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€ara Bernhardt's * • is : «atd, is to dress as a l maii' 'and sally forth in the jmall hours of : the' nightv, to see fyhat l( goes; on | \ A Yankee stood on';the*stern of a steamer as'she swung out ofiiver* pool, and holding a shilling 1 aloft;, criedout—"lf, the/'e's\a\';man, or child on this " blessed island I've not tipped, come forward'npw,;fer this is your, last and •oixlychanceT—Truthi A -natural J ice bed : of huge dimensions has peen discovered on Stone Mountain, in ! Scott County, 'Virginia. The ice bed, which is in reality, : a large, eaye, was dis•eavered yjby, .a settler. '.The' ice is protected from the rays of the sun by a . thick growth of Tinoss, ; and ■varies from three inches to. ; several feet in thickness. .■ • ■ : ' ; . Cecil Rhodes, Prime Minister of •Cape Colony, and the richest man in South. Africa, made most of his fortune in the diamond inines at Kimberley during the period of Speculation tliat led to -their .. consolidation, ..under one management., Twenty years ago three partners owned a block of claims on the diamond fields. One of them has since been' hanged, another ,is a loafer and a beggar, ■and.-the third is Mr Rhodes,. •, : "My dear little' boy," said a minister iu Glasgow not long ago ; io an urchin who was standing looking in at one,of the Sundayschool Windows, "would'youlike to! .join 'our; Sunday-school,'and grow up a. good nian ?" • "'What sort o'| Sunday schule is't ? Stablished ' "sfes,".said? the .clergyman, "it'is connected with the Established "Church, Are you not coming in ?" " Na." replied the boy j - " T tried the 'Stablished Kirk Sunday schule last year, an' I got only twa; •oranges ar.'a'poke o' sweeties at; the Chris'mas tree; sae I'm gaun; to gie the Eree Kirk a trial this year;" •

('Young man," said her father; ■with great solemnity, " you do not; •seem to realise thht'you are asking me to turn 'over to you a consider-, able, cash investment, sir.l paid •5900 dol. for her college course, and; 10,000 dollars fv?r a European trip;! Jher first; season in j society rcpst sine; 5000 dol. more, and >nojv:she wantsj •another 5000 -dol. : for the' 'seasliorei —-all this aside from what she cost! Die during ' child hood;' * Pe'rha'ps it 16' feeljwj bjut 7 if I had put that much money into anything else you would hardly expect; 2J) Thank' you/ |6f tH •infplr-| mation sir;" interrupted the suitor,] sprmgingialis eet aiid^, grasping | the j M thankjou, j .l to keep up thd interest >on;, so f large 1 a capital.". , And he ; withd^. ; : | Says the Bay ofvM y enty{ Times—- " Aniusement, excitement, and in* terest was,, paused'last' by ; a trial by.'fltlr ; P. J -Grant f ' li£essrs \,i ,«>•/ rWXii'W'i' 3ft* '/ •Opusins and Atkins nevy..,. patent swingle bar and apparatus for re-

leasing a restive or runaway horse from his drau o;lit ; in =a; -dioment, tfte •operation performed 1 ■driver hiß.Beaiji£r Grant gave the exhibition on the

Strand, releasing his horse in front -of a group of politician's who at -first roared vypifh ] laughter at r what -they thought to be a comical mis:adyenture,,when out ,of the sliafts" arid J cleared ' out, the

fcuggyL- .;to. a, stand•still by tile application- of a brake. 'Their mirth, however,-was speedily -changrWd %, jadmir&ion v wh'en the matter was .explained, and tho

merits of ■ tlie .nejv, appliance,; fully brought out Judge Rogan brought ■down, the, vehicle used-ill giving the •exhibition from'the maker's factory in Auckiand.'' ; ' '• ; It is always the most significant things that are either never: heard •or printed. " You are depressed .certainly," said Lord Glasgow— Sympathetically addressing .Victorian'' at the Mayoral banquet on "Thursday (savs" Oriel" in the Argus.) " New Zeal a ndh a s been Equally ; depressed! in the past, you ;m'4st.remember;, but by.the mercy .<jf Providence,., she . has., pulled

through." Whereupon Sir Robert Duff, • sot-to' vbee, ; yet'' still' quite " Providence,, indeed! you» mean mutton." > -obviously are not the purely .artificial figure-heads some people would make them out. Although

