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Tbe Mayor has forwarded to Dr Hodgkinson the petition, with ' 500 signatures attached, recently drawn up, requesting a redistribution of the boundaries of the Riverton electoral district. Provided the weather is favourable, the ballasting engine on tiie KivertonTuvsrcargill line may be expected in Riverton during next week. The damage done to the line by the recent floods baa been repaired, and plate-mying is now being proceeded with from the Invercargill end. An additional engine will shortly be available for ballasting purposes, one having arrived at Bluff per Lochnagar. The reclamation works at the terminus for station purposes are still delayed t!irough tho weather, and but little progress is being made. There is still room for considerable doubt as to whether the line will bo open for traffic by Christmas. Mr A. M'Nnughton is the successful tenderer for the supply of 600 fascines to the County Council, at Is 3d per bundle. if On Sunday last there died at Invercargill Mr* Taylor, relict of the late J. P. Taylor, at one time Superintendent of tho Province of Southland. The remains or the deceased lady were conveyed to Riverton on Tuesday, and interred in the Riverton Cemetery. On Saturday last J. N. Wood, Esq., R.M., sentenced John Whitoluw to two years, and William Campbell to one year, in the Industrial School, Dunedin, for stealing ducks from various persons in the township. Mr T. Daniel’forwarded to Professor Ulrich the refuse from the trial crushing of quartz which ho made from specimens gathered in Haves’ claim at tho formal opening. The Professor handed the crushed quartz to the Curator of the Otago Museum, F. W. H itton, who has intimated to Mr Daniel that tho same has been placed in the geological department of the Museum.

Says the “ Hruee Herald,” Wellington correspondent : —lt was openly talked nf at Bellamy’s (able the other evening that £15,000 worth of sleepers at Invercargill had been sacrificed) for £B,OOO. Members want to know by which Ministry this was authorised. Captain Fraser is severely exercised about, it and will bring the matter belore the Council in the shape of a petition.” A collie bitch belonging (o Mr Fleck, Waimatuku Flat, gave birth on Saturday last to a litter of twelve pups, the whole of which arc strong and healthy and “doing well." We are not aware of a similar ease of fecundity. The meeting of the School Committee convened for Thursday evening lapsed for want of a quorum, Tho members in attendance were the President and Mr T. Daniel. At a land sale held at Invercargill on Monday last the following sections were sold Otanlau —Section 31, block 1, I rood, £B, B. Ekcnsloen; section 10, block 3, £ll, J. W. Mitchell; section 51, block 2, I loo.i, £ll, Duncan Clark ; section 13, block 3, 1 rood, £2O, Daniel Stewart; section 13, block 3. 1 rood, £l9, Daniel Stewart; section 14, block 3, 1 rood, £2O, Matthew Nowson ; section 16, block 3, 1 rood, £l3, Matthew Rewson ; section 24, block ?, £l7, Duncan Ferguson ; section 26, block 4,2 roods, £lB, J. W. Mitchell. Riverton —Section 10,|jblock 13, £ll, 11. Wilson. On Thursday next, sth September, the Presbytery of Southland will meet in the Presbyterian Church, Riverton, for tho purpose »f ordaining and inducting the Rev. James Cameron. In tho evening a soirhe will be held in the Oddfellows’ Hall, when addresses are expected from a large number of ministers. Competitors for the prize essay on “ Temperance ” are reminded that their MSS must he in the hands of Mr Cameron not later than Monday next. The first meeting of the Southland Boys’ and Girls’ High School Board of Governors will bs gazetted for Tuesday next at noon. During a visit to Dumsden (late Elbow) lasi week, Dr Monckton received from the residuals there subscriptions in aid of tho Wallace and Fiord Hospital to the handsome amount of £l7 10s. The effort was purely a voluntary one, and was accompanied vAlh good wishes for the success of the institution. We were about to write that as the residents of that district had no direct interest in our local hospital, the act was an, exceptionally graceful one; but, on further consideration, wc do not see why as great interest should not be taken in the Riverton Institution by the residents there as i‘ the Invercargill one. With the completion of railway munication, access to Riverton will bo qui'eas cnav as to Invercargill ; and when it is better known that we possess a hospital well appointed in every respout, with appliances and surgical instruments o; the latest and most approver description—with a staff whose reputation exceed* local boundaries —it is not too much to expect that a largo of the .-uses which have hitherto found their way to Invercargill will come to Riverton for treatment. At tiny rate, should it happen that any of the residents ol Lumsdeii require treatment, we can guarantee for them a welcome aud good attention.

A rnscliiiir of (bo Wallace County Council will bo belli on Thursday, 19tU September. ]). Powell and C>. offered for sals by auction at their rooms, Invercargill, on Saturday last, 1331 shares in tbs Prince of Wales skim and 2009 in the Shamrock. There Wing no offer for the shares they were withdrawn. J. S’. Wood, Esq. R. 11., has been appointed chairman of the Licensing Commissioners vice Mr M’Culloch. Owing to the temporary absence from the district of the Chairman and the whole of the Commissioners the licensing court advertised to be held on Wednesday next will bo postponed till the following Wednesday 11th instant. A parcel post has been initiated siase 26th' Ang., by which parcels of a moderate size can bo forwarded at book-post rates. The following telegram was despatched from Invercargill to Earl BeaconsfioKl British subjects of Invercargill congratulate your success at Congress, and thank Government for upholding European rights, maintaining British supremacy, securing peace.” A smart shock of earthquake was experienced in Riverton on Saturday, about 3 p.m. The movement was apparently south-east to northwest, and lasted about twelve or fourteen seconds. So violent wore the latter stages of the “ shako,” that windows and glasses rattled distinctly, and most people were for a short time aff-cted by a squeamish feeling, resembling sea-sickness. As earthquakes of such a severe nature are not at all frequent visitors ia this district, some little alarm was created, as was evidenced by the blanched visages of the inhabitants, who, bearing in mind the recent predictions of railloniummongers, thought they could hear the sound of the “ last trump.” A meeting of the shareholders in the Wallace Prospecting and Quartz Mining Company will bo held in the Oddfellows’ Hall on Wednesday, Tth September. The weather during the week has continued most severe and unseasonable, being alike unsuitable for agricultural, out-door work, and mining operations, all of which industries may bo said to be completely abandoned for the time heinur. What with the severe losses of cattle and sheep by snow and Hoods, and the backward spring, the outlook for the incoming season is not a cheerful one ; still, the season is not yet so far advanced that, in the event of fiuo weather succeeding, all hope of a plentiful crop for 1878 70 need be given up. Touching the proposal that the Government purchase the lessee’s interest in Reserve at the Oreti Eelry, and survey it into sections suitable for a township, the following letter has been received by Mr T. Daniel; —“ Referring to my letter of the number and date quoted in the margin, in reply to yours of the 7tb June last, on the subject of the proposed purchase by the G overnment of the Bridge at the Oreti Ferry, I have now the honor by direction of the Hon. the Minister of Lands to inform you that after instituting the fullest enquiry, and giving the subject due consideration, be does not feel justified in recommending the Government to purchase the bridge at present. —I have, &c.—Jambs MTvklino w.”

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Western Star, Issue 260, 31 August 1878, Page 5

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Untitled Western Star, Issue 260, 31 August 1878, Page 5

Untitled Western Star, Issue 260, 31 August 1878, Page 5