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Wanteds, &c.

WANTED— 4 General Servant. Apply Mrs Morris Moses, Greystreet, Cambiidge. WANTKD— A Gcncial Servant ; re fcienccs rcquiicd. Apply by letter, Mrs Sinale, Richmond, Cambrulge. WANTED— A Geneial Servant for Mis Ozanne, Piako. Apply to Mis Ross- Watts, Hamilton. WANTED— Two or tlnec young men as boarders. Apply to Mis R Stewait, Queen-street West, Cambridge. YX/'ANTKD KNOWN — That Miss T T Giaham (late of Auckland), lias lesumed Dressmaking at her home, PateKtngi. WA NT E D SPORTSMEN T 0 KNOW, — Just Armed, Laige Stock of Ammunition, at lowest piiccs. Dynamite Blasting Powdei. — J. T. Houxk, Hamilton. VTTANTKI) KNOWN — Gioeeries t ? Cheaper than Ever ! Being at little expense, I can bell vmiv chlvi'M, and am s.itisfied with " Small profits and quick ictuins. ' — J. T. Home, Hamilton ; agent for Hamilton I'otteiy's Cream and Butter Jars, Flower Pots, &c. Y\J ANTED KNOWN -That A. C. t T Kiotwoll lias> lesumed the Hoibeshoeing and Wlieelwnght'& Business at his Shop and Implement Vaul, Yietouastiett, Cambiidge, o[>po&ite the Pies>l)ytutiiin Cluuuh. — Ebtabh.slied 1873. BOOTS AXD SIIOE^.-LMviiTTsL SIMI'MIX.

y^T AIT 0 A 11 0 AJ ) DISTRICT. Public Notice. The following rip the names of tin 1 Candidates foi election to the olliccs o f mcnihcis of the Waitoa Road Jioanl, received by me nt the School Teachci s honhc, Moiiiiimmlll, nt noon on the 2nd day of Juno, 1883 : — William I'hilip Clicpmcll Chailes ( Jonld S.miiicl Seddon Kunbuii l'.ui Sjdney William Buck. The above being the number of Candi dates i equii cd to fill the ollioes of inenibcis of tlic Wnitoa Road lUiaid, I hcieby dcclaie them to be duly elected. JOHX HUNT, Jlclui niiiy Odiccr, AV.iitoa, Hoi'ul Di^tiict. Monins\illc, 2nd June, ISSIJ.

yrrA i r a county. Hamilton Riding. Result of I'OLl; of Ratepayers taken this 2nd .Juno, 18b!J, >< to lioriow C.lOO fioni (io\ ciniiicnt for lepans on tlie llainilton-Oluuipo Road as advei tiscd : — Foi the proposal f) Ag.uust the piopoaal .. ml. I tlieiefoie dccl.ue the piopo'-nl carried. WILLIAM JONES, llotm ning Oiliccr. Hamilton, 2nd Juno, ISS3.

\fcT A I P A COUNTY. Pukekura Riding. Ratepayeis of the above Hiding aio hcieby notified of tlie RESULT of a POLL, taken on 2nd June, to dceide on ,i proposal ni.ide by the Waipa County Council to hoi low a bum ot £300, for the pm pose of part ot tlie Ma in Cambndge Oli.uipo lload, commoncmgat Fleiniug'b coiner and extending 33 chains towaids Olianpo, tlie estimated cost of •wlneli is i"3.30 ; and to levy a Sprcial Rate of onc-fouith of a penny in tlie £ on the t.iteablc \,iluc of the disti ict, for a peiiod of ten jeurs, m liquidation of the same. ThcNOtis lecoided for tlie pioposal nuinbcied "io, icpresenting piopetty of C 21.352. Against the proposal, none. I heicby deelaic the proposal to have been uiianunoii&ly agiced to. H. FITZGERALD, Returning Officer. Pukcrinni, 2nd June, ISS3.

NEWCASTLE ROAD DISTRICT. The umlei mentioned Candidates ■weie tins day duly nominated for the oih'ce of Tiu^tce :— Corlioy, Patiiok Daw son, Aitluir Fit/.patiiek, Kdmond Fleming, Kobeit Limnici, f'luiles M.v tin, John iSkcatcs William. Tlic numlior of candidates nominated hoiiig t\M> m e\opss of tlio number requned, a POLL will bu taUen between the horns ot 'Si a. iii. and (J p.m., at the Scliool house, What.iw liata, on the 7th day of June, ISS3. KDWARD HALL, Substitute foi Ketiuning Officer. 31st May, 1883.

yrr aipa county council. Special Order. NOTICE is lictcb,\ <,n\ou tluit it is the intention of the abo\o Council to pass a resolution at a meeting to be held at the Chambers on. TUESDAY, June 12th, altering the boundtii ies of the Pukekm.i and Kangiaohia Ridings, so that the &aid boundaiies shall be contei minoui with the boundaries of the Rodd Districts of the same name. By older. N. T. MAUNDER, Clerk . Waipa County Council. Ohaupo, May Bth, ISB3.

IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF AUCKLAND, HOLDJSN AT HAMILTON. In Bankruptcy. In the matter of "The Debtors and Cieditois Act, 1876," and the amendments thereof, and of Thomas Clmimy, of Cambridge, in the Pi ovincial District of Auckland and Colony of New Zealand, Carpenter, a debtor. This is to notify that Thomas Clemmy, of Cambridge, in the Provincial District of Auckland, Carpenter, has this day filed a statement that he is unable to meet his engagements with his creditors. The first meeting of the creditors to be held at the District Court-house, Hamilton, on Saturday, the sixteenth day of June, 1883, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Dated at Hamilton this first clay of June, 1883. . , 1 THOMAS KIRK, ' ( Clerk of the District Court, Hamilton. Maurice R. Keesing, Solicitor for the Debtor, Duke-street, Cambridge. , f^ARTHENWARE AND CHINA.-' KU lawns and Stturata;

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Waikato Times, Volume XX, Issue 1703, 5 June 1883, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Waikato Times, Volume XX, Issue 1703, 5 June 1883, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Waikato Times, Volume XX, Issue 1703, 5 June 1883, Page 3