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Nobody wiahcs the baby stolon ; still it is a relief when the nurse cribs it at niehfc. Floating- Monkv.— Current coin. OVSRTHU HII.M AVI) FAX AWAY.— The horizon. The Aciiob vts of kvbuy Household. —The pitcher and tumbler. A itioil contractor was holding forth upon the instability of the woild. " Can yon ace mnt for it, sir ?" he asked, turning to Foote, the comedian. " Well, not very clearly," he responded, " unless we suppose it was built by contract." It was at the close of the weddingbreakfast. One of the guests aiose, and, glnaa in hand, said, " I diink to the health of the bridegroom. May he sue many days like this !" The intention was good ; but the bride looked as if something had displeased her. High Praisb.— Applause from the gallery. Tub best thing in bonnets continues to be as in the past— a pretty face. The fashion of arranging the hair quite on the top of the head is gaining favour, and to many heads and youthful faces is most becoming. Some of the fanciful large hats, copied from old pictures, are made for this style of coiffure. Other hats and bonnets are made so short at the back an to necessitate a good show^ ot hair. Good sued haitpins in toitoi&cshell, with the tops encrusted with s»p«n kling paste, are fastened into these plaits and coils. Combs especially of cut steel, are again to be seen. Many ladies ariangc their plait of hair lound the top of the head from the sides., just where the fringe of hair commences. Narrow bauds of velvet, cut steel, or peailo aio worn over the head in the e\ enmg, and, for very full dress, a tuft of feathers rather to one aide : but the fashion of wearing but little in the hair still continues, except in the case of diamonds, when they aie exhibited in the shape of spiays, stars, and pins.— The Queen. Fiftekn yeais a»o Maggie Summer field, a very pi etty mil, was^ connected with Mrs Diew's Aich r-toeot Theatic as a ballet dancer, as w as her sister. Both gained great lcputations as danceis, and were known m all parts, of the countiy. Maggie SuinmeifUld was always a favoiuite. Both gnls weie rejected foi theii many \iitues, and tlieii fi lends at Philadelphia were nuineious. Among Maggie Summeifjc'd's .ulmiui'j was a joung man whoso t.ithci nas tlie senior niember of a prominent (inn of mamifactureis of chanddicin ami g,b fixtuicb of of this city. Ho paid liei constant attontion, and it became known that the young people weio engaged to be mairied." Tlio } ouu.x man's people objected to the maU h Ixc-uiso Mi^s Snminei field was <i d.uisi use. Jloaigucd, but tlie stood Hun, and then decision was me vocable Their next mo\e w«i^ t-j o\ei 00-no his pas-,1011 Tiiey bclio\cd it to b" but a piss.uix fancy, that might be oblitei ited h\ twiwl Tins discoiibolate \oung man was sent to China ; but lrJtoi. 1 stiitiiic,' on his enforced join ney In- saw his •swoethcait, and they exchanged \o\\s of constancy. Tlie young man spcit hltcon \cais in China and made ,i f >ttune of Ioi>,ooodol. A month ago Miss Snmmei hold joix lu-led hci season with a well known company and came to Philadelphia to .spend tlie siunmcr. 11iy1o\oi lctninod to Philadelphia last week, nunied MiosSummi'ifield, and they aicnowat tlie seashoie. — Chicngo ' The Worth Otauo Timns states that Mr John Reid, of Eldei die, has puu-hibed at Home, at a \ciy high fitjuie, ,i Clydesdale stallion named t'.e I'ii.le of Galloway. His number in the Stud Hook is 601. He was bought by Mr Reid fiom Loul Polwaith, of "Mcitoun, Scotland, and was thought so much of that he was selected for throe seasons to tia\el in the Galesluels distiict. His site is Gladstone, the winner of the second piize at the Kelso Highland So<-ipcy's meeting in 1872. Pi ide of Gallow ay is desci ibed asa dappled brown, standing Hi hands ',] inches liigh, with good bone, shape, figure and action, as well as pin it} ofpedigiee. MrKeid's purchase is evidently destined to impiove the stock of the district, Tin: Noith Otago Times contains Hip following ■— " Tlie high chai actor ot the Oamaiu stock of Ajrslmc cattle has appaiently become known in tlie sistei colonies, foi w e leain that Mc^sis A and J. M'Farlano have sold 10 of their two-year-liold Ik i Fei •«, at an aveiage of 25 guineas per head, to a well-known breeder in Sydney. The tiansaction was closed to-daj by cable, and the youngsters will i-hux tly be shipped to the patent colony. The same gentleman lias previously made pin chases of Ayrshiies from Mcbsis M'Failane, and one of the two-year old heifeis sent out last year obtained the fiist pi i/-o for cows a few months back." Hkiii: is lather a good stoiy, hailing from the Continent A l^elijian bi idegroom, not many days ago, being about to stait for Pans on his honeymoon tour, was informed by his biidr- that she thought of concealing seveial thousand francs' woith of lace bout her, hoping by its sale to pay the cost of their journey. Thebiidegroom was not, however, smitten with the fiugal project, and pointed out that theie were custom house oilicers and a female searcher at Eicquelines, who weie sometimes stiuck with an unaccountablefancy for examining passenger' pockets. This he said, being a timid man, and his bride, to humour him, piomised to gi\e up her plan, but, ot eouise, she secieted he lace all the same without telling him an anything about it. As the tiam appioached the Ficnch fiontier the husband inflected that if his wife were not scaichcd his fears would be mocked at as having been gioundlcss, and he would stait on his mimed caieer with his piesti<re imp.iii etl. This was not desiiablo. The lathci wa 1 - it essential that he should fiom the outset asset t his infallibility. So when the tiain stopped at Eicduolincs, and ths passengeis alighted, the lk-lgian biidcgroom left his bride s side for a moment, and sliding up to a custon bouse ollicer M'hispeied, " I think if you scnu-h that lady yonder you may tind sonic lace." The oilicer winked, and the happy bride was accosted with an imitation to walk into the female &earchei's loom. She turned pale and tottered, bur was led away, and tive minutes later dismal sounds of hystcncs weie hcaid. Then the officer reappeau'd, and said to the horrified husband, 'Thank you, sir, it is a good eaptuie. The lady will go to prison and half the fine av ill go to you." O.nk iSlJiruMi. — Fiancis J. Shoitts' Popular Art I nion.— Icn fiist-clasi Oil Paintings by cuk-'oratiid .irtibts. .">OOO tirkcts at Is. 'lhe pri/os «ire iii.iKiufi(cnt and costly. Countiy subsrrilKMS ♦•«. mlmir st-imp', or othcrwee will ha\c tickets by ri-turn post. Eik lose stamped cmclopc for rcplv — FkA\eis J. SllOKll, 140, Qiieen-itreef, Auckland.— [A nvi.]

