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A meeting o£ the Athenseum Committee will be Wd on Friday.evefoiog aext. , Mr William Davis Wortheh, ofGroper’s Bush, J« ; tbe successful tenderer'for the ironwork' on tU»'ofautad>a‘rlvva/bridge. . • We- beg t.o ealh.Mtention rto -an advertisement ;in . another) cplwnvn *of tha*ea!e dofe Educational- > Conditions yf-loasO may be had at this ■'office*.. • ‘The following gentlemen hare,*6 understand, been nominated bj his Honor the Superintendent for appointment to members p.£ the Riverton Harbour BoardMessrs' T. Daniel, !>£.?•.0., J. Camming, M.P.C.,- C. Bausti&n (Dunrobiu Station), Jas. Mackintosh'' (Giuuiau), and H. Lyon. \v t ; believe that all the above goutleinoa arc likely to accept the appointment.

The usual meeting of the Towit Ctnmdl) tiff want of a quorum, was postponedtS s next. - ■ •" It is rumoured, and we hope with . ' that steps will shortly he taken for of a cricket dab in Riverton, ' , : *. The programme of the (Stood • to be held on Tuesday, evening fellows’ Hall, appears in our a jvertiring.cowgtiM^l? F: ’ It is expected there will be a Urge»tteaian«if^^'l'f';;; Smith’s Combination Troupe .appear at Oddfellows’ Hail on Thureday; and T . evenings nett. There cannot ;be a: doubt* '»* the best that has ever, visited this proTjscea;f;\<. * We believe - full houses, await them, -.-'c A very unpleasant and painful aooidetitl*#^‘ curred to a man named George Thomas, itSSOtk’f* Stiff, Gap, on Saturday last. ' While; "engaged :*ii f .-i&M pointing rails, by some means hi* foot slipped,h - ’fee, and the sharp edge of the adze he waa. i t struck him on the shin bone, inflicting a ratfatrV: ugly wound. Steps were promptly-taka? to stap’d^B^ 1 bleeding, and with complete.succeed. Db * day the sufferer was enabled to ride tc/River bflij 1 and, under the skilful treatment Of Hr, Mcaete ton, is rapidly recovering. , Considerable inconvenience hae hfen caused wf’ V*late to merchants and others by the scarcity of ’ * ' postage stamps at the local post-office, oh |evferaT‘- '>• occasions the postmaster having riin oufc f of -!*'-f * v stamps of every description. The consequents has’been that numbers ,pf.people have had to ,? *t: hunt all over the placet iptoWaiiritil they douhi.' it *" obtain the necessary “Queen's head" to forfeited' r "****■ their epistles to their respective destination, t/'■ Siirely with a.' daily! r increMihg, population' yfrfV dt the growing commercialimportance of thd the author! ies ought to lee.ihfet the dffipe itkttpt*' ’ *' fully supplied; ! t «" ’ ' *' A ' r •' IT'We learn on good authority 'Beer, and Co. are -to,, hay* thgir ,deposit pt-s3ior fT on their tender for the Aparima bridgereturned, *. The Government .had under consideration the‘' ? “ 1 forfeiture of that .amount forinbh»cdmp|effoW bf -* V contract, and decided to/fer&it" the sum'hwU* %['**' tioned - ty the original iepdererl.'' *' "•' '' ' - ■ ‘TV' The Oddfellows’ -Hall -waa well ffiled on. jvi ; W, ' evening last, to-witpesa the dramatic efforts ofoiir! ' local amateurs. We are well«w#re that anything 'l‘A in the shape of* esverfe criticism .would not V ' i*', apropos, nevertheless thp pointing .out of faults */ in some and commending the well-doing of - who took part may not. be out of plac*, and we"*’ > l do this in the "moat kindly spirit. The-periorra?. . ai’ce commenced with the melodrama of *‘Xho 3 '’» Charcoal Burner," play# 1, .origiayHy in two act*. 