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LATEST AUCKLAND NEWS. [BY TELEGRAPH.— OWN CORRESPONDENT.] Fire at Port Albert. Auckland, We dnesday Night.

K. Nicholson t> and Son^ <-aw-mill at Port Albert was totally destiojed by fire early this morning, within about two hours of its breaking out. Timber stacks, wharves, offices, booUs, also dwellings and the flour mill, wcio saved. The steady rain which prevailed dining the night, and the change of wind pi evented the destruction of these new buildings. The chimney and boiler appear to be uninjured, but the intense heat prevents examination. The lion. K. Mitchelson saw it all right at 11 p.m., as did bomo of those returning fioin the meeting after midnight, The ongin of tho iire is unknown. All hands worked biaxely to Ba ve the piopeity. The inbiu.uices amount jff £1500, as follows, .—Colonial, i'soo ; South Biitish, £~>oo ; London and Lancashire, £500, halt of which amount is icinsured in the New Zealand.

Land Sale The sale of building allotments at St. Hellier's Kay was highly satisfactory and most encouiagnig. K\ciy lot olFt'ird found a purchaser, at piices \ai}ing from £100 to i'GOO. Onl.y n limited number of sections weie put \\\>, ami tlic proceeds exceeded £12,000.

The Temperance Interest. The Bine Kibbon Ainiy is piepaiing for the elections, foi the piupoMJ of securing adequate tepieseiitation of the tetnpeiance iutoiosts on the new licuiiaing committees.

The Tramways. The first contiact for the Auckland tramways was let to MtFSis LaiUuis ami OBrien to-day at 1306 G.

Presbyterian Church. The Presbytery to-d.iy sustained a call from the Waiuku congi cqation to the Rev. Patiick J. Waddcll, of Ilauke's Bay. The dispute o\er the icmo\al of Mr Ferguson, btudent fiom Te Aiohn, came befoic the Piesb\teiy in a strongly worded letter fiom the Pacioa Committee. After considerable di&oussion the follow ing motion u .is ( ai 1 ied : — " the Piesbyteiy distinct]} lefiitcto accede to the request of tlio committee with le gard to the uithdiawnl of the c\piesbioiib used in the Piesbytuy, but beheuny that it would be for then intcubts to accede to the lcquest of the Paeioa people, it agrees to continue Mr Fuguson's services. "

The Frozen Meat Trade. The Stai's London coiiopondent, wilting under date, Doccnibci 11th, Bays : — " lam glad to be al)lc to tell you that the wholesale pi ice ot New Zealand mutton once again shows signs of loudening. Dining the past week theic has been a use of neaily Id per pound. List Friday Ojd and Ti/d ueie icalu>eil. Today it io (5 Ul.

Special Settlers, etc. The fame conespondent tn\'s : — An efi?"sive pamgiaph in the Mail, of December 7tli, may peihaps lead people to suppose that the majoiity of the pa«SLiigeis on bo.ud the Noithumbeiland <ue Te Puke special settleis, dihnitily pledged to Vesey Stew ait. This is a mistake. I don't think nioie than about half a dozen ha\e absolutely lcolvtd to t>ke up land near Tauivintra. The lest die puiely independent emigiants, w ho weie attiaxted by the low lates of passage .uhcitised by Shaw, Saville and Co. i notice that this writer talks as if tl.e Tauianga-Uotoiua Railway Com] any weie "un f.ut accompli," wheieos anxious speculatois aie still 1 waiting for the piospectus. The last time I saw Vesey Stew ait lie <said he was held back by the not). ui nil ot some official documents fiom New Zealand. Since then, howe\er, moie than one mail has come in, but the aflaii does not seem to he " foiwaidid,"' if I miy use your expression. My own idea is that Stewjut will fii d monej nioic difficult, to raise than he antijipates. Unfoitunately, it happens to be the fashion to mil down New Zealand ventuies. The New Zealand and Moitgige Company lias not escaped hostile cutieism, but despite some ciuicusly spiteful remaiks in the Standard, and a, negatively unfavourable parag'npli in Figaio, the New Zealand Lmd and Moitgage Coinpai y is d >ing fjuite as well as Mr Russell and the piomoters expected it to do, The gieat thing that deteis people from imesting is tlie fear that the t xpenses of management will be so out!.' geous as to swallow up tl.e bulk of the profits. A heady the highly-paid diiectors seem to be mimeious be} on, l .ill reason, and it othei business details aie carried out on the same hniah scale the company will indeed have to piospei mightily to letuin any diwdends Nc\ei theless, when the list closed on the 10th, it va3 found that the applications for shares weie fai in excess of the amount required. The establishment of a depot for the sale of New Zealand fiozen mutton just inside London Biidge Rail way Station is emphatically a step in the right diiection. Nothing could do the trade more good than the establishing of similar shops in the y.nd-. ot all the great London tennmal stations."

H. Tiistram notifies th it lie Ii is opened a butcher's shop on c it)) side, of tin nwr at Hamilton Messrs \V J llunttM and Co advci tim i Cortland wajjgon and a pur of horses and harness for sale at Cambridge on S iturd n . Mr J. it- Buokl md .idwrtiics nn extensive cattle sale at Cambridge on '1 luirsda} 1' cbi uarj 14th jMr T- S. Burlli'd will st 1 1 a farm wajjfjomnd sundries, including lioiscs, harnevs, le , at Cambridge on Satuida\, ]'cbiiiii\ 10th The judge of the Assessment Court, Mr H W. Northcroft, ffi\es notn c an Assessment Court Will be held at Alexindra it 12 o'cloi kon Friday, the 14th March, for the Alexandra Town District Mr John Kno\, auctioneer, makes an important announcement re s ile of (roods in the rs u ate of Wil iim Gumming. Ihe ad\ertibement is well worthy of perusal

You will do well to furnish your house rom Garlick and Crnnuell's. ilie\ have now the most complete Furnishing Warehouse in Auckland, furniture to suit all classes, good utre.-.g, And chtnp. The 1 * ha\e Tapcstrj Carpets irom 2s 3d pei yard, Brussels from 3s lid per yard. Linoleum from 3s 9d to .")s, Oil Clollis from Is 6d to 4s (id per Jprd, good 12 feet MiilcOil Cloths at 3s (Sd per jard Immense assortment of Iron Bedsteads from Infants' Cots to 3 feet wide half-tester Bedsteads. Double iron Jiodrteads from 255. 4SO bedsteads in stock to select front. Beddings of all kinds and sues kept in readiness. Dining, Sitting, Drawing-room Fuiniturc, and and a large assortment of Manchester and Furnishing Goods, including a lot of CrctocniiS. Book Catalogues sent free to intending purchasers. Garlirk and Cranwell, City Hrt-11 Arcade. Onwn-'-trpor Auckland

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Bibliographic details

Waikato Times, Volume XXII, Issue 1808, 7 February 1884, Page 3

Word Count

LATEST AUCKLAND NEWS. [BY TELEGRAPH.—OWN CORRESPONDENT.] Fire at Port Albert. Auckland, Wednesday Night. Waikato Times, Volume XXII, Issue 1808, 7 February 1884, Page 3

LATEST AUCKLAND NEWS. [BY TELEGRAPH.—OWN CORRESPONDENT.] Fire at Port Albert. Auckland, Wednesday Night. Waikato Times, Volume XXII, Issue 1808, 7 February 1884, Page 3