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A 1 Vxn fl'jMA-i MO ft'/.{ )>, lJJ f i 2 (/Vw» <Ae ‘ Dunttlin Evening Star.’) 5o oosiMiwiT ot ; : j-C-A R|H E_G ; £ / A'MsS,..,}; 2\. A. • There? -’ 5 are innumerable' intending • 'exhibitors. at I the Sydney International Exhibit tion. odj.J-.oa !i*U < n') t>d; wi The .difference? 7 betwceii the miner? and coal ovtoeisUi’c'mcrCasihg. ’‘ 1 ‘ '' .*; L.t>" ,j ' January 13. Twenty bf Kelly’s sympatMsers have been remanded for' a week "by the Becchworth Bench?-leir-i i od > ->n i o> vuil.Vj »«L‘ rr .jt-.ji, Sydnet, January .13,... The balance of Lady Robinson’s jewellery, and a jewellery, the proceeds' of'other -robberies,' was'found in Montgomery’s lodgings., jjjfit iproba,blynob- r tainea. admission ; auring,ihe receptionj..and eftected ,the theft after the ceremony was over.' *;■' ,J <k ' :i ‘‘ A! Fonrhnndreddmmigraiits' arrivfed'to-day.v During a severe, squall; - yesterday, the Erotestant. Hall, in[the,iysage-of trees were blo\m down,* and Honan flooded.' 1 The to gardens and propertygenerally; ; •/?*' VK”i»v Jfauiary 13i :i ‘ ' Berens, 1 the merchant,who iwent insolvent,., was found drowned,in the He. had been thirty years in the ,Colony ? ' ' f . ' ’BfeRMN, Jdhuary ( 9;

A Bill has'bebn ‘introduced by Prince Bibmorck in the .FederalCouhcd with*tlio object; of the/-, suppression has been.qopdemned b)r,the..P f <g^., ...j; n j Vp " 1;.. ,;LpN»QN, January : 10. ( , The trade rathras for Eecembef'show in imports a'decrease bf’!>!), oOOjjfid, and in ex north Til ,500,000, as (compared with 1877.' The Earl >of ; pletely pbr.{ viiu*» " Thi 'Midlahd institute 1 "dV v ßirfningharh, containing'the largest Shakespearean? library in the . world, has been; totally. • destroyed by fire. ’ -’J *■;, The official. inquiry into the cause of the explosion aboard of ‘Thxifiderer 1 'at 1 Port -Ismid ' finds that ’it is 'attributable to imperfect loading* >v ,‘w. • >.- r • > rt ' . , St- Petersburg,, January; 12., f The Russian Budget of 1&79 is published.’ In the estimates it is proposed ' to equalise the revenue Shiid expenditure'by increased taxation*: s blum!a f.»n« ,<{•>»*, van -it a ! -- I- i,vpi{ oj January 13, An Imperial phase announces ithe appoint-, mentbf'commissioners to'fcotisider the best means' bf reducing the public expenditure;' " ; ■s i ?eoNsYA*mS6TT.E, 1 January 12 1 The'programme bf the-Grand? Vizier pror poses a reduotioa.of and the deqentralisatipn of the provinces. . j

