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Thk Waikato I{<>i Uuiiltiii il Society held their second .mnuil e->hib.tion ye-terda\ j (S. Patnck- Da\) in the Public H.ill at Cambi ldge, and it \\ i-anuiKpi ihfii d -mcco--' The excursion ti.un, w'nih n>iched Cmi hildge 1 ito .it about t>\o o'clock, liiviiu' been detained .m hum at t b> tin ('.iiiibiidgc engine t^ettniL,' off the line uhu. shunting', brought about hvobundled \i-i t<.is fioiu Anckl md, Hamilton, .aid <>thi. place-. The bulk of the-; found then \\.i\ to the show. oth'i- di-ti ibnti d tlienni'hus about the toun, vi stiolled to thoie mill}' spots of inteiest that aie to In toiind in and aiound C mil nidge. Amoiig-t the excursionists fioiu Auckland we took note of a speculative Afiitan, of coal black complexion, who took posaCviou of a coign of v antago near the hall, fl'oin whence he plied a biisk tiado in ice-cieam-, an un known delicacy m tho depths of the W.uktto. The Oddfellow.-,' Hall was also improvised as a place of refreshment, and being near at hand was duly patronised hy tho crowd. The lawn tennis match bo tweon Hamilton and Catnbiidge, which was played dining the afternoon, was also a point ot attraction. Tho chief centre of interest, of couiso, was the Horticultural Exhibition in the Public Hall, on entering winch tho hist impie-siou one would probably have was that ho was pas-ing the portals #>f •a teniplo dedicated almost exclusively to Pomona. The main feature of List yeai'b show at Hamilton was again apparent at the present <>ne, that is, the magnificent display of apple-, and the numerous vauetie-> of them, which almost wholly monopo h-ed the stage-.. The judges' tnno \;,ih chiefly occupied in viewing the many e\hibits in that class of fimt alone. The glint apple weighing 21bs, of the "Gloria Mundi" specie, was a source of wondei ment. Tiieie was a fair display of pe.iches, an linprovemout on last year's entrie-, which is an indication that this delicious hint is reviving. The peaches exhibited by Mt Thos. Wells, which gained the first ini/e, weio bplendid one-, and weie pronounced by the judges the finest they had user met with. Theie was a fine lot of pears, superior both in contour and flavour, especially those enteied by Miss Walker. The outdooi grapes were hue .specimen-, and proved what can be done in this district with a little care and attention. The plums did not show well, as the entries were few. That, of course is to be expected, as the plum season is almost over. There has been, howevei, fruit aiound Cambridge, a large quantity «>f winch was forwarded to the Auckland maiket, besides tho large supplies lecoived by the Cambridge Jam Company. Some splendid tomatoes were .shown, as well as fair samples of quinces, which aie now Hearing maturity. The pot plants were of a good order and .showed well, and theie uas a capital display of cut flowers. The root and vegetable portion of the exhibition was not so full as was anticipated. The potatoes were very meagre, and we detected the absence of many familiar and necessary gaiden products. The anangetnents made by the c •muuttee weie ample and were can ied out most efficiently. The centre of the hall was occupied with a long stage, raised in the middle, for pot plants. At the end of this, next to the entrance was a tall of the handsome lUbs tins of preserved fruits from the Cambudge Jam Factoiy, which was a conspicuous object and much admired. It speaks highly foi the place and the company tint such pioducts can be turned out n't to take then place with the best in the maikets of tho colony. Staging was also elected along both bides of the hall, and at the foot of the stage. A door, recently made, led fiom the end of the hall to tho 1 ear of the building, wheie a spacious marquee and a smaller tent weie elected for the accommodation of the root exhibit-, vegetables, cut floweis, and the poultiy. Tlia committee had exercised forethought and purchased a large ciate of smtible