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The - ; -||^^'' , '-fe' ,^--ifiS! ': 'Kw^^^Vli?Con S i°nm^^ liberal "ni* ■<*» Ensuing Clip rf Wool

Auctions, J. McNICOL; ' A ; :V ! tARNEY'S ANTHELMINTIC. No flock-owner should be without it. ' "■:;■■' Also, : ; ■ Sutton's Parasitic Drench l jtOR PRIVATE SALE. Buildings known as Whyte's; situated in centre of business part of' Hamilton. First-class Cocksfoot Seed., '■■ Good' Steam Engine, ; in good order. Can be seen at Mr J. Allwill's; ; ; .:;■'; ■::•-■■■■'* t6'VLBT : :V-';- • : , , Office,' 2 rooms and good store, in; Whyte's Buildings; v ; : .' AGENTS ; FOR: ■ '■;■( ■' P arid D. Duncan's Implements.. ' .Boomerang Branding Oil.. The best brand for sheep in the; 1 market; lasts the season; weather, does not affect it, and it scours out easilywith soap: \ ; - little's Fluid.Sheep Dip, in .one and five-gallon'drums " ; ; <; "'};/■ ■ '■"' : ' : ! Little'sFowclerDipyin2lbpackets • . McDougaUV'Sheep; Dip and; 'Cattle Dressing'' '. : '; : ,' ,|; '' , ''■, '''vf" ,; ' !: ' ' . For the Executors, :i: ■ '■. ■ nil : - ;/ HA,^STOREY. , AN FED,- a Competent CLERK for T /-'the Ngariawabia Town District Board; Salary, Thirty pounds per Annum. Good References arid Guarantee One' Hundred Pounds required. • ! --1 - • M->n \ Applications received up to noon SAT--URD AY, [ December 16th>i -ili.-' Ji j ■■>■<**» 'i'/..'J ! '.-'G.Fi"DIOPSON;i-:i.;ij. fPENDEßS!(addresßediC.hairman,Wai- ; jMoNfcatOKCounty,C^Uncil^Kirikirirpa) wiM»iNwivediupi.t6'3 on THURSDAY, 21st December, for ROAD; WORKS; iiea*: Wairangi, consisting of; Cutting, Fillings,- Culverts, and four Small; Rough .Bridges. ;!l ; : i;T ;;■ specifications mayibe.seen at the residence of Councillor: Johnson at Wftirangifafter! FRIDAY,; Ist December,; i-v.-u.; .:■■;■, r-v,v f ! '' james Mcpherson,:'! ¥ M.-.i't' >iWaikkto County Clerk.; 4IKATO "cbUNTY COUNCIL. ;:v^^'N ;i o' ■fiWti'F- ' l(i '" 1 ■ • Owing to the non-completion of, .the re-, pairs'tb the NARROWS BRIDGE the road will NOT be AVAILABLE for TRAFFICuntiI furthernotice. ; i Kihikibi,|6th Deceiriber, 1693. d 7 N.OTICE ,TO> CLOSE A ROAD '' UNDER "THEPUBLIC WORKS ACT, 1882," :; -AND- AMENDMENT The Ngaruawahia Town District Bo*rd, hereby'PUBLICLY NOTIFY that they intend to close a i portion of the-road frontiug sections,No, 593, 594,595, 631,' 632; 633, 634; 635. and 636 inJthesNgaruawahia ,Towni. District, Township of Newcastle. . ■■". ;'■ -Plans, of ".the portion to be closed will lie open to Public Inspection at the, office ,of the Town Board,; Ngaruawahia,' for four weeks from date hereof...... _:..■ - All persons having any objection to the proposed, closing; of portion of, said road are hereby called on-to lodge ,the 'same in writing in the office of the, Waipa County Council within four, weeks of the first publication of this notice. , ' Chairman, Ngaruawahia Town District Board. . December 6th, 1893. :v : d 7. IHE RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S Mr Gresham, Barrister and Solicitor, will attendvaU'sltiirigs;of the' .above ;,Op.Urfc'.'' ; ,-.- Consultations at Gwynne's Hotel. . Te Awamutu, 2nd October, 1893. of

■"''■' Auctions; ' J. McNICOL.i ;. fIHE Business of the late John MoNiool, of Hamilton, Auctioneer, will be carried on as before by the Executors, A. McNicol anU A. X Storey., . .;'.'•' Fortheßxecutors r ■ A.J.BTOREY. "'... HAMILTON LIVE! STOCK SALE.; THIS DAY? ~.;;; At pk """'" :■'■' | IATTLE, 1 .-HORSES,. SHEEP, ETC. J 9Three-year-old Steers, H.Latham; 20 Good Yearlings - ' Yj"F rom i 10 Fresh-conditioned Cows fg u k anu i 6 Good Beef !,. \ J, ~.,- , '■,-' 15,FatEvves ; , J,, ~,-; r , : -, . i llf at Cow . , J I Quiet Good 'Dairy Cow, .'in fnil milk,'W; Taylor. .' ";/ ! ' .60 Four ah(i Six-tooth ; Ewes, with "■' ' ''''■'' lambs .fit 1 for butcher' at"side,