V. jii.jSipjrßT, Januaryl4. ; The: Bulb Company has . given the men notice to.vacate fhe hohsea on the Company’s estate. t A number’bf ‘have resumed WorkJ «d huh M itru "t *4.nsw Tiaa .lon'i Inquiries have been instituted regarding the recent (ire at the '.prebuses of (Jrbssman and HarilihgC; importers of Swiss'goodfc, late of Christchurch. i ;-’.They-state t that> theyi brought;w;qrth-,ojf goods, hither, and allege that their books wei» Burned. ~ Melbourne. ’Jaiinaiy 14. MF ; Woods, 'Ooibmrsaibber 'Cf 'Railways,’ has received a’medal and {diploma, of s honor from Naples,, for his/* improved,, railway,break,..» „ n ~u . . Mr Richardson, Collector of Customs at Belfast, has pleaded !gnilty to etilbezzlement, to tbeiextent 6f L2;OaD. vg U 1 -A? ■>■:! ); The: Kellys are reported to have been: aeon , on the Lachlan, River.;; They had four fine 1 horses and a pack-Sfsrae with them. When ( noticed: they-broke'canip TsrnTr&de rapidly away, abandoning the pack-herse, which was knocked up,; Two troopers and three black trackin' prpeured revolving,rifles from a, neighboring rtatioh, pursued them bn the Saturday following! 1 They have nofcbincebeen Heard of/; -- *r. ? ; v- ■■ ; London, January 11. Marshal Esparto is dead., _ [Deceased, wBo, was Duke of Victoria, Was at one timßßegeiit' of Spaihd*Hevms born‘sit La'Manchain 1792.He wasedneateddbr the priesthood,but oh the French ihvasiop; jft 1808 be, joined-, theisapred; battalion, of ~yola^teerat j .^fter, Napolepn’p. expulsbn from Spam he saw service in South America, f 3 and, retUrhihg 1 ’to • '’Hii native ’ country' in-1833, took* up the cause of Isabella ) and ip. 1841 jbecame/regent. Naj/vaez’s ■ ascension to .power in 1843. compelled him, to flee "the-,country,, hut .be returned to it in ISSiVtfndb&b nfbre thah bncC ' afterwards • the 'director of'its destinies. - Since 1857 he: rarelyi took part ; in. politics,'. >ln 1869. his name was put .fprwjard as a candidate for thp: monarchy, But'’.was unfavorably received. In February? 1875,* bo 'gave’ih'bis &dbesibh to AlfonSo,]' i< ‘nil "3 The Birmingham, Public Library ; has been totally destroyed by fire,,.. r -.,. „, n .; <■ 1 1 ... Sydney, January 15. T , The millers afb giving for -large parcels of Adelaide flour. ■ t 'J«i'sinvo;*.| |}-ISV MEimoUBNEj January .15,,.j. Three prisoner?,escaped I fxpf» i (fihe„gaol at Williamstpwn by forcingthe .easement of a. window-. >, * 'V r ,'„' r.fil: -uni .nr.- January 15.'kMillers’ prices' for wheat are 4s ,Bd r to 4a . BJd for large,pareeD. i [., 1 f. i -j I!Jia ; W p Um j i j ißiusbanb, .January , 15,,,, T&, Queensland Parjiiamehf met ypster-. day.' ; Jdr ! King : wa3 elected Speaker. • • The ihembefs -’.of* the I Queenslander ” ex- r ploring; iexpedition* have;, reached' ] PowelFa, Creek, ,-South; ■ Australia., *.They,,livqd,,pn game latterly. They were unable to. cross the dfj:''swamps, J bqd killed 1 thrße' horses in attempting it/ ’ ; They were relieved by the occurrence bbathunder-stonnij.ji;*)::, *>.f if«u< The.;' .. insurrection languishing, ana two tribes naye rendered and have been sent toi-hc 'lsle of

Fanes. Daly,-'mas ter; oi/ the Heather, been arrested, with his vessel,, and ordered to Fiji to attend'the i ®gh_ Commissioners’ Court. .* . 7,-j, ■ t . _ •.MCrtft «-»oo i -IK)NDOX f yariustiy'lo. n ■ New Zealand sper;cent., debentures, 100. •, The November, mail has ; beeu delivered,. ? , Adelaide wheat is is lowerj The" total quantity afloat is 1,500,0(X) Quarters; ' A-telegram has been-received that the' Loch Suort, on her return .voyage from Melbourne, was wrecked off. the coast of Belfast, Ireland. Thomas' 'Pearce, the, Cobh Ard survivor,'was'oh board. '*"• The Frenchman: Madden, who ' threatened to shoot; the Qheen, is detained at BroadiUer. prison.-,. a oji i;l .J'-M'/'i J i::'h The distress of the operatives m the manufactoring district?’ijllflcreasing. ’ ' ’ ‘‘ ' The - French Government 1 have 1 f notified their intention to ,terminate, all treaties of commerce with’England in January next. The Glasgow Bank'has declared, a . f divi-, dend of Cs.Sdjh.tHe £, i By an explosion 1 at - the : Pontypridd * mine fifty-eight persons.were killed.•: in,t Areduotkmol the ; rate of j discount is exP®°*Sls caiif** * f-'V/^irabsVJanuary 15. Twci thdu’sand CbmrtiunMts are amnestied. The -signature of Ihe President to their par-: don will ho definitely attached to-mpnw< A tremendous conflagration occurred m New York, a large wholesale clothes store be i lig cofhplStely destroyed. “ The eatimatad losa.ia2,Qoo,ooodol. t ■ 4 The passengers and crew of t«o SchiehaUion :i v ' v ’ I ' UA • J.r.tlwS .u

