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COMMERCIAL. Waikato Times Office, Friday.

• , , ' WAIKATO MARKKA. AtussKS W. J., Hunger and Co. Rkpout.— 'At their Ohaupo Yards (hpucial sale) on Thursday, November 2i)th, about 500 head cattle were yarded, and over ">0 dairy cowcfmugecJ haJttdsS'al fair juices. There was a good dehiand for young cattle, winch met ready sale, i Grown steers weie .Uio in iequost, and ni.iny more could have boon j>jaCi?d. } Tnera, \va's a fair supply of fat cattlo, all of good quality, andd mot ready .sale. We (nnfco — dairy cows, from tl to £5 17s (id ; storu ows, 4JI 10s to t3 ICK ; c'ahe.s and yo.vrlinK->j f'" 11 ' $•> t() '• tw.»-ye.vr-»ld €J I~>- to t.'{ 7-» 0d ; threi^year-old steor.s, £4 7s o'd to £.*i 2> Gd ; fat lijifcn, £i 7s <>d to Ki> ; working bullocks, V,') 5s to €7 fis eacli.

AUOKLVNI) LIVK STOCK. MARKETS. Mil Ai-nu:i) Bi;c:kiani>V> Wi;i;ki,y Rkpnnr. — At th'j Haym.nket <»i Fiiday last, November 23rd, fodder maintained its value, ranging with quality from 3s 3d to lis per cwfc. ; o,afc-», 2-- ;" xl (damage! bnn, t'2 10? ; oatmeal, £ > 10s per ton. Horse stock were yarded in full numbei.s, and met with a better enquiry than usual. Late values were fully sustained, medium to hea\y draught ranging from €24 to £3!) ; light harness £12 to £25 each. At the special salo of Mr Chadwick'.s hoises on Wednesday, there was a numerous attendance of buyers and a large muster <>f additional stock. There a good enquiiy throughout, particularly for tho well-bred ri'-Ung horhcs, pi ices for which ranged fiom £17 to £32 each; ponios and infenor stock, fiom £3 and upwauK At the hides and skin sale, held at the Haymarket on Tuesday, hides maintained the rise in price of hist week, and ranged from 2dto3',d per lb. ; pelts, S'\ ; lainkskins, Is 3d ; hhcep-kins, from 2s lid to is 7d e;icb. At the Papakura hale on Wednesday, fiom 00 to 100 cattle weie yaided. Cows and heifers ranged from £I to £">10> ; ye.uhng steers, 2lis to 30s ; heifer>, 20-. to 2">s each. At Itemuera, on Thuwlay, cows weie dull of .sale. Store cattle in full number ; steers in good enquiry ; cows and heifeis at low values ; fat cattle in lc-.s than a\oia£e numbers ; last week's \ alues fairly sustained. Auckland aunages w ere . <S st'Vt 1 -, EobeitHall, £L 0.") ,; 31 steoi-, A. Muir, £flls(id; l(iste.ei-, IF. and J. (Joodfrllou, £«17.5; 7 .skn>, J. Kutlioifoid, LS 2s lidj 3 o\en, Jas. Williamson, I/) ')-. ; ."> c<>\\^, L#"> 17s Ud; Sste-is, Robt. In-her, L 7 Kis ; !l steers, J. Fiaser, Li V.h. Fat sh-ep vcio at l(»wer values, about 2s each ; laml>s plentiful, and kept up their piiet^ ; medium weight pigs in good demuid, but hea\y weights \in^aleable. MKs-.itsHrs'l'ru \\i> Xolvv\ Wk^'Kia Rkpohi 1 . — Horses; A luge number huve been placed on the inaiket, and found pmchasors. Those of g.iod stain]) sold i caddy at the previous week's \ alues: foi othei descnptioi)-., tlio d"»i n id w.w slack, buL for ovcu these, if "»ti lingers, satisfactoiy |»rtces were given. Tho Durham Y.mU were woll filled on V\ id iv, and the onipjtition \\a> .steady tlnonghout tlie sale. Shipborne horso-) sold at sittsfactoiy Kites, Imt local weed^ w ere slow of sale We quote hacks fiom L 7 to LI i 10-; light haine-s hoises, Llfi to L 23 I 5)-;I 5 )-; niivlium cb aught, L'2'A t<> LSI 10^. \Vo')l, hidos, and skins : The latter were disposed of on Monday, instead of the siilo day, and jiuuc-, weie hotter ih:in on the ]>ii'\h>ii-> Meek. lht]<:^ sold at2',d t» 3M ))<n lb ; skins, fiom 2s «.)d to 3s .Id." Tlie hr-t wool sale of the s-i ii-s atti acted a few evtra bu\eis; competition was steady for lougwoil and keen foi cro-sbied and nitmuo. Ko washed wool •was .submitted. I'iices foi lonj(\\ool winged fiom "kl to (Jj,d per lb : eio,sbi,;<l, (id to^ (i^d lier lb ; nieiino, Sd i>'i lb. Cattle. Tlieie lias been a good supply of all dcsciiptiou, and a conesponilmg demand, but little alteiation in value. The Newin.uket yiuN on Tuesday weie ciamnied. Thine was a spirited demand, and an umisu.illy l.ugc number changed hand-, at pi ices in favoui of vendor, as conipaied with the pievious week. Wo quotu caKo-i fiom 13^ to 17s lid ; yeailing, 27s ; two-yeai-old stooi», L 2 Us to L 3 10s ; grown stet-is, Li I.V, to L"> 10> ; b'ef, 22s to 2lis i>ei 10011).. Sheep^: Theie was a lai ge maiket ol sheep on Tuesday. Competition was busk thioughout the sale, (lood wetheis sold ,it fioin Kis to !S-> ')d ; indiffeient, 12s to ]5s lid ; lambs, fiom ft-, lid to 15» l )d. Pi<fs were scaice, and sold at 3il per lb. lne weight.

