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Notices- " Vkkv «;» 'i' : Vi.uv I'vi i.i.kntflo'in." As -f Link It.'' ";? GW do vuli ]irii:;our,' , i' S-it-A-ii-t !l i.--x-:■'- I'.-A-i;-i-.v-c I'-u-sv- - " 11! 1■ 'I oUC 1 LOU - i Will' l-'f ' 1;!. I; I';'s il l'- illu" !'"ivcl. r,' I■fifn|ii iy •! tin-im1;l1'. 'How o!.- r - eoul-1 yuti ' I i l:"ii::■ ■ if ' i:r :I. exr-ell' tit !•:' I'iluii!/ j■<iw.l <■ rs. :i f-r-i. ;>ti(i-- . h.-iti-.e i i i 11lint 'tin; v;; i i->,is takir..' powdeis of >m■ lire t: 11 pi■ • i■>( to ) | roll!'-- ;i 11 in 11 fi l *i' 11 < v-illl' 11 -t 1 of earl,.:: il'--a i.'V, 1o .--npp"|-l. tint prodm-rd in tie- iiy the .o-iion of thi- v.-i.-t. 'IJii-ci.-nj; -Mtioii of hakim." ji.nviicr< vni'-s eons: !• r.iMv. it sipji-;:ii> tn in- m»»1 coiilvi 11i• 11' to produce the Cilrlj-miL-. !iu"l In tin-in:: i-'ii oi I'V'li oi:l.!oi-i-; ii«-M on (£<>--• n»> V. ir:i l-i 111 •t? - - i :;'.e in till* \v:iy -alt. i- iii .-i :iy i-.-i-.' is. ■" — •(ry, is :>!-• fi.rmuil. Another widely-u-'"l nate.'ial is ammonium eai'lioii.'iic. It has lio'-ii hitherto assume,) that, this substance afti-r aiding in iniikiiilt the dough vii-i' ivn.s volatilised by tli,. la-:,;-, of tlits oven. Dr. Eudemann has,, ti-af tin- ammonia is liy no ""'aus nil removed, but remains niuro or completely united with the gluten. 'J'jiis lesidt was communicated to tho ,\, KS nciatiou o: Chemi.-ts assembled !lt in August, IS9I, and .'ilthoi-ijji! the presence of ammonia is not a .s,jurei;'" 0 f danicr f o r the consumer nearly nil t.f, L . chemists present agreed in disoour"c'nif the use of ammonium carbonate in bakjnjr powder. 1 It is a true saying that 'what the eye does not sec the heart does not grieve °vei',' but at (he same time it is quito as well that we i-honld carefully- avoid any Articles used in the preparation of food which are not healthful. Looking at the enormous trade nmv done in baking powder, users should be careful to select a good brand and keep to it, for ir is on reciird that in tin; United Slates particularly alum and oilier chemicals not at all suited to improve the delicate orgms of digestion are freely used. Whoso arc good baUiug powders ? In settling this question, wo must, not he too much guided by puffy testimonials couched in very blowing terms, nor—although it is necessary no\y-:i-days, in order to make any good preparation known, to advertise freely until such time as all possible consumers are practically acquainted with its value —rely too much on newspaper atlvcrtisomc/its. Nov, here, perhaps, more so than in tho States is the baking powder advertising war raizing hcreer. For instance, and lo show the, extent, to which this rivalry exists, we note a reference to the subject in a recent tiumber of the Oil, I'niiil, and lleportrr. The Heparin- merrily notes '.hat in one paper the purest, haking powder in tho world is made in Chicago, and the vilest of all anuiioiiiacal poisons is dispensed in New York ; while in another organ, evidently subsidised by an opposition company, the verdict is reversed in a very decided 11 miner. Do not, therefore, be altogether led away by flashy advertisements, but test fur i/mirsiii-'-s. ' Indigestion doth make brutes nt us all,' and many a deed, afterwards bitterly repented, lias been committed when the mind was upset by food made with faulty, not to say injurious, materials. ' How do yon pronounce S-h-a-k----r,-.t-N-ll',S jj-A-K-I-N n P-O-W-Jl'-K-Jl ' I pronounce it most, excellent. It is a perfect preparation, healthful, nud most satisfactory to use.' NEW GARDEN SEEDS, FROM EDWARD YfEBB & SOISTS. ALL thi: I'KIXCIPAL VAPJETIKS IX STOCK., including : Emperor Cabling*, Kinvcr Monarch Oulill'itt-i r (warly), Mammoth Caulillowi r (main crop). Perfection Brocosi, Sensation Tomato PE AS. Wcrdsley Wonder, Electric Light, Stourbridge Mairow, William Hurst, Walker's . Perpetual Bearer, Is per lb, '21b Is 0.1 ; Yorkshire Hero, 01 per lb ; and other well-known sorts. A FEW CHOICE FLOWEK SEEDS CARROT. White Belgian, Intermediate, Early Horn MANGOLD WURTZEL. Uanunoth Long Red, Leviathan, Yellow Globe, Gliampion Yellow Globe, Kim er Yellow Globe. Specimen of Yellow Globe exhibited at last season's Show weighed -lolb, and perfect shape. POTATOES. Stourbridge Glory, Clvcago Market, llivry.e's I'iolitie, Bruce, Late Rose I'lince of Wales, Fluke, White A loci iean CLOVERS. lied Clow r. Cowgrass, Timothy, Ryegrass. White Clover, Alwyke, Ribgriss, CocK'sfoot SIAE UKES. Keniptliorne, I'rosser, and Co.'s Leading Lines in stock and to order a,t Factory I'liecs. IMPLEMENTS. Booth, Macdonald, and Co.'s SPADING HARROW DISC HARROW P L 0 U G It S \\ LVDMILLS, &a Fittings kept in Stock. GA R LAND'S ROPE: ITour, Bran, ps Mai/e, Oats, Chad' Hough Salt, Rock Salt WIRE. Fencing Wire, 0, 7, and S liarlied Wire I'ig H . bed Wire Staples, Rollers, etc. j G-EO. J. NEAL CAMBRIDGE. Ist September, 1,592. N A """' h'o"LCAMBHIDGH. EVEEY CONVI--NIENCE FOB TRAVELLERS & TOURISTS. Be !' Tm'hih!s on 1v of Wims and Spirits ! "kept. '•' v Gtv.ll >':;nni!r l.'n.iirs for travellers, and >M.aiv.-,t to Railway Sta'-ion. BILLIARD S.OOM. ,T:r Gc-on Sxal'.i.ini; axii I'aiuiock-.. ARTHUR".RAO LI (Late of f'titeri-in Hotel, ('anil'ridge, a;:d Royal Hotel, Hamilton), VROrRI K T 0 R.

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Waikato Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 3161, 27 September 1892, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Waikato Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 3161, 27 September 1892, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Waikato Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 3161, 27 September 1892, Page 4