7* ■ but on this occasion, I think, nine, owing.. no doubt to the ..want of rpom and scenery, r- This- J 4 alteration did not in any way assijt the.performere : ' in the tank they had undertaken, nor did it allow Vj • f the audience to follow, the .plot in. anything, tike. > an intelligible manner, The absence of themost . I essential-requisite to- th«- success. ofJia. dram* .of, ' this sort was also , wapting, .vis!,,appropriate', : ‘.v dramatic music. Another Jhing we may mention '* ' while speaking of faults* and a failing cmhtnotT' : to amat eurs' it & hot the slightest regard was"' paid to. the ordinary Joules df'stage business by ' any of the performers! SspdciaQy irt the cros'sihgV and tliere was also n hfeahJTot suitablo artionV Taking all these. dfawbwSks, into eohsidoration','“ ■> however, tlie piece wastiirly placed bn the stag#'and creditably .gbno.-thrbhglv 'fedd ‘ a tdr ffesh* " " lustre to.the pr^,vidua' rehpWh of Mr'JoKrf Horr •• v * as a sfage-mahager. ’’ The so Wl- ,: know.n that there'isnfr"necessity giving a - * of the plot} apd we wUl' fch’eMore’glahcVat th* ' .*% principal clfaraotenirin'd gee-hofe r 'th»y *4r»po\t& "• - i trayed. ;M r Hprr as r JTr&» "(the char* : ' ’ coal bdrnerT abtsd:hren % an entirfe mlsc.6ncep’ti6rfhf |Tie part, and for this ' reason : A man frota : '* brood over the fact that his father Wis'tfwfdeWii?- ■’ ■and tahoard. tip .♦gainst.hi# murderers A d>riug .aa .it,,.were.-Upon-this thought, 'would naturally W.a severit"..’ : man, morose and moody r not>half-crying lunatic ’ as was.repjjeeeuted, pn- „X.prpp«r'7 " understanding of-the.charaolec austained js r way to success, . »oV jmeari. by. theap re-! marks to detract from 3lr. Hhrr’.s rop.refaptaricrt, as he was consistent throqglypty 'kpd,~ after ah, "**' we prefer , a .wrong- conception well acted' than a proper,, fine. a .reverse manner. 'St?'"* Shirley, in the. double rol*S>t Mathew Effete pati ’ v Captain Br.mrt. (two pmrdyr*rs) dM«rves ineQ- *' s tion. ajr, ifitchell, enapted .the ' • Esdah) and a lady amatfpr fairiy .t9° ; .but there w» not.n«sr enough feeling ’* ’ shown, .For .instance,, it .is .soarcrly {©.he aup.' *. posed that two passionately r fond - words would lead one “to suppose they were-*” would part for ever, under any circumstanced ’ whatever, in the-same way as any ordinary per* sp'ns might, with a “Gbod-’day, I xnay^Heayeu - again.” It strikes as' there would have beeu •-■ sometliihg of a*icenw; violent sobbing,. -if , aafr ' - hysterics/an- agonising embrace, a pkmng kiss, w- • lingering-look ) but-iriww -what tev- through - Our spectacles we came -to "the conclusion-these two lover* seenied' glad to get rid of eaclrwtber. > But bofch-were -dressed-and- looked welfe and that goes a great way* The othCr lady- amateur, who.;- •! appeared as-Barbara Jones, made a very pretty ’•. and vivacious chamber-maid, and hod it nefe been, for her too rapid utterance, might - have-Created-., quite a sensation, -Mr Hancock {a grand- jniy* . inan) made a splendid drunken man - , and the... barrow-scene between, him and a brotber-jmymae • was extremely funny. The character .of AM-. Cole, an. eceentrie comedy part,, was w<dl-sue*...» 