UTKLAND ">lVlllvi:r (ITOTVTION^. F.\ini vNi)l)\nn I'kodm'i:. -Wholesale : Butter, ficli, M ; l.uttei, s.ilt, "id to 7d ; Choe-e, good local, ""I to <i<l ; Cantoibm\, do., lid tn 7d; Hw-, i»'i <10/», 1° (1 ; Laid, pei bladdei, 7jd ; Bacon and Jlanis, Piovincial, Ud to Sd ; Hams, Sd to !ld ; Can tei bin y Hams .md Bacon, !)d, m cloth'; Hams <>nl\, 10',d ; .Jains, per case, •"> d<»/., LI 17s (id to "LI 18- 3d : Fouls, pur pair, 2s (id to 4s ; Featheis, l).iked, clean and selected, Is (id to Js lid pei 11). Retail Milk, pei (inait, 4d ; Buttei fiesh, lOd ; .salt do., Sd to lOd ; Cheese, coloni.U, do., !kl to lOd ; Eggs, per do/,,, Is; Laid, pei 11), (id to Sid ; Fowls, each, 2s to &, ; IJucks, do , 2> t<> 3s ; (recsc, do., ."is to 7s; Tin keys, do., .")-, to 8s (id; Bacon, pel 11)., lOd to Is ; Hams, do., Is to Is 4d. Hvi AM) Con\ Mvitivhi. — Wholesale: Maize, local, 2s lOd to 3s; Oats, 2-, kl to 2s (id; Wheat, Is (id to 4s ( >d ; foul, 3s 3d; Jiaih-v, 2s !)d to 3- 3d; Milting Bailey, ."is to "is .'id (no demand) ; Hay, meadow, pel ton, pie-seel, L(> to L'l -"is ; Luce: ne, ditto, Lli to Lli 10s (nominal): Shaw, pui load, ISs to LI ]0s; Chart, mixed, I7> ; Oaten Chaff, Ld ; Hay Oaten, L"> to L'i;Clo\oi, L") 10s to L(i; Potatoes, pui ton, L 4 10. to L">. Retail : Maue, 3s dd to Is ; Oats do., 2s '.id to 3s 3d; Bian, pji 1001b-., (is; Shaips, ])erloolbs., (is; Whoat, fo.\l, per bushel, 3s (id to 4s ; IJaik^, feed do., 3s dd to 4s ; Hay, pel cut., ds (>il to 7s; Luceine, do., 7-, (id to .Ss ; Oaten do., d- to 7s ; Hti.iw, do., 3s to 4s ; Chad, do., (is to 7s dd. Xvi in (xiM v\d L r i \\ M\kkli', -The gum maiket is finn <tt pnec- quoted below, lieceipts foi month to dale, about 12") tons. The following quotation*. appio\imato to ])iesent utes :—l'oor: — 1'oor oidinaiy, L 32 to L 35 ; fair to yo >d mdin.vry, L 4}')L 4 }') to Ll2 ; superior do., L lO to Jj 12 ; I'List Coast, L") 3 to L") 4. Fla\, ])er ton, LlB to L2l ; Tow, do., L 7 to LSI ; Fungus, pei Ik, 2\d to 3d ; Cocoanut Fibie, pei cut., 15 , to 17s; Beeswax, Jld to lOd pi'i lb. Fi.ouu M vkkki.