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: .■.•,,■,■: Notices. ; .. _' ,T. &c S. MOKJR/IlsF &c 00-, f . (LIMITED), ' ■ Call attention to large Shipments of , , j Agricultural Implements & General Ironmongery, Just Landed, comprising— , "THE FARMERS FAVOURITE" FERTILISER, CORN & TURNIP DRILLS. 3pTT2sTO-A,lsr'S ' GRAIN, SEEQ IHD MMRRE DEILLS CLAY'S CULTIVATORS. Boiieniills (for hand and New and Improved Disc Harrows, Climax Cutaway Harrows, Hornsby's Single-furrow Ploughs, Hornsby's New Double-Burrow Ploughs, American Turn wrist and Eagle Ploughs, Pumps and Hydraulic Rams, in : great variety, by English and American Makers. APPLE-PAREBS, CIDEE MILLS, FRUIT JARS Every Class of Hardware in Stock. Retail Premises: Queeri-street. Wholesale: High-street, Auckland ■ be liquor; and a clean glass todrink out of. FOR NEW ZEALAND.

Phcenix Hotel, Morrinsville; aud Criterion Hotel, Otahuhu. Waikato Times Filed. H. WAITE, MANUFACTURING TINSMITH HIGH - STREET, AUCKLAND, Has Always on Hand— Plunge, Hip, Sponge, and Shower Baths Dairymen's Utensils ' (which cannot be equalled in the colony) comprise : , Cheese Vata Milk Pans and Cans Cream Tins Milk Sieves and Buckets London Milk Cans Milk Coolers, &c. Pannikins Billies (any size, or in nests) Round, Oval, and Square Baking Dishes Wash-up Dishes Wash-hand Basins Bakers' Tins Biscuit, Flour, and Lolly Tins Cake Tins (with movable bottom) Tea Kettles Coffee Pots f Tea and Coffee Urns Preserve Tins Iron Boxes (with or without divisions ' Lanterns Coal Hods . Baking Powder Tins Dust Pans Kerosene Fillers Oil Feeders Bird-seed and Water Boxes Birds' Nest Boxes Watering Pots Water Cans Grocers' Tea Canisters, Flour, Sugar &c Bins (painted or bronzed) ' &.nd every other Article in the Trade kept in Stock or Made to Order. THOMAS QUALTROUCH, , gUTCHER, &c, ■ VICTOKIA-STREET, HAMILTON WEST, j ' ! T. Q. desires to thank the inhabitants of Hamilton and the settlers around the district for the liberal support ac .corded to him since he started in business, and now begs to inform them that he will at all times supply meat of first quality at reasonable prices. THOMAS QUALTROUGH. January, 1888. ~ OHAUPO i rpiMBBE jyjILLS Orders sent to the undersigned for BOUGH OR WOEKED BIMU OE KAHIKATEA TIMBER will receive prompt attention. Timber, delivered by rail or road, at lowest prices. KUSABS AND SONS, OHAUPO. UILDERS AND CONTRACTORS— Please notice that we supply from our Te Rahu Mills timber of the best description in any quantities at the very lowest rates. We have on hand Rusti cated Weather-boarding, Matched Lining and Flooring, Ceiling, and Ornamental Battens, Skirting, Architraves, Moulding, and every thing necessary in furnishing inside work in first-class style. Orders by mail or wire energetically attended to, COULTHARD and GRAHAM. I Te Rahu Steam Saw and Planing Mills. Tβ Awamntn. B~ ALL PROGRAMMES, Circulars, Cards, ami posters of all descriptions turned out with despatch, at moderate prices, at Thb Waikaio Times Office.