1 ained ; indeed, it w»» the best conceived and best .. acted of tbe,piece,-.quite-equal, -*ia -&oi r . to.. . that of most professionals. we have, sseain tbe.. ,* part, Mr Barry deserves the credit of keeping the drama well 'together! ‘ !The' farce «f ' , ‘ jffit Him, lie Has Nq Briendi" comprised the second portion of the ’programme. Space will hot ttr*' * mitus to partieularise ; saffioe it to ear tfc wwt extremity well, ftlr' Mit*h#U deserving iipdai mentiou, thy otber cßawtera being &riy«ao‘ through. The eatertainmeut eoaeludUd with 1911 * negro fare* of “Tho United State*'HaiL’*' which Messrs' Shirley, MifcehriU aodU Sew a»v peered, and aueosodad. is toantow **-- ryar*. of laughter-. Brfew cs3siiM's2fcls2 * ; tipe wo would.eay thatU«w^toa2£gZX/ Bcrvethe p«rl#«t co»fid*oo# **<ib *uif el at^Sa - * - engaged nervousness ' usually visible .Oct Mies A. Daniel and Mr F. C. the-interval music, and played some ■ ooualac- ,- selections in a. spirited mariner. • -The oerfom- i We Wa3 rapei|ted 0n Ct , A., named Charles Butters was gored to’ aea.n last week at TCaet Taieri by a fut&jaAmtt ■ - wbh6 tiding a number of cows to milk. -T^urn? - ' fortunate nan was in great agony in j two noura after the aceident ’ . . • /

At a an* Immigration S«M- bwU'. 9ft Wednesday etening, tne, aunpal report of the Qemafamw. vtf, ppl tMoUayying resolutions poised tWjtf teation; Sf WColomalGodirectecTththOdilatory progr ?ss <rfth«MatMra and Inver cargill railway• works, ■which iririffidting serious loss, and causing great iaconir*fiiijfle* to the: cbmfmWity- generally, and this MnAfllme - Govern Sfteftt ihotdd either offer (as elsewhere) for its (Sfrly completion, oy impose m heavy penalty $n for boyon \ - the oontract , Th#t- thiar have learne I that portion of-the. Matanra- line of radway hotw&sa Woodlands andfthe .Edenlale Cutting--is fieftriy Cpmpfoejh; «aim^ c .r<mn*t the G-overn-lftftntt4&«B©s.feftftft *m?f pmng .©pope 1, for traffic 9&i th«» ‘pracfricahle.. - That in tie* tfcftt ?• tlie - l}p| raUwayirfiOimecriug; BJijigsfcm s ; vith the BmT Harbor* JjfteomplytociTftC:^wfel possible, Jh e. Go- ' advantage of * fir outdoor ■work, by ealhpg far last extension Of the sae&r,ty soon j T- iat ; tbeQ-o* ▼eminent be urged to inyite without at d6e P lv ffegreta'thM. the JnstrhotippS,h.p|. the non. the matter, q£ snf*s|.. immigration ' to Bluff haye out. an I than, JvtfHXm.*. with %»!** every six weeks; (prfojfcwH shipaTm^.|ft arr,ve !. .*! mu ? > i 1 other districts,os receipt,ofcaatigMT2inM^W‘»« fc s of »•«’?