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/;, BMsMrS^ou' 'hm'iiibs arc'cfcerised V ''-Aty" the Xiiuoct ( as uielehs, ugly, and to X obme e'xtentiifiurioii^to the hoise s eyes An lowa dairyman' of twenty years.' r«ekpevioiSsjß, finds oats "one of tl o b^st "r "fttoW; fb&VeoWd.V but they mi ho >vhito Mr,, R. "ST." Van Deuscn, Eudfield, Cpiiu.) ,13 by the Spi ingliflil t^tiKepflbiica'n ■as having raisad lasl yoai 3403 pounds of tin nip seed on two acies. •' T. ho socket lies in betting out half gi on n tarnijSK'^""" 1 ' ' * .A/'j prominent agiieultunsfc of Windham County "'is <juutod m tiio Conneoti cut Fawner us saying ho knows iin-n who will not feed ensilage to their lavouiito Jeusey, oq)V3, feaiiug it would dejtro} i» t&atir. '" Mr S. T. -ftridloy, of Yp'-ilanfi, tell* thy Michigan Faiiro. tut, w\its on ''iimvca have,'in h'h e\|vi, imaihbh disap eared in.d< i peib.stent, application* of grease frbmmUt> ]i.nk hied without frcshtJirimr. A citizen of IJ.itllu suck olliis pii/esituipuliting to fdOO to the. iour Michigan hoy&'under rie.Veiiteen of ago who raise this, s<as)n, enti'ely ina-sistid. •V rt'ltia- lui'gost crop of nioiehanL'ible com from an aoro of mound " We kno<v of one fits!) Jeisey cow I'^cently ) ought ■lii .1 .sale or in.poi.fcd -^"'stock for'm'oio than tliafc milKb tlnc-c-quSu'ts a' day .ami mak's three pounds ol butter a week. A herd of fashionable bred Jeiseys Known to us aveiages about this product —The Duny. Mr Henderson finds tli.xt tinf can bo successfully laid in dry and hot summer weather by simply eo\ciirg it when finished, befoic it gets ton <li\, ■with about aquaitci of, an inch of In/lit soil put through a half inch sie\c. Tin 1 glass begins ,to giow tlnough Ihe .soil in a 'teiy 1 'few'flays.—Toi onto < llohe. The fiefjuent as-s>i"i tion Ili.iv cn-il.iL re cannot be any bctt'M 1 cattle ioi iiun the .herbage il was made iioiu. as am- i 100 much. The changes undoi'<one I>', tins' grAi sin the pit .i t p ntial <li .< >Imii, im! '* xvc :ire "11 le-uK to .i'limiL i ii>ok".l jjotato is hometliini; bfltci (Inii a i-.'.s orio; It has lvpn pucirostcd t'ul Hie hfi\y rains '.it? the pei.odof »p,ilo I;lo m list year \\ is the cause ot lnck of fiuit Trees and \aiietiis bloomed lale after the lams hoie well. It bcem- not impiobab'o that !icu v lams at «iieh time miglit wa^li ofl ill" |)>)li"ii trains oi dcs ■ troy-'tlieii \italitv I'loio^soi A. J. Goeko. ' Mi Samuel Mi.!, i. I'b.iiton, A!o , tells the (ivimantown Ti le'4l ip'n that if Irish foddei com is ptuk'd .sifh hl'.iw--M'licat or out*-—in aitei ii.iti\ * ' 1\ < 1 > of a foot of tli< latter tn tlnee iiKii(-> of the foniier, tin-u- '•> no d ngci nt apoihuy. as the ]uiee-> oi the auii aic absoibcd by tht'.shiUi and tln-laltti ii icndeied su palatable that taltK- tit it all yu'cdily without waste. •The story goo., that the disco\ erer of the variety ot oats kno\,n as "potato oats " found a magnificent plant 111 one of his potato lit Ids hei'co the name. The " Chevabei " bai 1.