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The Financial Statement was delivered last night. Members of the Riverton Mutual Improvement Association and their friends are reminded that the second debate of Hm session takes place this evening. The sodqeoil i„_« Should the Legislative Gounod of New Zealand bo abolished ?” Mr McHatcheson onening m the affirmative, and Mr Hewat m the negative. The Secretary of the Harbour Committee in another column advertises for lenders for the services of a boat and boat s crew for the engineer in making a survey of the R'verton harbour. As soon as this is obtained, MiMi llor will make a start with Ins woik. “ o would have been ready before now had 1e not been detained in Invercargill on Supreme Court business. If he is favoured with as good weather as has been experienced the past two or three days he ought to make good progress with his contract. A meeting of the Riverton AHienmum Committee was held on Monday evening when it was decided that the annual me-ting of subscribers should bo bold on loth July. Mr James Pattison, who had intended resigning his position as librarian, consented to hold office for another quarter on condition that bo bo allowed to appoint a substitute occasionally in the evenings, as the confinemerit was irnparing bis health. The members of Committee testified to the excellent way in which the institution had been attended to since it had been under Mr PatHson’s care; also to the energetic manner in which ho had collected unpaid Fitbsoripfciens, and they resolved that the system of allowing the librarian a percentage on subscriptions collected should be continued.

A Waian correspondent writes: —Practical fishermen arc very sharp to identify different fishes and can tell the waters they inhabit. The following goes a long way to outdo the professors of our day. Once the salmon fishing right round the ’west coast of Scotland was leased by one gentleman. One morning his fishermen were hauling their not at Liochbroo, and one of the crow were in the act of relieving a salmon from its meshes upon which he passed the remark that it did not belong to that water. They at once tied a ticket to tho salmon and it was liberated to the sea again. However, nob later than next morning as the fishermen at tho Spey mouth wore hauling their net they caught the very same fish, ticket attached, which would have to travel not less than 200 miles, as there is no nearer route, in loss than 21 hours, and theie is no knowing but it completed the journey in half that time. People say that if a salmon were spawn in any particular water it would visit that same spot every year afterwards. 1 hear some say that the young salmon are missed from the Aparima. It is very likely the Waiau robbed tho Aparima of its young fry, being more suitable to their lively habits. How are wo to ascertain the fact? Of course the Wniau never received any attention at tho hands of the Acclimatise, tion Society up to the present lime. We omitted to mention in Saturday’s issue that Prof. Lichtwark gave an exhibition in the art of horsemanship at Riverton on Wednesday evening, when an unbroken horse belonging to Mr Morgan Hayoa was successfully subdued. Those present expressed their high appreciation of tho Professor’s system.

A stupid mistake was made by our publisher in issuing the supplement on Saturday last intended for publication ou the 20tli inst. The, sheet that should have been issued on the 13lh will therefore be sent out next Saturday. Tho Socretary of tho W. D A. and P. Associati n intimates that Mr S. Levy, of the fnm of I. Woolf and Co., has presented a cup for the highest aggregate priz'■taker in lairy produce, hone-mule bread, etc. A special train willlcavo I’hornbury for Nightcaps at 5.30 on the evening of tho show. The Committee have received a fair amount of encouragement, both in the way of subscriptions and promise of entries, so that, with Sue weather, there is every probability th j show will be a success.

Mr Thomas Mackay, Native Land Purchase Commissioner, died at Wellington on Saturday. The deceased gentleman was ain -luber ot the commission enquiring into tho native land laws, and had only been ailing a few lavs. A sudden failure of the heart was the immediate cause of death, but he had been suffering from pleurisy and ulcerated throat, [t is understood that his report in commotion with tho Native Commissb.u is in tho hands of tho Government.

The anangenients for Prof. Burtons 'touting concert to be held on Wednesday next are now all complete. No expense has been spared to make it a greater success than tho last, and as ail our readers expressed themselves fully satisfied with tho last, we (oel confident that a bumper bouse may he expected. Tickets are going off well already; this in itself is a good omeu. That there is not much safety in thn New River as a harbor was exemplified last wo k. Daring the heavy weather Mr Hatch’s kotch Gratitude, which was lying in that stream, dragged her anchor and drifted on to the Mokmoko, where she lies high and dry at low

water. The same vessel about two months ago while lying in Howell’a roads, rode out a tremendous gala that was experienced a'] round the coast at that time, with perfect safety. Our harbor pi-ometors should score one in favor of Riverton. In Ashburton and tho Ashburton district all licenses were granted. The Chairman addressed the applicants pointedly in regard to Sunday trading, stating that a conviction would entail the loss of the license. He complimented one hotel for closing altogether on Sundays, and urged others to do the same.

