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! ■■:..' '■■,:■■■ 'u-;ir< :-:-- : f?/,= ; t .?!!.:;;•;* ■ The Railway,. Commissioners.,naveaccepted the- tender of the Taupiri.,Bx- •■ tended Coal .Company for the.Auckland Section ! of Railways. I) ,:ty\[ .i-M^r There was'a 1 very-short'sitting;of the Resident Magistrate's Court at Harail"tori; 'yesterday, before Captain Jackson, R.M., small debt case beiag dealt !with. [,':[ .;}"''. : |' " ){ r' ( '; ! f' : =..'.,v ■ We understand .that : the .Rev, •B, Rothwell, son 'of 'the- late Mr T..ftpthwell r of Hamilton, whois expected on preach at the Wesleyari Church, Hamilton, ■/tin Sunday next, toth morning and evening.- : : The secretary of'iihe-HamiltonWest School CommitteTHhforins *us' thatKthe scHblarship examinationsthis;year*wiU be 1 held'ih the'Hamiltori West Schbol'on Monday,;.lßth two; succeeding*^ ,■-.'" An Advertisement will' sj\ ; seen' m another column ;-w,hich .intimates .thiiUhe Narrows'' Bridge .yet aurhcieatly.repaired to ; permit 6f;traffic it.V.Nodoubts the 'exceedingly;, heavy,, rain ; . wh>ch feltoniSaturday and? Sunday, jast.uthe ■'At a special'meeting of; the,;^e- ! Aroha Town' Board ; ori Saturday last Mr P. Snewin was ! appointed Clerk of the Board at a salary' of J £39 per annum*' 'fTie,otner ! Gilchrist, :!^. j Wild; :H.! J'.i.-Gofcz, and.C. ■Lusher. -■ j 7' i^- ;i !: ,\ "-'"■'•'■■'■ ' Mi} i; / " .'We have & remind horse>omier» that nominations 'tor,'the two; principal events at the .Whatawhata annual races, viz?, the Hurdles,and Handicap.'close-with the Secretary; tp-mpowl^riday} 1 ; : M U, ,J; nations, jii j;, ; ,j{- r j i; [, : ;/v ■u ! ifui u^\ orrSaturday last,MrJ JohnjjPqrilen, of Harapepe; met with'a painful accident.He was riding'frohv Alexandra in company with alriendwhen his;hor3e;a;youngone, shied and 'geteHn the gutter, fell, .crushing the rider's leg'and'badlyspraminehisankle. ■ Mr-Pohlen, is ; making steady progress and hopesto inafew'daysV ; - ; ' ; - ;,::;i;!{ \ l;i; : :;!; '' : ; jjV " One of the Concert-SutyCom-porfc'in THETiMES.of Saturday^as,t-of'4hft | concert in connection with the Rev. ;J.^U. I Simnnnds' singing class .at Pukerimu.; 'The report states,that: aftßr' i IJ th*e;. concert I : school was" cleared arid dancing, kept up until the early.h'/urs. This; as there \yas no,|dance;ia«er; .' :_■', ~ ';, ; ;. || . Some.time between Saturday night and Sunday;'mbrningHlast: the Railway' . Station i: at >/Pe Arohai ;was< entered; by ;jburglars, Mr Bell,' the stationma^ter,,on-going 'into the Sunday;afternoon,found 'the place in confusion,' but:the;.cashjwas all secure'fthe!Bafein()tu'havingi,been f :,ppened.Traces'of the unwelcome/yisitprwereiound in other parts of^thetown'.,'t;/;I : n,-;■■;... -i,;^ (:' Captain -Harris ! and■■ -Lieutenant 'ißlooihfieldl'ol'tfe^ 'ton, have been appointed'to'take charge of ;Pftrnell, f and 'will 'be 1 Gap-'tain,-arid. Mrs ' Ttattray^^Captain' ' <;and ; Mrs Jacksoni of Cambridge, goto Ohehunga, and 'Ga'ptaih'Scntt'lforrnerly of Cambridge)' will " supply" the,Jatter■ place for ; a few "weeks. ' The changes take'nlace to'da'y. ; ; We' -notice-from! our/ exchanges ihat' Mr Edwin Hope; ; df-Crisborne, has been apphinted dispenser at l the Wellington,; Hospital onto! eight s applicants iforitheiiDOst.Mr'Hopins Mielde^t' son .of«'Mr J. : L. ; Hope; ; of Hamilton!^andi he;served :a$ an ' apprentice 1 with s Mr ! K; ¥: SandesiniHAiml-'. tori; MrHopeihasialready-gained;several ; Buccesßes ! 'iri^his ; «profesßion, and/WeaCongrafculate hinVori his-recent appointment. >l" By: an. joyersipf "the fetter #'Mr' ,$ C ,iShepner(l'pri : 'tho',Single; iTaxlnour' last issue, went impress, wijhilut correction. -.We. regret,tHi?,! more, especially; is, 'some portions of'the letter, are;: thereby rendered :i circumßtancei;and;rieces'Biii'es pf future days ' should paragraph'"shmild be''cheap' arid''speedy transfer of'land,