January 16. _ Proposals have been subnutted to- the Goveramentdajr;tlie >Cblonial with, the object of getting a.Colonial exhibition iheld:m > Lojidon.;. n v{4{fj,ij«oa 'r ■-) » t . .Count .Gala,, the Kalian : representative ( qn f , the Turkish‘Frontier .Commission, has been murdered at Stamboul' ■- ’> v ‘ j -f i-iJfiiPAßis.iJahuary lb. j ru Mops? Martel; the moderate; Republican candidate;,has been elected jEresidont ,of the ’Senate,. K ;-h> -L* .*i! : •» to imiJ qa «* f ' ,r! * K tV-ib.- j. ; ,.i,vJßßisßA?fE,, January 16.-..;, '•' At the-firisg of a salute by the, .volunteers on; the* opening'.pf Parliameiit a, cannpn. exnloded. killinettwo persons and. wounding

a confidence,: and the dobalewas adjourhpd;, idojKnd ■:un ’ b f J». ; - ■ i ? Fires,are„ragingijn^the C^ippsland.bush, and a railway, station has been destroyed, at Port .Darwin.-,. ;., a/ jj i, n& ihfi.l j»«ii ' ‘ : one hundred and sixty .C^ineae^were.landcdjj ,(George liartin and, Co. haye faifej., is .stated | that, the,- liabilities are largo, .being • English-creditors, .* ; n i ■ Three mined men, believed. to ' Kelly’a .gang,--Btuck:up a house at, Pemberley, near. Malmsbury, last-night.;. , -is ni n ; Brisbane,, January.l7. H . ’’-Thp .iMinigtry were defeated,.; on ; Mi M ill wraith’s -want cij|. confidence i motion, by

.ftlmajority of 12,;. ,;.,.. WJ-jf-i ;&« ; ‘(i;SYDKBr i January; The owners-of the immigrant ship Hcrer fiord • were l fined LSOO-< for a. breach regarding-the water supply; i> : Father Chiniqiiy lectured at Mudgee, when . att; alarm of (fire ■. was 1 ’given, and a - stampede • ensued. The affiur. i wasa> hoax* and;. no casualties occurred^r^^r^rrrr^r^ 'F“‘Mr Augustus , Morris, has. the secretaryship of the Exhibition; ''' ! ''' ! ; .-Montgomery was committed for trial for the Government-hbuse jawellery robbery and, other charges., - id >,i " The. nevy steam. launch .Little Denham, Valued atL£'Bto] : was htlrned this ilibriiihg, - :><; soi ,y.■ January 17. ■ ti i A defihite;T i reaJry''o'f Teacb, was' signed to- ’ day between. Russia and Turkey. The dividendof 6 s the Glasgpw Bank ; bh the '2Bth 6f February; j''' j y\ r.!,! The bank rate.of discount is! 4'

