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Miscellaneous. TO COACH BUILDERS, WHEELWRIGHTS, BLACKSMITHS, CABINETMAKERS, UPHOLSTERERS, AND IRONMONGERS. ESTABLISHED BUSINESS'® m the above lines to be disposed of, either separately or as a whole, the Proprietor retiring from Business m consequence of ill-health. THE WHEELWRIGHT & BLACKSMITHS PREMISES consist of Workshop 100 ft. long, paint shop, outbuildings and yards. The smithie is fitted with three fires, benches, drilling and screwing machine, and every convenience for carrying on the business. THE CABINET and UPHOLSTERY BUSINESS consist of Shop and Showroom and workshop, each 70ft. deep, with large wood shed and yard. THE IRONMONGERY PREMISES are fitted m the usual manner, with large warehouse m the rear. The stock consists of Furnishing and Builders Ironmongery and Agricultural Implements, many of which are manufactured on the premises. The Premises will be let on lease m each case at a low rental, if taken as a whole a reduction will be made ; or, if preferred, the Freehold or any portion will be disposed of. Stock to be taken at Valuation. A Splendid Building Site to be let on lease for 99 years m the best position m Hamilton. For further particulars apply to I. K. Vialou on the premises, Hamilton, Waikato ; or, to T. & S. Morrin, merchants, Auckland. T>HOTOGRAPHY. To the Inhabitants of Hamilton and the Surrounding District. MR. CHASTSPENCER Has Opened a PORTRAIT GALLERY In a Tent opposite Pearce's Hotel. All kinds of Portraiture done m firstclass style. Views and Residences to order. BOROUGH OF HAMILTON. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION. NOTICE is hereby given that the Borough Council of Hamilton at special meetings held on the igth and 27th February, 1880, determined to adopt, Bye-laws No. 3, 4, and 5, amended as hereunder, and resolved that a special meeting 1 be held on Monday, the 29th day of March, 1880, at 7 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of confirming the same. J. M. GELLING, Town Clerk. Borough Council Office, Hamilton, 27th February, 1880. hyk-law xo. .3. Any person guilty of any of the following offences, omissions, or neglects within the Borough of Hamilton, shall, on being convicted of any such offence, neglect or omission, be liable to pay any penalty not exceeding Five Pounds (£5) Any pedlar or Hawker offering goods for sale within the limits of the Borough of Hamilton shall pay to the Council of the Borough a license fee of Twenty Shillings. Provided that farmers and settlors selling produce of their own raising shall not be liable to pay any fee. Any Hawker or Pedlar offering goods for sale within the limits of the Borough who shall not have paid the license for the time being m force within the Borough. Allowing any goats, swine or unregistered dogs to wander at large m any public street, place, or thoroughfare. Any person doing any wilfnl or malicious injury to any property belonging to the Corporation. Any person driving, causing;, or permitting to be driven an}' vehicle, public or private, within the limits of the Borough between sun-set and sun-rise without a light affixed to some conspicuous part of the said vehicle. Any person who shall wilfully or negligently set on fire, or cause, or allow to be set on fire, any chimney, or permit the same to become foul, so" as to be m danger of being set on fire. Any person causing any nuisance, obstructing or damaging public or private streets, or public places m the Borough, or being guilty of any practices calculated to endanger the lives, or to frighten or annoy the public. It shall be lawful for the Council of the Borough from time to time to name the streets within the limits of the said Borough, and to alter or vary the same, and to affix to or paint upon any building or premises the name of any such street. BYK-LAAV XO. 4. To prohibit the straying of cattle at certain times within the Borough of Hamilton. Any person allowing cattle or horses to be at large without proper guidance during the hours between sun-set andsun-rise, shall, on being convicted, be liable to pa)* a penalty not exceeding Five Pounds (£5) provided always that this clause shall apply only to streets or uninclosed lands within a radius of forty chains from the Hamilton West Post Office on the west side the Waikato river, and within a radius of forty chains from the Kirikiriroa Post Office, on the east side of the said ' river. CXH'XCH. MAY KRKCT POUNDS. The Council may erect a pound or pounds m such convenient places within the Borough as it thinks fit, and such pounds shall be deemed to be public pounds within the meaning of any impounding act m force m the district. [Interpretation.] The word "cattle" shall include horses, mares, geldings, colts, fillies, asses, mules bulls, cows, oxen, heifers, steers, calves, rams, ewes, wethers, lambs, goats, kids, [ and swine, and shall be deemed and taken to mean and include and apply to any one animal of the said several V.iwte. POTXDKKEPKK, The Council mayapnuint a suitable person or persons, to be keeper or keepers of the §aid pounds. The Council may from time to time specify all such reasonable fees as shall be taken and charged by such poundkeepers fur, and m respect of any matter or thing required to bo done by him or them under and by virtue of this By-law, and all such prices' which such poundkeepers may charge and receive for the sustenance of i the cattle committed to such pound, and may from time alter and vary such fees and prices. SCALIi OF FEES OF HAMILTON POUNDS. S. d. For every horse, mare, gelding, colt, filly, foal (except sucking foals), mule, <>r ass 2 0 For every bull, cow, ox, steer, heifer, or calf ... ... ... .... 2 6 For every ram, ewe, wether, or lamb, for the first twenty, per head ... ... a 3 do thirty do „, ... q}| For the next fifty <li; .'V v 1 For all others, abjjvp onV h,im»|rw{ ... ooh Fhf l>n;ry'|Wftr, SHW. W utliur pig, goat «r kid • „, ,„ . ... -„ o } The above, fees to bo paid for each dny or part of a day during which the animal is kept m pound. CHARGES I'OR I'OOU. s. d. For every horse, mare, gelding, colt, filly, foal (except sucking foals), mule, or ass 2 o For every bull, cow, ox, steer, or heifer ... 1 o For calf under six months ... ... <> & For sheep or lamb ... ... ...03 For goat or kid ... ... ••• o 3 For boar, sow, or other pig ... ...01 The above charges to be paid for each day or part of day during which the animal is supplied with food and water by the poundkeepers ; but the owner may supply food and water, m which care these charges are not to be made. lIY-I..UV XO. 5. Any person guilty of any of tlio follo\v\n.jj offences, omission, or nrigkii'tij v,iflmi £lje Borough, of HariiiltMn., m\]\, <»n bmng W H}vu-;cd of nn.y such offence, nujfloot, or omission, be liable to pay any penalty not rscoeding Five Pounds {£$), Any person driving any vohii'U*, up Miii}? or driving any iinJlWll «CF«<!«!» t» l% Hamilton curt l)rill)|t' nt othor than a walking pace. THOMAS DAWSON, Mayor. J. M. GELLING, Town Clerk.

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Waikato Times, Volume XIV, Issue 1201, 9 March 1880, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Waikato Times, Volume XIV, Issue 1201, 9 March 1880, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Waikato Times, Volume XIV, Issue 1201, 9 March 1880, Page 4