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The annual meeting > f the p.u islnonors ol S. John i Chinch, which wa» to luuo been held on Tuesday evening, lapsed for want of attendance. As the weather w.h ver\ wet and st<u my, it could hatdly be e\peetcu thattheie would be many pie-ent. Th> meeting was theiefoie postponed tv Wednesday, 23rd, at 7.30 pin The busi ne^s will be to receive the report am. bilancc- sheet, and elect ofhee-buaior- f"i the cuirent year. As this is a matler o great impoitance to the chmcli members, it is to be hoped tlieie will be a full meeting EKPKcrnu aiuuvu. of mi; mi\i->u:r kou PI HlilC WOlUvs, Everyone is on the look out for the Hon. Mr Mitchelson, who is daily expected. Theie aie seveial matteis of gieat nnpoitance upon which he will be mtei viewed, and winch lequne his consideiation ; foie most among these is the question of l.ulvv.iy reform. ft would be a veiy gieat convenience to settles mid business men if the goods tram, which conies at piesent only .is far as Hamilton, wcie nui tin High to Te Awamutu. When the ci ops sue li.v vested mcieaso of tiaihc on the lme, and, if .scut by the goods ham, it would save a gieat amount of shunting and delays to the pa&sengoi tiains on the day> on which the fomier would inn. Tins is „ matter of the utmost imp utauce to tl c public, and lequirjs immediate attention. Tlie requirements of the district demand a cattle tram also. Such number- of cattle and sheep are being bent down eveiy week that this is absolutely necessaiy, not only fm btockowiuus, but for the tiavellmg ]>üblic also, who, under tlie piesent legulations, have to submit to a consideiable amount of inconvenience and delay. By giving his earnest consideration to tlieyj matteis, the Minister fm Public Woiks will earn tlv gratitude of all sections of the community. It is to be hoped he will not levve Waikato without visiting this iinpoitant pait of the district. SCHOOL MVIIEU*>. It is rumouied heic that .some people are desirous of a] pointing a committee instead of comini»sioneis. As the 1 itter have done thewoikof the school affaiis to the satisfaction of the inajonty of the parents, it would be most undesirable to make a change. An old pioveib says : "Change is* good, even if it be for the woise." T cannot agiee with that, and change m tin-* mattei would decidedly be for the woiso. We hear and read of so much quaiielhng and bickeimg between committees and teacher*, that it would be very unwise to risk a similar occuirence in this instance. In many cases committees consist of men who aie totally unfitted for the position. I do not for one moment wish to imply that such would be the case here, but I do say that when the .school affairs aie propeily attended to by commissioner m any district, it would be advisable to let well alone. If a member of the committee chose to quarrel with the teacher, he would probably request the Boai d of Education to remove him. This would be a. heuous loss to the place, for it would be hai d to find a more efficient teacher than Mr Benge, who not only bi ings on tlie chikheu well, but has such a method of imparting mstiucfum that the little ones think it a to L attend school. ' THE WESLEYAN CHIKCH. 2 The members of this church are detert flihied to make their church flourish in Te Ajvanmtu, aud they work with a singleness of purpose that deserves great praise. The Eev. Mr Dewsbury— who is one of the best lecturers in New Zealand— will deliver a lecture on Charles Dickens on Monday next, at 8 p.m., in the Public Hall, the proceeds to be devoted to the chuich fund. During the evening pieces of music, songrf, &c, will be rendered by several ladies and gentlemen. Those who have heard Mr Dewßbury before will gladly avail theirselves of the opportunity of hearing him again, especially on such a subject. He preaches in the Wesleyan Church on Sunnext.—(Own Correspondent, Wednesday morning.)

The Duke oF EDiSßmou's Dairy Farm.— lt was announced some time ago that the Duke of Edinburgh intended to devote some attention to dairy farming. He has already several very fine cattle at Eastwell Park, and he is now having built there a larjjo dairy. The wood of which" it is built comes from the Sdiidringhatn estate. The pi in of the building is unique, and it if to he fitted up in an elaborate and most approved mauner.

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Waikato Times, Volume XXII, Issue 1799, 17 January 1884, Page 3

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TE AWAMUTU. S. JOHN'S CHURCH. Waikato Times, Volume XXII, Issue 1799, 17 January 1884, Page 3

TE AWAMUTU. S. JOHN'S CHURCH. Waikato Times, Volume XXII, Issue 1799, 17 January 1884, Page 3