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GREY MOUTH, Sunday. Thk body of James Gillbrd was found on the road at Mjou Creek, Dung.inville, this morning, stabbed to death. Theio were two deep stabs on the chest, one bad one on the neck, besides two smallu ones, and stabs also in a number of other places. Cries of a human being was heard in theduection of the muiiicr la-t night about half-past eleven. Giffoul was a witness against Morton, in a notations case of stealing gold at Maou Creek. A man's hat and lunfe weie found close to tlie body, as if the niui dei ci lan away in a liuny. No suspicion attaches to any one at piesent. Four Kuiopeans fioin Maoii Cieek have been attested fot bm tally assault ing a Chinaman, who was brought in on a dray.

WELLINGTON, SaUirday. At the Magistrate's Court to-d.iy, K.ite Bo^lo, on the chaige of wilfully nmideruig her infant female chiUl, was com nutted for trial. Iv answer to the quos tion if she had anything to say, she teplied, " I did not kill the child." The eudence adduced was similar to th.xt Hi ven at the inquest on the 17fcli ultimo The question of allowing b lil w as defei led Accused is in a delicate state of health At the meeting of the New Zealand Educational Institute to-day the follow ing 1 evolutions were cariied : — Proposed by Mr Peattie, " That the Senate ot the New Zealand Univeisity be memorialised for an extension of the time allowed to teachers proceeding to the B. A. degree ;' pioposed by Mr White, " That the Government be urged to eliminate history as a pass subject fioin the tlnni stmdard ;" pioposed by Mr White, "Tha + , in the opinion ot this Council, the annual examination of teachers should be held towaids the end ot December of each year, no* immediately after the Chiistmas recess, as at present ;" proposed by the President, " That the Piesident and Secretary be authoiised to piepaic a report ot the pioeeeding-a of the Council, and print 1000 copies for cv dilation among the branches of th institute, the costs, to be borne pro lata ;" proposed bj Mr Scott, " That, in the opinion of tin.Council, it is against the recognised piinoiplcs of education, and not m accoi dance with the standaid i emulations that children should necessauly be annualh presented in a standard higher than that previously passed." The Council then ad journed to meet in Auckland next January. No eligible applications having been received for the suigeonslnp of the Wei Him tou Hospitil, Dr McKeller, of th< Otago Univeisity, who is heie on a visit has consented to take temporary charge The Govdrnment sent home the fol lowing immigration nominations by to night's mail : — Auckland, 97 statute adults ; Otago, 37t ; Wellington, 2-H • Southland, 24 ; "Haw kes Bay, 22 , Nelson, 21 ; T.iranaki, 18 ; Canterbury. 13 ; Marlboiough, 3 ; Westlaud 2. The Education Confeience met again yesterday. Mr R Peattie, ofjOamaru. read a prper on "Inspection and Ex animations"; Mr Hogen, of Clui&tchurch, one on •'The Connection be tvreen Piimary and Secondary Schools" ; The Rev. T. Flavell, of Chiistolmrch, one on " Coipoial Punishment." In re gard to the latter, a geneial expression of opinion was that the rod vas a i eces sary power in iesei\e, to be used seldom and with discretion. Sunday. The month's immigration nomination inclnde S9 single women and 63 single men, the remainder being famlies. The nationalities of the whole are: English 161 ; Irish, 03 ; Scotch, 40 ; and foreign, 24. The fees received amounted to £854 2s 6«l. The Premier is expected to return here from Taranaki on Wednesday. The Canterbury "cricketeis arrived this morning, and weie met by a committee from the Wellington Cricket Association. The game commences to-morrow morning. Monday. At the Supreme Court the Grand Jury found true bills in all cases except that of Edward O'Malley, for alleged manslaughter. Petree Jausen, a Dane, charged with larceny, was sentenced to 18 months' hard labour; Alexandei Anderson, on a charge of attempting to murder his paramour, Mary White, was found guilty and sentenced to five years' hard labour.

CHRISTCHURCH, Monday. At the Supreme Court to-day, a man entered the jury-box under a misapprehension, and his presence was not discovered till one accused had been convicted, and evidence against another had been heard. In consequence, Judge Johnson has decided to consult with other judges as to what course to pursue charges. Scheider, for forgery, was sentenced to eighteen months. DUNEDIN, Saturday. The Trade and Labour Council have passed resolutions deprecating further immigration, and expressing the opinion that Dunedin. should be re-formed into a single electorate for the return of members of the Assembly. It was decided to communicate the resolution iv regard to immigration to Ihe various trade association in the United Kiigdom Sunday. The Caledonian Games yesterday were again spoilt by rain, which prevailed in greater or iesg degree all the afternoon.

His Excellency was on the ground during the day. Donald Dmnie was presented to him. The principal races were the champion 220 ami the 10 mile. In the former nil the competitors, who included Woods and Hulston, started from scratch, and Woods won easily. In the 10-mile nine started, but only four finished, namely, Burke, 220 yards. 1 ; Keys, 80 yards, 2 ; O'Conuor, scratch, 3 ; Foster, Of* yauK 4. Burke won in ,3(>i»ins. 17secs , by about 400 yards from O'Connor and 10i) yards fiom Keys. The most inteiesting competition in which Dmnie took pait was throwing a «561b. weight over a hoiizontal bar. Dinnie, with one hand, threw it higher thau Tyson, the wittier, could do with two. Mallritison, who never tried the frat before, did very well, Knocking the bar down at 1 1 fret b'mohes, which Dinnie using both hands cleared by about thioe inches. Dinnie threw the same weight 24 feet 3 inches in distance against Mathi'son's 20 feet 11 inches, the fonnet, who allowed three feet handicap, thus winning. Monday. W. J. ttpi-rs, of Dirgiville, Auckland, and foimfi-ly a first prize-taker for dancing at tlip Dnnedin games, telegidphs his ivillitiguess to dance the_ Highland fling with Donald Dinnie for £100. Dinme has agreed to dance young Muiray if judges who understand j^^ Highland fling cm hi found. William Matlie^on, of local hammer-throwing fame, Ins also accepted Dinnie'a challenge to him in that ieat. At the nHjiu^t on Molntosh, found dead on tlte Portobello road, it was shown that the accident occurred at the junction of an old and new road, and the cart had fallen from one to the other, over an embankment 3*> feet high. The evidence was that \lclutosh left Duuedin sober A verdict of accidental death was letuined.

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Bibliographic details

Waikato Times, Volume XXII, Issue 1795, 8 January 1884, Page 2

Word Count

TELEGRAMS. INTERPROVINCIAL. [BY TELEGRAPH.—PRESS ASSOCIATION.] Waikato Times, Volume XXII, Issue 1795, 8 January 1884, Page 2

TELEGRAMS. INTERPROVINCIAL. [BY TELEGRAPH.—PRESS ASSOCIATION.] Waikato Times, Volume XXII, Issue 1795, 8 January 1884, Page 2