plates for the convenience and better display of the exhibits. During the afternoon, the strains of tho clarionet, accompanied by the piano enlivened the proceedings in the hall. There aie a tew things of interest which, taken in connection with the show, are worthy of mention, Hr-fc of which, as being amongst the local industries, were the splendid simples of cheese from the Cambridge Ciieese and Bacon Factoiy, which are second to none in tho colony. Then there were Me»-i-D.iley and Peirott's neat glass jars of extiacted honey, which are certainly very commendable. Daily produce in the shape of fiesh butter also showed well, and we noticed thieo boxes of this aiticle (packed in Pond's patent boxes) taken from tho " Cream Separator." There wne also some fine ferns from Miss Walker, and paiticulaily one lo\ely and luxmiant fern, the "Todia Superba,' fiom Rotorua, a,nd exhibited by Mr J. S. Buckland. The poultry were not numerous, but those shown, especially Mr Bull's Langshans and pure white Dorkings, were fine specimens of the feathered tribo. Mr John Runchnan placed for exhibition some American peanuts, a branch of the Ossage orange, and one of the walnut, both loaded with fruit, all of which grew at Broadmeadows. Great credit foi the success of the Society's Show is due to Mr Dyer, the painstaking secretary of the local commit tee, Mr Thos. Wells, tho chairman, and other members and stewards, together with Mr Geoige Edgecumbe, the secretary of the central committee, all of whom worked zealously and hard to ensure the unqualified success they have met with. We may here add that Sir Gelling, secretary of the Waikato Acclimatisation Society, exhibited two large globes containing fifty young salmon trout, which he intends turning out in the Karapiro and other streams near Cambndge, and thus make a beginning towaids stocking this part of the Waikato with those delicate fish. The following is a list of the successful prize-takers :—

CLASS 1.-ALL-CUMERS. POT PLANTS. Geraniums—J. Sharp, Ist and 2nd. Col lectio u of fi Petunias—J. Sharo, Ist. Fuchsias—Jos. Keeley, Ist. 6 varieties ot Coleus—Major Jackson, Ist; J, Sharp, 2nd. 6 varieties Balsams—W. Moon, Ist; Major Jackson, commended. 3 varities Begonias—Major Jackson, Ist; J. Sharp, 2nd. Specimen Plant in bloom—Major Jackson, Ist. Spicimen Plant, foliage—J. Sharp, Ist. Collection of Pot Plants—Major Jackson, Ist; J. Sharp, 2nd. CUT PLOWIRS. 6 varieties Asters—Major Jackson, Ist; E. Henson, 2nd. G spikes Gladioli—J. Sharp, Ist. (5 varieties Pansies—J. Sharp, Ist. Best collection Verbenas—W. Moon, Ist. Collection of G Dahlias—J. Sharp, Ist. Collection of 12 Dahlias—J. Sharp, Ist; E. Hewitt, 2nd. Collection of 24 Dahlias—J. Sharp, Ist; E. Hewitt, 2nd. Phlox Drummondi—Major Jackson, Ist. Hand Bouquet—Major Jackson, Ist; Jas. Keeley, 2nd. Cut Flowers—J. Sharp, Ist; E. Hewitt, 2nd.

FRUIT. 3 bunches of Grapes —G. Mason, lit; W. Moon, 2nd. I) Dessert Apples—G. Henson, Ist; Jas. Keeley, 2nd. G Culinary Apples—E. Hewitt, Ist; H. Ross, 2nd. 12 Desert Apples—H. Ross Ist; J. Sharp, 2nd ; F. Fairest, commended. 12 Culinary Apples —Jas. Keeley, Ist; J. Sharp, 2nd. G varieties Dessert and Culinary Apples —Jas. Keeley, Ist; F. Forrest, 2nd ;D. Caley, jun., commended. 12 varieties Desseit and Culinary Apples —F. Fonest, Ist; J. Sharp, 2nd; Jas. Keeley, commended. 2-t varieties Dessort and Culinary Apples —Jas. Keeley, Ist; F. Foriest, 2nd; J. Sharp, 3id. Best Collection of Apples —J. Sharp, Ist. This was the only exhibitor, who placed on the table 115 varieties. Peaches, 0 best—Thos. Wells, Ist ; J. Sharp, 2nd ; W. Johns, commended. Pears, G best —Jas. Keeley, Ist; W. Johns, 2nd. Quinces, G best—D. Caley junr., Ist; Major Jackson, 2nd. Plums, 3 varieties of Dessert — Jas. Keeley, Ist; J. Sharp, 2nd. 12 Dessert Plums—Jas. Keeley, Ist; J. Sharp, 2nd. G Cooking Plums—J. Sharp, Ist; Jas. Keeley, 2nd. 12 Cooking Plums—J. Sharp, Ist. Water Melons—A. Wallace, Ist. Rock Mellons—E, Hewitt, Ist.

