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LEG [SLAT IV K CO U XC! L. KKIHAY. 'I'llk Council mot at"_' '■•') p.m. The Speaker ruled l:i.t. t!.. , Cnvernment. Loans t.. L,':al I'. ."I ■•■* Act An,endu,e.,l llilt and tin: Land for Sr!i,l.:in-iU, l',,i] «■■!•■ Appropriation Hill-, and iMi.iM-n'.iy c >u.d in,t h- mo-nded l,v t!i- « Sir (leortfo Whitim r>! said Tll.■~n] y cur-; for Hi,! C "incil t> :.t f-Miii't afi-r Ih- rulimj of til.) Speaker was either to willidia'.v the amendments or drop tin; Hills. It was eventually ,i.-c-i.I--.! tha*. Hie. tliirl i-adim; of the former nfi'or- i.e p. st ~■,„,.! till Monday, lo five the Council an opportunity ~f coii.-idvi-in* what Mils,; sho.ild bo pursued. Tins Land for H^ltl-tii-n*. Bill and the, (!r.;y. etc., Counties \",m ; cle Licenuni; liilt were, put through the final stages. 'I'lii; Shops and Shop Assist nits' Bill w is further considered in committee. Sir (1. Whitmore moved tins exci-ion of the words " closed " in Uμ interpretation clause, tin! effect b, in:: to allow shop-owiin-; to keep their pi-iMiii-t'-s open, although their assistants am tvlieved frmn duty. TIII2 .imemliii.iiit. was am'eed I , by 1C fn I. Cluise r,, provi.liiii,' lor a weekly lia'.fh,lid,y, was am ruled ill the direction of iiiiposiiir; n fine of to on any shop employer who refused to give the huli'J.iy. The Bill «s amended was repoitt-d and ordered to he r«;id a third lime on Monday. Tim ludiistriallCnciliatloh liill was con sideivd in r: immitt-e. The principal amendment made was to the ,-(feet that no lawyers -hall iippeir before the Hoard mithe consent i,f both par.'ies. I'r 'Ci'Rss win reported on iva-jhint; Cl:iiis.i I°. The Factories Act Ainnii'lnient Bill was cn-iderrd in comui tt , , , . Clause S providing for the appointment ■ f a Chief f uspector was stive* ci:it l.y lit) (!. Clause!): Kiii|i!oyiM,.|H of boys' between I.! and 1 1 years' a<;,: was -dso excised. A new clause, exemntim; Slaughterhouses; Work-, Hairy Factories and ShfiiriiiK Sheds from the provisions of tlie measure was inseit'jd and the Dill as amended was reported. At ~j p.m. the Council adjourned till 7.30 p. in. Thi> Council resumed a f 7.110 p.m. Tie Public Revenues liili passed t r mgli committee wi'lnmt amendment was read a third time and passed. The Native. lYind l'nrchase. l?,i!| was committed and rep, rted wi'hout anieudment. Messr.-. Oliver, Stewart, a'ld ['ham/.yn wen? appointed nianaijers to cmf;r with the manitfrers of the House on the deferences with rotf.ird t> the Kltctoral liill. The Cu.-toms Laws Consolidations Act Ainemlment Bill, Savant l{es;istry OtHce. Hill, Miiiinit Act Amendment I'.ill were l\::u\ a second time. At 5.50 p.m. the Council adjourned till Monday. _ _ HOUSE OF KEPItESENTATIVES. FRIDAY. The I louse met i,t '2.30 p.m. The Hon. J. M'iclven/io said lie proposed to accept :i cert tin nninbuf of the ainendme.nt by the Lißishitivo Council in tho L Hid Bill and In: .should ask the If .use to tiisiisi'c'i! with others. He detailed the amendments lie should t,, and said he should object to clause 17, which limited the width of streets in new b .r,ni[_'hs or towns to liu feet instead Oil feet as he had siiKKeste'.l. He should also object to the amendment in clause which took away from tli ,, . Minister all power with respect to the red i.:tions of valuations made by the Board. He took objection to the clause emp nveiinjj married women to become lessees under the Bill ; also to clause 01 providing that nothing shall prevent any person t-ilcins; up an am not exceeding 1000 acres uf land for :,ny of his children ; also to c'au-o V2'i referring to Crown lan U not liuini? sold for iioii-payinpiit of rates. The Council altered this bo that the P) iard should pay overdue rates to the local authorities out of moneys received by them fr mi improvements on the land. lln objected to the Council altering clause 138, limiting the cash sales in the year to 210,000 acres instead of the value ef t1'50,000. He pr .pos , -,! to object to the alteration made in clause lilO, no person or company to hold moro than one r,m. The Council altered tin's to the, effect that it