Notices fpO LET-A good Five-roomed House 1 in Hamilton Eaht. Apply to Mrs Jack. .•■:■'«'■" !OR SALE-50 Acres Good;Lancl near J Kihikihi, with road and river frontage ; well fenced round. First reasonable offer accepted.; Apply ; 0. A. Ogle, Post-office, Kihikihi. . «7 TORSE ■ BREAKING. The undersigned is prepared to undertake the breaking-in of young Horses to saddle or harness. For further particulars apply to _ T. WLSJi. Cambridge, Nov. 27,1893. LU E ; W A R D. Strayed or stolen from Roth well's farm, Whatawhata, about 26th October, one Three-year-old Black FILLY; white star on forehead, about fifteen hands two "inches high; scar oh !front of right; hock. Anyone giving such-information as will lead to recovery of same will receive the above W¥i ..;i \ ~...-::. ..Surgeon, : , ~. Waikato Hospital. 23rd November, 1893. n 25 r ,-(■!•-■■ E" ; ' JT D' ■■K--;B-;' b ' " TENDERS wanted immediately for CUTTING about 40 acres TI-TREE. Work to be finished January 14th. W. M. DOUGLAS, 35' ' Bruntwbod, near Cambridge. TENDERS will be received up to 11th December, 1893,/ for .BURNING, and PLOUGHING; about 30acres. :■', ','.': ' ; ■■'■/.■.' : ;"•••.:.: ; For to '■'?■■ m [ """ i:( '■'''■''' ;; - ,;:: "'" ' Hautapu. ]

Wanteds, &c. ' )-fen Men and Cook. .. „ rr y on the works, Eurelo--B^rray______________??L end of the month, a Nurse, hot under 17. Mrs Mair Douglas, BruntwjwM^^ ANTED-A Youth able to milk and. willing to make himself useiulonafarm. Apply to W.J. Weeks, | Te A wamutu. or this office. .dp,. | WANTED-Residerits of Matamata to know that B. Browne is agent for H. H. Howden, watchmaker, Hamilton, and will receive all and jewellery for repairs at his store, Matamata. °3 ANTED-Intending purchasers of ..'■■' Glass, China, Earthenware, Fancy Goods, Cutlery, Ac.,-to visit Aspinall's, Importers..% Our motto is: Good value for little money: Goods carefully packed and sent fa country customers' on receipt of P. 0.0; Price list on application to , A V S PIN ALL'S, i ~- -80, Woria-street, Auckland, o U WANTED. KNO WN r Lett' B . Diaries for 1894 ;* Christmas numbers of graphic and Illustrated.-Sandes.and €o M Hamilton. \ .;. .,".-': '■••_: ANTED; KNOWN -Concrete i Stable, Cowshed,' Barn, and other •floors, Tanks, Dips, Pathsetc., are cheap, ' -J.' Wilson and Co., Auckland. ,au 12 T ANTED KNOWN-That the First Concert of the Hamilton Orchestral Choral Union will be held on Tuesday evening next, 12th inst.. See'programme ■• in Saturday's issue, / '; --<-:,-PLANTED KNO WN—New' arrivals 1: Books, Stationerjr;\Fancy Goods, Toys, Christmas Cards in great variety, - at W. Spedding's Wool and Fancy Dep6t, Waikatb Times Buildings; Hamilton. n!4 j ANTED KNOWN-J. Wilson and . ,■'' Co, Auckland, give|. estimates and instructions on concrete free, aud Bell Cement, Hydraulic and Shell Lime, Bricks, etc. an 12 AN T ED KNOWN OPENING UP NE* COOOS.