-y uas di ;eo\ ci od in exactly the satin 1 v ay \i) \)\ Ciic\alicr, Woodbndyo, JMig'an'd llallett, tlie gMin pcdiu'icoi't, oht.uiib h.-i siijjeuoi seorl .n a smuiai "n.Mmti. Tlimois not one farmer m .1 linndied who pays enough attention to Ilia s"<-d, and ulio could not giuatly innei^e Ins of emn oi loots if hi* lii.t t>o\ a litth c\iia trouble 111 th. I it'-pci.l. The vei\ her i > i to v .< yoiu non house niKlel tin m> f-- ba < I>'u sh,i>|) set sand. n!>i>>>! >- 11 !i a i ii.i-.nns wo.dd to nial.u th. 11 nun' 11 I!. ,it.-oibs all the \<ili!a!i' 1 s'!t-^ <if I, ;Mi Imuids .md solids, and do > imi' hi I.'1 .' mi <\>l 0 up, and w!n 1. it 1 ' - I)' u (. 1 .I \i .'1 j' aA\\) yield tin tiitiii 1' ii 'in tin h' 11 dioopin^^ to the jiiant lojt <n tolh* --iiii'iuiidi'i'j aoil, «In 10 ilk it/"! - v ill find tli-'iu IS.unl (on.i.). .m nit 'i-- n^ p. >>„ti liv to any l \l. m -\ ' 1 <u •; />\ -li, ' '.1 the action of tin >'i >> i.;ic 'hd.i dl Ik. i fol till. I•> .'. Mil ,1 .1' \ 1 ' I. 't 111 Jilr 1 (■•;< ii oils niatlus I' -. v, ' that potisliin put oi ii. mi tli. 1 1 it be come-i a U'i v •;<>>< I • 'till- In 1 illci"p., though moii '.iluil. ■ .1 t'i|. di( s>,.,i_' for glass ami m 1/i1 /i il-an .•>< iwituo]'-. , The A1 1 t 1 t'.i-.» v. ;> ii 1 )' iv's 1 c.lsci ipt'oa of a new \i'i .■. .11 In.'. l-U 1, w iiiiii is ceitainly a wo:: h 11111 .1 'i ' einent of modem iinoiliou. it is de-ndied as combining tlie op'i.iiion ot leaping' tlue'iiiing, n il tlia.iii^ tin-, tin b.i"s bjiiM' s \!i up and tin on < ofl a*the maclimt 1- 011, gatliciiin; in its '20 acies a <\'i\' of a In 1\ > ucp 'I hi. whole cost i<s ii.jin (!> (id to .^-^ Id pci .vic, accojdmg to tli( ilni.nfd of the uop ; and the biMiii', a (.oiiiii'inl witli tlie usual method in Cilitoi 111,1 '>t uapni" the giain and <mh; !( \ ri^ 1111 t'n c-hfi >, amounts to fulb, ."0 per cent The v liter gives a lengtiily .' t u"i{ ot the machine, and sonit \.lhl.lhle '■ul'lics^ioiis as to adopting &n.ill n ckaniiij apjih,i'"(s in connection with Lhe stnppei. Tuekj: is. a umio ii iiom (it ijiian\ that a learned eht'ii'i.-t Ii is di-ioMnda »\ihi derful oil wl'l ustoio \oiit l) to old age, 1&0. It must b• a s i,[ Olive oil ' Wk hcai of a man who <! hi-, mi,brclln ageiin-jt <i liilunii" no.t while Ik stepped in to ask a (piestion When Ixcame out tijo po^t w.i; tiiti*. —110 o'lf !i id taken it. Tni. iail\ app'f coiiicth. and ihe undi Itaker liunimoth, and his tn. libghtid up with io>s; and lie uihiilitcb that colic, with Its twiiigt. diiholic, will douhl' 1 ii|) and hpifln ,iti th ■ !i,'\.s —Pili Kivei Athance Wlir/*r Kogg was .vktd n gilding tin , latest addition to the Kngb !i lan^u.