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RESIDENT MA GISTRA TE 'S COURT, CAMBRIDGE. Friday.-(Before Mr H. W. Northcroft R.M.,)

Criminal Cases. A Nlisantk. — John Ainaboldi was charged, on the information of the police, with having a dead hor-»o exposed on his property, thereby ci eating a public nuisance.— Accused pleaded guilty, but stated, in extenuation, that ho had buried the horse properly, but during his absence at Waotu dogs had scraped away tho e.uth. —Constable Brennan stated that the town board had paid !)s for having the animal buried, and 2s (id for hme. -His Worship fined the accused m tho amount of 12s t»d, and cautioned him not to let such a thing happen again.

Assui.r.— Maigaret cnargea with having unlawfully assaulted one Mai\ Collins, on Satin day, the 11th in»t. Ac cusod pleaded not guilty.— Mr Dyer, who appealed for the liifoimaut, stated the facts of tho case. On the day in question accused visited Kukwood's Piivate Hotel, where infoimant was servant. A few woids passed Iwtween them, when accused violently assaulted informant, biuising her severely about tho face, and incapacitating her foi work for three days.— Evidence was adduced as to tho nature of the assault, and Di Cushny gave medical testimony as to tho nature- of tho injunes sustained.— His Worship held tho charge piovod, and fined the accused £2, and £3 ."is costs, m default one week's imprisonment in Mount Eden Gaol.

Gun. Cases.— Gw^nnith v. Camuuiikik Towy BoAim.— Hi* Woiship gave judg inisnt in this case. He stated that he based Ins decision on tho estimato of the v.ihu of the woik given by Mr Pay ltt. That gentleman estimated tho work at £l~> 18s. t'lo of this amount having been paid, his Wot ship gave judgment for plaintiff for the balance, £5 lHs, and costs £7 I:>s.-Wuh\io Coal ami Shiitim. Compam v. Ci.kvim\. —Mr Dyer for plaintiffs. This case had been previously he.ud, and judgment went by default foi plaintiffs, and the case was now leheaid on the apph cation of defendant. Tho action was foi £4 0s for timber supplied. The point m dispute was whether tho timber was supplied to tho defendant or to Dr. Waddington.—Capt. Soutei de|H«,ed that defendant, Cloiiiiny, ordered tho tinilwr, and nistiucted him to charge the same to Di. Waddmgton, and to deliver the timber on Dr. Waddington's premises. Tho timber was supplied as ordered, and cbaiged to Dr. Waddmgton, who repudiated the liability on the grounds that he had not authoiised dummy to pledge his ciedit. On tho other hand, Webbei and Clemmy both stated th.vt Di. W.iddington had employed defendant. Vfter hearing a considerable amount of evidence His Worship gavo judgment for defendant, with costs £'.) 18*, stating at the same time that ho regietted having to give costs against the company, which had evidently acted pioperly throughout.— H\\ \. MhKlUCK.— This was an action toiocovcr tho sum of £T>o on a guarantee for costs, incurred in an action of the tnistce m Arekatera's estate v. E. B. Walker and otheis, which had been instituted m the Supioine Court by pl.untiff. The defendant Meuick, m common with other cieditois, had signed a guarantee. Air Hay conducted his case in person. Messis Whitaker and Dyei for defendant. Mi Whitaker raised preliminary objections to paiticulars on tho ground that they had not been set out, and no bill of costs had been supplied to defendant show ing how the amount of £">0 was made up. He contended that dofendant was seriously prejudiced, as he did not know what it w as he was called on to meet.- Mr Hay contended in reply that tho action was brought on a guarantee f»r a specific sum, and that the paiticulars asked for wero wholly unnecessary.—His Worship decided to hear tho case. — Mr Hay gave evidonce .is to the guarantee winch been uigned by Merrick in common with a number of others ; that tho action in tho Supremo Court had been In ought ; that woik had boon done, and ho now sought to iccover the Hum guaranteed him. — In cross-exann-nation, Mr Hay stated that he had given it to tho tiustco. Mr Gwymieth signed the balance of costs, but had not served one on tho defendant, Merrick. — This closed tho plaintiff's case. — For the defenco Mr Whitaker contendod that tho assigned bill of costs should have been served on defendant ono mouth bofoio these proceedings were brought, and as this had not been done the plaintiff was not entitlod to recover, Mi Hay, in reply, stated, that, Gwynneth, with a signed bill ho had done all that was necessaty. His Worship then called Mr Gwynnetli, who stated in evidence that on receipt of the bill he had shown it to Mr Mci nek, who expressed an opinion that it ought to bo taxed. Mr Gwynnoth stated ho nad no funds of the estate in hand foi that purpose. His Worship stated he would givo judgment in Hamilton, on Thursday next at 11 a. m. Judgment was givon in several undefended cases and some others adjourned till next court day.

Jonks asked bin wife, 'Why is a husluml like dough ?' Ho expected she would give it up, and he was going to tell her that it w*s because a woman needs him; but she said it was because he was hard to get of)' her hands. Ibr annual meeting of the Pukekura Road District will be held at the Pukekura schoolroom, on Wednesday, the Oth of May, at three p.m. The annual meetings of ratepayers of the Cambridge District will be held at Hewitt's Hotel, Cambridge, on Saturday, '2nd of May, and that of the laotaoroa District, at Kirkwaod's private hotol, on the same day. The Rev H. K. Dowibury will deliver a tccture on " Charles Dickent f> at the Okiupo tchnol-room, on Friday, 21th April. Messrs Cochrnne and Son advertise in another column the sale of freehold properties to be sold undei the Rating Act, on Monday, 27th April, at their rooms, Auckland.

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Waikato Times, Volume XXIV, Issue 1994, 18 April 1885, Page 2

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RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT, CAMBRIDGE. Friday.-(Before Mr H. W. Northcroft R.M.,) Waikato Times, Volume XXIV, Issue 1994, 18 April 1885, Page 2

RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S COURT, CAMBRIDGE. Friday.-(Before Mr H. W. Northcroft R.M.,) Waikato Times, Volume XXIV, Issue 1994, 18 April 1885, Page 2