— Wholesale : Supeifinc flour, silk dressed, pei ton, Ll3 10s; do., do., household, Ll2 10» ; lnmduxls "is., hfties 10s per ton e\tia, sacks and bigs fiee; Southern, do., LlO 10s to Lit 10s; Bun, i>or ton (sacks included), local, fj"> 10-; Southein, do., L")10> ; Sh.ii]),, L") 10-> ; Cabin Bieart, do., L 18; Oatmed do, Ll2 10, to Ll3 ; Peail Bailey, do., L"2.i to L 24 ; Biead, jjor 21b loaf, 3UI. Sh'LDs.. — Lucerne, Is 3d ; White Clo\or, ])er Ik, Is 111 1 Is Id ; Ked Clo\ei pei lb., "Id t.> lOd ; Cowgiass, pei lb., Is to Is 2d ; Alsyke, pei lb., Is to Is2d; Tiofoil, per lb., 7d to <Sd ; Timothy, per lb., 7d ; Rape, pui Ik, 4d to ")d ; Pui plo-top AlvidtTiiTuinip, ]>er lb., Is 3d ; ( Jieen-topAbuideen Tuinip, pei lb., Is 3d ; (rieen <41ohj Tuini]), per lb., Is ; Pianie (-Ji.iss, pei bushel, 7 s to 8s ; It yogi ass, pel bushel, .">s to (is ; Cocksfoot, pei bushel, about Bs. MihOiai, \m:<h s,, — Keioscne, fiom Ih7dto Is «Sd, oidmaiybiand.s. l ( 'encing Who, No. d", 7 and 8, asioitud, Lll ]0s to LI.") 10s pei ton ; Lime, slacked, Is pei bushel ; Quick Lime, in stone, Is (id to 2s. New Zealand Palings, sft., 7s (id to 10, ; (sft., 13s ; Ti-tiee Rails, L 2 10s toL4pei 100; Pmiii Posts, Lli to L 7; Shingle*, 13s to Kis (kl pei 1,000; Hobart Palings, oft., 15s to 10s ; lift., 17s to 21s ; Hokut l^.iils, 7-")s to Sis, buying and .selling quotations. Manuki/i. — Bonedust, Sydney, LO 10s to LlO, accoiding to quality : Bonefiour, Li) ; Auckland, L 7 to LS 10s ; (tikuio, L 1 8; Maiden Island, L8 ; Huon (iuano, hinall lots, L"> to L(>, bags included ; Huist's Chemical Manui c, LI 1 10s.

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Waikato Times, Volume XXI, Issue 1780, 1 December 1883, Page 2

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COMMERCIAL. Waikato Times Office, Friday. Waikato Times, Volume XXI, Issue 1780, 1 December 1883, Page 2

COMMERCIAL. Waikato Times Office, Friday. Waikato Times, Volume XXI, Issue 1780, 1 December 1883, Page 2