LIFK IN TIIhBITSH— TIILN AND NOW.— It is generall) biipposod lh:it in tlio bush \vc have to put up with many discomforts .md prhations in the shape of food Formerly it was so, but now, thanks to T H Ilm, who has himself dwelt in the bush, if food docs consist chiefly of tinned meats his uoi on ial Sai t ci sjnes to them a most delectable fl«i\ our, makinpr them as well of tlic plainest food most crjo\ able, and instead as hard biscuits and indigestible d.imprr his Impkovi'd Coiom/M lt\i» l'oftni k makes the very best bread, scones, c.ikos, and paltry far superior and more whnlesomp than v'-^t or lca\en. Sold by all storekeepers who can obtain it from any merchant in Auckland.

Rats and Mice.— lf you wish to destroy them get a packet of Hiil'sMacic Vermin Kn.LKR in packets. Cd, 9d, and Is, to be obtained of all storekeepers, or from T. B. Hill by enclosing an extra stamp. You will do well to furnish your house from Garlick and Cranwell's. They have now the ruost complete Furnishing Warehouse in Auckland, furniture to suit all classes, good, and cheap. They have Tape.try Carpets trom 2s 3d pei yard, Brussels from 3s lid per yard. Linoleum from 3s Od to ss, Oil Cloths from Is 6d to 4s (id per yard, good 12 feet wide Oil Cloths at 3s Gd per yard. Immense assortment of Iron Bedsteads from Infants' Cots to 6 feet wide hnlf-tester Bedsteads. Double iron Bodgteadi from 255. 480 Bedsteads in stock to select rom. Beddings of all kinds and sizes ,kept in readiness. Dining, Sitting, Drawing-room Furniture, and and a large assortment of Manchester and Furnishing Goods, including! a?" lot of Cretonnes. Book Catalogues ient rfrfec to intending purchasers. Gatlick and Cranwell, pity H*ll Arcade, Quccn-itrcpt Aupkl^fld;

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Waikato Times, Volume XXI, Issue 1782, 6 December 1883, Page 4

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CLIPPINGS Waikato Times, Volume XXI, Issue 1782, 6 December 1883, Page 4

CLIPPINGS Waikato Times, Volume XXI, Issue 1782, 6 December 1883, Page 4