per cent. _///; f 'V/ '../ . • ... It lialj heen; annqunqed' that the existing systeinjpf iiivision' of postages between the Homfe and Colonial Governments continues uritirthe expiration of' the present contract with the F, ah(l : o.,',C{?inphhy. ; _ ' ■: .Thomas M‘C6maa‘ and Co. Have failed for LBO.OOO, ‘partly/ "secured, The failure is to depreciation of , wooh , ‘ i-'Tae Ghrniah. inhn-bf-war ships Ariadne .and Nautilus hive been directed 'to exact satisfactibh'frOm’Saihoal ' V / .■ Paris, I January' l6. . ■; !i " A Ministferiarstateiiierit tq-day'declared the country to be ' Republican, ahtf actuated .by padific/InotiVeii ’ / ‘RigOrqns’ measures a/re promised in , order, to mike' the/Republican formfbf/'Gbyefnmeht ptofilabld, and hence the necessity , J fpr the ;existiiig cdmmercial treaties,.'^without hqij/eyer,departihg? from "the principles, of frCq' trade. be avoided'niiless' 1 detrimental 1 to .the interests 1 /of the ,country. .The statement was coldly received, / , / /, oi' , : - , V *' Adenv January Iff, /

-The Orient, steamer Cuzco' arrived here jtp-day. ' „'r. ;v‘V Melbourne, Janitary 17. ' The English cricketers started for oydnej to-day,.'''";; . .. 5, -The' failure of Martin .arid , Co, has caused much comment. The liabilities of the firm are stated to’jhe Llso,bQo> V An broke, out early tins : momiri g at, Cavalier’s coach factory, Prahran, ; which was ' totally' destroyed. The loss is estimated at ’ L2,500, : '' There are, insurances in the Royal and Manchester offices for 2,000., ‘/r ,' ’:; ... ;;; Sydney, January 17 The.. French war steamer Victoreuse, with .the admiral'for the Pacific station, arrived yesterday,;' .’V, , * ; The; Butli loch-diit is still unsettled. A meeting yesternight expressed sympathy, and promised assistance to the rirneis. ' „ .I,' , l * ' LOtopN,. JANUABr 18. !, in'a speech .at 2 Stroud, Sir Michael'HicksBeacfi admitted that‘ English goods wert undersold in the’Erirop^an 5 markets by* American competition, and r jthat jruccuwequ.eßCC.the Government would endeavor to provide a fresh outlet for Hdme’ipfluatries;through tho. fnedium oi Africa. * , "/New Zealand Fives are 1 per cent, higher. I.J Joiviis ''PARIS, 1 f JanuabYTY;; ■ 1 i ;fThe : Press cotidemns thd Ministerial statement* inade'tof the. Legislature as too moderate, and states that the positiori of the Ministry is mats-

Hally weakened.., ini <u-.v «r«. t <.l b;.« r t* -Jj ■>;!/ _PARISj.;^ANUAIIt;,IB v v ■ .Numerous meetings of Republican, deputies Ixavejcondeinned the. Ctqyernmen't,. j '., ... , !!t - j t j 11 - : A ,i Ministerial crisis is be (inevitable,. ‘. : *' - - i * - London,' janitaetis; Jj ri ’ Sir vM. ‘Hioks-Beaoh{ yesterday'addressed ; a despatch to the Governors of tha Australian- . Colonies stating that the Imperial Treasury con- , seats’.to continue the present postal, arrangements- tilhoJPebraary, 1880, but ithat they then must .revise,: the Tfttes,' and that it is proposed retain ,4d per letter. The. Colonies must..not- expect the Imperial... Government to contribute towards the cpmpletihg lirjes when .they 'Hate nb .control : oyer the | management; The Colonies* are'’requested to authorise their 'Agen«J®Bher»l ! ! toi discuss proposals with ‘ the Treasury and -’- to' “Conclude ’ J au : arrangement .during the year;; !■;«> <>'CMoney is in large supply for commercial requirements. Small».djgQft«ntyj:ftteß,-Jn open markets are considerably helo'w the bank minimum. The bank reserve ‘islri-a-satisfactory position, and stands ]at elpyen sand a half millions. The stock' market is firm. Consols, 96. Australian securities "are resuming their

