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S.vruiiDAY, 11th May. Tho usual monthly meeting was held as above. Present:—Messrs Walker (chairman), Basstiun, Crouch, Forde, Hamilton, Johnston, McPherson, and Playfair. COUEESPOXDEXCE. From Commissioner of Crown Lands, stnting thnt the Land Board would keep in view the Council's resolution re cutting flax in river beds.—Received. From J. L McDonald, agent for thp school commissioners, in reply to application for road through section 49, block 14, Far Bush, stating that the lessee objected to the opening of a road through the section.—After discussion it was resolved that the Engineer be instructed to report on the road. A. P. Scobie and others, settlers in Centre Hill district, wrote drawing attention to the stato of road in d.o. block 2, and asking that it be put in order before winter. —On the motion of Mr Johnston the petition was received, and resolved that the work as requested be carried out. In proposing the (notion Mr Johnston said ho thought the Counsil should try to meet the wishes of the settlors as far as possible in the allocation of d.p. money. From Patrick Hogan, drawing attention to the necessity of an outfall drain to the main road at his property, Wroy's Bush, and mentioning that tho Council had received £26 of deferred payment mon»y from the block. —Mr Johnston spoke in favor of something being done to relievo Mr Hogm from the flood water. The £26, he explained, had gone to Dav Coombes' share of the road. He moved that the Engineer be authorised to expend £3 in construction of outfall.—Agreed to. Mr Drabble, manager of Gladfield Estate, wrote drawing attention to the dangerous state of culverts in the neighborhood of Gladfield on road to O'antau.—lt was resolved that the matte* be. attended to at once, and Mr Drabble informed according'y. From J. E. Bristow, Drummond, stating that culvert on road in front of section 20 was not largo enough to carry away water in flood timp.—The Chairman said the culvert was quite lavge enough if there was only outfall.—Letter received.

From Jesse Gibbs, Hrddon Bush, again drawing attention to the state of road between the schoolhouse and hundred line. The writer hoped that the road would be put in such condition as to enable him to send his chiHren to school during the winter months.—The Engineer had rpnorterl that the work would'entail considerable expenditure, and that it would hi inadvisab'o to undertake to do it during the winter months. —Mr Johnston said he knew the road well, and although he wis sure the Council desired to do what *h"!y could, tho conntry was so flat that the exnense was altogether beyond their means. He moved that as there was no funds av nlablo the request ennnot be complied w'th.—Seconded by Mr McPherson and carried.

F. Corkin, contractor for work at Blackmount H ill applied for 14 davs extension of timet >•'•'•' •■fVt-< nontraefc.---Granted.

Allen Browning, Mos°bnrn, wrote asking tha* part of d p 5 money accruing from sections 6 and 7. block 3, C'ntre Hill district, be expended in placing culvert about 20 chains from his house, and offering to. contribute towards th 9 work by doing the carting.— After some discussion it was resolved that Mr Pinstian, member for the riding, and the report, on the work.