Bund Beans— Jas. K> '< y, l-t K i.l -iey Beau- -Y. U.ilh c, Ist, Cuoiihilmtb -\ Wdla* 1 -. l-t. T"in ito >i — M .Jjic'v-'iii. Ist.; X Hf« itt. 2nd. (, ihb u,'es— E Huwitt, IM. ( )ni"i)-> -Win Moim, l-t I* niMijM— J i-. Kee!.'\ 1-' V- „vtible Mu row '. 1 1 uitt, l-t. Cu-tirdMino* ', v. ») Veil, l-t Rliubnb -Win »I i ii, l-t (MAss II \M VTKriJS I'Ol !'l \S |n <; i ui> i-ii- •_> .ii t, - rii-i- Weil-., Ist I n !i-n~ t . vii ii — I'll . W. IN l-t. (' M' '- (. \ <r ,tl s -Ml <i ' V»'> '. l-t. Is> _r »ni.i— , J-S \ iii ti.- — Mi-(iu>iii]i, ] -jt -iin.-u pi iiit in M mil —Mi- (ivvyini", l-t Sj)(.'i iiut'M pi -nt t »li.i^'» — Mi- <iw\nn ri , 14 < J.»11.-c ti. >i» I'..t PhnS, MtaGwynne, l-t. i l ! i i o\\h:v Citlli'ction of Diiilii-> -Mi-s Rincinun, l-t. Hind P> mquot —Mi-- Runciman, l-t. Budal 15>u | not — Miss Rnucmi m, l-t. Collection of Out Fioueis— Miss Runeirn in, Kt. vnviv. .'i Bunches of Giipe-— J. Mullion-, l-t. i; i ),—(•! t A|i|«'o-— Win Dey, Ist. 11 Culinary Apple-— 'J. l'dgecumbe, Ist. 12 Do-eit Apjjl."-. -<i. II I^Liuiilii., Ut; \V. J).>v, highly commended. 12 Culm iry Apples --G. Edgecumbe, Ist ; W. M. H.iy, highly commended. (i varieties De— eit and Culinary Applet* — C Kilj?ecuinbc, lit; W. Di'y, 2nrl. 12 \aii'ties I)i'--»eit and Culinary Apples —(I. Kdy>ciimlie, 1-t; S. S (Jrah.iui, 2nd. 24 varieties D.'-sort and Culinary Apples -Tho-. Wells, Ist. Best Collection of Apples— Thos. Wolls, Ist : M H.uilon, c<nnniendi'd. Peaches, (» bcst-W. Roynold-, Ist; Tin s. Wells, 2nd. Peal-, 0 best— Miss W.ilker, l-t; W. Dcv, 2nd Quinces, G bi'st — H. L. TEodpcr, Ist; riiiw. Wells, 2nd. Plums, 3 \anetiu!» desseit — Tho^. WelK, Ist. Collection of Km^ -Thos. Wells, Ist. \E<.i:r\iii.K-.. Kidney 15oans-11. A-Ilm, l-t. ('ucuinbeis — Mi.-, (iwynnc, l-t. Tomatoe-s— Mis (xwynne, Ist. C.ibbi^es— (i J Xed, Ist and 2nd. Onions— V. K. Ste\ens, Ist. Tai-nips— T. Ii Ljwis, Ibt. Pumpkins— J. It. S. Richardson, Ibt. and 2nd. Vegetable Marrows— T. B. Lewis, Ist. Kidney Potatoes — Jas. Forrest, Ist. Round Potatoes — Jas. Forrest, Ist ; Ja». Runcunan, 2nd. Collection of Potatoes— Runcunan, Ist. CLASS 111. -COTTAGERS. Pot Plants— Mihs Walker was the only exhibitor, and took all the piizes. CCl KLOWKUs Collection of Dahlias— W. McFarlane, Ist. Fiiurr. C) Dessert Appl >s— G. H-vinblin, Ist. * (5 Culinary Apples— G. ILimblin, 1 ; S. Alford, commended. 12 Culm iry Apples — A. Vincent, 1; G. Hamblin, 2. (5 Varieties Dessert and Culimry Apples — S. Alfoid, 1 ; A. Vincent, 2; G. Hambhn c >'nmpnded 12 Vai ieties Dossert and Culinary Apples — Chas. Dunn, 1. 24 Varieties Dessert and Culinary Apples — (4. H.imblin, 1. Peaches, G best — P. Cooper. 