usual activity; '' 1 ■- ' " j •>« - Winding-Tip orders'have been granted i against Blacknavori Company-and Bopkerand Oo.,: ; of Glamorgan, iron-masters.!. - Their, liabilities -are, heavy,!/The latter are indebted to the,West of England Bank ,L 600,000-. Four thousand bales of wool'have been'sold privately/The Liverpool auctions arc neglected. The depression in the wheat trade continues, owing to larjge arrivals from California. Adelaide wheat rules at 48s/to 49s ; ; New Zea-land.-45si/’ n.UrJ'lm-U hHtSYDNEY, Januabt 18,; ■ The specialirace;.meeting held today as..* complimentary farewell, to the Governor was a great success, and was largely attended. _ Sir Hercules and Lady Bobinson were entbusijsti- : cally cheered. Andover won the Souvenir ****** ; ArELBOtTRNE, JattoAkt 20/ ’ 1 1 7he Governmeht’diave; placed the Colonial war-sloop Victoria at J the dl-posal of -Lord Normahby to bring his Excellency and suite to Mel-; bourne,;as no vessel, belonging to: the New Zealand Government is; available. ~-It is understood, however,,that Lord Normanby declines the olfer on the, ground of having made arrangement for passages in i the : Arawata and. for an overland journey from,’Christchurch to the Bluff/ •

.... j* telbgb’ams. , . | -il i J Ghkistchuech, January ; l4. : ; A sensational story; conies from Bangiora. A well-known resident there -filed Some time ago and then his creditors 5s in the ■fij the’ reason assigned for his -bankruptcy being that he had lost at one of the -Dunedin racCa-1,2,400, whicb he- said Tvaarstolen from hisiperson. • The; creditors did not believe his story-andi.set a detective to work, and sncceeded! in finding, it is said, LljOOO; sewn inuan article of dress 'belpngjfig'td fKc debtor’s wife, 1 I lum ,000,1? 4 t OuiMP«.l

{ . Wellington, January 14, [ Regan had a very narrow ! escape of i being poisoned on: Saturdaymight. He hkdr bad ". a iiew glasses of beer,, and atrolling into the back of >the, laundry where, he lodges saw a .equarebottleJull of something which, looked, like beer, . Feeling thirstyh© took a long drink, knowing that • hia friend would not.object. Instantaneously he dropped the bottle with a frantic shriek, exclaiming that.he::was poisoned and that his throat inside was on fire,. His..friend at once rushed to him, and to his horror found that -Regan had -been, drinking concen- . trated. solution ,of caustic potash used, for cleaning marble; Medical .aid was sent for,.and Dr Watts, speedily arriving, .administered: powerful emetics and acid antidotes. The result was : that the ,max’s life was saved, bu,t his mouth and throat are dreadfully ex-. : donated; while the violent vomiting, which o'ontinued for several hours, has reduced him to a state of ’ extreme prostration, The'* New Zealander,’ in-an article on the Legislative Council, says i—“ In their rejection of the Electoral Bill they displayed that amount of insanity which, according to the old Latin-proverb;’ is apt to precede their destruction,' • ’and further on it says—“ We nan hardly conceive it possible that in'Now Zealand a' : purely nominal body can be .:allo\ved ;, inucb longer to exercise arbitrary and unconstitutional functions under . the icovcr of the mere letter of the law, and to arrogate- to themselves authority never claimed even by the House'of Peers'.” • i/ 'J

r ; ' HokiangA, 1 January 13. n 'Tew|iaka, convicted' some years ago- of . killing a Native here, and whose sentence was •commuted to penal servitude, is at the head iofrfiftyj Natives, ahdbas seized Point Miituweraj wbefe the Natives are firing .volley s of IMI caftrldges aud'biiraing ‘off the scrub, Endeavpirs .are^'being 1 , made', to settle the 1 dispute amicably, ,s ', ' ; • ;i ' 1 ’'Auckland, January 14, Additional news has been received per Agues Donald from Fiji. The schooner Lady .Palmbrstbn 1 .; was wrecked on a reef off Baliki when bound to Samoa. She was partly . insured, but her cargo, owned by Fisher, of LeveSka,’is a .total loss. ' The ■'three-masted schooner Winifred reports that the natives at Oba fire'd at a boat’s crew wounding a seaman. with poisoned arrows, ! Wheri on board the vessel, the wound was lanced 1 and well washed out with nearly pure carbolic, The native in the boat pulled out the arrow he was wounded with.

