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I",-' ' Wnili'ato Tunes Office, Fridny. ■1 ' • AUCKLAND LI V X STOCK MA RK KTS. 1.,!' . Mit Ar.Kiu:n Bucalvno's Weekly Ri: lour. — On Fndav, November l(i, foddoi was at late values ranging up t > Os 3d tin cwt. ; oats, 2s 'M and 2- 0d the bjshel 'Horse stock, eonsoquenc on the sale tin previous week hay in;; been omitted, wort unusually plentiful, but ] ito \aluo- wew j r -fijlly sustained. Riding sold up t< I^iiand L'3o ; medium di aught, unbroken, from Ll3 10^ to L 25 : aged l\o i»y draught LI si bo L2(> ; buggy hoi so* fiom Ll5 to L 2." each ; and abo\ 080 horsos were sold. Tin brougham anrl doafeai tmm mi un -old. but the American light wags' hi bimight L3l. v > Oh Tuesday, November 20, foddoi was at Friday's values. At t'.ic hide md skin sale hides were of a better ehs-, ,uvi r.i'iged up to 3j|d the lb. ; sheep-kins, fioiu Is. (id to !•■ 8d ; lanib-.skins, Is Id ; ps-lts, 8d each ; small p.aieels of wool, from <id to sfd ; locks and piec -, fiom2d the lb. ; tallow, 23s (5d tlit* cwt. The sale of wools on Wednesday was in less quantity than expected, the wot weather of the past few weeks having stopped she.u ing. Thoio wa* a numerous attendance of bineisjand all sold. Prices for long and eross-bied woolt ranged from s\d to (!}d ; mermo, 7Wthe lb. At Pokeno, on Monday, a small muster were yarded, and sold at current values, but at Drury on Wednesday, about 300 head of all classes were penned. There was a full muster of buyeis, and .ill .sold fieely, females at late values, but.steei.s obtained a slight advance. At the Remuer.i Yai ds on Thursday, dairy cows near calving wore in better enquiry than of late. Stoic cattle in full numboi-. ttte'Ts woie better worth, but no impi ovumcut in value of female stock. Fat cattle Asei e y.uded m usual number, but many of indifferent quality. Infenor .stock woi eat la* t v\eek% value-, but well fatted stccis advanced about .<s the 100 lbs. above last week's quotations. |<\it sheep were in full supply. I leas y w eights loweied about 2s each, but li^ht weights maintained their value. I 'rices i inged houi 2,' d to 3d thelb. Lamb- abundant and geneially of good quality. Last week's ])iicos were obtained. ( quility iang j d fiom tls to 14s each. Faun fed ]>igs bi ought extieme ])rices, but coaiso ]>ig-> aie at low \ allies. MEhsHsHINI'IIH .\XH XOLVX's WCEKT^ REPOiir. — Hoi so-. Xotw it'isUnding the number of horses biou»lit f<n h ard and dispo.sed of on the pieuous Monday, theie was a Lugo muiib"! ottered on I'iida.y, and for the most p.ut pnws foi good cattle maintained their sahio. Hides and Hkin.s : Brought foiwaid in but small mnnbeih, but pi ice* fm hides showed .i slight advance on Lv-t weeks quotations. We sold hides at fiom 2il to 2ld ; skins from 2s 2d to 3s 4d : pelts, fiom -Id to 7kl. Cattle : There wns a good numbei of stoic cattle and dairy stock ofteiod on Tuesday last, but the supply of beef was scÎ uj) to lequireinents. and niniiv ofteied weie not m hi>t-class ( ind'lion, while good fat o\en fully maintained then \alue^. Theio was a slight falling oft in i»ice for those not sumcieutlv Daily cows s.ild fiom L(5 10-> to LS ; st no steeis, fiom L'J 10- to L 4 7s (id. Sln'e]> : There was a large number of sheep raided on Tuesday, principally f<it, and foiniei puce- were maintained. Shorn wetheis sold from 15 •> to 17s ikl : wetheis in wool, fiom lils (nl to 20, (id ; lambs, fiom Us 3d to IS-. Pig-, . Very few raided, and they s >ld .it a considerable advance on late quotations.