-,'. •A. Wilson''.,.','."..;',' '.'!..',' '.': > , ,:i Fat Cow, ~: . ,( v ,r ; ) -,. : ii ]..,:.;•■ r "". Fast-trotting Quiet Pony" '' , JO Quiet .Hand-fed., Yearlings, Frank joiiy' !■' Breech-loading Guri .;! .< 3'^atCowß r Chaß. Hibbs |y { ,<• ; . I Dark Brown My; 4 years, good back;-Geo. Parr 1 "■'-■ "]' H.JatUey i :■ '" ; '' i;:! >'' : - :i -F6rthe:Eirecnto^s; ; u#4 ? i G. ! SAIiE. j Tuesday, 12tK December:,!'!' : ■. ~\ : '.'•icvii :"' ill '■(■y,:\\ i ,ATTLE; SHEEP; -ET'G. j 50"'H^-^eil^^Y^ng^ttte,; fromKopua ~'!'. 120' \Yell-bre(iiTwo|to^Four-year-old. ■StejeraV'^'^'V' 'i.,, 20 Choice Eighteen-'j I '" nionths'old Heifsrs! From Te " v KGood.Dairy Cow <T SfAwamiitu' .■■.;., 4;Headßeef;; fej!;/ ' .i 40: Very Choice Eighteen-nionths old < v.;-,. Steers; W.;G; Wilkie? hvni!'"' 50 Well-bred 2^year-oldiSteers,; | ■■■■:'.:■. =■'.■).,■;•; For the Executors;?;'' ■; r ./,,,. , ;i ,wii^ : y. v A:;-Ji STOREY.; G. F. McCcllagh; Auctioneer./., n 30 WAITOA LIVE Friiday,lstb> December. ,iAT, STORE k DAIRrCATTLE ' ■ FafcanSStore;Sheep, Etc.■■'/ : ; ;<; ■ 8 Fat Oattle, 1): Craig v ! ;i ! .-'; 6 Choice MCows l '^VwaUo'a ■ bred Down Ewes J 20 Fat Ewes j From 20 Fat limbs j Thos. Bellamy i 2M%Eweß;.i:.y)l ; from E. H. 250 Ewes j Grey ) For the Executorg, :■■.'■';'■ A J. STOREY.; G. F. McCctllagh, Auctioneer, d 2 ANNUAIi' SHEEP FAIR, ; > The undersigned will' Hold the annpl RttEDING EWES. FAT & STORE -WETHERS, EWE & WETHER LAMBS "' ;! ' ,:: -' :J - ■"'' ,: ' :: ;";;V. i Stud and Flock Lincoln, Leicester, . - Shropshire;". Southdown,... and ".'l:- ' Etomriey Marsh Bairns. ■'',';. ; EARLY IN FEBRUARY. r,Entries solicited. - : ,: -For, the Executors,.:, ; /;/,;:■ :;'o. /■i; ;A. J. STOREY; G, F, MoCullagh, Auctioneer. d2

OWfGH r MILTON.: Annual Tenders. .; WRITTEN TENDERS will be rekved!up to/4'p.m; ori'TTODAT, December' 12th"ihsfcahti for the following Service and, Supply : :V- '-GRiVElitlW;' ;:";;■ ..".;; j ',, ;; | BOGCOLLARS ~;-.,'•; •>-■■•! ;<IiAMPLIGHTING;-^^;^;:J J ; \up6u application to the Town'Clerki : " - ;.;'■ - ; ;; ,' Mi ,: ;d.7:-

LONDON HOUSE, HAMILTON, ANTED, KNOWN-That' Mr Ger--1 '. rish' has: enlarged his residence,, and has increased accommodation for boarders, affording: to ladies and gentler men all the comforts of a private home. Moderate charges.-S.' Gerriah, Dukestreet West, Cambridge. ;,:. COOK. Salary, £4O pet annum. Applications, with testimonials, will be received by the; undersigned up to FRIDAY, the 15th,inst,, and the successful candidate will be required to take charge on Monday, the 18th inft WILLIAM deR. TURNER, Secretary. Hamilton 4th December, 1893, d 5 BRITISH & CONTINENTAL Victoria-street, Hamilton. ' PIANOS and ORGANS on view. Sold, on the deferred payment system'or for •cash,v ..- ■;■•■ : : j Local Agent: .■.-_;'■ •. ;; ';., W. PATT ER S 0;N Teacher of Music. Pianos Tuned in any part of Waikato. . STRING BAND SUPPLIED FOR DANCES. . d 5

j AIPA ■ GOTOT iCOUNOIL. FRESH:TENDERS! will be,received till noon of MONDAY", December 11th, for GRAVELLING') a portion of the County Road near Rotorangi.,-.',,, Specifications on view at the Council Chambers, Ohaupo. ■ - :. Tenders to be addressed to the Chairman of the Council, Ohaupo, marked outside "Tender for Contract No, 187," OFFERS will be received up to the same date from persons willing to act as SURFACEMEN in the various Ridings in the County. Full particulars will be obtained on application to,the. Councillors for the respective: the undersigned; " The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted; oy. • •; ;i ALEX. ARMSTRONG, County Engineer. Kihikihi, 24th November, 1893. d2 UKEKURA ROAD BOARD. TENDERS invited for GRAVELLING Nos. 1, 2 arid 3 contracts lately formed (250 cubic yards, more or less),. To be tendered for separately in fowr sections; Trusteed : will meet contractors at Mr J- Keeley'sCorner onTHURSPAY, 14th instant, at 9 a.m., to show work, : :A deposit ofo£2:to accompany; each tender. , ' L al ;■ Specifications can:be seen at the re : sidenceof the secretary.; - ' ; ' ' The lowest or any tender not necesFItIeRALD, - ~■ 'v-- r " o ;.>*•■.: ■■■{':; Clerk, ; ; , Pukekura Road Board. sairview,;Cambridg«, i sth December, 1893. d 7

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Waikato Times, Volume XLI, Issue 3346, 7 December 1893, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 1 Waikato Times, Volume XLI, Issue 3346, 7 December 1893, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 1 Waikato Times, Volume XLI, Issue 3346, 7 December 1893, Page 12