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Among the batch of most recent Dunedin papers to h »nd, we have two issues of the Daily Times of special interest. The one contains a telegraphed copy of the now-celebrated Petition of Sir George Grey iii respect to the proposed abolition of the Northern provinces, and the other a remarkably good critique on the same. The petition occupies more than two close-set columns of the Times, and is altogether* a most, wbnderfully peculiar and peculiarly wonderful production. Its extreme length precludes the possibility of its reproduction in our columns; and we have found it utterly impracticable to select portions of it that would give a fair and “ understandable ”* idea of the whole. The petition, when road iuextenso, is often, here and-there, difficult to make sense of, or to detect any possible couviclion between one point and another, and mere extracts would enly make confusion worse confounded. The critique referred to wdl bo found on. page 1 of our present issue. From it our readers will gather* the maiti drift and object of Sir George’s object in adopting the very natural course he has thought well to take. With the opinions expressed by the IKtnes ip tjao article we have reprociueed, weia.the aitin heartily concur.

A meeting of gentlemen desirous of ra-organis-ing the Riverton Cricket Club will bo held at the Marine. Hall on Wednesday evening.

ThurJay,' the 29th, being the, Presbyterian Fast-dav, was obseiwed as a close holiday. Service was conducted at the Presbyterian Cnurch by the Rev. Mr Arnott, The sale of leases, of Educational Reserves takes place on Monday, the 2nd November. Tuc reserve at Groper’s Rush, as will oe seen by adveitisomeut, has been withdrawn,from sale.

The Committee appointed by the Aparima Road Hoard to select a suitable place m Riverton to bold their meetings, have fixed on the longroom of the Commercial Hotel.

Tlie three men, John Cain, James Day, ani William James Jordan, who were arrested by Sergeant Tuohy, at Heddon Rush, on suspicion of having broken into the house of Mr Giegg at Riverton, were brought before the Ranch at Invercargill on Tuesday, and. remanded till yesterday, when they were uga u brought up, and discharged. Mr John Simon announces that he will start a lino of coaches to run daily between Riverton and on Wednesday, the 4th prox. This will, wo feel certain, be u great boon to the inhabitants of the Western District, especially as a coach is, we understand, shortly to be started to connect Mr Simon’s lino with the Waiau. The moderate fares ai ought to induce plea-sure-seekers, as well as those on business bent, to take frequent advantage of this means of conveyance.

Smith’s Combination Troupe appeared at the Oddfellow's iUU, cm Thursday and Friday evening last. They were, as they deserve to he, well patronised. Tne performance itself must be soon to be appreciated. It is uunecessity, when artistes os the standing in the profession those woo belong to this troupe have attained to. to criticize, dint wo would merely record our opinion that each an i ail did well, and succeeded in striking wonderment into the minds of those present.

A change of chairs took piece at the mooting of the Western Tionier jLuuge of itiverton on iloa .ay evening last. i'ne following brothers atin sisc-ra.iold o lice for lie earning q laroer : Bro. a-iicnrist, W.O. i\; 8.0. tdo weil, vVV.i\; Bro. (jt. Q-dciirist, vV’.B.; iiro. W. Ar linr, W.O. ; Bro, llood, vV. I'. ; Bro. Heroes, vV.i.H. ; Bro. Brown, W.O.H. ; Bro. M'Ua.-thy, ; Bister Javans, W .D.M.

A peculiar advertisement appears in our advertising columns. of the inhabitants of Ki veriou are not altogether what should be desired that is, judging from the advertisement referred to. We think the gentleman signing his name to it gives very fair warning to those wi.o offended, and w« trust tais notice given aid oe in the future respected. df'orc>variie ,i is ioreSei. he Olautau and Wallacatown railways are g rapidly pushed forward, and any Jo lay tiiat has occurred will bo met by increased energy. Tiie Orcptiki line does not bear so brilliant an aspect, so far as speedy completion is concerned, natural obstacles in the shape of heavy hush stalling iu the way. A diversion has been made during the last week from tne original route by the District isugineer, which although it make* the lino a ih lie longer, wiil assist in its speedy completion.. We are informed that the contracts for the Whole of tne si 'opere required for the different lines have boon taken up, and that no time will he lost iu pushing on the works. Tiie oreguu timber for the Jacob's ttiver bridge has arrived, and wc are informed that every effort will be made to pusa the work as forward as possible. Tne heaviest catting oa tiie Wallacctown line was taken yesterday by Mr Wiltshire. Half the ousii of the Orepuki hue cleared. -J

One of the Invercargill papers —the “ News," di.l us the favour one day last week of devoting a local paragraph to a not very lucid criticism upon our efforts to shew the word “ Southland” as too frequently employe.! aow-a-days, is apt to mislead. We had lurily thought it worth while to notice the matter at all, »ut as it has been- represented to us that our silouco will likely be misconstrued like our h • 'es wr depart from our original ntentiou. TCST we savs * The wriier argues that tiiere is no such place —ho admits there is such a place as Invercargill, but declares that a Southland there is not. Just so. Will the Invercargill paper, referred to, deny that “ there is such a place as “ Invercargill ”? If not, then so far, at least, the Invercargill paper and “ the Kivorton paper” are agreed. Our contemporary next finds fault with our good natured suggestion which he quotes as follows : With a “ sic” and a “ just so.” “We very respectfully submit to our Invercargill contemporaries that the “ Invercargill News ” and the “ Invercargill Times” would not be one whit more potential for good than those are of “ Southland.” Now reall. we had given our contemporary credit for wit enough to fill in Ids common ellipsis for himself, and to rea l “ News” and “ Tunes” respectively after “ Southland” in each case ; and so present the titles of our “ Invercargill contemporaries” complete. But it is evident that the “ News” will stick to the word “Southland” right or wrong, and wo have ho possible objection. Wo would suggest however for the sake of consistency -as oh his imprint it is affixed to be printed,and published at “ Invercargill, Otago, New Zealand” it might bo as well in future to adopt the title of “ the late Southland News.” As an illustration of the utter folly of perpetrating the practice, we have condemned we iliay instance the fact, that the “ Times” according to its imprint, as was recenllv pointed out by a correspondent —is printed and published at “liverca/gid, Southland, N a w Zealand.” Hence we have a so called “ Southland paper ” published in “ Otago,” and a really Otago paper published in “ Southland,” and both in the one town of Invercargill! Both our contemporaries have had a quiet rap at us, and we now ask them if they will continue the strange anomaly we have pointed out? We shall see. We have also a local aao w oly, but not of our crcaiing. Our own imprint states that the Wksteen Stab is printed and published at “ Biverton, O,ago, New Zealand’’and we have a pretty confident impression that is corn* t. But iu epito of this, the postal authorities insists upon stamping every letter that passes through the office just on the other side of the street —with “ Bivortoa, Southland, New Zealand.” Now this kind of thing may suit the Invercargill papers, very well inasmuch as one is printed iu Southland, and the other in Otago, but for ourselves wo object, aad shall continue to do W., :

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Western Star, Issue 51, 31 October 1874, Page 4

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Untitled Western Star, Issue 51, 31 October 1874, Page 4

Untitled Western Star, Issue 51, 31 October 1874, Page 4