At T ('KL\M> MVKKI.I <)V() V VTION.s. Farm and i)\un I'isodkm,.— A\ hole-ale : Butter, fiesh, Xd ; JJnttei, salt, "id to 7d ; Cheese, good lojal, ~td to (kI •. (' vitoibiuv., do., Odto7d: Iv^>, pe. (!->/., 10.1; Laid, j)ei bladdei, 7.d; J>ic>n and lianis, Provincial, lid to Sd ; Hams, .Sd t> i)d ; Canteib.iry Ha 1 .)- ."id Ij.ioii, 'Id, in cloth ; Hams only, llil ; <I.a'i-, pe' c.i^e, .") doz., LI 17^ (»d to LI JSs 3d ; KovvK, })or ]>air, 2s (id t-> t- ; I''iei-, Inked, clean and selected, X I,A to 1- '1-1 pi Hi [lot.ul M^ilk, pel qu.ut, id ; I'mttei lie-h, lQd ; salt do., 8d to 10(1 ; die-M', colomi il. do., 'Id to lOd; Egg-, jie- d)/ 1- : l.nd. pel lb, l.d to lid ; Fowl-, each, 2- to :>- ; Duiks, do., 2s to 3s: <!ee-e, do "> to 7-; Tuiktv-, do., .")- to Ms (id: iJi'ou, jh i lb., lOd to It,; Hams, ,!„., 1 t . 1- Id. Ha^ ami Co .v. v ! 'vl!Ml — Wliole-ale: Mai/e, local, 2s 10<l to .5. ; < )ats, 2s 4d to 2s (id; Wheat, 4s <>d to Is 'Id; fowl, 2s !)d to 3h ; Barley, 2- 'Id to 3- od ; Malting Bailey .~>s In ">- 3tl (no (leni.tnd) ; Hay, meadow, ]iei Lou, pieced, Ld to Li /is ; Jjiiceme, ditto, L 1)L 1 ) U< L(i 10s (nominal) : Stia.'. jkm L^s to LI 10s; Chah, mivod, L"> : Oiten Chiti, ]j(5; Hay Oat 'ii, L'j to Lfi;Clo<ei. L") 10- to L(i"; Potatoe-. pel ton, Li 10- to L">. Retail: M.ii.c, .is (ul to is : D.-tsdo , 2s!)d to 3s 3d; TJiau, pei 10011)-, (is; Shai[)s, ]jer lOOlbs., (> : Who it, fo.vl, pei bushel, 3s Gd to Is ; (i.ule^, feed do., .is (id to 4s ; Hay, pei cwt, (>- Ul to 7s : Liv cine, do., 7s (id to 8s ; Oaten do, (is to 7s;Stia\v, do., 3s to >s ; Oliafr, do., (is to 7 'id. ICaiht (iLM \m> Fi»\ Arvuivir— The gum market is in in at pnci - (pioted below. Jtteceipts foi month to d.ite, about 2.~>0 tons. The following qi'ouiuons <pj>io\imite to present l.ites : -I'ooi oidmaiy, L'5J to L 35 ; fail to »o id oidiihiiv, Lin to L3!l ; supeiiordo., LlO ti> Ll2; Kist Coast, L 52 to L") 4. Fla\, ])ei tm, LIS to L2l ; Tow, do., L 7 to L ( ) ; l-'un^u-, )>u lb , 2UI to 3d ; Cocoanut Fibie, ]>er cwt., 1">- to 17s; Beeswax, ikl to lOd pei lb FuH'K Mvkki 1. --Wholi' ale • Superfine flom, silkdi.ssed, p-, t..u, Li:no-,d«..,d0., lioiisehold, Ll'? 10-; lumdieds "-., fifties 10s per tui i e^ti.i, .-eks and bags fieo ; Southern, do., UO 10- toLll 10 ; I.ian, jier ton(sacks included), lucil, L ( >, Sonthein. (10., L")]0s; Shaip-, L*> UK- Cabin I'.iead, do., LIS; Oatmeal do., hli 10- to Ll3 ; J'oail Barley, do., L 23 to IjJI: Jiiead, pei 21b ]oaf, 3UI. Skkdi. -Ltuvnie. !- 3d; White Clover, per lb., Is 111 1 Js 1(1 : I,'ed Clovei pei lb., ikl to lOd ; Cow mas , pei ]b , 1- to Is 2d ; Alsyke, p"i ll' , Is to Is2d; Tiefoil, per lb., 7d to 8d ; Tiniothv, |>vi lb., 7d ; Rape, ]>erlb., 4d to "id ; Pm pie-top AbeideenTurni[>, pel lb., Is 3d ; die-'u-topAbeideen Tinnip, pel 11)., Is -id; (Jueii (!lol)j Tillinp, pei lb., Is; I'lauie (!i.i— , pei bushel, 7s to Xs : Kyegia-, p.i bushel,.")- to fjs ; Cocksfoot, per bushel aiwut 8s Mlsci i,i, \m ols. - Keiosene, fiom Is 7d to Is <Sd, ordinary biaii'K. l''cncing Wue, No. (i, 7 and B, assoit'd, Li:>lo,])ei ton ; Lime, .slacked, Is pei bushel: C/tuck Lime, in stone, Is (id to 2-. New Zealand Paling-., oft., 7h (id t.. 10, : (ift.. 13- : Ti-tiee Uails. L 2 10s to LI pei 100; Puini Post-, L'» to L 7; Shingle-, 13- to Kj- (id per 1,000; Hobart Palings, oft., 1. 5s to TK ; Oft., 17s to 21s ; Hobait Rails, 7")s to 85s, buying and selling quotations. MvNL'itiis. — Jjonedust, Sjdnev, L 0 10s to LlO, accoiding to quality; lionofiour, L{) ; Auckland, L 7 to LS 10s ; Penman (luano, LIS ; Maiden Island, JvS; ilnon (Juano, bmall lots, L 5 to L(i, bags included ; Huist's Chemical M.uuue, LI i 10s.