A meeting jOf, (the members of the Te A wamutu Mounted Rifles will be held I at Raglan at on Saturday next, !Jth I inst,, W )o |§ | ! We wbiikf direct' attention 5 to ,|h'e ; • advertisement jjnihis issue from Mr H| B. Moftoti;?lJGJuatainslfstroet, Auckland^with| regard ,to Bhipments of wool and other pro-;; duce to London;;;;; ;;,i ; \ The first concert of the recently- j formed Hamiltdh 1 Orciieatrall Ghbral ;Unio|n j will be Riven in the Public Hall, Hamilton, on Tuesday evening next. The full programme will appear in our Saturday's fesaeOTklV A The Ngaruawahia Town Board advertise for a competent clerk at a salary of £3O peranum., .They require good re-ferences''ancl-a of?£i00. Applications will be received up to noou of Saturday, 16th j Y * Ah Art being: held in Auckland, in which there are 70 prises/consisting of 'useful sorticles'qf furniturei ornaments, etc, There are 3000' tickets-, at Is each, and (the arjclesjare np.w.onjy.iew at the Victoria Arcade,' Auckland. ' ' ' The animal raeetingiof the members of the Waikato Horticultural Society will be held in The Waikato Times Buildings, Hamilton,,on, .Wednesday,next, the 13th inst. ( ]The; business to to; brought'before theWeeting is the reception* of the report of the late show, the election' of officers;.forj the. ensuing^ discussion of any other matters' that 1 may te brought up. ~., _ „;;,,,,,- ~. ....,;•;..',. YTe would remind our readers' of the entertainment, to .be given .by, the Hamilton Amateur Dramatic Company in' the Volunteer Hall, Hamilton, this even- • ing. The drama, "The Ticket-of-Leaye Man "will,,be, repeated for r the last time, and the piece will be'mounted with entirely new scenery, specially painted for the occasion. We hope to see a good house* as the Company certainlydeserve one. : ; Wetoave to acknowledge the receipt of the Government;railway; time-table, for' ' December.'; There are no alterations in the Waikato services exceptiin connection with the Rotorua line.' There is now a train to and from Oxford every day* and to ana from Tarukenga~and Lichfield three days a weeki Oh Mondays, Wednesdays'. and ; f ridays the afternoon train leaves Hamilton West at 1.50 p.m.,' and on, the other afternoons Prankton Junction at 2.10 p.m. as previously. i The ordinary meeting of the Board; of Education'was held in Auckland; on ; Tuesday, the-business being of a general character. Among,,the, resignations we notice that' of' r MisW "K." Harper, sewing teacher, Alexandra school. The Secretary • reptvrtedtiiat 261 entries ,had been received; in Auckland, :24 at the Thames,' and- eight in Hamilton for the, scholarship competition. The entries from, the Waikatp.schopls were: Class O.Haihiltori \Vest: 2; Ngaruawahia,4;Te'Aroha'goldfields, 3. j Mr W..A. .Moses, the, obliging teller of the Bank of Ifew Zealand; at Cambridge, has severed his' connection with that institution, and takes his departure from Waikato to-morrow morning. This evening a smoke, concert,will be. given in. the Lodge room of' the Oddfellows'Hairas' a farewell to Mr Moses; who 'during his short stay in Cambridge has." made a, large number of friends'who Rreatly'regret His leaving. Mr Taylor of the Hamilton Branch has been transferred to Cambridge. • Messrs Milhe'andiChoyce.of 1 Auckland, announce; ithai Mr $. J. Nicholls, ; their well-known representative, will be in Hamiltonvfor,a week, commencing tomorrow (Friday); ; and will f show in Mr Howden's sample room a special Christmas' disuiay of summer goods ot. all descriptions,. and also a full;range of samples of the newest designs in all classes of material. .'