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Waikalo Time* Office, Friday. « ■, WATKATO MARKKI'S. Messrs W. J. Hunter and Co. report : — At their horse yards on Saturday 1 ist a great nuuibor of wcto brought forward, tho yards being completely crammed. A good number changed hands. Hacks from £3 to £9 ss ; light havnois horses from £12 15s to £24 ; sets harrows, £3 ; saddles from £1 15s t<f£B. At the Ohaupo Yards on Thursday, December fith, above 500 head cattle were yarded. Young cattle were not in such requisition as la-st sale, but meet sold at a shade lower price than has been ruling. Big cattle sold freely. Dairy cows were not well represented. Any good ones at calving were well competed for, and sold Well. A very Urge number of beef, principally from native country, met ready hale. We quote: Dairy cows, £1 to £"i 17s fid; Yearlings and calves, £1 ls> to £2 ; choice pen Hereford yearling steers, £2 15* ; 14 to steers, £2 10s to £i ; 3 and 4-year-old stoeis, £4 10s to £o ; fat heifer^ and cows, £4 to £5 15s ; fat steor->, £0 10s to £7 6s' ; fat wethers, 13*. At tho Ngaruawahia sale on Monday last a large number of cattle, principally young stock and dairy cows, were yarded. All met leady bale at pricas fully equal to Ohaupo market. We quote : Calves and yearling-, £1 to £] l~)s ; 2-year-old (mixed .sexes), £2 5s to £3 ; 3-year-old steers, £3 ; dairy cows, £4 10s to £0 ; store cows, £2 to £3.

AUOIUAND LIVK hTOCK 51 \RKbTS. Mb AIi'KKD ]3ucKii\M)'t> Wkbma Rkroitr.— At the Haymarkct on Friday, November 30, foddei brought irom '2*> 9d to 5s the cv fc. ; oafcs, 2; nd tho bushel. Horse stock were yarded in full number ; many being accustomed to they aid were quitted with difficulty, but fiesh horses from the countiy sold freely, and Lite values obtained foi them. Pnces for light harness and medium di aught langed fioni Lll to L2l each. At the hide and skin sale, on Tuesday, hides ranged from 2d to 2^'d tlie lb ; pelts, 8d to lid ; sheepskins, Is to 4s Id ; lambskins. Is 7d each ; bags of wool, in gi ease, 1/d to ."> | !d! d ; washed wool, 8' 5 d the lb. At the wool sale, on Wednesday, 200 bale-! were pitched, and, with the exception of nine bales, sold at the auction. Prices weie in advance of those obtained at first sale. ;\t W. hi -v, on Hatmday, December 1, 121 hendoi cattle were y aided, principally well-bied om yeai lings to three-yeai-olds. Bidding Mas busk throughout the sale. Yeaihngs hi ought from 4.1s to 50-> : t\\ o-yenr old, L 3 to L' 3 15s ; thieo-year-olds, LI 10s to LI 11s each ; dairy cows LI 10s to L.I 10s ; dry cows 40s to (iOs ; calves, lls to 150s each. At Pukekohe, on Mond.xv, between two and tlnee Imndred cattle of all classes weie yaided. There was a nunieioiis attendance, and .steady demand ; all b >iug sold at the auction at luliug values. At Kenmoia on Monday d.uiy c.ittle weie in less than usual numbei, but without impiovenjent in values. A laigci than usu<il nnistei of .store cattle met with a busk demand at .satisfactoi ,> piiet-s. l(1atl (1 at cattle weie yaided in less than usual immbei->. Steeis weie at last week's values, but cow-, scaieely jnaintained pie\ioiis juices. Sheep, both fat and stole, w-w abundant Last week's prices -ib >ut '2\i\ the lb fm wethers, was the mlitig \a\\u\ A full market of small M/ed pu-, of good i|uality sold fieely and In ought 3IA3 l A tin- lb. Averages weie: 7 steels, [{. [fall, 1/1; 7 steers, T. Wilkinson, LS its ; S steels, (Jute and Parkei, LS Is i)d ; N.ipK-r wt,tliei> (Waikato fatted) langod fioni 12s to J.'?s Kd each ; (iisb)iuc wetlici -, 1.5s («1 to lls lid each. MKhSRS IICNII.R AMI Ni)l,\s'-> W1,!.K1,\ Kei'OKl.— Hoises . Theic Iktu nothing notewoithy in the st.itc of tlie 111,11 ket. An aveiiigo numbei h.i\i l»ui 11 dis[inseil of with little (tr . my alteiation 111 \alue. At the Dm ham YauK, 011 Fuday, no good draught hoises weie yaided, and seveial would have found leidy jjuichaseis. Medium sold at juices satisfactoi y to vendors. Light harness audhaik* \\eio leiatively mi high We sold -Moonstone foi 21 guineas ; Tucohiu was passed. Cattle : The supply has been good. Spunying cows have not been in busk demand, but all other descriptions h,i vi- sold ,it .1 .shade 111 advance of the jll evious week's iates. The entries for the fan .ife Papakma weie less numerous than on the piouous month. There was a very laige nnistei of stoics at Newmaiket on Tuesclaj and again at the regular monthly sale at Papakuia on Wednesday. Daily cow s weie not yaided in Jaige numbeik, but weie quite sufficient for requiieiuents. Kat beasts weio yaided in less than .i»en^e quantity, and advanced in value fully -Is pei head. Pi ices foi steels weie fully maintained, and heifeis weie lelathely lowci 111 value. Sheep weie plentiful. Well fatted weatheis fully maintained tlieu valun, but light weights weio a sliadc lover. Lambs were fanly plentiful and sold at Ms 'Id to Us (id. Pigs': Vciy few > aided, deniiind good.