J. JONES, ENERAL A UCTIONEER AND T>RODUCE l\/f ERCHANT, 215 QUEEN-ST., AUCKLAND. All goods sent in for sale will receive prompt attention and account of sales immediately remitted. The interests of farmers and producers carefully studied in relation to quick sales, consistent with fair prices. Account Sales of Fruit rendered weekly. Cp 0 Y C E, "WAIKATO" STEAM BISCUIT FACTORY. CAMBRIDGE, is now prepared to supply the trade with a FIRST-CLASS ARTICLE at the lowest remunerative price. Price list on application. AH orders entrusted to me will receive prompt attention. *S" Encourage Local Industry. BUTTER KEGS a The undersigned begs to inform his customers that he has on hand a large stock of well-seasoned TOTARA BUTTER KEGS, hooped iu galvanised iron. These kegs received special mention at the Horticultural Show, Cambridge. To be had of all the leading storekeepers. A. WILLIAMS, Cooper Ngaruawahia. TE AROHA HOT SPRINGS. AS a SUMMER RETREAT not one amon ? the SANATORIA of New Zealand is so rapidly becoming famous as TE I AROHA. The celebrity of its j HOT SPRINGS J is extending throughout the length and breadth I of the Colony, and the WONDERFUL CURES. i effected by the Waters in cases of RHEUMATISM, GOUT, LUMBAGO, LIVER, AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS, INDIGESTION, and Kindred Ailments, are gratefully testified to in the Visitors' Book by Hundreds of Persons who by their use have been lestored to Health and all its enjoyments. The place is par excellence the Sanatorium of the People. The CLIMATE in its HEALTH-GIVING PROPERTIES is unsurpassed; theCOST©F LIVING is exceedingly MODERATE; and the I locality is easy of access by rivbr, rail, or j road, from Auckland and the Thames. In addition to these advantages there are for the Robust abundant means of enjoyment in Boating, Riding, and Driving, while ior those in delicate health tne neatiy laid out Domain forms a most pleasant resort. The following analysis of the Waters by Mr T. A. Pond, Colonial Analyst, and the accompanying extracts from his report thereon to the Domain Board, will be read with interest. The Samples were taken from the Springs, as numbered, the temperatures of which ranged from 105degs. to aiOdcgs. Fahr:— tla .nw Analysis. o ' 3 J?* "n'S Sffl BM Tβ Sulphate of Lime 2,989 2.228 .989 Sulphate ot magnesia 378 .336 602 Sulphate of potash 10.293 9.800 10.794 Sulphate of soda 27-546 28.006 25.438 Chleride of sodium 73.514 72.072 77.748 Bi-carbonate of soda 728.737 C 95.513 682.123 Carbonate of ammonia 3.556 .112 .980 Carbonate of iron .042 ,063 .042 Carbonate oflithia (heavy (heavy (heavy traces) traces) traces) Phosphate of soda 2.063 2.203 1.696 Phosphate of alumina .143 .023 .470 Silica 8,668 8.773 8.778 Sulphuretted hydrogen traces traces traces Total solid matter 55*7,82t. 822,184 811,702 Results expressed in grains per gallon. These Waters are all feebly alkaline and strongly charged with carbonic acid gas, which is constantly escaping from the Springs in large quantities. The Lithia, a valuable constituent of these Waters, is present in an appreciable quan» tity. The Analyses show these Springs to be very simitar in cumpasition. These Mineral Waters are exceedingly interesting, and will prove of great value medicinally. They closely resemble some of the European Mineral Springs fo justly celebrated, more especially those of Vichy, Ems, and Fachingen. Their Curative Value will be greatest in Rheumatic and Arthritic Diseases, Calculus, Affections ot the Kidneys, and Dyspepsia. You nn;, , rr-st assured that all you can ilo for your Springs iu the shape of improving the facilities for their use, is entirely j ustified by the character of the water;

t> E A R SON'S r CARBOLIC SAND SOAP (Pkotecteb by Letters Patent), Manufactured at Hamilton, Waikato Support Local Industry. Cleanliness is health, aud health is wealth. This Soap, for all kinds of scrubbing purposes, cannot be excelled : it leaves boards as white as snow. It destroys all insect life. As an antiseptic , and disinfectant, it is recommended by the leading medical men of the district. All who have tried it continue to use it. ' Many testimonials have been received, cf which the following is a specimen. Try one bar ;it will speak for itself. To be had at all storekeepers : Pric<* 4cl per bar. Wholesale from E. J. PEARSON, Hamilton East, Waikato. 1 Waikato District Hospital, i Hamilton, N.Z., i 12th Nov., 1887. ' I have much pleasure in certifying h> I the value and powerful properties of Mr i Pearson's Carbolic Sand Soap. It is j extensively used in the wards and offices of the Waikato District Hospital. The carbolic acid contained in it acts as a perfect disinfectant, the sand answers the purposes of a good cleansing agent, and the whole substances are blended together I into firm cakes of a very convenient size and shape. For all domestic purposes I can etrongly recommend Mr Pearson's Carbolic Sand Soap, as being a most effective' and economical article, and in houses where enteric or other fevers exist it will be found especially useful. Geo. G. Kenny, M.8., &c, Surgeon Waikato ©ist. Hospital GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA j BRE KFAST. ! i " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition and by a careful application of the fine properties of wellselected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately-flavoured beverage ■which may save us many heavy doctor's bills. It is by the judicious use of euch articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease, Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating j around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame."—See article in the \ Civil Service Gazette. J Made simply with boiling -water or milk. Sold in Jib. packets by Grocers, | labelled thus : JAMES EPPS & CO., HOMCEOPATHIC CHEMISTS, LONDON ENGL ND. DR. WILKINS, Shortland-street (near Star Office), Auckland, treats most diseases by Electricity, Galvanism, &c, Hot Air, Vapour and Medicated Baths, after Professor Kirk's system. Spectacles arranged to all sights. See Dr. Wilkins's pamphlet on the curability of all diseases, surgical, medical and nerve ' debility, mainly without internal medicines. Post free, 7d. Call or write. WILLIAM S , , ■*- • Queen-street Wuaef, AUCKLAND. Wholesale and Eetail Fish and Oyster Dealer. , Fresh and Smoked Fish always on , hand. Country orders punctually i j attended to. Fish forwarded to any part : of the colony. j —— - j , "VT O T ICE.' H. STEWART, Photographer, Cam- j . bridge, is leaving at- tlie commencement J of next month. Those requiring Photos | \ taken should visit his Studio at ouce. «

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Waikato Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 2761, 25 March 1890, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Waikato Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 2761, 25 March 1890, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Waikato Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 2761, 25 March 1890, Page 4