Prom C. G. Basatian, dog-resrfstrar. Mosaburn stating that he iobtiin'ed judgment againat Callender in the R.M. Court,, Lumsden, for 20s each for i dogs: the dogs had, however, mt vet been registered. The registrar asked, that (he Council allow him his expenses, £4,' in connection with the case.—The Chiirman laid he km w that Mr Basstian had been put *o considerable expanse and trouble in bringing the case before the court, and had travelled, in delivering summons, &a., about 4X) miles. The fines, when r>aid, would he rpcived by ttm Council, and he thought the regi<tror *hin!d be all->wel rcsinable gx-,-,ens, s.—Mr Hami'ton moved that until such time as the fines were recoveed, the matter he hell over.—Agreed to. A. post card from a vrndor at Ashburton of poisoned groin for small birds was rereived.—Mr McPliTson movr>d that a samnle bag of the grain bo procured ; the expense would not be much, and it was desirable that "vevv m«ons to abate the nuisance should be f'iMj,—"Mr Crouch seconded the motion. —Mr Johnston thought the day had oomo wh-n snmo decided aotion should he taken ; anyone eonld poison grain, and He diaapDroved of th» Onuncil going into any expense in that direction at. present. The first thing to be done was to get the Act put, in forco. He moved ihafc no expenditure bo incurred until the Act was brought in to f erne.—Mr Playfair seconded fcho "mendment. —Mr Hamilton supported thr motion. He was of opinion that before calling meetings of the settler'', the Council ought to endeavor to find out tho most effectual mean* of dealing with tho nuisance.—Mr Basatinn thought Mr Johnston waft right; the small h/rl miisince ha 1 assumed such proportion? that it was necessary to take effective means to cope with the r-vil.—Tho amend mont on being pnt w>s W, and Mr McPherson's motion carried.—lt w s agreed that the poisoned se»d nrr cured, should be distributed among the different riding'. Tho Svde-'l'am (Christchurch) Borough Council silkitod the co-operation of the ■ounc'l io endravorirgto get the Government *-o give effect to the following resolution : " That in the opioinn of this Council it is in the inte-est* of the rateparers, that the Government should endeavor to pass, drinsthe next session of Parliament, a Bate- ■ avers' Mutual Insurance Bill, empowering local bodies upon sfcurit" of their rates, to insure against loss by fire, the property? within their respective boundaries."—Keceived.

, Mr George Prints! wrote, asking thnt n, cnngor bo appointed for Orepnki rid'ng.— I The Chairman said the letter was read at last meeting, but in the alienee of the member for the riding, nothing had been done in the ; matter.— On the motion of Mr MoPherson ; Mr E. Wilson was appointed rancor. s flonsiV'pratinn of t.ho letter from the Scot- ] t'sh and N. Z Investment Company re purchase of roal lines at Bayswator, deferred froTi last, meeting, was taken.—The Chairman ! ovn'ained th* circumstances nnder which Mr • J 11. Smith had made an offer to purchase 1 the mad lines in question.—Mr Hamilton • said, the road lines wore open for sale.—Mr , Johnston said that such was not the case: after a good deal of talk over the matter it . was eventually agreed to sell the land to Mr SnVth at £5 10s an aero, but nothing had . come of it and there was an end to the , matter. If the present owners of Bavswater ' desired to purchase the road lines he thought, • perhaps, it would bo wise to sell and, may be, the nriee formerly asked was too high.—On the mot'on of the Chairman, it was agreed that a committee, consisting of Mr Hamilton and himself, together with tin Engineer, bring up a report for npxt meoling.—ln regard to the road line in Wairio riding, it was resolved, on the motion of Mr Hamilton, ihafc the manager of the Company be informed that the Council cannot see their way to dispose of the road. D. Sinclair, D. Creed, T. Casey, and D. Frew, of North Wairio, petitioned thnt thp remaining part of road through sections 151 and 152 bn formed.—Mr Johnston said that the original vote was not sufficient to complete the work, but he thought that in the meantime it would be better to defer doing anything further. He moved that the portion bo recoived and that the Engineer bring up report on the road.—Agreod to. ENGINEER'S BEPOIIT. The Engineer reported as follow* in refer" once to Mr George McColdon's petition to have a bridge erected over the Island stream. Taringatura:— I visited this locality last Wednesday and indented site. The waterway is some 40ft wide : Hi" banks are low, oHienyise well denned .and covered vith natural vegetation, showinsr that, the floods had "eve" disturbed them. The bridge would require to in V-->p snans of 20ft each. O'.ving to ' ie banks bains 1 »w, the bridge would have to be kept n good height, and this would necessitate heavy : pnroaches on each side. Estimated cost of bridge •••iid approaches, £IBO. With refereuoo to a ford I nay snv there is one alongside of proposed bridge i ita;*wjiiUttlwrp two drays had ;crpsso4 >v|tl» load/i