AU<jKr,\M> MuiKi.r tjnoTvnoNh, Fakm am) Dum ll J iii)iaci .— Wholesale : Buttoi, fiosli, Xd ; JJuttci, salt, .VI tn 7d; Cheese, good, "id to lid ; Cauteibmy, do., (kl to 7d ; l>_ r-r>,r -r>, pei do/ , 10J ; Laid, iiur bladdei, 7ld ; Jj.icou and Hams, J iovincial, (id to Sd : Hani-., 8d to ( Jd ; Gantoibuiy J> ,uicl Bacon, {Id, in cloth ; Hams only, lO'.rt : J.llll-, per ease, ."> fin/., LI 17s f.d lo "LI IX-, 3d ; Fowls, per pan, 2s (id to is ; F< .itheis, baked, clean iind selected, Is (id to 1-, 'Id pel lb. Uetail : Milk, pei qii.ut, Id ; Butt«M flesh, lOd ; salt dn., 8d to lOd ; Cheese, colonial, do , Ikl to lOd ; Kggs, pei do/ , ]s; Lad, pei lb, (id tolld ; Fouls, imcli, l»s to 3s; Ducks, do., 2s to 3s; (ici'so, do. "is to 7s; Tuikeys, do., "is to <S,s lid ; I 'aeon, ]>oi lb., lOd to Is; Ham-, do , Is to Is Id H.n A\ i> CoiiV M \KKi.i. — Wholesale: Maue, local, 2s lOd to 3s ; Oats, L'.s -Id to 2s lid; Wheat, is <>d to t-, <>d ; fowl, 3s 3d ; Barley, 2s <>d to ,'N 3d ; Malting Bailey, -"is to Is 3d (no demand) ; Hay, meadow, pei ton, piessed, LO to Ti(> "is ; Luccine, ditto, U> to L(» 10s (lionnnal) ; Ntiau, pei load, Itts to LI 10s; Ch.itt, im\ed, L'> ; Oaten Chaff, JJ> ; Hay Oaten, 1/. to L'i:Clo\ei, LI 10s to Lfi; Totiitoes, prr ton, LI 10. to L~>. lioUil : M-n/e, 3s M to X ; Oats do., 2s <>d to 3s 3d; JJian, pel 10011 is , Os ; Shaips, ])erloolbs., d, ; Wheat, fo,\l, pei bushel, 3s (id to 4s ; l».i] ley, feed do., 3s (id to 4s ; H.iy, per cwt , (>s (id to 7s ; Lnceme, do., 7.s (id to 8s ; Oaten do., (is to 7s;Stiaw, do., 3s to 4s ; Chaff, do., (is to 7' (id. Kauiu Dim \ni> V\ \\ ~Sl vkm.i 1 . — The Sim niaiket is fnni at puces quoted below, oceipts fm month to date, about 'il tons. The following 1 quotations .ippioxnnate to piesent lates :—-Poor: — -Poor oulin.iiy, L 32 to L 3." ); fair to good oidnuiv, L 3 () to L 42 ; hiipeiioi do., LlO to Fjl2; i'^ist Coast, L">3 to L"i 4. FU\, p-i ton, LIN to L2l ; Tow, do., L 7 to L'l ; Kirn-jus, ]>ci 11. , 2^l to 3d ; Cocoiumt l'"ilii o, pei out., 1.