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TilK council mot .it tho tlmnbers, Ohaupo, on Tuesday, !>th inst., for tho ti ansaction of business. Tho following councillor* wuro pio-tent : Messrs Y. C. Germann (•jhiiunui), Te.vsd.ile, Moncrieff, Smith, Kiddlcr, lunlu r and Corboy. Tho Clerk having read the minutes of last meeting, Cr. Corboy raised an objection to their being continued and read, on tho gioiuid that his tiding had not been fairly dralt with in the matter of expenditure.— The Chairman ruled that the minutes must stand tin literal if they weie a true record of the previous mooting, and that Cr. Corboy\ remedy was to gPt any objectionable ro-olution rescinded if ho could. Tho minutes being declared correct by councillor prosent, with the exception of Cr. Corboy, were continued m tho usual manner. EVGINKEH S RKPORT. The Engineer made his monthly report a* follows : — To tub Chaikman 1 Waipv County coun'ClL, Sir,— Referring to the bridge over the M iujrapiko at Alexandra. I have carefully inspected this structure twico since tlie last meeting of the council. The bridge consists of three spans, of 25ft each, the docking being about 29 feet above the surface of tho water. It was, I bulieve, erected about 1(> years ago. With the exception of the two bays of piles in the sticam, which are matai, the timber with which the budge is built is nmu, and the whole of the bridge constructed in this material is more or less rotten, so much so as almost to render the bridge unsafe for traffic. I have two proposals to bring before you in connection with this matter. The first is for the construction of an entire new bridge. The second for renewing the superstructure of the present bridge. With regard to the election of a new bridge, the design for which is handed herewith, it will consist of three spans, but these would be differently arranged to the present bridge. I propose to make the central span 50 feet, with two land spans of 18 feet each. The new bridge would thus be about 11 feet longer than the present one. It is not desireable to make work of this class of great length, but in deep gullies such as this nothing can be more objectionable than a heavy embankment pressing against sheeting behind a few piles, driven into the face at a sharp slope, and often with insufficient hold. Sheeting in this situation decay-, rapidly and is costly to replace ; besides, the great force from behind not unfrequently forces the whole bay out of plumb, and ultimately destroys the span altogether. These are my reasons for proposing to increase the length of the new bridge, and thus to lessen the heights of the abutments. The roadway to the new bridge would be 12 feet wide, carried by two stringers. 14 x 9, these to be understructed in the central span. The end spans, would be carried on three stringers, two of which would be of the same dimensions as the central span. The middle stringers would be 14 x 9 ; the piles would be of totara ; the rest of the timber kauri. I estimate the cost of the bridge at £290. The bridge is of light construction, and though it would be thoroughly sound and the workmanship first-class, it is designed more with a view to bring it within the means of the Council. Under more favourable circumstances I would havo recommended a much more substantial work. With regard to my second proposal, from inspection I am satisfied that the two present bays of piles will hold sound for a number of years yet. I have therefore to suggest in this case that the whole of the superstructure of the present bridge, together with the two land bays of piles sheuld be rebuilt in rimii. By the time this decays the whole bridge will be done. I estimate the cost of this renewal at £133. I need hardly say that neither of these schemes are what I would have liked to see carried out, but in the present state of funds at the command of the council I ha\ c kept the cost of each work as low as possible. Referring to Mr Hunter's, Senr., complaint re cutting down the road opposite his entrance gate, in accordance with instiuctions I have taken the levels of the load, since the cutting was made. I find however that the spot agreed upon between the chairman and Mr Hunter, from which the depth was to be taken, is somewhat to the north of the position of the line along which I originally took the levels. The spot chosen was the highest point of the surface of the giound at the edge of the water table. Here the contractoraunk a peg, which is still to be seen, before he started work, and on taking the levels I find that two feet only has been taken off at the peg, as agieed upon. Monavale bridge. — The sides of the creek