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The Western Star. (PUBLISHED 81-WEEKLY.) WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1889.

Although the time for reaeiving nominations lor Mayor (seventeenth time of asking) does not expire until Saturday, one nomination paper, at least, has been handed the Returning OScer. The candidate for the long vacml chair is a well-known hoiiiface, who is, howcrer, about to rolinquish the active management of the business ho has for some timF carried on.

At the annual meeting of tho Biverton Itinking Club on Saturday evening list, it •ran decided to open the rink again as soon as-' arrangements for the uso of the drill shed have been oompleted..

Wo would direct attention to an important sale of mining and other property to be held by Messrs J. R. Mills and Co., at Orepuki, op Saturday noxfc. The hunting season in Southland was opeued on Friday last, whon the hounds met r.-.'.l >!'.•: uonoels, Birch woi 1 ).5. There were not follower.", but those who took part had a thoroughly enjoyable run. The hounds were in capital trim, and the country over which the lino was laid bcinp; stiff the field had their work cut out to keop with them. On Saturday there was a second run over part of the same country. Most of the horses out jumped in excellent form. The hounds will mootot Heddon Bush, a favorite [ trvsting place, on the 25th inst., when thero is'little doubt thore will be a large turn out o! sportsmen.

A number of half-soveroigns are in circulation in Riverton, tho edges of which have been manipulated with a lilo. The liank3 are lefusing to take them except as old gold, their value as that being about 8s 6d. People should be on their guard against receiving such coins except at their hank valuo. As a proof of what tho soil in tho vicinity of Riverton, assisted by thnt capital fertiliser West Coast guano, can produce, wo may mention that a field of turnips grown by Mr J. Livesey, Otaicai Bush, averaged I7lh each. A specimen of the " neopa " may be s?en in Mr G. Q» Caasols' office.

At a meeting of the Committcj of the Rivorton Atbensauin, held on Monday evening, the motion proposing that the hours of at. tendance of the librarian bo reduced was confirmed Four applications were reoeivod for the office of librarian, as advertised, and that of Mr Theo. Datriol, tho present librarian, ivas accepted ; the salary being 10s 0:1 per week. Tho new hours will como into operation Ibis week. Tho library will only bo open during tho evening. The reading room will be opeu as usual, but only the daily an I weekly papers will bo left on the tabic during tho day. Under tho new order of things the hours of .attendance of the librarian will be from 6 to 10 p.m.

A deputation of Invercargill grain merchants waited on tho District Traffic Manager ■if railways on Monday, to urge on him the lesirability of meeting the wishes of the farmers by altering the present system of weighing grain, and have tha trucks weighed loaded and empty. All the speakers contended that under the present systom it was the farmers, and not the buyers, that reaped the, benefit. l .Mr Gaw informed rho deputation that ho did not think their desire could be complied with, but that the matter was bung considered by the Com" njissicneis.

Mr John Russell has been elected President }f the Southland Agricultural and Pastoral \ssociation.

A rather amusing, but which at first sight promised to be a serious incident occurred last evening about nine o'clock to a well 'cnown and mo3t eligible batchelor residing not 100 miles from our local po3t office. As the gentleman in question sat reading at. his •iolitary fireside, a strange noiso wa? heard outside.. After a few minutes tho domestic servant rushed into the room where ho was sitting, looting very pale and evidently much excited. " Oh, Mr T ," said she, " come here for mercy's sake, sure there's a baby crying outside the kitchen window." " A baby ! good heavens, whose baby, what do I vant with a baby, go and see what it is nre'ly it cannot be a baby ?" Then he crntched his head and'said meditatively, " no_ [ think ui" conscience is cl -ax ; it can't —•'' [n an instant Maria returned, " Oh, Mi' T , I dare not go out in the dark.'' Then our hero took the candle, and closely followed by tho miid, poereil through the window, but all was dartfhbss. Then a wailing sound was again heard, and our hero, in spite of his clear conscience, wont into the night-air, withmuch f ea .* an d perturbation, and as ho peered i*ound tli9 side of the house, where the window was, felt both relievo 1 and Garbled at ssoing two cats rush p ist him, but no baby. —[Communicated.] , ~ : _ Tho following notice appears in an Ash burSon paper:—"S ABSENT —On May ls f , the wife of I. Sargent safely delivered of a fioe son, weight IOJIbs avoirdupois. Th'is is the loth and the last. Both doing well." By advertisement appearing in another column it will be seen that Mr G. 0. Tothill lias taken into partnership' Mr ' James E. Watson, who for the past nine years ba? been connected with the New Zealand Loan md Mercantile Agency Company. Mr Tothill, who only established his now oxteusive busine« but quite recently, is already most favorably known as one of the most enterirising wool and grain merchants in Southland. His partner, Mr Watson, is deservedly most popular throughout'the district, and the p, rtnership will doubtless be a most advantageous one for both the firm and their clients. Messrs Tothill, Watson and Co. anlounce that in addition to the business of wool and grain brokers, they are prepared to conduct sales by auction in the country districts.

