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Wallace County Gazette. Wallace cpvmY^csmS£. I FT; is hereby, notified,! Wallace County: Council • h«81 appointed >MR -FREDERICK 11. WILSON to be Ranger . for Orepuki; Riding of WaUa'ce'Counly. JAs. f - !.: ~: ;, ,;.', .- County Clerkand Treasurer. I NOTICE!; QV i[, -.; '.': A PUDLICaN'S LICENSE.!i' w IT MICHAEL | '• Puhlicari, cIo ; ; Hereby giyo inotioo that ']•. c ' os '" fe W obtain, and will atj-the^ next j-j'jicensiiij? be holden atjßirerton, I ou.thefith duy .of June,'lßß9, apply for a J certificate authorising,lhe issue of:a Publican's | License,.for a bouse- tfthafe at'Pahherston Mreet.Riverton; and'known' as'the Sbknirock J : Hotel, containiog twelve' rooms,' '. exclusive of pilose * required 'tot fyieV use '-of the' familyj Dated the 13th,day of May,; ;';,V ' _•;:., n .MICHAEL; HANNANih :i«r; ,>v «-u'Publican/Ri*er«4n. jNOTICE,OF; APPLICATION: FOR jioil -'A:PUBLICAN'S ; LTOENSE.^ i^!!;^^ , »S^feW' r^fSSi do !'ail? ns ? r< t<? S^ e :^P 6 I idesije to | P$ a ! n and wi!1 » it the next Licensing Meet- !■ i.«g to he hoklen at the Courtliousey-Rrverton, j on::tl ie 6th day of: June/ 1889/ "dffif'tor a wirtificata'authorising the issue of a renewal 1 ofjja Publican's License ffira Hou«e eituato at Wace Qpunty j; 'Jot,*!,, containing twelve roome,: exclusive of > those required for the useiofithe'femflyy? Dated th'e;ilth day of May, 1889!," .. T' ■ '■'' : ' ".' '' ERiNE 1 RUSSELL. NOTICE OF' APPLICATION £OJt " I , 'I 5 ] • TRANS EER' OF. LICENSE? ■ mi* 7/ [<iMii, : - caur-n -■"■ ■ M«9*t .fiki ?.< :: > j-'.:',' : .'. 93tcf1 '.',: ';■ -i\\- Ij'in'i'.iiH !■; F. JANE GDNN, of, Rjverton,, being the •■!:*.?:;: bolder of, a; Publican's License, in Respect of the house "andipieinisesrsitjuat'e at RivSrtoiv k'wownii*' '• the ; Roil way' Hotel 1 , do hereby gisp noticelhati.desire to ODtain >ncl , wih, at the next. Licensing meeting, to be .J'ojden at, Riveftoii on the -sixth da^of. June, a PPfe ior ."<t'l'a.nsfer of the *aid;license/from jaiv.self•toiA¥iliiamvG;uiin, tny appointee. II : 'Dafodl4th'kay,lß<i9. !; ' ? '' f,( "'' v " : - '*'''* NOTICE- OF APiPLICiATIOJf iFQR :;'''. '': A LICENSE? J"' ; <,r'\ is! ; 'r :--r.""';i -((i j '[•:.■:>[ /f" h{\& ■"[j' : GTJNnI ~oi "Rlverfcml'^do '. 9/ hereby give'riotice that'l desire to .obtain and, wilj, at tlie,next..Licenamg.Mopti' l .g to bß Courthouse, the,6tn day ;of June, L lSß9, applysfox' a" certilixiate authorising tho'issue of : a renewal'bf a 'Publican's License for a house situate'.at liivci'toii, and known as the Railway Hotel, containing lit rooms, exclusive of those "required for the haoof the family.,, ~j ~.,-.:> ; ;,,|)a{;t3cl;the lithclayjof/May,aßß9.r!':-:i'ii; r-h all' .^^hnl-^^flAMMGJjm^i IHOTJ.CE OF 'APBIiICATIOx\; FOE niJn "A PUBLICAN'SLICENSRi :if '» i: ' ;r JAMES of' Wrey's .'Bush, ?< hereby.give no!ice that I.'deske to ,p.b.lain, and tti)l,at the ; next XicensingjMeeting uf llie Wairio Licensing Committee,'to; be lioldon'nt-iWiiirio On 'the sth dayof'Juu>, apply eerriaoaie '."uthorising' the issue of a'Pii ml: n,*s .L"i:i if v for a house situnte u't \\rej'i. t-nji', ■ oii - :.ininn ten rooms, cxt;lu-:ire .of tji.ose rvqiiu.o\l for tne u,*e of, thft .rajniiy, inid. known as the: AH Nations [Hotel. tii Dated tho 13t.h day of Mav, 1889. M:Hit nodlnnnl ■■ A-:■•■■ -'JAMES ELYNN? hN OTICE 0 F ATPLICATItiiNr'FOLI : •An AcboiiiMODATipN license:' ■ .T.',' PETER KELLY, of South ,Hi|i;,End, ,-*--5'< ■ i X?o .hereby give notice that I ,desiretto obtain, and ~ will, at . the ■ next Licensing M'eeting 6f the Wairic* Liceasihg- Comnaitteo, to bfe bolden- at Wairio :; on the sth'jlay of June, ISS9, apply foi; a'cei tificat'e authorising the issue of an Acconiiiiocliiticn License foi - a house situate,at \Wej .'s. Bush; containing., ten rooms,,exCglus^ye,,of.those required for tho .usq n of,, tho , family, ,to ho ,-known aso,the Gomineicial Hotel( ::- <■'■ . ',!<;•> i ;, Dated tueV7tli day of MayVlßß9. '•'' "■ ' :; !' ■ PETER KELLY r! : lV ■: ■' Jhiblie Notices.; • T ' 1 ; i " v;; commission, '; :: ; ESTATE AG-^f, COTJNCII. CHAMBEESi RiyBEXO".,' - ■\,, ,'■-.'. ■,,. , .■■.: COAL' DELIVERED IN RIYERTdN;>T ; ;' ; "16s per ton.' •;; Bv the Las at 25.,, „ • ~; :Goal Depot —Paddock street, ltivcrton. - ' •■••:. •.: • [Cvojiui. oi* tltotch VVhisUy. ,: BREADALBAKE.' To bevliad of all Storekeepers, Ilotclk'.xipeis Grofiera and Wit.i; Merchaiitx-, : Chris: church. .... • K OTICE. . ■ N Y PE R SOX found tresp.fsVi !g ;>ii Sections G and 19, Block 11, hou w.od District, will l>e pros'-cuti'd., j-, i ( EO tGE-PIUNnZ. APER BAGS. All kinds in bond at S-rAK ('%*..

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Western Star, Issue 1354, 15 May 1889, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Western Star, Issue 1354, 15 May 1889, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Western Star, Issue 1354, 15 May 1889, Page 3