■ • They specially: notify/ that a, competent lady assistant will .be in attendance; who will be pleased ' fo ! accepti orders' for the ..dressmaking and millinery departments. 'This will : be'a splendid opportunity for-our lady friends to secure goods in the and most^rioyel l style's; forj the holiday season. • . j ' V As; will beiseeril>y an advertisement, in another column; Mr Charles'' Kelsey (opposite the Town ,Clock), is giving up his business and is now holding his first and only clearanco sale of/his whole stock of fancy goods; toys, jewellery, Christ;mas cards,; etc.yvalued at, about£Booo. As he intends to sell'oiit; the goods' are'markecfat such prices as; will; speedily,aife2t this end and the sale'offers'a splendid opportunity for the.purahase of .of 'descriptions at great bargains.) The/sale - prices are all marked in red figures so'that j there can be v no mistake," The; shop fixings • and show' cages' and !l Mr Kelsey Viprivate residence at Ejlerslie are also for sale. >ah . The prize presented % Messrs Siitf • ton and Sons through their Waikato agents, 'W/ Suuter ancl Cd.; ? to' the Waikato Agricultural and 1 Pastoral ihow ha 1 virig ! lapsed through being allotted to a class in which there was no competition it ■ has' been arranged that, this amount of £2 2s;\vili.; be added to the.usual.sum of,£2 2s, given '"aYprizes 'forthe'prodiiceof Sutton's seeds shown at the Waikato Farmers' Club 'Root Show.'held annually ; :at, Cambridge, "making;a sum pf,£4 r 4s, : to be divided as ■ prizes for swedes,- etc., . seeds apd at the proper 'time, ' the Far*, mer's Club will be asked to allot the prizes Jin sueh away as they may f think desirable;: ■. ri- AswillbejSeen from t^e! report^of ■ ( the;; Fruit-growers meeting, which appeared in Tuesday's issuej Mr Hudson the Railway'Tratec Manager-in re--Bponse,to a request from s the president, ha* ; considerately Wrangediso that, all:fruit sent from stations south of Franktoh Junction, by -Thur3day?sotrains<shalli>bej carried, , .throughby the,passenger train, and be delivered to'tlie salesmen, I 'or other vCondicrhee the same, evening,^This is a concession which'growers, : especially of'soft fruit, will . '• duly appreciate as the time saved, and the consequently less injury to the fruit ere it ,; reaches its.destiuation will be a consider-, able advantage to the growers.' -It'is the president's we understand, iio en';''deavourto induce'the authorities to;make ■similar arrangements for directs transmit ~;«ori by the Tuesday's train, iWhich,com- - plishod would then render the train services X i:to 'fruit-growers ? as, pearly;, as pqso • aibie. . "* 1 ,!' : ,.r; , l ,;'!';;;.' v '^'!:|;

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Waikato Times, Volume XLI, Issue 3346, 7 December 1893, Page 6

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Untitled Waikato Times, Volume XLI, Issue 3346, 7 December 1893, Page 6

Untitled Waikato Times, Volume XLI, Issue 3346, 7 December 1893, Page 6