ins. The ford is a shallow one, nnd if some five pounds were spent, in getting some large stones for lower side, it would suit nil practical purposes for some come to time. F'om enquiries made I find the whole of the land on the Island is subject to floods. Mr Johnston moved, That from the information before it and judging from the atnouut of traffic, tho Council is not justified in the expenditure that would be necessary for erection of bridge.—Mr Hamilton soconded the motion, which was carr ed. The Chairman said he thought it would be a wise step to adopt th" suggestion in regard to concrete culverts; it was, however, too late in the season to (!o anything, in reforonce thereto at present, but it would, be well to keep the matter in view. . ; j> /. Mr Johustoo, in moving the adoption of the report, said he wjuld like to' refer to the contract; at Ritchie's hill.' It was a very unfortunate affair; last year tondei a were called for the work, but only oho was received, and it whs nor, satisfactory..:-.This year, in February, ho got a vole, and a tender was accepted, but up to the pivsent time the contractor had not touched the. work. It would be absolutely necessary for something to be dono as on account of this 5 ehuins, an otherwise good road woul ibe shut up. He would make a motion in reference to the road'.at a later stage. Mr Playfair seconded the adoption of the Bngineers's report, which was carried. I have to inform you that the contracts for works on the Mossbum, Likes Te Anau and Manapouil roads are all completed but one—iie bridge on the Turnover Creek, the in iterial for which is nearly all ready. On contract No. 477 a (Mr Miller's) some two chains more than the contract was done, and I think in all fairness the contractors should be paid for this. These works Have been completed satisfactorily. Blackmonnt Hill—On inspecting this I found the contractor had sjone wrong in two places I notified him to early out the work in accordance' with the plan and specifications ; were it not tor this nnstako the work would have ;beeii finished Contract Xo. 451, Opio mil--Tne : contractor ••(Mr' John Xaylon) his done nothing on this, and I would suggest that the contract be cancelled and the work rjone on with. I would respectfully, draw your at rention to the road between Heddoh Bush and the wmton road, line of hundreds, three culverts, some ditching and forming being required. .The road is nearly impassable. I would also request the Council co make provision for concrete culverts. So many of the wooden ones are now giving way and want constant renewing, which in irself is a.baavy tax on he funds of the County. The concrete ones could be nade at the most convenient centres This would .•esult in a great saving in the end. THE BANKING ACCOUNT. The Committee appointed to arrange matters in connection with the ranking account reported that suitable terms had been agreed on with the National Bank jf N.Z. The Council went into Committee to discuss the terms of agreement. On resuming, the Committee reported that .he arrangements eatored into by tho Bankng Committee were satisfactory,, and their .-eport was adopted. ■ . •■ yi,.,:i V'* THE N.Z. EXHIBITION. The following circular from Mr Vincent ■?yke;.;.Ch,»irman. of\the Mining arid Metaluigical Committee of the Exhibition, was read : .......... Permit me to impress upon you the desirability of wearing a ; good collection of mineral exhibits for hsplay at the forthcoming Exhibition.-, -The-'W foeffl ofMchlocality and district 1 will bo conspiourasly labelled as coming thence; and arrangements are being made for the. crushing and., reduction of jtone (and assaying of ores).'Exhibits will be reoeived as follows :-(l) In the County bays, in which case the Coun'y pays a subsidy of £8 for each biy ; (2) In the 1 General Mineral Court, free, Vrf Jharge if the exhibit is not from a company or nerson exhibiting for trading purposes; (3) In snace (pecially paid for by exhibitors, in cases where thev ae exhibiting for trading purposes. It is suga'es.ed that a committee should be formed sneciallv :or this purpose. The time for receiving exhibits will be from Ist to 31st October, so that you will have ample time to make preparation. No charge made for carriage by rail, nor for the transmission of exhibits by the Union Steamship Company's boats m New Zealand. Please favour me with a reply not later than 3lst May, informing us what you will be prepared to do. S ' ; A conversational diW-iVion easue'j,- daring which, all .the: members* of tlie Council expressed a desire to forward the Exhibition as tar as possible. M/xi ...■> .• On Mr Hamilton's motion, it wa3 resolved caab the. Council.apply.for a. bay for the axhibits from Wallace County. MrJohnston moved, That with a ria'w to carry out the wishes of the Council, tho members form themselves into a committee to procure exhibits of grain, wool, gold, coal and shah l , &c.—Carried unanimously. On tho suggestion of Mr Basstian,' it was resolved that the Rirerton Borough, Council ind the Otautau Town 'Board te' asked to contribute towards cost of bay, and also to assist in procuring exhibits'.,.,*.. _, f ;; t" C'thb. duskobi.v iHinaJsilijy