1. Peais, G best— P. H unblin, I. Quinces, Ii best -S.lSeyinour, Ist; James Webber commended. Plums, 3 \aneties, desert — S. Alfjrd, Ist. Ditto, 12 dcccit — S. Seymoiu, Ist. Ditto, G cooknijf — G. Hainbiin, Ist. vrcrruurs. Cucumbers— (t. Hamblin, Ist. Tomatoes — G. Hamblin, Ist ; Mrs Heslop commended. Custird Mairow — W. McFai lane, Ibt. Rhubarb— Geo. Hamblin, Ist. SUNDRILS. Best 3 Maiigolds, red — J. Coot, Ist.' Beit ditto, jellow— ditto, Ist. B'>st 3 Turnips — J. Runcnnau, Ist. Suffdi-beet — J. Cott'Mill, Ist. , POULTRY. Buff Cochin— J. Bull, Ist. Plymouth Rocks — T. Gie^ham, Ist. White U.)rking,-.T. Bull, Ist. Game, any \aiu-ty — W, Cowper, Ist; W. Hiftginson, 2nd. TLuubuijfs— Tohn Mooie, Ist. Othei \aiietie--.T. Bull, Ist. Ducks, any \anoty — T. Gresliam, Ist. ]3ucks (Aylesbuiy)— Capt. Owen, 1. SI'ECIVL PRIZES. Shaip\ sjiecial for 12 best Biiinarck apples — W. Dey, 1 ; G. Edgecumbe, commended. Mr J. P. Thomson's spec! il for three varieties Dessert Apples — Thos. Wells, 1 ; J. Fonest, commended. Me->sis Wells and Soattei's special for 12 Cellini apples — W. Dey, 1; J. Sharp, commended. Legal pri/.e for 3 bunches of outdoor Gr.ipes-F. J. ]$io«k«, 1 ; Tho.s. Wells, 2. Mr Hughes special for 3 Deceit and 3 Culinary Apples— G. Edgecumbe, Ist ; \V. Dey, specially commended ; C. Dunn, commended. Messrs Lewis and Simpson's special for 6 Foliase Plants— J. Slmrp, 1. Mr Menick's special for 12 varieties of best Dessert Apples — W. Dey, 1 ; J. Sharp, highly commended. Mr Geo. Mason's special for best dish of (5 Des s ert Peais— Miss Walker, 1; James Keeley, highly commended. Mr J. McXicol's special pnVe for 12 Dessert Pears :- Jas. Keeley, Ist ; Miss Wsilker. highly commended. Mr Svrgont's special pi ize for 12 Golden Russets: — W. Dey, 1. Mr B ites' special prize for Stone Pippins : — (I. Mason, 1 ; G. Edgecumbe, commended. Mr (J. J. Xe.-il's special pnta for IS Onions . — Cha.s. Dmin, 1. Air lluj,'h Ro-s's special pri/e for (> Reinette dv Canada Apples : — W. Dey, 1. Mr R. K. Davies special piiVc for Ii Ohinemuri xV]>ples ;— G. Edpfecumbe, 1; F. J. Brooks, commended. Mr F. Foi test's special prize for plate of Cider Apples :— J. Sharp, 1. nurrEH nu/t,&. MrW, Kincaid's special piize for 12 lib pats df fiesh butter : — Four exhibits. Fre-.h butler, nibs : -Seven exhibits. Salt butter : J. Mullions. Ham and side of Bacon — A. Wallace. The judges were Messrs C. H. McDonald, C. T. Wien and D. Bennett, who performed theii b> no means light duties in a \ery careful and painstaking manner, their derisions giving perfect satisfaction. The excursion train, with its crowds of pleasure-seekers, left the Cambridge platf'U in punctually at (5.30 p.m. for Auckland. The weather throughout the day was very pleasant, the passing clouds keeping off the sun's heat. The hall was kept open during the evening till about 10 o'clock.

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Waikato Times, Volume XXVI, Issue 2136, 18 March 1886, Page 2

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WAIKATO HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY'S SHOW AT CAMBRIDGE. Waikato Times, Volume XXVI, Issue 2136, 18 March 1886, Page 2

WAIKATO HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY'S SHOW AT CAMBRIDGE. Waikato Times, Volume XXVI, Issue 2136, 18 March 1886, Page 2