are again beginning to fall in ; this is affecting the slopes on the up stream side of the biidge ; if not checked it will fchortly work in at the back of the wings and undermine the> road. I would recommend that a man be employed to break up the large blocks of clay lying in the bed of the cieek, within the road line, as it is tho^e blocks that are throwing the water over on to the north bank, causing the seouriner action which h endangering the wing. I would also recommend that a greater slope be given to the sides of the drain at this point. The timber in the band-railing of the bridge is now thoroughly seasoned, and ought to be painted. I estimate the cost of these jobs at £4. The .services of a man with a dray will be required for a few days on this, the swamp road, as in a good many places the late fires have burnt the peat under the clay. The road at these places has sunk down, and if not made up might lead to an accident. I may say here that the same thing is required on the Hamilton-Whatawhata road, where the road has been injured hy fire, more particularly through the-40 chain swamp. Thert is a large box culveit near Heiescourt on the Hamilton-NgaruaWiihia road that requires to be repaired. The sheeting at the back of the piles ii completely rotten. Sev eral of tho decking plants are decayed, and must be leplaeod. The hand-rail is also in a bioken-dovvn condition. T have got an offer from Mr Maunder, Frankton, to execute the necessary repairs for £7. As his offer is reasonable, I would recommend that it be accepted. Out of the money allocated to the Rangiaohia riding, I would recommend that the sum of £50 be voted for the completion of the grading contract now in hand at Taylors hill on the load from Te Awamutu to Ohaupo. This work is much needed, as the surface of the road along this section in many places is unfit to drive over ; the drainage is also very defective, and iv wet weather the flats become ponds. If I can overtake the work, I intend preparing plans and specifications for repairs to the Kihikihi flat of the Kihikihi-Te Awamutu road ; also for certain repairs to the county road through the township of Kihikihi ; also for repairs to the station road between Te Awamutu and the railway station. In the Mangapiko riding it will be necessary to continue the grading and improvement of the road from Havelock's leap bridge to the junction of Meredith's, now in hand »t Walsh's. The works in the Tuhikaramea and Newcastle ridings, I am afraid. I will not be able to overtake this month. Works in progress.— The contractors for the diversion of the Mangahoi stream at Gifford's bridge are progressing steadily with their contract, and should the weather continue favourable, I expect they will finish in about a fortnight. I recommend that the sum of £21 8s ldbeadvanced to them on this work. This makes the sum of £01 8s Id paid on this work up to date. Messrs Bearsly and Webber, the contractors for gravelling at Taylors hill, are making satisfactory progress with their job. I would recommend the payment of £22 2s 6d to them. The contractor for gravelling near Walsh's has met with much harder material in the excavatious than was expected. This has somewhat retarded the progress of the works, but I expect the contiact will be out of hand before next meeting 1 . I expect the contractor for painting the Cambridge bridge will complete his contract this week. I recommend an advance of £23 on this job. In connection with this work I found it would be desirable to have the top of the chords payed with hot tar and sanded, and arranged to have this done at a cost of £2. This I now ask the council to sanction. The contract for widening and deepening the swamp drain down the side of the Hamil-ton-Whatawhata road docs not progress very fast. One of the contractors has been laid up, but when I visited the work last week a promise was made that six men would be put on and the work pushed on more \'gorouslv. I lecommend a payment, tho first, ot £30 on the work. The contractor for gravelling at Paterangi has all but finished his work ; he has, however, some small things to attend to before the works can be taken off his hands. The grading contract at McNicol's bridge is completed, and I have passed the work. I recommend the payment of the balance due, £3 2s lOd, and the return of the deposit, £2 2s. I would remind the Council that the bridging of Day's drain is still an unsettled question. Tenders havo been called (to bo orajned to-day), for the following works, viz., grading and forming on the swamp road, forming and gravelling from Fleming's gully, gravelling on HamiltonQhaupo road, and clearing on the Hami\.

