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The now hall at. Thornbury will be opened wish a concert and ball The .date of ‘.ho entc•rfcainmo'nfc is fixed for Fridiu , August 3Glh. A varied and attractive programme is being prepared, and Invercargill talent will supply the majority of the pet formers. The proceeds will go towards reducing the debt on the building. Returning men of the Fourth and Riith Contingent a readily speak up in praise of many officers. i hen say | that Genera's Bnller and Methuen I are the so'dieis’ heroes in preferem o I to ail others... Methuen is not only a ! fine general, but good to Ins men, j lie walks when on march, the same j as the high, and makes a point of j looking after them, A novel and simple cure for head* j acln; is announced. It is for ihesulf-. -prop to walk .hackwards for about 10 j minn'es.

Mr and Mrs S S Meyers, whom old Rivrrtoninns will remember, celebrated their silver wedding on the 17th irist, and were the recipients of many presents at their residence, Anderson’s Bay, Dunedin. An early spring is anticipated, Some bulbs are already through the ground, and we have seen bursting buds on some trees. The same tiling has been noticed in Auckland where (says the Hamilton correspondent of the Auckland Sun) already the willows are showing new leaves, although the old ones are still on the trees. Such an occurrence at as earlv a date as duly 12 lias not taken place in the 'Waikato since 1884.

Mr Jackson has about completed the Thornbury Hall. He has made a good job of it, ■

Mr Hi Beer has almost completed (lie shed for the Riverton Bowing Club. He has done a nice tidy job tor the money, There is great demand for fish. It is stated that several Bluff boats will be regularly engaged in the trade this season, with headquarters at Riverton.

Miss Johanna Cosgriff, of .Nightcaps, now teaching at Qtatara, has passed Glass 2 of the pupil teachers’ exami notion.

The export of frozen meat is increasing. In 1900 the total export

was 192,07-1,451 il>s. For the firs' six nmnfchs of the current year the export has seen 117,958,3021b5.

Our Dunedin commercial news shows that there has been kern demand for oats, prices showing an imp-ovement of fully a penny on last week’s. Best realised Is BJd to Is 9-i|rd. A further rise is anticipated. Colonel Kobin, having completed making up accounts in connection with the first three contingents in South Africa, returns to Dunedin from Wellington. ,

A big South American houa! will shortly enter competition for the frozen meat business at the Gape.

Gore is just now the building hub of Southland. Carpenters, painters and bricklayers are in great demand. - —AVyndbam Fanner. Sir J G Ward was the recipient of a claret bowl and a silver cigar case at the hands of the Clyde Quay (Wellington) branch of the Libera! and Labour Federation on Friday night.

The contest for second class bands will bo held at the Bluff on October 30 and 31. The prize money has been increased by L2O, and a competition for quartettes will be included in the programme. The contest pieces will be available about the beginning of next month.

A Government dairy school will be held at Stratford factory from Ist to 17tii August, for butter making only. Cheese classes will be held in the South Island in September. Glasses are limited to factory managers and first assistants only. Mr'T P Brass, of Invercargill, has been appointed curator of the Southland Acclimatisation Society. Trooper Wright, who was injured by the explosion on the fireworks stand at Invercargill, interviewed in Wellington, said that when he got permission to go upon the platform the late Mrs Snoyd took the place he vacated on the street.

Several consumptives from different parts of the colony are testing tilt? climate of Kimbohon (near Fielding) for the benefit, of their health. At a meeting of the Hospital Board (reports the Rangitikei Advocate) it was stated by Mr J G Wilson that two ladies wore residing in tents at Kimbolton, with a view to giving the open air euro for consumption a trial.

As showing the interest taken in the Site)land Isles by those who have left their shores’ for other lands, an incident in connection with the Shetland relief fund may be of interest One ot the gentlemen in Dune fin who was collecting for that fund heardof a Shetland digger away in the bush at Colac Bay, and sent him a list thinking he might possib'y send a few shillings. The result’, which came promptly, was £2 2s—a practical example of the sympathy - of tin’s miner in the Colac bush for widows and orphans in his far away native, isles—O D Times.

A trial trip has proved the Illinois of the United States Navy to lie the fastest boat owned by the Government and perhaps the fastest ship in the work]. Over the G 6 knot course at Oitpe Ann she developed an average speed of 17*31 knots—the world’s record for a substantial trial oyer a

measured course. Battleships of the Russian navy have made IS knos over a measured mile, but. no ship of this clasp, so far as is known, ever ma ! e (lie speed that the Illinois did in this trial over a long course.

The Wallace Mounted Rifles hold (heir first church parade on Sunday They will attend tho Roman Catholic church at Wroy’s Bush, when a special service will In hold. The various divisions will parade at the (dm; s advertised, and march to the Wroy’s Bush school, where Captain Saundets will fake command, the whole'troop then proceeding to the church.

The unexpected has occurred in regard to ihc Patou election A recount of-(lie votes gives Air Has. I den (0) the majority of one.


Prof, Roxa Tvl r. of Ckicng", Vic .-Prosidem UPnois Woman's AHi hkc, in speaking Oil i nbe •lairi’a Cough 1.1 ?ai «ly a iys ; ti suffered with a Severn cold (bis win'er wlnAi. threatened to inn into pneumonia. : [ is ml different remsdior but t reamed t> grow worse and tlio medicine upset mr stomach. A friend advised rue to try ('liamberluin’s Congo Remedy and I found it was pleasant to,lake and itrelieve I me at once. i am now entirely recover?..), stved a r o •tor’a bill, me and salt-ring, an I £ will never bn wit h . out this splendid medicine again.” For sale by B. Savage, Riverton.