~)s to 17s; Eeesw.ix, (Id to lOd pei lb. Fi.oi it Al \HKKi' — Wholesale • Stipeifine flour, silkdiesspd, pei ton, Ijl3 10s; do., do., lioiiselmld, Jvl2 Jo>; liundieds iK, fifties 10.s jiei ton e\tia, .sacks ,uid b.i^s fu-e ; Sontliei n, do., LJO 10, to LI I 10,; Hian, per ton (sacks included), lof-al, l>"i 10-.; Southern, do., Lo 10s ; Shaips, L"i JOs ; Cabin Hiead, do., lAS; Oatmeal do., LI 2 10, to Ll3 ; Peail Dailey, do., L 23 toL2I ; I head, per 21b loaf, 3UI. Skkds. — Luccine, Is 3d ; White Clover, ])«' lb., Is to Is 1d ; Red Clo\ei per lb., !)d to lOd ; Cowf^iass, pei lb., Is to Is 2d ; Alsyke, per lb , Is to Js2fl; Tiefoil, ]>er lb., 7d to 8d ; Timothy, pei lb., 7d ; Uape, pei lb., 4d to ."id ; l'tnjilc-toj) AbeideenTuinip, i>erlb., Is 3d ; (Jieen-topAheideeii Turnip, pei lb., Is 3d ; (iieen (-ilobo Turnip, per lb., 1m ;l'iaiii»» (riass, pei bu.shel, 7h to Ss ; Eyeglass, jier bushel, 5s to Gs ; Cocksfoot, per bushel, about tSs. Misckm, \XKObh.— Keiosonc, fioin l.s 7d to Is Sd, oi dmai ybrands. Fencing Wne, IS T o. (j, 7 and 8, assoi ted, LI 110- to Ll r > 10> pei ton ; Linio, slacked, Is ]ier bushel ; (^uick Lime, in ,st«ie, Is (id to 2s. New Zealand Palings, fift., 7s (id to 10s ; (ift., 13s ; Ti-ti-oe J tails, L2los to Li pei 100;Puiiii Posts, Lfi to L 7; Shingles, 13s to Kis (id per 1,000; Hobart Palings, ."ift., 15s to l!)s ; (ift., 17s t021.5; Hobart Kails, THs to 85s, buying and selling quotations. Manckes.— Bonedust, Sydney, L 9 10-, to LlO, acemdiug to finality : Roneflour, L!) ; Auckland, hi to L8 10s ; Peiuvian (-Juano, L 18; Maiden Lsland, L8; Huon Guano, small lots, L">to LG, bags- included ; Hmst's Chemical Manure, L 14 .10.5.

MKMJOunxR woor, sales. Melbourne. December G. The New Zealrnd Loaii ami Mercantile Agency Company, at the wool sales to-day, offered 4200 bale*. 3500 bales were .sold at excellent prices ; fine sort* being in very good demand. There was agood attendance of home and foreign buyers, and good competition was experienced, trices were firmly maintained.

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Waikato Times, Volume XXI, Issue 1783, 8 December 1883, Page 2

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COMMERCIAL. Waikato Times, Volume XXI, Issue 1783, 8 December 1883, Page 2

COMMERCIAL. Waikato Times, Volume XXI, Issue 1783, 8 December 1883, Page 2