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Notices. ' KEMPTHORNE,' PROSSEE, & CO.'S HEW ZEALAND DRUG CO., LIMITED. SPECIAL GRASSUVIANURE A FOR TOP DRESSING. An Invaluable Manure at tliis Season of the Year. Contains all the constituents necessary for stimulating, and will be found to improve both the quality and quantity of the grasses. PRICE, £6 15s PEE TOIS T . FOE FIVE-TON LOTS, £G 10s PEE TON. NEAR OTAHUIiU. HEAD OFFICE : ELLIOTT-STREET, AUCKLAND. fIUT" case address all communications to the Manager, Auckland.

coSrciE hotel, HAMILTON. P. BRIGHT, Proprietress. HjT'HIS FIRST-CLASS HOTEL affords .SL excellent accommodation to COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS, AS LARGE & COMMODIOUS SAMPLE EOOMS are available at all times. As a FAMILY HOTEL, the arrangements will be found very complete. The private rooms are situated on the second storey, where every privacy can be obtained, with the comforts and conveniences of home. The Stabling' is Good. 40- FIRST-CLASS BILLIARD-TABLE In charge of a competent marker. Wines, Spirits and Ales of tiie Best Brands. Charges Moderate. ON -g / LUNCHEONS SALE DAYS -®-/" are provided. P. BRIGHT. PORTER'S ' A I L W A Y OTEL, MERCER. i Meals ready on arrival of all trains. ! Prompt attention. [ WINES & SPIRITS OF THE VERY BEST BRANDS. First Prize Ale always on Draught, i Come and try Tom Porter's Special ■ Brew, King Tawhi.-io's Settlement easy dislauce from Mercer. Good Shtoting-. Splendid [ River for Boating. j MOST BEAUTIFUL SCENERI' IN AND | AROUKD MERCER. | BgT Every attention paid to Visitors i IlloitsES kok Hiiik at Onk Mixutk's Notiok. Chargi's on the Most Moderate Scale a PORTF.R'S RAILWAY HOTEL, MERCER. OKOROIRE JJOT gPRINGS JJOTEL. ! Lon;: pilgrimages were formerly made by oi::- Is alive friends to tliese | NATURAL HOT BATHS, for relief in [ Rheumatism asd Skik Diseases. | Visitors will no« :iml all the comfort of a modern iirst class hotel, and invalids ; the quiet and privacy desired. j Trout Fishing in the Grounds. 1 SI'I.UNDID SIIOOTINC IN TIIK SEASON, LADIES' SADDLE HORSES, j BUGGIKS, ETC. Trains run regularly from Auckland, ; and connect with our own line of coaches : to Rotorua and Wakarewarowa. j I shall be glad to welcome my old ' Waikato, and other friends. JAMES SHKHLEy, Proprietor (TELKI'ITONK NO 370.) rjpilE Railway Station - , QrKKX-sTitKKT, j AND CrSTOM-SXKI KT \V)>T, AUCKLAND. J.A.Allan Pkoi'lUEToii. 1 The advertiser hp.s just taken over this . excellent Hostelry, so favourably known under MrG. I. Punter's iiiauageincut. It ; will be his studv to maint.un its reputa- ; tion as a Kirst-elas* liu.'cl. Settlers Iron) Waikato \s iil liud it. to their eooveuie'jee ami i;u!iiforl to euuiiinie l lieir inauii a])predated patronage. 'L'ue liou-e has I;■ 'en thoroughly overhauh-d, and two new billiai'd t.lbles ii>:•■■■ lup in the l.illhr.iroom. First-class Jiill of Fan l . I'lunge and SiiO'.ver B;'.hs. \\ ine.s aiivl Spirits. The Waikato Timks Filed. -j/FONEY TO 3.MND, in Large or iXE. Small Sums, at a moderate rate of ■literest.—J.'-on and Russen, Solicitors, Ol't-stl'eCt. - Auckland.