At 'W ellington, for having employed a non-unionist to drive his cart without first consulting the unemployed register, a working butcher was fined ss'. ‘

Misses J McLeod and R Lindsay wore yesterday appointed probationers in the Southland Hospital, Miss Affleck, who lately passed her examinations, having been appointed nurse in Tiraaru hospital. Miss Affleck is a daughter of Mr W Affleck, Otuubau Her friends will be glad to hear of her success.

Robinson, aged 97, finished his.last watch at the Old Men’s Home Invercargill, on Saturday last. He had been one c£ the late Capt Howell’s crew in the early clays. X, , During the last week returns have been reported From 53 dredges, the total gold yield being 17410 z, or an average of 320 z per dredge.

Education Board want a teacher for Croydon Siding, and pupil teachers for Gore and Bluff. Discussing the new Factories Bill, a contemporary says If employers hove to provide abundance of pure air, as they mostly do, and are to he perpetually in danger of penalty for default, it is about time some-restric-tions were imposed upon employes in tho matter of fouling wholesome atmosphere after it is supplied. Dr Bloraficdd ha* been appointed lecturer on materia medica at the Olago University in succession to Dr John Macdonald, who retired on account of ili-hoalth. He is a brother to T Neville Blomfielcl, chemist, Riverton.

Tho Now South Wales Cabinet have decided to commute the death sentence passed by Mr Justice Stephen on Frederick Locke, at Windsor, on a charge of rape, to imprisonment for life.

During (he week a largo number of sheep have been purchased in ihoTokomairi o district by Oonterbury buyers The purchases of one speculator from Pleasant Point alone totalled 1,000 sheep, consisting principally of ewes, wether--, and small lines of lambs The gross purchases as far as wc (Bruce Herald) have been able to ascertain, number about 8,000. The sheep will be taken north in special trains.

A love for the bagpipes is generally supposed lo bean hereditary, not an acquired-taste. But, thanks to the Kaid Maclean, one of she chief officers, of his court, the Sultan of Morocco is said to have developed an extraordinary fondness for the pipes, and for Scottish music. Ton years ago a piper became one of the institutions of hiV court, and very recently be commissioned a well-known Glasgow u pemaker to furnish him with a set of bagpipes for his own use. Possibly this set of pipes now furnished is the most ornate and Costly that has ever been made in Shetland. They are mounted with 18>carat gold, and cost £3OO.

Tho long-looked for millenmm is at hand. Dr Gatling, inventor of the death-dealing gun of that name, has juA invented—an improved plough!

! “A democrat should be a gcotlema n He should not be one who declined to brush his clothes lest ho bo called an', aristocrat, or who allows the dirt to nceu.nuhjtc am lor his finger nails.”— Twomey, IM. L. 0. During the recent snowstorm, .on unmanly person who snowballed a lady at Christchurch got rather more than he bargained for. The lady returned the lire vigorously, and having given her assailant a., good snowballing, rushed him, laid him in the snow, and generally crumpled him up. A new patent machine for edging and trimming the sides of the country roads is being tried in the Cupar.district, x«,B, In an hour and. a-half itdid as much work as the ordinary staff of roaefmen would accomplish in four or five days. Its average clay’s work is set down at from six to eight miles. Several large 'shipments of wheat have been made lately to London and South A Lie.i from Sydney. The Persic’s consignment included 1200 tons shipped in bulk by means of a small elevator erected in Darling harbour for experimental purposes. Mr T. E. Taylor, of Christchurch, advocates a combination of P.ryhibHionists and workers in order to swoop the polls at the next General Election At the Taieri Derby ploughing match (the principal match in Otago) the championship was one by J. Craig Com a large field of competitors, using a Gardiner plough. Mr Moore, secretary of the Producers’ Union, quotes an “American traveller” as his authority for stating that a European trust icprosgnting t!i roe millions, systematically robs Australa-ian woo’growcrs and ,suggests a uni an of Australia, Maoriland, and

i the A rgentine to tight the name. The Reception -'Committee in Invercargill obtained subscriptions amounting to L7G9 Os 2J, L 856 lls 4d of this represents the takings at too alleged sports. Hay-lev Bros., tmneiy, (x/ven Island Dunedin, intend closing.down fearing the operation of the Federal tariff and boi-anse labour legislation is having an S injurious effect on the cost of produci lion.

| OTA UTAH ANGLICAN CHURCH . - '^k Tin; annual meeting was fairlwwell attended. The Rev. G-. \V. Davidson presided. The annual report stated that regular services bad been hold, ‘.wo services had been held at Clifdeu and one at Eastern Bush, and in future services would be held at \\ aiau every illtli Sunday of the month. There, bad been 12 baptisms,., ami eight candidates were rro<‘htfc£ prcsei ted to the Bishop for confirmaS*. (ion. rhfi Ladies’ Guild have placed '■ over £sl] to the credit of (ho, church building fund, and the promises of subscriptions to the same fund amount to about £SA The balance-sheet disclosed a credit balance of £L Is sd, with no liabilities; the assets total £lOl Is; sd. The following were elected for the ensuing year:—Church officers : Messrs W. Saunders and W. A. Kowo ; committee : Messrs E. E. Butler, J. Dim mock, W. Croft, 11. Ravenscroft, R. Greonslade, E. Provost, R. Tapper, junr., W. .Ward aud R. Story. A building committee was elected, to consist of Messrs Butler, Croft, Riven scroft, Lowe and Saunders, Ifc was unanimously decided (s&~ heartily thank Mr G. 'N. Pickett for-' his services as auditor, and the Rev. F. Boys tor the use of Ids organ. The The meeting' closed with a vote of thanks to all the church workers.

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Western Star, 25 July 1901, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL Western Star, 25 July 1901, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL Western Star, 25 July 1901, Page 2