v .‘, r ' January 15, , ".On.Tuesday, Bassingthwaite (the clefaultibg bankrupt, upon the personpf whoso wife upwards. of LBOO was found, hidden) was arrested, and brought before the,; Court and remanded. The money, if available, will benefit the creditors to the extent of 7s 6d in the pound. v , . .. : . H r.f. ; ■ Wellington,. January 14.,, The. Supreme Court: to-day was occupied : with-the case, of (lollop y. Aitcheson. The plaintiff claimed L2OO as damages for slander by the publication of the folio wing telegram /—(“ Weliington,. April 16, 18/8, 'Scully,- bfapier,—ife/Gollop’s application for iiCense..X robbery- was .committed at the Tier Hotel, here about two years ago: by three men; ;«.ne was convicted at the Supreme Court, (lollop, 1 believe, was implicated in. the robbery, and I told him so. I have no reason to change my opinion. Subsequently lie kept a hotel in Nelson, I refer you to the police , there respecting transactions which occurredbetween himself and a bank official, (lollop is not .suited to hold a house, I have told him that I would oppose the application.—F. Aitcheson.” The sending of: the telegram was, after some evidence and long argument, admitted, but the Chief Justice granted a nonsuit, ou the ground that no express malice having been proved the communication, inust .be considered a privileged one. ' / ’ . Auckland, January 14. John Sullivan, the ringleader in the recent strike of railway laborers, was charged with using threatening and intimidating language to the workmen employed on the line. He pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to two mpnths’ imprisonment with hard labor. . ; ■ , . , Auckland, January-15. The ‘ Star ’ says there appears to be a gang of skilful scoundrels at work in Auckland, 1 watching every opportunity to; rob the coffers of tradesmen and hotel-keepers,, Twenty-four - sovereigns were .'abstracted from a box in the bedroom of one hotel, but no clue has been found to lead to. the con-; viction of the offenders. A mystery still hangs over the more-extensive robbery from Mr Warren, and no trace whatever of the guilty party has been discovered., John'Pennan, proprietor Of the Te Aro sawmills, .was, whilst working, killed by : a blow from a plank,, He died half an hour after the accident, i- ! I;