A letter was read from the Eov Hugh Kelly at the meeting of the Southland Hospital Trust on Monday, in which, he complained that the ward in which the late Mr Douglas, stationmaster, was lying was broken into by i tradesman engaged in ventilating the building, and the windows wore thrown open to *ive exit for the plaster dust; that the patient iad been giing on favorably till that day; th-it nextday pneumonia set in, and Mr Dong, las died about a week after. An inquiry is to be hold.

We are pleased to" boar that Mr John Reid's son, Fredrick, n graduate from the 1000 l school, is making rapid progress with his studies at the Invercargill High School. The report presented to his parents for the May torm shows that ho has boon most successful in every subject ho his taken up Master Eoid was equally successful the previous tern.

In rcforonco to the protest lodged against Hilda, the winner of the trotting race at Ihe last Eiverton races, the D.J.O. have clooi led that the stakes aud totalizator money go to Hilda.—The Dunodin Jockey Club have ondorsed the disqualification imposed on IT. Duncan by the local Racing Club.

E.M.S. lonic which left Lyttolton 01 the '2nd May broke her crank shaft on the 4th when 92G miles off the land. The steamer was put under sail and headed back to Lyttelfon which port she reached on Monday evon- ; ng.

Maj ir Hannah has bom appointed successor to Major Thompson as commanding officer of !;he Southland district.

The principal businc.-H at tb.3 Mnfcal Improvement Associations mooting t',-ivght w 1! be the Presidents opening aldresi. the sub' ject of wliich, as wo learn from the syllabus : s " Chaiitanguns." The name has, we adnit, somewhat of a formidable and dangerous look, but we are assure 1 that it is not an exd'osi'vo, but a perfectly safe subject to handle. '■Ve are requested to state that all visitors ire cordially invited to attend. Tho meeting .vill bo hell m usual in ihe courthouse at i'iht o'clock.

Mr George Cults, of Clirisfcchtirob, ha* been appointed manager for the Auckland 3tn<3 Company. Mr Stead's horsos Loolm-1 and Jlosu Argent have retume 1 from Australia.

Seven steamers carrying GOOD emigrants sailed from Liverpool on tbo IStli April for America.

The Avawa arrived nt Plymouth cm Fridny 'ast with her meat cfti'tfo in good condition. She left Lyttolton on April 4, and has thus made tbo run in 36 day.; gross time—a splenlid record.

Over SO.OOJ sacks of grain aro at present stored in the Lyttolton [[arbor Board's sheds. The Mararoa brought 110 passengers for all ports. Ifairo To Pore was evented at Napier on Monday morning for the murder of tho Pook family and met his faie without emotion. At the trial at Gisborno L'ere confossed to the nurdor, but last Friday night made a statenent to Capfc. Frasor, !!.M. Ho said ho and us brother entered Poole's store for the purioso of robbery, but being detected his irother struck Pook, in fact, committed all he murders while ho (Hairo) looked on in icwihlered astonishment. B'estatod toothers hat it was arr.uigocl innougst his family time

he, being guiltless, should bo got off, his brother pnyiug for the lawyer with tho proceeds of the robbery. There being no communication with the steamer owing to the storm, tho hangman who was to have performed the execution was carried on, and a prison r who was serving a short sentence for wife deserticn was tho executioner. Tho bulanco of the hangman's sentence will be remitted.

An Auckland telegram in the Otago Daily Times says:—ln an interview with a reporter, Mr Firth said in reference to his affairs; "The Bank of New Zealand and tho Loan and Mercantile Company have, I claim, broken engagements entered into with me, thereby entailing very heavy, losses upon me. This, I hold, is the distinct cause of the stoppage of tho mill and of the sacrifice of my trade. I intend to commence action for heavy damages in both cases. I am informed upon authority that it is intended to make me a bankrupt." The whirligig of time crtainly brings about great cliaDges. A few years ago Mr Firth was one of tho shining lights in the B.N.Z. ring, but in these de generate days the institution that was once a "power behind tho throne" is forsaking its old friends. * ■ A number of applications for renewal of publican's licenses appear in our advertising columns. ■ It is no tilled that F II Wilson has buen appointed ranger for Orepuki riding. Additions to J R Mills and Co's Orepuki sale are advertised. On Monday nest Mr Mills will sell by auction ths mining property and plant owned by the Round Hill No 2 Sludge Channel Co. Two impounding notices appeir in this issue.

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Western Star, Issue 1354, 15 May 1889, Page 2

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The Western Star. (PUBLISHED BI-WEEKLY.) WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1889. Western Star, Issue 1354, 15 May 1889, Page 2

The Western Star. (PUBLISHED BI-WEEKLY.) WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1889. Western Star, Issue 1354, 15 May 1889, Page 2