should not be competent for the holder of any run to hold more, land than would cany 20.000 sheep or 1000 cittl», and he. would ask for a conference on this and tho other clauses he to-k exception t>. He then moved that the Hoii It. Ssdduii, Mr Dune in, and the iiKiv.r be appointed a committee to diaw up the reasons for dissension with tin! amendments made by the Council in the Land Bill. Agreed to, Tho Public lloseive Vesting and Sile Bill was read as-end time. The Selectors Land devaluation Continuance and Amendment Bill passed tlirmigh coniinittej without malarial amendment. The. Land find Income Assessment Act Amendment Bill was further considered in committee. Clause :") : Assessment of Linil and Morgues held by or belonging to tjnanti in common, joint tenants, or partners. Dr. Newman moved an amendment providing that farmers who are partners should be allowed to send in separate returns and claim separate exemption. Mr Ward could' not accept the amendments, pointing out if it weed corned it would mean a loss by one e-tite alone of £'1.-),000. After considerable discission the amendment was lost by 28 to 1!) and the clause carried. The Bill was still under consideration when the Hnus.-i t mlt the 5. ,S0 alj rinwnent. The House resumed at 7 l>o. A message w,\srec;ived from Ilia Legislative Council insist'!)!? on their amendments made in the Kle. t .i-al Bill and givin;,' reasons for tal: tut; that course. Mr Sedrton moved that the House disagrees with the reasons, and that a committee consisting of Messrs Tanner, GiiitißSs, Karushaw and the mover be appointed to confer with the, C iiincil. After a discussion as to the constitution of the Coni'iiit'ee. Mr Sid lon's motion was carried on the voices. The Land and [iicoiiib As-e-.sii'ont Act Amendment Bill was further considered in Committee. Clause 14 ; power of owner of land to require assessment, to be reduced. This eli.'it,.-! a len.'lhv debate, s-vtj , member, as-ei tin- that, a-ess,,r s «-,,.,• frequently chosen through beinir political partizaus of Ministers. i Mr Ward said cms,; of aompliint against the present (i .vernnient was that they ciiisi'il appointmniit.-i of assessors to be male from amongst their oppen"!its. .Mr Rhodes moved iin amenilmeiit in Clause H to the effect that the owner of an encumbered e.-tito should have the same, riulit to ( ;et the assessment of his laud reduced as the owner of an estate that was not encumbered. Mr Ward opposed the amendment. After a Imilj discussion the committee divided, Ayes, 21 : nees, 21. The Chairman p'ave his ca-tin:; vote in such a manner as not Co i.,t:rfere with the existing law, and declared Mr Rhodes" aoM'iidment earned. Clause 17 : Amendment in schedule to act. S'r (ie ii'jje <irey in ived an am n ndinent lie had piveii nolice of to exempt ini , roveuient uniler the Act by striking out the words " up to toOOO." Mr Ward said when the ijoverument decided 11 change the incidence of taxttini lliis matter was fully cousid-ied, ;,w\ it was f,,,,,,,! [...pMssible in fhn pi-s-.,,t .-'a:,: of our liriauces t , ,?,, ,■«, f,r ;i< proposed by tin; amendment. Ho could assure I the committee that the finances of the country i-.o'.ild not stand such an inroad as would l,i! male by the, exemption of ini-prov.-nmiirs. The ll.i.rra t had ;,lre idy civeu way to (he extent of t'20,000 in ex- i emotions and tney wen; now asi;ed to up f 10,000 more'by Sir (1. Crey's amendni'.'iir. Sir (ieoive ( irey observed that the lire-

s uir f \roro alw.tys ready {«»(!■» ! cvpvvthin'.r f"i- the nf the and ! yf• r i'm'V u -v-t did I >11ri11l!hmr tn'-i | nf niiico they h td ;ibs;>lute!y done j (1 j"tt mi i-nig : ;t>. j

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Waikato Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 3163, 1 October 1892, Page 2

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GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Waikato Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 3163, 1 October 1892, Page 2

GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Waikato Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 3163, 1 October 1892, Page 2