■■an ft *itivh Wellington-, January: 16. ‘t .■ ‘-'The.:‘New* ,Zealand Times ’ baa-a para-, ■graplkto the effect that,;tbe appointment, of Mr Dig nan to a seat ini the Legislative; , Council will he made under the strong disapproval i of .the Governor, on, the ground ■ that.tWpresent number.of- members of the Council, in proportion to population, exceeds that" of any other upper chamber, in the Australian Colonies. - : : - >< “ January 17. '■■■A man named,,.James .Xittlechild was drowned near Riverhead on Wednesday ; when ferrying himself across the layer. I, -'Mra Hood, charged with*,travelling on the -Waikato railway without a ticket, was fined *LS. r ; '■■V'-: ” ; :j is • 1 v; " Wellington;' January 17.. . : iO. : ErWagnef, the well-known architect^ • was arrested ’ to-day,' charged. with' issuing a 'valuelesscheque. ' , .'['.l j , A’new batch of Justices of the Peace will be gazetted shortly,; . * i ( . r " Cinmxcmjßcn, January,l7. The city‘valuation; for’ this' year 'is' L 216.70 2• ,in 1878 it was L 170,596; in 1877,. ; L 173,059; and in 1870, L147,7H, / if. The reaper'.and binder trial Caine off yes. terday afternoon at Fendalltown. 1 .The Weather Wasj beautiful, and -the attendance large; ‘ . ;F6iir wirebinders competed and two handbinderS. 'Neither Buckeye’s, Mas-' sillon’sj hop Edwards’s machines were bn the ground.' .' From the first it was apparent that the contest was between the Osborne arid the M'Cormick, and ‘the latter won after a splendid 1 cbhtest. The Wood’s did not work as well as’’usual. Tlie Marsh harvester had many points ’to recommend it, but was unfortunate with horses; and gear. The .judges tboh great pains in their inspection, and submitted, the machines to tlie test of the Dynamometer.' draughts of. each were given as ' follows Osborne,. 5c wt;; Wood,’' i 4icwt M ‘ConliiCk'i ’ 4 c wt y Marsh,. 3Jcwt; M’Cbrttiick,. haudbinder, Scwt Marsh, 2Acwt.' The 'time"in, which .each machine finished from. the' time’ of starting was— Wood, 2hrs.’ 49niin.‘ ; Osborne, 3hrs. omiu. ; M‘Cormick, 31irs. ‘ Bmin. ; Marsh, 4Tjvs, 35min.;; '.the handbihdersj as before ’ stated, not dohipleting their task. At the close of the inspection Mr M. Miirphy publicly pro-, nbunced the result to be that the machines had \ hben' placedLiMy’oiTiiick, first'Osborne, hjighly commended.;' No. prize,had been'awarded to the handbinders, as the., judges'considered' they had not completed .the work. 'The announcement was Received i with general satisfaction, arid it was stated to have been the unanimous verdict of the ' . udges. : *w ,n; <> }-■•’ ■: ■ ■ •; ■■■*> I ! ; .-.!t Chbisxchubch,-January. ;17. • !-'At the sale to-day of the late :Mr. IGilligan’a horses Mr P. Butler purchasedLaertes for 450 guineas , and Mr Delamain Javelin for 300 guineas, Jangler was passed ji» at4poiguineas, . .r , , «!.!•« ' , i - - [ll-it jii-f ■ ■ .•■ ■-. / ■». ”■ ■,

I By the San Francisco mail Mr Conyers sent over to the Baldwin Locomotive Works, •■.Philadelphia, for six powerful,goods engines., j ; and tenders, ■known as the j‘‘ Consolidated,” 1 for-use on theChristchurch-Dunedin section. They are designed, to draw enormous loads on light rails at a low rate of speed., , They, ■ have five low wheels afide, and the .tenders four. v ",;!' , . ;. - Bassingthwaite, for fraudulent bankruptcy waslbrought before theR.M. to-day, ai . ul r ®*, 1 manded till Wednesday for the production of evidence on his behalf. The money was discovered as follows:—Twenty L2O-notes sewn in one of Mrs ' Bassingthwaite’s under garments, one LlO, two L 5, and five Ll'-uotes in a purse in her pocket, five LlO, two L 5, and three Ll-notes in a chamois bag suspended round her waist; twenty-two sovereigns and: three shillings and ninepence enclosed in the canvas bag, and 300 sovereigns in a box in her room. ■ -..» < t-..*.,-.- Wellington, January 18,

The Government have received a petition in-favor of Welsh, and also a certificate from a doctor that he is, and has been, suffering ,from mania. A commission of; three other medical men has been appointed to [examine and report on him. ' ” ; •/ The Public Works Department experience great difficulty in obtaining necessary sleepers for the railway works in hand, and in consequence have had for some time to discontinue the practice of obtaining hardwood sleepers from Tasmania. It is_ even now feared that, owing to the difficulty of • procuring sleepers, if any in this Colony, the Government will be obliged to send large orders out of the Colony. Offers for supplying 1,000,000. sleepers, from Tasmania have .been received, and, as.a temporary measure, to prevent the absolute stoppage of one or two works approaching completion, 00,000 have meanwhile been ordered from Tasmania.