Tho present outlook of tho dairying in, dustry in New Zealand is, Mr Sawers, Go. vernmeot dairy expert, says, hopeful in the extreme. There has been a distinct forward move all along the lino in both tho North Island and the South.

At a Conference of County Council representatives from the South Island, held in Wellington on Monday, resolutions were passed that the revenue was quite inadequate, and unless tho Government gave help the county system must break down ; that the act should bo amended to enable counties to tax all vehicles ; that in consequence of so much land being reserved for tho Midland Railway tho colony ought to pa}' rates on nnsclected lands not exceeding £2OOO to any county in one year ; that Nelson, Westport, Grey, Inangahua, Westland, and Queenstown and Vincent County roads should be recognised as colonial works, and the cost of maintenance thrown on tho Government; that Counties should have all the revenue in mining districts coming from mining; that the Government be asked to pass a validating Act, freeing members from the responsibility cast on thorn by tho Act of keeping the revenue up to the mark. A meeting of tho members of Parliament for the districts affected is to bo held to consider the position.

It is understood that tho Government proposals in connection with the land tax will provide for exemption for all improvements up to the value of £3OOO. The scale above that is to range as follows £3OOO to £SOOO, Id in tho £; £SOOO to £IO,OOO, l *-d; £IO,OOO to £20,000, IJd; £20,000 to £50.000, ltd; £50,000 to £IOO,OOO, lid; over £IOO,OOO, l|d. Tho lady promoter and manageress of tho Now Zealand Lady Footballers’Team writes in the press (says the Auckland correspondent of the Otago Daily Times) in reply to press strictures, and says : —“ The football teams are being taught by a regular player to play a clever game without any roughness so characteristic of men’s play. A strict observance to tho rules will be enforced, and when they play in public I am confident that the verdict will bo not only that there has been not the slightest breach of propriety, but that a cleverer game has seldom boon socr, Tho suggestion as to the girls looking out that their return passages are secured, though well meant, was equally unnecessary, as satisfactory arrangements for that very cud are being made.

A writ claiming £IOOO damages has been issued against tho Mornington Tramway Company by W. Burt for injuries alleged to have be u occasioned by a defect iu tho Company’s line.

An estate of 550 acres near Amber ley was sold for £l3 10s an acre on Saturday, Another of 70G aores, at Kirwee, brought £8 5s an acre: Tho prices are considered remarkably good. If the hill providing for a reduction of postage in the colony to a penny is sanctioned by Parliament, it will come into operation on Ist July if passed by that date, aud from 1-t August if not passed till later on.

Tho Dunedin Licensing Committee has continued the refusal of the licenses for the Stafford, West Coast and Noith Dunedin hotels.

Air Mackintosh will shortly move that there b; Did before the House a return showthe amount expended by the colony and tire several Acclimatisation Societies in procuring salmon ova; also all correspondence that has passed between the Government aud the societies iu question of salmon acclimatisation for the last twelve months.

Tho election of tho Teranka Licensing Committee (Moderate) is to be attacked on the ground that an improper roll was used.

The new bill providing for school committee elections will not restore tho old cumulative vote, but will provide for votes being given at the meetings of householders only, and it is proposed (but not decided) f o provide that although only residents shall sit on school committees, fathers or guardians of children attending a school, whether residents or not io a district, may vote. It is stated that fill unemployed are at present bciug provided with good work : 83 in Wellington, 71 in Canterbury, and 181 in Otago.

Tito sporting contributor of the Canterbury Press describes the Southland-bred hunter, The Moor, which carries the whip of the Ashburton Hounds, Mr H. Saunders, as a handsome and perfect animal. At a conference of delegates from tho Dunedin suburban boroughs interested in the encroachments of tho oca at St. Clair and Ocean Beach it was decided to engage Mr Barr to report on the subject, with specifications of a remedy and its cost.

Mr James Young, a baker in Greymouth who was burnt out on Friday last, is trussing. Ho bus not been seen since Sunday night, after putting a batch of bread into the oven which he had rebuilt. Search parlies are out all over the neighbourhood.