[BY TELEUK mT.-COI'YRIUHT.] [HI Li'J !! s Tl i U.H \Vs ] MI. I HOI !!M: WOOL -.\II^. jMi:uiOLnxj', Xmeiiibm '21 -Atthouool .sale to-rl.ny, the Xcw /<• il.iud Loan Meicantile Agency Company (Lianlid) catalogued 4300 bales, including 1. 00 bale > of hcoiued w«iol<«. All wool-5 elicited a lnisk cunii>etiti')ii, l,i-t \vi>3LV ])iici". bi'uig fninly mainteiinod. lufonoi and faulty de*>cuptioiib, howuM'i, \iLit 1 laUiei loi\ei. 410b bales weie Mild, r ieisy lualiMiig up to 13d, and bcouiud to 22 j d. Theie a Luge attendance of bu\u->, and good competition was experienced. 1O\I)OX M \HKTT. [pi:it >.■•.]. wo m. v. to.] Lo.VDOX, Xo\ ember 20.— Wool.— The sale-, opened at the }o\ el of the List '•ales today, and cuinpri-e about OS,OOO b.iles. 0000 have been sent to tlie inanufactuinig districts dneot. The o])i;ning catalogue contained 1)800 b ile->, but v .is not a lepietientativo one. Competition, by both homo and foieitpi buyoi>, i^ acti\e. The maiket i« firmei for ro,!i-o cios-.bioi 1 .--.

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Waikato Times, Volume XXI, Issue 1777, 24 November 1883, Page 2

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COMMERCIAL. Waikato Times, Volume XXI, Issue 1777, 24 November 1883, Page 2

COMMERCIAL. Waikato Times, Volume XXI, Issue 1777, 24 November 1883, Page 2