ton- Whatawhata road. The contractor for the grading woiks at Paterangi was the succt i ->sful tenderer for the road forming in the Tuhikaramea district, let at the last meeting of the Council. This work he has not ataiti'd yot, as he is just finishing at rateiaugi. Ho expects to bo able to wtart in a few days with his new contract. — I have tho honour to be, Sir, your obedient servant, — Ai.k\ Armstrong, County Engineer. Kihikihi, Sth February IRBG. AIEKAVDR \-M \NGAPIKO BItIDGE. — Cr. Fisher moved, "That the bridge be repaiied as suggested in Engineer's report."— As an amendment, Cr. Smith moved, "That a now bridge be erected. " — The council generally expressed the opinion that it would bo butter t« erect a new and substantial bridge, but the funds not admitting of Mich a hi'avy outlay, Cr. Fisher's motion was carried. Mo vn walkw alk Brid&k and .Swamp Road.— The Engineer's recommendation wan ordered to be carried out, tho WhatawhataHanulton road to be dealt with in tho same manner. Beerkscourt Culvert.— lt was agreed to dCCOft Mr Maunder'a offer t<» repair tho woi k, to be carried out at once. Taylors Hill Grading— It wat resohed to complete tho grading here, as recommended by the engineer. Kihikihi Road.— Cr. Monciieff moved, " That specifications be at once prepared and tendors bo called for next meeting for works on thi» road. "—Agreed to.— Cr. Teasdale moved a similar resolution for the Rangiaohia road near the Church, but failed to obtain consent of the council. Alexandra-Ohaipo Road.— Re widening the road near Wali«h'i, the council agreed it was necessary, but decided it was better to let it remain until spring. — The Chaitman (Cr. Germann) protested ngainit postponing the work, as in his opinion it would not last till spring, and would have to be done, probably in the depth of winter. Cambridge Bridge.— The repairs effected by the engineer were approved by the council. Alexandra-Te Awamutu Road.— Cr. Smith moved "That tenders be called for grovelling a portion of this road near Messrs Keighley and Matthews'." It was agreed to gravel about 15 chains of the worst pait. Day's Culvert.— Nothing having been done by Mr Day, and no prospect held out of any satisfaction, Cr. Moncrieff moved, "That the Engineer fill in the road, and put the place in order."— As an amendment Cr. Fisher moved, " That Cr. Corboy and the Engineer call on Mr Day and endeavour to come to «i settlement, failing any arrangement the Engineer to put on men at once, and fill up the road."— The amendment was cairied, and the engineer instructed accordingly. Kihikihi Road.— lt was agreed on the motion of Cr. Teasdale to lower the bank on the side of the main rood, so as to give easier access to the post office, cost not to exceed £5, conditionally that the town board contribute a like amount. By-law ue Bridge Traffic.— The resolution advertised re bridge traffic was duly moved by Cr. Fisher, and adopted by the council, the Engineer being instructed to fix notice boards on the large bridges, giving public warning so soon as the by-law is gazetted. Tenders. — The following were received for Nos. 2G and 27 :— T. Cassidy, lla 3d per chain, 2s 3d per yaid, £24 for maintenance ; J. Coombes, 9s lid per chain, 2s 9d per yard, £G for maintenance ; W. Jones, lGs lid ppr chain, 2s lid per yard, £19 13s for maintenance ; Deegan and Co., 25s per chain. J. Coombes accepted.— Kihikihi road : Nattrass and Co., earthwork, 9d per yard, pipes, Is per yard, carting, 2s each, formation, 7s per chain ; R. Norrish, earthwork, Bsd per yaid, pipes, 2s per yard, carting and laying formation, os per chain. Accepted. -Ohaupo-Cam-bridge road : T. Cowley, formation, 53 per chain, gravel, 17s lOd per chain, ditching, 2s Cd per chain, pipes, 14s set, culvert, 2oa, maintenance, 30s ; R. Norrish, formation, 2s Gd per chain, gravel, 20s per chain, ditching, 2s 3d per chain, pipes, cart and lay, Is 3d per yard, culvert, 20s, maintenance, 20&. Accepted. Loan Expenditure.— The clerk submitted the following report of expenditure of money obtained under the Roads and Bridges Construction Act : — Hamilton riding, £454 3s 4d ; Rangiaohia riding, £880 lls 7d; Newcastle riding, £458 11s 8d ; Pukekura riding, £1031] 10s 5d ; Mangauiko riding, £247 17s lid ; Tuhikaramea riding, £1100sl0d. Miscellaneous.— A complaint was made that a bridge plank had been removed by Mr Frank O'Neill on the Cambridge road, and not put back in its proper position. As this was not the fii\->t occasion, the clerk was diiected to warn Mr O'Neill on tho matter. — A number of licenses to slaughter cattle were applied for, all of which were granted.— An account from the Hamilton Borough Council for repairs to the traffic biidge was ordered to be sent back for further detail.— An objection from Mr S. Steele to the amount of his rate was received. It being an error in the Property Tax Office the objection was .allowed. — The clerk was directed to call the attention of the Minister for Public Works to the fact that the Whatawhata road through Mr Jolly's farm does not appear to have been conveyed to the Crown, and request that steps be taken to dedicate the land, also to remind him of the promise to screw up and paint the Te Rore and Whatawhata bridges. The council then rose.

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Waikato Times, Volume XXVI, Issue 2123, 16 February 1886, Page 4

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WAIPA COUNTY COUNCIL Waikato Times, Volume XXVI, Issue 2123, 16 February 1886, Page 4

WAIPA COUNTY COUNCIL Waikato Times, Volume XXVI, Issue 2123, 16 February 1886, Page 4