TsWiTIM ' ■ - . 1 partlesa in politics theybave the Gi^sgow,. tradeißhbuld bei out into, would artfully recommend Australia to • truet ; in' Pi-oviidte(i0 o 'ior cure; • Sir! Robert, watchfill in interests .oif! his own colpny, espied the : iiitle move,, and promptly checkmated it. Providence, by says, but mutton as! well,, as. a ;kind of ; stand-by. And who . shall say. Sir Robert Duff is I the prudent.spirit of the stark old Puritans who trusted in God but' kept their powder dry. also. . ; i m time ago did ; what our• n GjovernJ ment: tried to; do'last session, introduced and passed ! a bill placing the Railway Commissioners the control; of 5 a;;: Minister/wlio within a few months . of. passing this Act, dispensed with the independent ; Commissioners,,,.. and appointed new; men, after; his own heart. ' The leport of these gentlemen for '92-'93 shows a ; return ! of revenue, nearly, ',5400,000 bolow their estimates! But no one,, of course, objects to this; it is Minis-, terial management, and therefore must be right, and this stupendous under-estimate: is explained away in a few brief words. How much greater the real deficit is than the estimated is not revealed, but we can imagine a great deal from the following extract on Victorian coal: " The rates of .carriage of this coal; have been reduced' from Id to fd; per ton.per mile.' The rate to the consignee is -|d,' .the Government ' have agreed to recoup the depart- ' ment to the • extent of another j-d pet* 'ton. . . ". We think a;

further subsidy should be provided by the Government in order that the department, may,,not have to carry; Victorian ~ ; coal ,at a.^loss.'' ; In other words,, we ; find that the ! Victorian Commissioners, subject; to Ministerial control, have concealed their losses oil traffic by special subsidies from other votes! of Parliament,' and advise, ; their Minister to give ( itbem more subsidies. This is. indeed, a mar-;

vellous developme!it ; we fiud the; Minister paying the--Commissioner s railway freights on private traders'; goods that the railways may be! made? agreeable to the people ; by carrying' their 5 goods ; at a lossl-f-l ; ja ; James! Fleming the negrp ( editor; ,pf ai;news-; paper, at Marcon, animadverted on ; the lynching.i of three of ! his. siblel brethren.". Thei article caused a, great; dealibfandignktioiii 'iind 'Fleming < admitted that it : was written bjr ! Miss Ida iiegress/ ! lielongiri editor n ow^skid i Eng-1 land | cbjurse'of lec£\Vvos n •; the black; race .in the Southern States and. ..^Wntaiit^, atteiidan t;; upon; lynchings;: Fleming \ 'yumped .the| tovvn P after, the} appearance of the article he was; stold his ilife was in I danger;; HbweVer/ in spite of repeated waruings;' he- returned'it ipite: of repeated AvarningaJ f he"returned^in; order to "make -a'l^ng'em'ents^'for- 1 .4.1ie issue of his weekly edition.' The 1 news! of hi| retpn j.niade publicJ andj iii J|ialf f v angry; knd excite? mob .of jeyei'al Hundreds ,>yas : gathered in front of his ? 6ffice, shout* in)*,- screaming, "arid crying out " Lynch hiiii ! : lynch' hlmV" He attempted, to escape i-from the violence of'thesmob ithrbugh:the back>door; of his office, , but found his retreat cut off. He attempted to draw a pistol, but it was knocked*'out : ofhis hand by a: stick. A out to clutch' 'ami'Bill; Fargo, a whipping 1 Out' *aj bowie; knife, cut, off to' his head.', ■ The; editpriai.jear was; iproraptly hailed to a pole and /carried | in front :of. the unfortunate negro,; who, with tears iuu his (eyes and streaming, with, blood was mounted on j a mule withuhis fabe ?to tlie tail- arid! marched out of ! town ' jeers j ! of tile inob; ? Uieearnest appeal ■ of thoMayor savedFleh(ius life. ' :

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Waikato Times, Volume XLI, Issue 3344, 2 December 1893, Page 6

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OMNIUM-GATHERUM. Waikato Times, Volume XLI, Issue 3344, 2 December 1893, Page 6

OMNIUM-GATHERUM. Waikato Times, Volume XLI, Issue 3344, 2 December 1893, Page 6