Mr Basstian, in proposing the motion standing in his name, said it would not be necessary for him to enter into the question agam. The Council had deahVwith it before and had decided that the bridge should be erected, the only question left over being one of sitp, and to sre if any improvements could be recommended. Ho believod that everyone who had inspected the river had come to the conclusion.that t,e only site available was the one recommended in the Engineer's report The erection of the bridge would be an advantage to the district, and, of course, to himself ; since it was first brought forward many reasons-ha vo been advanced in support of its being built; only recently saleyarda ha I been erected at Wairio. and 10 lots of sheep had crossed the river going there, but had the liver been at all high, all'these sheep would have had to be driven round by Fairfax or Thornbury, at great expense. The .cost; of the bridge would not bo very great; but ifc was for the Council to say what sort of bridge was to bo put up, and what one would cost to suit the circumstancos of the case. Ie would leave it;in. the-Council's hands to" discuss.

The Chairman explainod the circumstances leading : up to the preparation; of; Mrj Miller's and their own Engineer's report ,the cost, of bridge by'their last estimate beingf ; £350. | Mr Johnston, would like Mr .Basstiari to make a definite, motion.,,

Mr Hamilton regretted the absence of llr Madkinnon, the other member for Mararba, Mr, Johnston said that; £2OO bad'.been voted for the bridge, but Mr.Mackinnon was decidedly against a pile bridge being erected. ■■■'.■■■■: i •:<:-, -i. { , fo : ■mw,

Mr Basstian, to nieot the wishes, of the Council would move, That £350 be voted for erecting bridge over the Aparima at Dunrobin, according to recommendation of: the Engineer.

Mr Hamilton seconded the 'motion pro forma. He would like to he satisfied as to the cost; works of the sort, on '.aqopunt of cartagp, would cost more just now than in the spring of the year. ■ •■>.;.

Mr Basstian : The work could go on better in the winter; in frosty weather the river was low . . ,

The Chairman said; the';w?r.e ropo would have to be ordered'at'home/and it wbuld be at loast six months before it could be got. Mr Hamilton continued—When we speud £350, will that cover all cost ? [Mr Basstian: 6350 would cover whole cost;] • They ought to be quite clear as to cost. Would tho funds of the County and riding justify the expenditure ? Mr Johnston would propose an amendment, lie would not say anything against tho bridge, but ho had to do his duty towardg the ratepayers. It would be best to take the feeling of the ratepayers on the question, and let them decide whether the expenditure of £350 on the bridge was jnsti6ed or not. He would, therefore, move, That the amount required to build bridge at Dunrobin be raised under the Loans to Local Bodies Act. Now he was sure it would take at least £400 : for the bridge. It would not do to take tho wholeof Wairio riding in, but if part were included in the rating district it would be the fairest way of toning the question and it would riot fall bam'ly on anyone. Ho would say no more nut simply move the amendment. In answer to questions tho Chairman said the ridings could be cut off into districts for purpose of rating under tho Loans to Local Bodies Act. Mr Basstian, to pave discussion,'would reaiark that he could plainly see the amendment was a side wind to" burke the whole question. Mr Johnston must be aware that tf hi 3 motion wore carried thoro would be an *ud to Dnnrobin bridge. The Wairio ratepayers had not been told that he had had '.J600 of his rates spent in their riding and chat he had not roceived six hundred shillings benefit. would haYe tijongbfc .■.--'VBj*—.-.-..- -..»..-^