The inquest touching the death of Kate Emily Spicer was concluded on Friday. Dr Tripe gave evidence that, as a justice of the peace, he had taken down the dying declaration of tho deceased, which was made of her own free will, and in the full belief that she was about to die. The statement was put in ns evidence, and was to tho effect that Mrs Peyman had performed an operation on her, for which she paid her £5. The nurse gave evidence that tho deceased had made a similar statement to her. Sergeant-major Anderson deposed to finding certain articles in the possession of Mrs Peyman. Tho jury returned a verdict of wilful murder.

Sarah Flanagan, who, with her mother is now incarcerated in Lyttelton Gaol for murder, is ar. present in hospital quarters, having contracted a lung complaint. She has been suffering severely for some time past.

The renewal for three years of tho arrangement now' existing for tho San Francisco and direct mail services have been approved by the Cabinet.

News from Hongkong by tho steamer Guthrie is to the effect that the quantity of tea in the Hankow market is small, but tho quality is good, and prices are ruling much higher. Fifteen criminals wore beheaded at Kowloon city on the 11th May, among them being six Narnoi pirates, including three of the leaders.

A Wellington syndicate has chartered the s.s. Rowena for the purpose of proceeding to the wrecks of the steamers Raneitoto and Koranui at Jackson’s Head, and the French Pass respectively in search of salvage. The Supreme Court sittings opened at Invercargill yesterday before His Honor Mr Justice Williams. Frances Hodges, convicted on a charge of larceny of £ll 16s, was admitted to probation for twelve months; John Sutherland for larceny of clothing (two charges) was sentenced to twelve months’hard labor, the terra to run concurrently with one of six months he is now serving for a similar offence. The sittings are likely to last till the middle of next week.

John Burke, the inmate of the Costley Homo, Auckland, for whom Lord Onslow obtained Koch’s tnberculine, is dead. A post mortem shoved that both lungs were praot’'* e aHy gone. There was no trace of either good or ill effects through the nso of the tuberculins.

Yesterday morning MrC. J. R. Richardson, so. rotary of tho Southland Acclimatisation Society, received a telegram from Profcs or Hinton conveying the gratifying Intelligence that the fish taken out of tne Aparima a few days ago and sent up to him were “ salmon without a doubt,” so that the question as to whether the acclimatisation of tho “king of fuh” in Now Zealand has been at last sot ar. rest. It is certainly a good piece of news to tho disciples of Isaac Walton throughout tho colony, and to all who have tho welfare of tho district at heart.

An important case arising out of the transactions of the late J. B. Gresson, solicitor, was heard at the Supreme Court, Christchurch, before Mr Justice Denniston and a special jury on Monday. It was brought by the Bank of Australasia to recover £SOOO from Cook Eeynell on ac* count of a guarantee of Gresson’s overdraft signed by him. The Bank advanced £SOOO on this. Defendant pleaded that Gresson hid obtained his signature fraudulently. He had read the guarantee stating the amount as £SOO which was what defendant agreed to become responsible for. Tho document was tilled in for £SOOO either theu or afterwards but lloynell did not notice when signing how it was filled iu as he had implicit confidence in Gresson who had managed his affairs for many years and always acted honourably. Eeynell also signed a certificate to the effect that tho guarantee had beou read to him and he acknowledged himself responsible for the amount mentioned therein. The hank contended that he had been guilty of negligence, but tho jury, by a two-thirds verdict, found ho had not. His Honor gave judgment for defendant, but there are legal points to bo argued in Banco.

Public muotintr, Fi'i.lay. n; Moivl.ty morning train to Orcpuki. Knneral of Alur.locli Ifuroliison leaves to-morrow at 2 ' Temlors invite-1 for services of boat and boat's crew for survey of harbour, Xiylitcajis coal—J. li. Mills and Co., agents. John Arnett inserts notice re section at M'ukap.itn. Grain Show—Cup iiresonted by S. Levy E-sij. Tenders wanted for cutting gorsc hedge. Tenders invited for fulling and burning bush.

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Western Star, Issue 1571, 17 June 1891, Page 2

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Untitled Western Star, Issue 1571, 17 June 1891, Page 2

Untitled Western Star, Issue 1571, 17 June 1891, Page 2