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Mil Ahb'RM) Bu<JKL\NM>V> WbKKU" Rbl'Oiir,—At the horse sale on Friday last there wai a good demand for draught stock at .satisfactory pi ice-., but those of a light or mfeuor cl.iss were a nominal price only. Wheat : Straw is in good demand at full values 'but the new hay crop has loweied the price of best fodder to 4s the cwfc. At the hide vale, on Tuesday, better piice-> ruled than for some time ; good quality ranged from 2^l to 2l<l the lb. Skins were also in good demand, and brought fiom Is 3d to 2s .hI, and bag.s of w ool fiom 4fd to 7d the lb. At Pokeno yards, on Monday, 14th January, a larger muster of cattle than for seveial months was y aided. Theie was :i full attendance of buyeis, both fiom Auckland and the ncighboiuhood, and .satisfactory puces obtained tliioughout. At Druvy there was the usual muster of cattle, with n steady inquiry, putieulaily for steei-s ; the late rains occasioning an improved demand. At lieinueia on Thmsday tew dany cattle yarded, and those sold at a considuiable advance over late \ allies ; stole cattle dull of hale; fat cattle m avenge number, and good enquiry at fully late v.ilucs ; no .store .sheep yaided ; fat sheep in full numbeis, but maintained then piice ; lambs plentiful, but of \aiiable quality; bdst pens langed fiom 10, to Kis each; pig>, partieulai ly young animals, in best demand. Waikato averages weie: Hi st>eiN, (Tticoand Patker, £ ( )18s!)d; S .stems, (J. Way, £!< 12s (id; 8 .steers, J. Tole, £S ">- ; S steei-, U. Fishei, £8 3s (id;') steels, K. N. Buttle, £7 8s; con'i, £0 1 0- ;!) steei ->, H. Fiasei, £(> 15s; 24") wethois, J. C. Futh, ISs M ; ISO, Auckland Agmiiltmal Ounpiim, ]•">•> !>d; 52 sheep, S T. Scildou, 14s :M ; (>l> wethers, Thos. Kcid, IGs ; V2 lam js, lls ; (]1 wetheis, (4uce and Paikei, 14s 2d ; 30 lambs, T. Hodge, 14s Gd ; ."illambs, ,Ta.. (iaue, 10> ; 70 lamb-, L. 0. Roy, !)s (id; 12") meuno A\ethei->, X. Hunt, 12s (id MhsNio Huxi'KH .wo Xolvn's Rni'oitr. Hoise^. Tlie supply has been \tny Luge. On Fudav the Dinhamyaids \\eiec>ammed ■with ho7-fs fiom all p.uts. A slnpmont of medium di aught and light harness hows fioin the We-t Coast elicited keen comptti tion. 'Hiey woie a fiist-class lot, and sold well. Good local hoises \\eie also well lepiesented, ami with few exceptions weie (putted at s.xtisfactoiy pi ices. Uood useful hacks weie in demand at i educed lates. We quote hack-, from ST> to £17 10s ; light liamtbs, £T2 10-> to £10 10^; medium diaught-,, £17 Us t<> £-><■ ,"»- ; heavy draught, tJ 1 ) to £40; mibiokon diaught colts, £13 10, to £20 10,. Wool : On Monday we held om fomth s.ilo c>f the season. About 200 biles weie catalogued, and piices langed at late qu >tations, if any difterenco l,d lower. Hides, skins and tallow : On Tuesday we held oni Usual weekly sale, when an a\eiage numbei weie otteied. We quote hides 2,' d to '.\\d ; skins, fiom 2s to 2s lid ; tallow , 27s (id. " Cattle . The .supply of all deso tptious has been Luge. On Tuesday, at Xewmaiket, dany cattle, stoic and fat cattle weie y aided in full mini beis. l'\n good dunv cow s theie ousts a fan demand, and tlnoe-"\eai-old and glow n -t'>ei -. :ue inquni'd foi ; tlio-e on Tuesdiiv sold well. The butehei-,' ]>ens weie well stocked, and bidding was busk thiougnout the '-ale We quote. Daii,> c)w-, £1 I<J, to £7 l">i ; tlnee->eai-old bteois, £1 V2^ (>d to £") ; in flesh condition, .£0 2s (id ; lioi'f, 22s (id to 2Cs. Sheep : An a\ciage nuniljei. both slnpbnino ami local, •weie biouglit foiw.ud. A diaft of lnagnihcent wethoi-, fiom .M.itamat.i weie keenly competed foi,2ls (id being gni'ii foi to|> ]>ens. Lamb-,- [n a\eiage supjily and good demand, and sold .it fiom Ss lid tol(>s Pigs. Few yaided. Theie exists a demand lor gtiud poikei-.

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Waikato Times, Volume XXII, Issue 1800, 19 January 1884, Page 2

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AUCKLAND LIVE STOCK MARKET. Waikato Times, Volume XXII, Issue 1800, 19 January 1884, Page 2

AUCKLAND LIVE STOCK MARKET. Waikato Times, Volume XXII, Issue 1800, 19 January 1884, Page 2