The Royal Commission on Education appointed a committee to consider the best mode of procedure to accomplish the object they had in view, and decide as to what form', the inquiry should take. The result was that' four committees were appointedone to arrange as to University matters, a second to deal with the question of technical education, one.for secondary education; and another to arrange .for scholarships' and finance. ' ’ “'

The second Now Guinea expedition is being got underway rapidly. About thirty applications have been received. . It is proposed to take a couple of horn,eel cattle, two horses, and a number of goafs ; arid. anendeavor will be made to secure representatives of the different handicrafts. Preliminary arrangements have been made for obtaining laud f6r ah European settlement. The expedition is to start in August. ,nn : ‘ V. KumarAVJanuary 18. ; -A destructive fire occurred last night inMain street, destroying the following houses': -—Reefton. Hotel, Duugair and O’Brien’s' Hotel, and the Beehive store. Owing entirely to the exertions of the local brigade the fire was stayed ; the whole street being in danger at one time. The insurances are;: —Reeftoifi Hotel, LIOO in the South British ; Dlmgan and O’Brien’s, L4OO .in the South 1 . British ; Beehive store, L2OO, but' in what' 1 officers not known. !”' ' ’ ‘ '\'- 'V ’; daRtSTCHURCH, January 20.

Yarley, the evangelist, had two immense audiences yesterday at the Theatre Royal, hundreds being unable’ to obtain admittance. .He reaflhhs Oahaaru bn Wednesday and Dunedin on Saturday. 3 - ;: ' r !l :: ‘ :: OAMABU, January 20-■ '

Four workmen employed by Mr \V.. Tescheiriaker, of Taipo farm, went to bathe in the Kakanui river yesterday morning. One named O’Connor swam across the jjwsam, and on his way back the others saw hint suddenly sink, as if he bad been seized with cramp. One of them rushed in. to sai but O’Connor clutched at him dragging his friend to the bottom. The ".Siler gat away from the drowning man, and reached thfe shore exhausted. O’Connor by this time had sufffe. Information was given to the police, and the body was recovered the same afternoon by Constable Donovan, and brought into town. The coroner has deemed it unnecessary to hold an inquest. The deceased will be buried to-day. He was unmarried, and had no friends in the Colony. WELLINGTON, January 18. The result of the examinations was made known at the district meeting of the Primitive’ Methodists to-daiy. The Rev. J. Guy, of Dunedin, passed with high honors, obtaining ninetysix marks out of a possible 100, • ’ hij-i ,r January 20. . A fire broke out at three this morning, but owing to the promptness of the brigade was, confined to the inside of the building, which was insured in the New Zealand office. V NAPIER, January 18. ,;Mr James-'Watt, late of the firm of Watt Brothers, of the :; Spit, died at Longlands this afternoon.- : OHRLSTOHTIKOH, JANUARY 20. Mr H. M, Moore; who recently arrived from Wellington to. edit the ‘ Globe,’ died at an early liour this morning from rheumatic, fever. He 'EM been, ill about three weeks. . ■ AUCKLAND, January 20. . ‘The whole cf ..the. immigrants per Maravil were engaged twelve hours after landing. A cdi siderablo number of the men have gone as bushmen. The female servants' were “all taken up two hours after, landing., :/ > ■ -,j j, ■. ’ ALEX AN DBA,' JANUARY 20.

Rewi has made known the result of his negotiations with the Government Se requires to have the sole control of all lands he gave over to Potatau, the first king, and all'dwellers thereon. Europeans and Maoris ; he is to make all laws independently ; his boundary mark to be Aotea, Taupe, and the White Cliffs, which include-the townships of Alexandra, Te Awarautu. part of,. Rangraohea, Kihikihi, and the disputed leases; the Queen’s laws, to extend over these places,; .llewi left for .Taupo yesterday to meet the South Ngatirawaka chiefs to inquire into some tribal and other disputes and to initiate them into his hew scheme for cementing the present friendly relations between the two races. He will remain at Taupo for about six weeks. -v ;

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Western Star, Issue 281, 25 January 1879, Page 1 (Supplement)

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TELEGRAPHIC. Western Star, Issue 281, 25 January 1879, Page 1 (Supplement)

TELEGRAPHIC. Western Star, Issue 281, 25 January 1879, Page 1 (Supplement)