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The monthly meeting of the Piako County Council was held at Cambridge on Thursday, at which thero were present: — Crs. W. L. C. Williams (chairman), J. C. Firth, W. T. Fith, D. Muiphy, Brunakill, Chepmell and Gould.

Informal Meetings.— The miuutes of the previous meeting, held on loth December, were read and c<m firmed. There had been no formal meeting since, owing to the want of a quorum, but the clerk read the minutes of tho informal meetings, showing what business had been done by them. — Cr. J. C. Firth moved that all the acts of the chairman at such informal meetings be confirmed, and the ropoit be received. Seconded by Cr. Brunskill aud carried.

The Waiorongomai Punt.— Mr C. Murphy wroto to say that the punt at Waiorongomai was not paying expenses, and offered to sell it to the council, or that the council allow him 2s Gd per day towards the working expenses. — Cr J. C. Firth proposed that the sum of 14s per week bo granted for the purpose. Seconded by Mr Gould and carried.

Hospitals and Charitable Aid.— The Thames Hospital Board wrote, making a demand on the council for payment of contribution under the Hospital aud Charitable Aid Act— The opinion of Mossra Hosketh and Richmond to the effect that there is no such board, and that them is auch confusion in the working of the Act, that the council would do wisely not to comply with the demand.— Cr J. C. Filth moved that the demand be not complied with. He Raid they |«yd, qncragb to do to support their qwu

poor, and thought tho request prcposteroun and manifestly unfair in every sense.—The motion van carried.

Till Hill TnvCK.-Messrs Wells and Smittei wiote to ask th.>t repair* lie done to theti.tck leiding to theii "tore, Uphill, at Wamrongomai, as it is in a dangerous condition. They would then convey their goods by the tramway.— Cr .T. C. Firth did not the track dangerous. The council hid dealt with the matter before, when Me»->r-> Wells and Sontti'i had promised to use the tramway. The council had spent £12 on tin* ti irk. but up to date the firm had only n->e<l the tt.uuw.iy to the extent of £7. —The Ir-ttrr was iccoived.

Tviu\nl:\ C'wiLKiDfiK Ko\i).—A letter was leul tiom the Public Works Department st itnitf that tho request that the vote for the Taiuan^a - Cambridge Road be handed ovim to the council for expenditure, Cannot be comi/lied with.

Tim (iokrox Road.—Cr. J. C. Firth thought it a hard case that a small body like the Taut toroa K' B ard should bo saddled with the maintenance of the only piece of the main road not taken over by the (io\i>inini"it. The Taotaoroa lioaid applied for the sum of £120, voted by the (Jovciuiin»iit to.vaid-. the CambridgeGort'in load. The Government had repudiated all tespon-ibiljt}* in the matter, and the board weio calling for tenders for the work.

Sr, U(.HTKKHnu*>K License.—Mr A. 1.-aacs applied for a slaughterhouse license at Oxford.—Granted.

The Tjivmw vys.— The manager at Waiolongomai reported that the men were discontented at the long period of idleness, and suggested that work bo found on the tramway to keep tl'.em employed, as he would not likp to lose them.—Cr. Murphy thought employment should be found, as it would be a very serious matter if the men left. It would be difficult to replace them, and new handd, not being used to the work, would j perhaps suffer loss of life or other serious consequences.—The consideration of the matter was pobtponed. —Cr. J. C. Firth moved that the manager's application for more trucks be met, and that the necessary number of wheels be procured.—Seconded by Cr. Muiphy and carried.—The Clerk was instructed to ascertain the cost of two wire lopes of 23 chains each in one length of ungalvamsed Bessemer steel and of crucible steel.

Local Government.—The Wairarapa East County Council forwarded a circular on Local Government finance, and asking the couucil's opinion thereon.—Tne circular was received.

Streets in Te Aroha.—Cr. Murphy said the streets in Te Aroha ought to be put in a state of lepair, as the number of tourists was increasing, and tho council obtained almost all its revenue from Te Aroha.—Cr. Gould thought it more important to put the streets in repair than the roads loading to the township, as tho farmers live on the tourists coming to Te Aroha. The former are strong and lusty, but the latter aie delicate, and required, bettor streets to walk in with

safety. Tevdeiis.—The following tenders were opened : -For making Sledge Track, No. 1. : M. Blencow, pt>r chain, £1 17s 3d; Stephen Kongh, 19s (5d ; H. Goldsworthy, £3 !)» sd; J. Goldworthy, £2 Is; Thos. Giavan, £1 12s; Montague and O'Keefe, £1 15s ; D. Ryan, £1 3s 0d ; P. Hogan, £2; Tramway hands (accepted), £1 2s. Sledge Track No. 2: J. Macey, per chain, £5 Id's; Stephen Kcngh, £3 7s Gd ; Thos. Gravan, £3 los ; Montague and O'Keefe, £t 15s ; J. S. Smith, £4 ss; D. Ryan (informal) t'3 l(ss ; P. Hogan (accepted), £3 r>i; H. Hyde £3 10s Gd. J. McLeod for both contracts.jointly, £385. Shaftesbury IWd : O. Maccabc, £183 IDs ; J. Wiseman, £194; Mills and Ponds, £201 18s; Jas. Heathote, £191; Pink and Allen. £185; James Shine (accepted), £104 3s ; Mantaguo and O'Keefe, £142 ; Collins and Voysey, £198 10s; Robinson and West, £204. Kilgour-sticet, Te Aroha: Hetherington and McKnight, £130 Is; Parker and Ma'dens £10!) Ida ; JaniPS Shine (accepted), toli; Pat Dillon, £120 ; Montague and O'lCeefe, £73; Cadwell and Higon, £0S); W. Biomby, £91 17s; (no name), £109 13s Sd; J. Maclean, £105 ; J. Wiseman, £07; O. Maccabe, £04; Collins and Voysey, £35 (X Mr Ferguson, of the uew tramway, sent in a claim for various works done on behaif of the council. The councillors agreed that the claim should be paid, as the work had been advanced when the council was out of funds-.—Mr J. C. Firth moved that £163 9s be paid, the balance to stand over for further pa'tlculars.—Seconded by Cr. Gould and earned. Refeinng to streets in Te Aroha, Cr. Gould moved that tenders be called for forming Whitaker and Biidge-*treets, outlay not to exceed £SO, to be paid out of the unexpended balance of the vote for Sledge tracks.— Sounded by Or. Murphy, and cairied. The council decided to fix the dog-tax at 2s M f <v cat 1 and -h o< d >gs, and 10-> fid for all others, cellars included. Sundry accounts weiu passed for payment, and the council then adjourned.

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Waikato Times, Volume XXVI, Issue 2122, 13 February 1886, Page 2

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PIAKO COUNTY COUNCIL Waikato Times, Volume XXVI, Issue 2122, 13 February 1886, Page 2

PIAKO COUNTY COUNCIL Waikato Times, Volume XXVI, Issue 2122, 13 February 1886, Page 2