r a JL «. f public demand now runs so strongly for really good Tea that it is necessary A. to maintain a very high standard of excellence to secure the support of buyers. We have fortunately from the outset hit the requirements of all classes of consumers by a full range of quality and price. The enquiry for OUR STANDARD TEAS, With design as under— Is so oteadily increasing that \v are determined to keep them to the from at all costs. ! Being represented in Calcutta by .a Firm controlling no less than 42 gardens. , in the yield of which we have the first choice-in. this market, we have special . advantages in buying. j, The competition is understood, and, while we do not undervalue it, we aie ; none the less confident that iu j j QUALITY ;j Wccan give the bust value, and iu PRICE We have such a range of choice in eight distinct varieties that every class of trade j buyers can be well suited, ! L. ID. NATHAF OCX AUCKLAND. ' S7 PAEKBK'B GALVANISING WORKS, MECHANICS' BAY, AUCKLAND. 7 ■ CORRUGATED ASP PUIS SALVANISED IRON, HAVING built large New Works at Mechanics' B.iy, and keeping a stock of t some SOO Tons of Galvanised Iron, I am in a position to execute all orders with despatch. j The quality of the Iron is fully equal tp any imported, and is heavily-coated | with zinc, thus ensuring longer-wearing qualities for the locady-manufaetured article. Special sizes and thicknesses can be made to suit requirements, if time and ( sufficiently large orders are given. _ I Priccs forwarded upon application, ' Soliciting a trial orner, 1 Yours respectfully, Office : Victoria-street, Auckland. S- PARKER* SPLENOIO STOCK NEW WINTER SOOBS, Ex s s Pakeha, Duke of Sutherland, &c., now opening; at : W. R. BRIDGMAN'S. 300 pairs Blankets, from (is (id to 25s pair , 50 airs Colonial Blankets, at lowest quotations, direct from Mill 100 en.eb Striped Runs. -18 x (Hi, 2s <)d ;50 x 72, 3s od, <i 2x, 0, -Is i Largo assortment Coloured cotton, union, and all wool—splendid value Grey, m pnl. Law stock of strong, heavy Flannels for country wear —extra value. A good useful line l'lannel, oOin., A vin\y'lar*e'assortment of now Cashmeres, French Merinos, and Fancy Dress Goods, iris" Maids" and Ladies' Ulsters, Macintoshes (newest stylos) Flush Jackets, Wool Shawls lilovt's, Umbrellas, Wide I'rnwn 1 lush by the yard Xice assortment Fur Fichus, in black, brown, "ley, lynx, snow, natural waif ciivat variety prices of Dowlas, Art Muslins v., w s'nek L ulies' Underclothing, L 1 rillinus, ctc. t"v iriet.y Hoys', Youths' and Men's Clothing, in English and Colonial i weeds—best value; If a-, Overcoats, Shirts, Ties, Braces; Gents' ilsJiabio Macintoshes; grand vilne in Men's Winter llosinry v mit.nrns'iii Linoleums. White Pocket Handkerchiefs, lAd. 2d, 2M, 3d, -id, sd, Gd. Patterns and Tries free by post. Freight paid to places readied direct. Terms cash with order, or unexceptional reference". S2E3ES, _r31.333"JD A. R. KIRCHNER, f. ; -S *, ii t; i(i ti ?-if ELLIOTT - STREET, AUCKLAND a.3 is' lt- y \ yyus &> 1 CONSULT HH. J r -XI ABBOTT manufacturer 'Vs out EN'S WALK : „„ to IUI),: M E L BO U RNE. C KKAMUIi Y, » " ' .* * ? * — i CHEESE FACTORY. jgOXJSDUST! : gjeg DAIRY UTENSILS, B8 B pw B ' 17*011 SALE by the undersigned the ■"SSSgSP' i' following Suctions — HAMILTON "WEST—Ns. H IS, 310, 8, The undei'si'-'nod has for sale F.llis' 100. 10'J, 1.4, ami L> weil-known ind j.i.-'tly-evlebratei'i brand HAXJILION Ea.Bi —Tso. 00, .>O4, and of Now.-astle BOXEDL'ST, which is '■ _ ~,,, superior to anyvliiuy in the market, j J- IiDUIiC-bMhh. Quality guaranteed. Iu lots to suit pure \\ aikato limes Buildings. Copy of Colonial Analyst's Report sent ( \~ftT EBB'S Stourbridge Glory Potatoes, on application, ; V Lapstone Kidneys, Breeze's I'roM. Y. H URLEY, | ilia Seed Potatoes, Clarke s Grain ProAucUlawi, i lector, Rock Salt, etc.—John Parr, Sole Agent for New Zealand. tamiltoii House, Hamilton.

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Waikato Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 3161, 27 September 1892, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Waikato Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 3161, 27 September 1892, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Waikato Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 3161, 27 September 1892, Page 1