-^e lie &'aid he would ask hi-- wife. She always ha I the la'-t woid It is now dMt ,111 tli" w 1 enk found on Mount Ainat 1-. tl.<" niii.uns of Xoah's Ail They know it by the preasc-ina'K. in i)w lumk whoe Ifam wa" stoied —"^ onkei sd.i'ilae Mi:s M m \riLu 11 siy that the ineioase ofmoialit\ 1101.1 Egyptian choleia. is so great that, it is hi!/h time to. the doctois to find an .iiieedote agTin-t it. ' At a rubuioan l.ulwav station: M. Jlapineau, why do you always s-iy to ' your friend Pulmit,, ' Pay on going and T will pay on lotnming '" —"B.nan.->e," ieplies Kapiin an, " lie often miose& the ie tv 111 train."'—Kieiich A 1^1 1 u 1 u explained —" Why,"' asked a governess ot her little chaigi. "do we pray to God to give us our daily biead? Why don't uea&k ioi foiu 01 five dajs, or a week "- -'■ liceau^e we want it iiesh," replied the ingenious child. "Don'y you think it a little inconsistent in a. chinch lncmbei," &aid J'atson Jonc v to a wealthy [MW-hioner, '"torvo'i to gO OUt IKIIiIL' oil till .S.ll Kith .' -- ''Vo, indeed." implied ti" jmhsld'H ' 1 , " is 111 v a\.ij ots.niuur 'so'l--, jo . know '•^gu -lid^onwni 201114 to vole foi inc. iuibg'i: n'.ly e\i [aimed .1 de{e..t"d candidate, .nidiL-sing Mike, tae well , Jinrnm liish'nui. "A ' didn't i \ ot.> fury l''" "iS'aw, ' "Well, ' Bor, in thai e\. if*, th-ie's only one con eliihion th. t I ki.i atii\e at "And vhal it. ':' ''I ha' u ! towld ye <i be, sor. "'r-Ailcan < iv. I) avdloi. KaTi A.ii^ M".i- —Jf you \\\»h to df stn>> thfu . )' 11 1 I "I 11 11 I 'sM V(.ic v 1 .vVi\ Kii'ii'k i» 1'" >", fl'i.''il ii H I<, to 110 ibt.niici] of all (.torckef |»« i', <« iioin 1. 15. Hill, bj oncloMiifr .in < \(i.i <•< imp •*OSw '&litlt.i\; «.*-Ki.'inois •'• Shoitts' Popular Art Union.—'if n Jirsl-d.iss Oil Pdintr^sSffs?T?rtcretrr.iictr aituf, tirkcu/a£ Is. The pri/.es .irt m i»m!ic< nl -iml tos'ly. Counliy » sutticribcis scnflnigr sUinpi 01 oflierwiso will have tickets by rpltirn post. En-lose stamped „.*ntfqlppe)fpfrJ lrep|v.---FK\}ris,J. buonxT, HO, ' .QiWn-.'-trppt, — fAlivi,] , 'W y L\*W:*Bz'Blatot-±TnKX An* Np>v.— It js K<'nfr,illv Supppscd that in the biisli we bn've {,fyiput{upyvf\p tfiain'idii^SmUnts and ,pri\.ilionfc 1 -S tbcjsbafic'pffiWcj Fpri^crly itjw.ivso, but r^O^WmKVt6"TrP, i lidt, wliV has, himself 'cf<Velt<"iArtrfi) l{p'Wi<:ifvioo'3»}}oes'ri)n'>ist rbieflv of l^'o^StoS^fw^lfA"|Ai^" x9u'i>J"l^l^x 9u'i> J" 1^l^' I''3 i"*'" 1 *'?, well "i>>KWthlffllffttfi?i^r'Wf§^B I'?*Mii'.( i(>'yatJl(»i lJ null in^t^ar]

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Waikato Times, Volume XXI, Issue 1777, 24 November 1883, Page 4

Word Count

RURAL NOTES. Waikato Times, Volume XXI, Issue 1777, 24 November 1883, Page 4

RURAL NOTES. Waikato Times, Volume XXI, Issue 1777, 24 November 1883, Page 4