I ANTED, KNOWN -Splendid assortment Fancy Sweets, packed in useful and ornamental articles, suitable for Christmas and New Year's presents. -J. T. Home, Hamilton. dl 9 : /ANTBDjJ KNOWNrCox's' Cash Sale commenced "on' MONDAYj Fein urn y sth, for one month. OME early and secure the Great J Bargains at Cox's Cash, Drapery LL Departments,' are! included in . Cox's Sale, being more satisfactory to the piiiclmser than'small die counts oft kome goods and larger off (itl.cisthat are not so useful. ' " ' * .*;W# " f3 ■' A' NT ED KNOWN; 1 OPB!iiIWUP ! ; 4WTIMIM r UNO f HiTH! COOOS iT DEPARTMENT/S.i fl 0 W A K D, : CambkidciE Hocsk, .Cambridge. n3 orse ...b;re.aki ( n,g, The undersi|ined is prepared to uudertake the briakirg-in of youngs Horses to .saddleor hartit-t-s. \ / For further pai ticulars apply to Cambridge, Tfov. 27.,1893.; .... Vi ~ IMA REWARD. t Monday •evening, a small case containing a DIAMOND RING. The' above reward 'Will be paid on returning same to <" P. B. DARBY, Hamilton. THE AUCKLAND SHORTHAND and TYPEWRITING SCHOOL, A.M.P.Building^Quefn^tifet--Tuition day and evening.' Itisnow-a'-drfys almost iudispentable that efficient clerks in all branches of commeice should have a knowledge of Shorthand awl Type-writ-ing.! Mr J. H. Colwill having a special method of teaching shorthand through the jjiist guarantees proficiency. o2 ; Authorised & Licensed Surveyor, V HAMILTON. iOFFicit.':, Waikato Times Buildings. Surveys and Measurements of all descriptions undertaken anywhere in the A CARD.] T.H. W H I T E, Architect, WAIKATO TIMES OFFICE, HAMILTON. Agent for Cambridge, Mr G. Dickeson

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Waikato Times, Volume XLII, Issue 3383, 6 March 1894, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Waikato Times, Volume XLII, Issue 3383, 6 March 1894, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 1 Waikato Times, Volume XLII, Issue 3383, 6 March 1894, Page 10