that Mr Johnston would take a more liberal view of tho question. If it was left to voting it was very easy to ct persona to vote against it. The question ij>, is a bridsre required ; he (Mr Basstian) maintained a bridge was required. Only last shearing 78 men crossed the river in 10 dtiys, and had the river been at all high these men would have been thrown on his hands. The bridge was a growing necessity, but of course if people aro told this and that they will bo against in Mr Johnston ought to treat the matter fairly. He had not been a selfish member of Council; he had never worked for his own interest font for the whole riding—not onlv his own locality—and all the riflings. Mr Seddoti had been quoted as an opponent to the bridge, but if that gentleman knew anything about the matter he must know that he (the ; speaker) had contributed largely to make the roads to Avondalo. Ho hoped members would treat the- question in a proper spirit. Mr Play fair said it had been decided to erect a bridge; the opposition was to the increased amount, and he thought, it would lie advisable to revert to the original amount of £2OO. . Mr Hamilton wished to propose a further amendment, but the Chairman ruled that the propositions before the Council would have to be dealt with first. Mr Hamilton

said he was merely going to point out that the mptipn for £350 had never been on the order ',| "paper, and some councillors would not feel •. justified in voting for £l5O more than '"'amount of motion as originally asked for. He thonght it would be best for Mr Basstian to give notice of motion in ordinary way, and let it come up at next meeting. The Chairman agreed that it would bo best to adopt that course. The notice on order paper heforo thorn did not mention any sum. Mr Basstian said he would do as desired by members and give notice for next meeting, but at the same time ho could not understand whv so much fuss was beinsr male over the matter. He hoped the members for Wairio would, when tho subject was again brought, forward, look upon it in a proppr spirit; what was asked from them was but a third .of the amount, while he himself contributed a third. Mr Johnston would say that personally he had no objection to a biidge being erected at Dunrobin, but there was no disguising the fact that the Wairio people were quite opposed to it, and if the settlers don't want the bridge the Council had no right to force them to pay for it. ORDER PAPER. Mr Basstian (in absence of Mr Mackinnon) moved, Mr Crouch seconded, and it was carried, That tho sum of £23 10s bo voted for gravelling 18 chains in blocks 4 and 8, i ' Centre Hill district—to be charged to d p.b. Mr Basstian moved. Mr Crouch seconded, ' and it was carried. That the sum of £3113s : 4d be voted for gravelling' on road line ' between sections 4 and 11, block 3, Centre """Hill, to be charged tod. p. grant. \ Mr Walker moved, Mr Hamilton seconded, ' and it was carried, That tho sum of £lO be voted foi-4 culverts on roads in Oreti Plains. , :Mr Johnston moved, -Mr- Forde seconded, , ; and it was carried, That the sum of £6,10s , •'be voMd to complete contract on Night-; • caps-Wairaki road. , , Mr Walker moved. That steps be taken to cut a new chaunel for the river at Fairfax, cost not to exceed £25, and no money to be j paid on account of work till the river runs in . • the new channel when it is not in flood. The mover stated that the question was continually cropping up,' and seemed like the Dunrobiu bridge to hang fire. If it had been agreed to I out the. chaunel before last flood it might j have saved £ls3—the amount expended in ~ repairing damage of one kind and another. ( And as. likely as not if the work proposed was not carried into effect, the next.flood , might cost them four times as much. What \ was proposed was to divert the present , channel so that all the water, except at flood , time, shenld go down the new cutting. They ( were not able to show anything for the ex- j pendjture.that had taken place, and if they could not do something,to mitigate the effects of a ; flood it would be better to close the road , altogethei. The tenders would be submitted ( ~ at; next meeting, and if too high could of i , course be rejected. Mr Playfair seoonded the motion, and said it appea-ed a very s r mple thing to divert the river; it would be folly to leave it in its pre- ( .sent state. —Motion agreed to. , Mr Playfair moved, and Mr Hamilton i seconded, and it was carriod, That tho sum of , £l4 10s be voted for extras on Wild Bush ~ road done by McWilliams. Mr Basstian moved, Mr Crouch seconded, j and it was carried, That the sum of £SO be , oxpended in forming road through section 6, ; block 3, and eastward, Centre Hill district, to i' be charged to d.p. grant. ' Mr Basstian moved, Mr Crouch seconded, and it was earned, That the snm of £2O be voted to improve road between sections 10 and 15, block 11, Centre Hill district, to be eharged to d.p. grant. Mr Walker moved, Mr Crouch seconded, ' . and it was carried, That the sum of £25 be . voted for repl-mking three bridges at Otantau. The mover explained that the work had already been completed. It was a work of ... urproncy. and he had taken upon himself to call for tenders. —Mr Crouch confirmed the Chairman's remarks in regard to tho urgency of the work. • •' ••'■ -UNCOMPLETED CONTRACT. Mr Johnston said that in regard to contract for gravelling Ritchie's hill, he would move that the Engineer be instructed to'pnt on teams to have it. gravellod at once, should the weather be at all favourable. £29 had ' been voted for the work, and a tender of £ll " bad been received; as a considerable time had since the tender was accepted it was ' quite evident the contractor found he could not do. the work for the money and had abandoned the contract. • Mr Fordo seconded tho motion, which was carried. ' '_. : . ' . . ACCOUNTS. Accounts for the two months, amounting to £895 19s 7d, were passed for payment. 'Mr Hamilton drew attention to a voucher showing that some of the workmen engaged at Fairfax bridge were getting 8s a day, which was above that authorised by Council. —The Chairman explained that only skilled labor, carpenters, were paid at that rate. which was rather under than above the usual price.—Mr Hamilton said ho was not satisfied, and without special acrreement he would obje-t to more than the ordinary wages being paid. He moved, That the wages oaid by the JCouncil, outside the usual staff, be not more than 7s a day.—The motion was se- ' conded by Mr Fordo and carried. , ROAD SURVEYING. Mr Basstian asked if road lines at Dunrobin, and from Etal Creek to the Apirima river, in accordance with his motion at March meeting, had as yet been surveyed. The Chairman stated that as all available surveyors were engaged at Stewart Island the survey had not ypt been made. The Engineer had estimated the survey would cost £7O. Mr Basstinn said it seemed to him absurd that tho work would cost that amount, lie thought the Engineer had no right to make | such statements. [Mr Durbridpr, on being called, said ho estimated it would cost to survey the roads in question the amount ho had stated. They had only to go. by what had already been paid for "surveying roads to see that £7O was not at all an outside price for the work. A TRAMWAY TO ROOND HILI,. Mr McPlierson intr idu i>d to the Council Ly Chone. aceompmied by M«* F. Hen y, who waited on the Council to ask permission to construct a tramway from Colac to Bound Hill. Mr McPherson ho had thought of asking the Council to lay down a tramway itself. The cost of construction would bo about £450, and it at present cost the Council to keep the corduroy in order £l5O a year, and it was daily getting in a worse state. —Mr Henry said Ly Chong's proposal was to ■ take tramway alongside tho gravel road. When constructed be would bo quite willing to doal with the Council to take it over. The . applicant was asked to put his proposal in writing, and it would be considered at next meeting. The Coupon then adjourned,

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Western Star, Issue 1354, 15 May 1889, Page 2

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WALLACE COUNTY COUNCIL Western Star, Issue 1354, 15 May 1889, Page 2

WALLACE COUNTY COUNCIL Western Star, Issue 1354, 15 May 1889, Page 2