«% grants,-. It4a the attention oftMfc#^ authorities be immediately drawn to this inj i>tu e With a view to its removal. ,It was resolve! that«, b 9 f I- to the nAwmlP?Mhm' : apd Melbourne tespeptifely; c? '*■:■'”■ •; ' 6th ilhistrafces the the North Tslan 1 thus:—“ The inhabitants,^thefities and suburbs, from their guflarior,numbers/the greater activity aid ehefcv wtficH arV-chkTfcbteristic of to-yn life as well •as frotii -tliS -facilities foit combination and the prgMdre a - Governwent tfWvs rodent in TkmrMM. drew to themselves hit poliAcal they used with esclusive regard’-, to ' interests The towns f ahd: suburban Tostersd i**f countfv distrietfrVere WK»«$- ihGhe eoli The former mononoHrod', all s public dtture; the latter weft n£le&mWV/H; •W* T wte as a Tmtfi'hlc expenditure. of an Auckland «Wf> aised professedlv foripStfewoft#* *&&& f l’ rthe menfciffVthJ bf the total-half * tt f* land : br-nn:;?ts k netghbhrhoO U while % was allotted only the irf^^itesiraA\ ? •.’ Bitwise ho } r 1 the fcbepart Of B Vrtrmwsfa** some little imos%»^.tj»y^Wvlksr»!?:^-wT ? JS ♦rial at became nnon*£hi tfcsfpftnfAto^wjn T .cGre«n ;, I Mr. tiirffing-rtO; onp,o|j the policemen on rtntv.sn4HConrt s <Askft.l i-hrplg in that .f q everybody., the to the door an! Cnmrd*rw»l l u . n sS. • Mr ITain » Mr fa attire. ■**%*< bo ni%B*m m'Wfc mistake. whenjsaS'poneo.ef him to biiu^^ioieaet* of - • •■ . - • A. alfettt in this #olonV; fc has the land with, him hot onTr a * n<&^ihdinitrv. r hntrfhW i maphdne«t ah ' cap!ml ? to is a shoemf'she^#i“^’, jv"tv‘ to setMe hare «w’ squatty if a imhrenient •fkw^y^iire v ♦tma.-an V«?•’P'P.? trait W-tiMT** ‘wot wither are . mofO^trVyipg.Jsf >*m. : tJftWo the wpeawf to hnv* fnjrol Vs ehiof natrons amoijy.fhe « M whW’to he Wmfei unon Jn tnahncr. quit© a naw flelfMtof-the ifaoli •Toast? gamers ~wero l«t»tr enK? ‘ For onr nayt. we do vdmfatteJi ■fen'-for ffmW"V«r. wh-n he goosiltfeyr<frowirV'tV'Telofrrnnh Pr»«« •AeenefK ! - imd4rt»<ft*he»*lwa« dyne-eo nohV to. ji,>hfe!. ‘PfonV tVew. Plvmm»tht-for' fTnooVor U whifMtVOhes ftrtd'is'jdwSVs annewrihe. OS it. wi>*» in a fr^- 1 p%oK»_we;-hivi- TA -eiyei the ■ets’-th'n-intellriWbMWli •■ .we rwivetohera. ••f<st.' it ehmiM not ‘ffhtyti. the- >ye % of n curious puhTie 'if: it' i»* the oelm—r tv„. PlumW-h:—'TVeofh*- ) M hWc^ up tiMiis< njvA •# ds VWW-onJm «ud ho«.—rs faet'Off‘dt is to hWfliw-. that,it -has ‘Wn “-fearhdlv storms*-*’ And how init sf«<Mi9«e 'cstM'-ehd - i-e-t 'it. it for this 'frMfcsl#-ts*k#tTe ***►•■<{' p a 7 B .. the f T / onjf , sy».y*s,,m*u«s at. Malso 4^r^«mivf?'r' a fortnight Ti i ifciliW'W iiliirff ViViTni "• ee^m I.JlSwßfiriiiftWi Ti »^n<Fr --telhn'r, , year*'. ; .I'uhnyimm lii : lif oitif tfim iflTrnii Rlr+ears '-fd' caoh. P 3 J wpre."dJ2 imd f tlwep^ito' jrrisv.Sft ©achl and there . 75 Prpni, thea« jj ».»«»« it u"»uh-l. sr»r««v - -V-- : .;.,' bretwen.t' wre-'pr.'' v v; k ’" h ~! ■ ■?■•■■>>'- -n*/ V I .‘" tho-^rS-n*-*, _ Wliftn-medicsT «(: ■-.-••- -;■- • > ’ he-ilil-i aa.t 2ar»jr"l life we oaa all ftppreria:s ils vidu?

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Western Star, Issue 50, 24 October 1874, Page 4

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Untitled Western Star, Issue 50, 24 October 1874, Page 4

Untitled Western Star, Issue 50, 24 October 1874, Page 4